
Destroying the world with one sword, slaying the gods with one sword, at the moment of intersection, the earth moved and the mountains moved, the wind and clouds roared, the color of China changed, and the ghostly evil atmosphere swept through the nine days.

The ultimate confrontation, the peak handover, the "Jiechen", "Punishment Rhino Horn", "Magic Seal Staff" three artifact weapons came out together, fighting fiercely, and the flames were soaring to the sky.

With a single blow, Di Zhi was weaker by three points, vomited vermilion, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Never thought that the first battle out of the predicament was so dangerous, is the era of the Li family really over? !

The magic formation was trapped, and the evil weapon was forced to kill, just when the earth was in danger, suddenly.

"Dream in a dream of the floating world, the cloth is of poor quality, and Mo Lang guesses how to play and sing wildly.

Bury, what is the use of foolishness?The green hills are here, and the moonlight returns. "

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

In the arrogant and unrestrained poem number, there is a calm and restrained atmosphere, like a majestic and extraordinary momentum oncoming.

The visitor looks like a young chivalrous man, wearing a crown cap and red and white costumes. He is extravagant and restrained, stable and extraordinary.

Carrying a magic weapon, the red sword body is decorated with several gems, the hilt is bright red and transparent, the end is hanging bead strings and red sword spikes, and the scabbard is also mainly red.

This swordsman is called "Mengshuo. Jianbuyi". He is the most mysterious and low-key person in the ten cloud group. He has a witty and leisurely personality.

The personality is sometimes warm, sometimes arrogant and snowy, and its origins are just as elusive.

Originally, Jianbuyi was not a person from this world. To be precise, Jianbuyi came from a parallel world similar to the world of Thunderbolt.


In the original world of Jianbuyi, the Li family established a kingdom. However, the holy king Tianzhili suddenly died of a sudden illness during his reign. Several priests of the Li family deduced that the holy king's checkmate was because the past history was suddenly changed.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a person with a special constitution, go back to the past, and save the holy king by changing history.

The chosen one is Jianbuyi!

Jianbuyi grew up under the guidance of Yuyue, Bing Wuyi, Yanming, Destroyer of Disasters, Yaoyao, Greedy and others, and traveled through time and space with the mission of changing history to save the Holy King.

However, there was a deviation in the time and space trajectory where he went, and he came to the Thunder World where Lin Feng was.

Although it is not the same time and space, Jianbuyi has an unforgettable feeling towards the Li family.

"Ji Xue Dan Xin's Eternal Photo, Dream Said that a sword should be a long wind!"

Jianbuyi was full of vigor, and suddenly appeared, and the snow was swirling. The bloody divine blade behind him was proud and realistic. The moment the divine soldier was removed from the sheath, the Zhujian reflected the snow, and the human and the sword merged. One strike drove away the ghost Tathagata, and rescued the history of the land.


When the words fell, Jianbuyi swung his sword and sent out two sword qi, preventing him from Hua Chanti and Ghost Tathagata from chasing, and flew back with the light of the earth's calendar.

On the other side, Master of Disaster and Bing Wuyi knew that this long battle was unintentional, and at the same time, they slapped their palms and retreated.

However, Emperor Yuanxie, who had repelled the strength of the sky, felt that the hidden breaths around him were about to move, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he muttered to himself: "Can you finally bear it?".

Chapter Six: The Law and Confucian Selflessness [Three Updates]

"Damn you, the waterfall of drowning!"

The calendar of the earth, the calendar of water, and the calendar of thunder have retreated, but Tian Zhili is still stubbornly resisting, Tian Zhili is conceited, and his fate is very different. He can't kill without five swords. With the kill, he rushed to Emperor Yuanxie in an instant.

"Go to the poor and order Zhan Xiyue!"

Emperor Yuanxie did not move like a mountain, the "Myth of Doomsday" was cut out, and the blood-colored sword slashed the calendar.

Tian Zhili condensed his energy into his palm, regretting his front, and with a groan, Tian Zhili was immediately cut off by half of his palm.

The pain in the skin, Tian Zhili hurriedly pulled away and flew back, his eyes were unbelievable, his own talent was extraordinary, his body was tempered, and the magic weapon was hard to hurt, even if the Buddha of Heaven used four swords to seal it, in his life, only Having suffered losses in the hands of Zhanyun Realm and Buddha Township, it is impossible to imagine that Yuanxie Huang could easily break through his defenses.

Emperor Yuanxie just sneered at this, there is nothing absolute in the world, the so-called fate is still "eight zero three", as long as the strength is enough, the way of heaven can be broken, not to mention the mere fate.

With the current strength of Emperor Yuanxie, it would be no fun to fight against the heavens, but the experience of abusing the heavens is still easy and enjoyable.

Emperor Yuanxie's expression was solemn, the situation changed suddenly, the blood reflected the world, his figure flashed, and he bullied him with a knife.

When the murderous intention is on the horizon, the darkness of the sky can quickly destroy it, and the broken palm grows out in an instant.

Emperor Yuanxie flashed in a flash, the blade passed out, the space shattered, and he was dying.

The sky is violent and dark, and at the moment of crisis, he counterattacks with a palm, the qi rushes, and the qi destroys thousands of mountains, bursts of sonic booms in the air, the two people are staggered, and they have passed a hundred moves in an instant.

"Nine types of evil turn!"

Tian Zhili's figure is galloping with lightning speed, and the world-shaking dark energy transformation moves appear, and the power of the demon is splendid.

"Four Yuan True Judgment. Thunder Mark!"

Emperor Yuanxie stabbed the ground with his long sword, and thousands of purple thunders burst from the ground.

For thunder and lightning, Tian Zhili has fear in his heart, but now he is not in a hurry to stop the situation, he can only grit his teeth and fight recklessly.


Strong moves collide, thunder and fire are scattered, dragons and snakes rise to the ground, heaven and earth are surging, space is broken, the void swallows all things, and wipes out all living beings.

Tian Zhili flew out of the smoke and dust, stumbled to the ground, rolled out several hundred meters in a row, and stopped when he hit a boulder. His gray hair turned into an explosive head, and white smoke was still bubbling from his body. You can even smell the barbecue.

Compared with the aggressiveness at the time, the current Tian Zhili seems to be embarrassed.

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