As soon as they glanced at each other, each of them counted in their hearts.

"The remnants of the Li clan, are you finally unable to hold back your anger? Since you are here, let's wait and see today!"

The Demon Lord drank in a deep voice and waved the "Magic Seal Staff" in his hand, majestic and majestic, with monstrous demonic energy.

"Erosed marrow · burial!"

The demonic energy surged, and in an instant, the evil shadow appeared, and the situation was bleak in an instant.

"Huangkou child, dare to boast, the punishment is broken!"

The Lord of Disasters and the peers of Tian Zhili are still the four masters of Hua Chanti, but they don't know anything about the Demon Emperor, and they have no scruples when they take action.


The magic calendar is opposite, the sky and the earth are eclipsed, and the sun and the moon have no light.

Fengyun shocked the four wilds, and the sound of killing shocked nine days.

The army of Tianyan Mocheng stood firm and spared no effort. The battle axe of ignorant law and industry was swung like a wheel, leading the army to fight for the intruders, and the battle situation was difficult to understand.

The calendar of the wind, Yao Yao, and the calendar of water. When Bing Wuyi led the crowd to break through, they were confronted by the Four Young Masters of the Evil Lord.

The battle situation started quickly, the wind of arrows turned, the evil flames raged, the ghost sword galloped, and the magic sword was domineering.

Mandrill Yao's body is like a ghost, his speed is unparalleled, his hands and claws are fierce and fierce, and he has no tricks and no tricks.

Bing Wuyi condenses water into ice, recruiting for no reason.

Six people are fighting in one place, and between the saws, it is difficult to compete for a while!

Jin Ge resounded throughout the war without a break, and with the chilling shouts, the battle situation reached its peak.

On the other side, the myth of the sword of the sun-blind tribe.

Tiandu. The history of the first battle in Huangquan. Corruption.

In the intertwined atmosphere of evil, the Buddha and the devil have written a bloody war song over and over again!

And deep in the sea of ​​clouds.

Emperor Yuanxie sat on the cloud chair, leaning on his head with one hand, overlooking the whole situation.

".'It's really a family that loves each other!"

Watching the Demon Emperor, the Buddha of Heaven, and the family of Tian Zhili stage domestic violence, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Yuanxie Emperor's mouth.

"The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, although it is a hunter? Who is the prey?!"

With a few words, Emperor Yuanxie looked at the few people watching the battle in the distance, his mind changed, the throne formed by the flowing clouds dissipated in an instant, and his figure began to fall rapidly.

"In the early Yuan Dynasty, the Hongmeng Candle created the world, and the evil eyes stared at the eight wastes;

Jiuxiao's magic moves the red dust, and the eternal soldier Xianwu is the emperor. "

With the poetry number resounding through the sky, Emperor Yuanxie flew down from the sky and entered the game strongly.


As soon as he landed, his energy swayed the four fields, and the calendar of the wind. Mandatory Yao approached Yuanxie Huang's body and bore the brunt of it, and was almost blown away by the scattered air waves.

"It's you, shocking!"

Emperor Yuanxie looked at Man Yao, with strength in his eyes, his consciousness as a blade, and he looked at each other for a moment, as if struck by lightning, Man Yao suddenly stopped. (Wang Zhaohao)

The black-clothed sword couldn't be more thankful. Seeing the opponent's flaws, he immediately swung the "Yaksha Sword" and slashed his head with one blow.


Screaming miserably, Li Shou left, but in just a moment, Li Clan Shou added a new soul!

And after Feng Zhili died, Feng Li Xie Yuan also jumped into the sky and flew towards the sky.

"Yao Yao!!!"

Seeing the death of their comrades-in-arms, Underlord, Yan Ming, Jie Chen and others were shocked and angry.

"Yunlie River is moving in deep mountains and rivers!"

Corrupt and single-handedly fought against Huangquan, seeing Yao Yao's tragic death, he took up the palm of his hand to move into the room, accepting the situation in the world, and he was fierce in all directions!

The Li Clan's Yuan Gong exploded, surpassing the power of the Taoist body, Huang Quan's foundation was slightly weaker, he blocked with the silver spear, took a few steps back, and almost became unstable.

Emperor Yuanxie's figure flashed, and he appeared behind Huang Quan, and with one palm, he melted away the turbid energy in Huang Quan, then moved Huang Quan behind him, looked at the greedy, and said coldly, "The next one is you! "

Namely kill, such as slaughtering pigs and slaughtering dogs!.

Chapter [-] Slashing Double Calendars Again [One More]

The strong man goes, he should be a hundred husband.

If you return the body wrapped in it, you should be a hundred man.

In the end, he is a ghost, and he should be a hundred husband!

When a hundred husbands are like, nine deaths are not difficult, throwing their heads away, unyielding between heaven and earth.

On different battlefields, in their respective posts, in the hearts of every demon warrior, the endless blood played a song of the soul, which came from the faith of a thousand years ago, and it is also a hope that will spread to a thousand years later.

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