He let go of the "Dry Wheel of All Forms", and as soon as the words fell, Yunguo Di's soul qi absolutely fell.

Seeing this, the Ghost Tathagata knew that all kinds of flavors were mixed in his heart, and rushed forward to help him, but he saw the soul of Yunguo turned into a little Buddha light and dissipated the heaven and earth, and muttered to himself: "I... can't turn back!"

The great wish is broken, but still reluctant to give up the original intention of earth storage, this life has no regrets, and sacrifices the mortal body to cross the world.

"The soul of the fruit~"

The Buddha of Heaven, who was fighting against the Demon Emperor in the southwest, saw that his friend had been robbed, and he shouted in anger, and the Buddha Yuan rushed to repel the Demon Emperor with one palm.

"Humph! Are you distressed?!"

The Demon Emperor's words were delicious, and he was about to intercept the Buddha of the sky, but he felt a few breaths of disgust approaching quickly....

Chapter [-] Buddha, Demon, Calendar

The decisive battle between the Holy Demon and the ancient times has attracted the attention of many forces.

Battle to madness, gods and Buddhas marvel, hundreds of miles of scorched earth, thousands of miles of earthquakes!

And at the critical juncture of the decisive battle, I saw a burly figure.

Standing on the cloud, his cold and arrogant eyes reflect the long-ago enemy.

"This breath is... the force of the sky! How can this be so?!"

Just between the Heavenly Buddha and the Demon Sovereign, suddenly, in the boundless whirlpool, a tyrannical figure appeared, staring at the rivers and mountains for thousands of miles, and descended in shock.

"Although my palms are empty, the world is in my hands.

Although my body does not move, the world trembles because of me. "

The title of the poem falls, the sky is so strong that the feet touch the ground, the air bursts, shatters the square and round land, and glances at the heavenly Buddha with a cold eye, the demon emperor: "Use your struggles in exchange for my pity! Since the sky is here, the Buddha and the devil are here. It's gone!"

With a loud voice, he turned his palms, and the strength of the sky inspired the supreme dark energy.

"The tide of ghosts is destroyed!"

Tianli made and killed, and the heaven and earth were silent in an instant, and only the flood was broken. With one blow, the heavenly Buddha and the demon emperor would be buried in the holy demon battlefield!

"Zen Tian Jiu Ding. Shaojing Breaks Obstacles!"

"Three Magical Insights. The Battle of the Heavenly Wolf!"

The Demon Sovereign and the Buddha of the Sky have been fighting so far, and they have both consumed a lot of money. If they were to fight the Heavenly Power in their heyday, they were both powerless and their eyes met. The two sides who were originally opposites had a tacit understanding. Once they put aside their prejudices, they joined forces to fight Li clan king.


A shock broke through the wind and clouds, and immediately, the beacon smoke raged endlessly.

Buddha, demon, calendar, the cause and effect of thousands of years, the evolution of extreme battle.

On the other side, the situation of the battle has changed, and there are many branches. Li. Corrupt led more than a thousand troops to attack the outer battle group of the Rubik's Cube.

The Li Clan attacked aggressively, defending Huangquan and Duanxie Chanti on the periphery, but the Four Young Masters of the Evil Zun and others remained calm, rectifying the troops and attacking them head-on.

Different hatreds and grievances, in order to seek the future dominance of the Li family, all the forces have joined forces to fight against all walks of life, and the conflict has exploded.




The sound of killing is loud, the sword is blazing, the fire is blazing, and the story of the fire will be mentioned for a while.

Suddenly, the thunder roared, and the fire raged.

"Xuan Lei Furious Slash!"

Duanmie Chanti's "Xuanlei" war knife carried the momentum of thunder and swept the thousands of troops.

"Fire Wheel Slash!"

Yan Ming held the "Fire Wheel Jian" against the front of "Xuan Lei".


The long armies exchanged, and all of a sudden, the thunder and fire merged, and the earth was scorched by a thousand feet.

"Xuan Lei cuts the sky!"

Duanmie Chanti was shocked to realize that the opponent's foundation was good, and he stepped out, and "Xuan Lei" hit the ground, and the thunder swept away in an instant, and the thunder rushed out.

"With the power of thunder and lightning, a difficult opponent!"

The hand holding the soldier is flickering with shreds of electricity, his arms are slightly numb, his eyes flash with sharp light, his body flashes rapidly, his eyes are fixed on Duanxie Chanti, the epoch is destroyed, and the whole body is filled with violent killing intent.

"Fire Wheel Sky Wrath!"

Yan Ming's figure flashed in an instant, and between his swings, the flames flew, and after blocking Duanmie Chanti's attack, he quickly fought close to him.

At the same time, he Hua Chanti confronts the evil master.

"God-given disaster, my palm is evil, the eight extremes are calamitous, Jiuyi is raging, and the year is fierce and cold."

The Lord of Disasters is calm and domineering, showing a heroic posture.

The demon master Hua Chanti overlooks the world, gloomy and unpredictable.

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