Compared with the vassal forces of the Li clan, the demon warriors have firmer beliefs and perseverance, united as one, forming a steel defense line to block all hostile forces.

Facing the Li Clan who came by surprise, instead of flinching, the Mocheng army burst into roars.

"Kill! For the glory of the Demon Race!"

"Kill! Mo Yao Qianqiu, the battle spirit will not die!"

"Kill! Mo Yao Qianqiu, the battle spirit will not die!"


Thousands of words, combined into a word "kill", the army of the magic city is not afraid of death, the two armies are fighting, the boots are on the ground, the thunder is roaring, the knife and halberd are breaking through the sky, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky.

Blood splashes, heads are separated, people fall down every moment, there is no mercy, no moral justice on the battlefield, there are only four words - you live or die!

The hatred that lasted for thousands of years was detonated today at 737!

"Horizontal knife. Split the ground!"

Outside the battle group, after the death of Feng Zhili, Yuanxie Emperor coldly regarded greed and filth as if he was looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. With a thought of "Doomsday Myth", he suddenly started, like cutting the sky and breaking the clouds, not letting half of the vitality.

"Qingwei Eight Swords. Kun is extremely shattering!"

Greedy is locked in the Qi machine, knowing that it is difficult to escape, making a decisive decision, desperately fighting, stepping on the "Qimen Eight Formation Footwork", holding "Fangyuan Baihui", transporting Daomen "Qingwei Eight Formation Swords", Taoist calendar double Yuan Tongyun, after ten layers of work, regretted the power of the evil emperor.


"The Myth of Doomsday" was unparalleled, and with just one blow, "Fangyuan Baihui" was cut off.

In a moment of crisis, Chihuo suddenly opened the way, the fiery red halberd blocked the remaining strength, and hugged the greedy for life.

It turned out that at the critical moment, approaching the greed and filthy fire, he made a false move, and came to the rescue.

However, although the life of greed was saved, Huo Zhili was also uncomfortable. When the next mouthful of blood spurted out, the red hair fell down in front of him, the jaws of his hands burst open, and even the Fire Wheel Sword was cut with a gap, which was dangerously broken. !

"What a horrible attack!"

Yan Ming's eyes narrowed, and he held the "Fire Wheel Jian" horizontally, standing side by side with greed and filth, looking down on life and death, and did it if he refused to accept it.

Even if he knows that he is invincible, Huo Zhiyanming is still fearless and fearless, pointing his halberd to the Emperor Yuanxie: "Let go of life and death, from now on, you will be free souls!"

"Hahaha, the martial artist is proud and worth a setback, this is a tribute to you."

Emperor Yuanxie's eyes showed a hint of admiration. Although he was an enemy, he was also a man who respected the fire.

The Demon Yuan was smashed, and the Emperor Yuan Xie's body flashed, rising a thousand feet tall, standing at a high altitude, and the blade of the "Doomsday Myth" in his hand flashed with shimmering rays of light.

"Creation of the gods. The above formula. God's condemnation!"

The long knife pointed to the sky, and the emperor Yuanxie made the "Chuangshen Jue" thunder martial art style, which triggered the rules of heaven and earth. In an instant, the wind was surging, dark clouds quickly gathered, and the world was dark.


The clouds in the sky, the thunder is rolling, like the sky is angry!

"Destroy the Eight Wildernesses!"

Yan Ming knew that the opponent's strength was terrifying, and the move was already the strongest move, and the epoch was running extremely well.

"Qingwei Eight Swords. Dui Yao Ding Wang Ze!"

At the same time, the dual elements of the greed and filth were also destroyed to the limit. The qi of wickedness merged with the Taoist technique and turned into a muddy dragon to fly into the sky. It cooperated with the calamity of fire to fight against the might of the heavens.


With a single word, the thunder and thunder roared in unison, the clouds and dragons and snakes roared like the sky, and between the lightning and flint, thousands of wild thunders poured down.


The Thunderer, the cardinal of heaven and earth, his power is unpredictable, thousands of thunders come together, like a catastrophe!

Yan Ming's anger was about to split, and he swung his halberd, his anger rose wildly.

The greed and filth form a barrier, the mud dragon hovers, and the sky is like a wall.

The three strokes (bacd) collided, the thunder resounded continuously, poured like a violent storm, the light and shadow were layered, the double calendar move collapsed in an instant, and at the moment of setback, the sky thunder showed its domineering, breaking the flames through the wall, and wanting to kill the double calendar to scum.

On the other side, Tian Li monopolized the Heavenly Buddha, the Demon Emperor.

Because of the battle of the Great Desolate Gods, both the Buddha of the Heavens and the Demon Sovereign suffered heavy losses. In addition to the fighting time, the internal energy consumption was quite large, and the strength was less than [-]% of the heyday. .

However, after Feng Zhili's death, Feng Lili Yuan was integrated into Tian Zhili's body, which made Tian Zhili's body surge by one level, and the balance began to tilt!

Although he suppressed the Buddha and Demons, Tian Zhili did not look happy, but instead showed an angry look.

He did not expect that in such a short time, Yuan Zhongba Li would be one less member.

Yu Guang saw that the situation of Yan Ming and greed was in danger, Tian Zhili waved his palm sharply, shaking the Buddha back, kicked the Demon Emperor's male palm with his foot, and with the help of the anti-shock force, the whole person flew out, rushing out. Xiang Yanming, where the greed and filth are, shouted to the rest of the Li clan at the same time: "Everyone retreat quickly."

In a short period of time, Tian Zhili has already seen that his actions are not good for the Li Clan. He did not expect that there are so many strong people in the Demon Clan, so his hatred and deceitful will also awakened here. Seeing that something cannot be done, he is ready to lead the crowd. retreat.

However, Emperor Yuanxie naturally wouldn't let the Li Clan do what they wanted. After pretending to be forced to run away, it's not that easy!


The thunder rolled, and the downpoured lightning connected the heaven and the earth into a line, and the earth wailed, and those who saw it were startled.

The power of thunder has a natural restraint on the Li family, and the Yuanxie Emperor is far stronger than the greedy, so it is naturally easy for Yanming and others to deal with them.

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