At the end of smashing the double calendar, Greedy and Yanming saw that the power of the sky was unstoppable, and at the same time withdrew their hands, flew to avoid, and their figures flickered and erratic.

However, the speed of Tianlei is so fast, and the number of them is so large that Shuangli has not escaped Baizhang before being added to him by Tianlei.


With a thunderous strike, the skin opened and the flesh ripped open, and Shuangli screamed miserably.

The Li Clan's vitality is extremely powerful, and being hit by scattered thunder is not enough to cause fatal damage, but the body is paralyzed by the thunder and lightning.

"Your struggle is over!"

The Yuanxie Emperor Mo Ran said a word, raised his sword to the sky, led down the divine thunder of the nine heavens, and the glorious divine power of the heavens, all of which were absorbed into the "Myth of Doomsday", and with a single swing of the sword, the sky shook, the wind and clouds changed color, and condensed to the extreme. The arriving thunder blade burst out, and those who were invincible were invincible.

"It's over!"

The thoughts of greed and shackles arose, and the body was immediately penetrated by the thunder blade, and the thunder force entered the body, only a long cry, the skin, flesh and bones of the double calendar were scorched and decomposed, and in an instant, the ashes disappeared.

With all his calculations, he messed with the situation, and in the end, only Qiu Tian sighed!

"Yan Ming! Covetousness!"

Tian Zhili finally slowed down a step, seeing the two brothers fall, screaming in anger, and the moment the sound fell, Li Yuan of Huo Zhili and Ze Zhili flew out and entered Tian Zhili's body.

"Vicious, I'm going to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces."

The epoch exploded, and the fierce momentum of the sky increased again. With one step, the ground split up, and the male palm hit the Yuanxie Emperor directly. .

Chapter [-] Dream Said Sword Commoner [two more]

Yaoyao, Yanming, and Corruption were killed one after another, and the morale of the vassal Li clan was low and retreated.

Under the leadership of Duanxie Chanti, the demon warriors launched a siege against the vassal forces of the Li family.

Huang Quan and others, who had freed up their hands, also joined in, the silver spear whistled, invincible, and the blood mist filled the place where they passed, breaking through the defense line of the Li people in a moment.

"The army rushes with me!"

With a single kill, Zhanti led the army out and broke through the Li tribe.

"Three bans of blood slaughter. Hellfire has no way!"

Duanmie Chanti's "Xuan Lei" slashed horizontally, the magic power was absolutely incomparable, and it came out from the sky, and the thunder and fire burst out in an instant. Wherever it passed, there were thousands of corpses.

In the bloody battle situation, everyone in the demon army was like a rainbow, and they fought bravely to kill the enemy.

The flames of war raged, the war was raging, the battle of the demons, the army of the Li clan, which lacked the main force, gradually fell into a disadvantaged state, and heard the mourning everywhere.

The demon army took advantage of the situation to pursue, ruthless, bloody eyes, killing and drinking, and gradually subsided with the destruction of the Li people.

At the same time, he absorbed the power of the sky of Ze and Huo Shuangli, and his stamina suddenly improved.

Originally, after being sealed for thousands of years, the foundation of Tianzhi Li was weaker than the full state of the Buddha in the sky, but after absorbing three epochs, it was almost the same as the full state of the Buddha in the sky.

"Death, the gods will cut the sky!"

With an awe-inspiring palm, it is also a test, and it is also a vent of anger.

"Heaven? What can I do? The smoke is buried and the clouds are extinguished!"

Emperor Yuanxie spoke proudly, taking the wind and clouds in his hands, the demonic essence instantly transformed into thousands of evil skeletons, and the ghosts sang, like the spirits of ghosts and gods, shocking down, overwhelming the calendar!


Volleying hands, the air waves cracked the sky and collapsed the clouds, flying wildly across Liuhe, and the dark clouds all over the sky dissipated in an instant.

"Retire this emperor!"

Emperor Yuanxie's palm was smashed, and the power of the sky was no match for the demon power of the world, and his body suddenly flew back, like a cannonball hitting the ground, until a deep pit was smashed on the battlefield, the giant suddenly sank, and the backlog of magma in the center of the earth It burst out, very gorgeous.

"In front of this emperor, God, also depends on the concession."

Emperor Yuanxie flew down and looked at the king of the Li family coldly. In the eyes of Tian Zhili, he was full of anger. He had suffered such humiliation.

At this time, in addition to the calendar of the sky, the Yuanzhong Ba Li now only has the power of the earth, the calendar of the thunder, and the calendar of the water. They are entangled by the four evil masters, Hua Chanti and others. To organize an effective counterattack, it is difficult to break out now!

The situation of the holy party is not much better. Except for Quezhou and Yifandu, the rest of the holy guardians are injured. After the ghost Tathagata has solved the soul of the fruit, he joins forces with him to besiege the history of the land.

The calendar of the earth was originally a half-kilometer of his Hua Chan, but now the ghost Tathagata joins the war, the balance of victory is suddenly tilted, and the calendar of the earth suddenly fails and falls into a dangerous situation.

Talents are born from generation to generation, and the times have changed.

Gone are the days when Yuan Zhongba Li joined hands to traverse the world, but the calendar of the sky and the calendar of the earth still hold the idea of ​​a thousand years ago, blind self-confidence, and the backlog of hatred for thousands of years blinded their eyes, so that they will They put themselves in danger, and at the same time lost the power that they had finally cultivated in secret.

But now it's too late!

The strong confrontation, the world is silent, the arrogant and arrogant atmosphere, the domineering of the only one, the shocking confrontation, only for a moment.

"Burning Heaven and Earth Industry, Severe Disaster and Liaoyuan!"

In the battle of fate, the calendar of the earth reversed the "robbery dust", with one enemy and two, even though he was wounded and vomited blood, he did not retreat half a point.

"Ghost Zen Six Breaks. Auxiliary Wheel Sky Burial!"

The ghost Tathagata will come out again, the ghost qi will be sent to death, the sword light will never survive, a generation of savage females, even if they have the ability to resist the sky, they will end in the end.

"Criminalized Blood Serve·Sky Burial!"

He Hua Chan mentioned the location of the "Magic Seal Staff", and all of a sudden, the evil light came out, and there was nowhere to evade the history of the earth, and death was coming.

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