"The strength of the evil emperor is really unfathomable. I really don't know how he cultivated?"

"After absorbing the origin of the three calendars, the current strength is no less than that of the super innate middle stage, but there is still no chance of winning against the Yuanxie Emperor, which is really scary!"

"Yes, but this is a good thing for my demon clan. With such a backer, I see who would dare to touch my demon clan."

As soon as these words came out, all the demon soldiers who were watching nodded their heads.

Now, apart from the Li Zhili, Lei Zhili and Di Zhili who escaped, all the other people and horses of the Li clan have been wiped out, and only Tian Zhili is still being beaten by the Yuanxie Emperor.

And one page of the book, the Buddha of the sky, Qing Haichao and others were also entangled by the love and disaster girl Rong, the demon emperor, Asura and others, and they could not get away. .

After many battles, the army of the magic city also lost three floors, and thousands of loyal souls were buried in the battlefield.

At the peak in the distance, there are several mysterious figures watching the battle from a distance.

"The battle of the Holy Demon is very involved, and the power of the Demon Emperor Yuanxie is beyond expectations. How difficult it is for the Central Plains Shenzhou!"

"Right and wrong, right and wrong, justice and justice are an unsolved mystery, obsession, jealousy, monopoly... There is a terrible love demon in everyone's heart, but it is always waiting for the right time to wake up. Yuan Xie Emperor, the goddess is looking forward to meeting you, you will be the script I look forward to the most."

"Zeguo Jiangshan's battle plan, what is the life of the people and Leqiaosu. With the Lord, don't ask about the matter of Fenghou, one will succeed and ten thousand bones will die."

"I didn't expect that there are so many masters in this difficult situation, but this king is sitting in the well and watching the sky! Lin Feng, I will make you regret it sooner or later!"


Several figures stand in the distance, both good and evil, and what they think is different, but when they look at Emperor Yuanxie, their eyes are all the same dignified.

However, Emperor Yuanxie in the battlefield didn't care about the person who was secretive. He teleported in front of Tian Zhili without giving Tian Zhili a chance to breathe, and suddenly kicked Tian Zhili's chest. The moment completely poured out.


Tian Zhili's tempered body shot out like a meteor, smashing a mountain, and his remaining momentum was slightly reduced, but he still flew high into the sky.

"You can't kill without five swords? Then try the emperor's "Myth of Doomsday" to see if he can kill the calendar."

Emperor Yuanxie held up the "Myth of Doomsday", and his figure instantly appeared in front of Tian Zhili, slashing out with one sword, cutting off the sinful head.

A generation of kings of the Li family, blood stained the sky, and fell!

Tian Zhili's body was decomposed by the system before it landed, and the epoch, which had not yet been fully integrated, flew out, but was controlled by Yuan Xiehuang and sealed with a special box. . .

Era is a special kind of energy, whether it is used for research or absorption, it has a certain value, and Yuan Xiehuang will naturally not let it go in vain.

Emperor Yuanxie flew to the ground, looked at the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke, waved his hands, all the corpses were decomposed into exchange points, and then looked in the direction of Quzhou Yifandu.

At this time, the people of the holy party, the low and mid-range combat power has been swept away, and the only one left is a book, the Buddha of the sky, Qinghaichao, Jingcanglang, Quzhou Yifandu and others are still fighting.

But Su is still true, Ye Xiaochai, who is in deep distress, can be captured.

The worst of them is Su Huanzhen. Under the beatings of Chiba Legend, Wuyi Shi Yin, Fengyou Master and others, Su Huanzhen endured no less than [-] "Friendship Broken Face Fist", which is completely different from Chiba Legend. All friends.

The whole person is beyond recognition, the big cake face is "fat" twice, and it is swollen like a pig's head. It is estimated that even if the style bell comes, it may not be recognized!

As for a page of the book, the Buddha of Heaven, Jing Canglang and others were seriously injured. After a round of high-intensity battles, they began to lose their strength. Seeing that they were about to be defeated and hated, several mighty inner essences flew from the distance. out.

"What is wrong with the heavens and the earth is not judged by black and white, what is not committed by criminals and ghosts, what is broken by the sun and the moon is not broken. Confucianism, ruthlessness, Confucianism and selflessness."

Following the title of Haoran Righteous Poem, Wei Yanzhi, a Confucian who holds the "Zhiheng Law Canon" and bears the "Sword of Righteousness", is solemn and unsmiling. Although his face is slightly fat, he is full of a sense of righteousness and righteousness. Feel a convincing heroic 2.1.

The Confucian scholar has white hair, an extraordinary bearing, and there is an indescribable feeling of distress on his face, which seems to put himself in a very tense mood, and it is difficult to let go.

The comer is the selflessness of Confucianism and Confucianism in the Five Ways of Confucianism - Jun Fengtian!

Jun Fengtian was originally the second senior brother of Yunhai Xianmen, the son of Jiutian Xuanzun. His swordsmanship was divine and handsome. He was a hot-blooded young man dedicated to destroying evil. Young jade leaves the scriptures.

Later, due to the death of his younger sister, his personality changed, and he turned into a Confucian school to become a ruthless and selfless Confucian respected driver.

Haozheng, who lives in the ancient way of morality, is guarding the gates in the Wudao, but he is watching the martial arts storm. The battle of the holy devil is related to the future of China, and Jun Fengtian is naturally concerned. This is a matter dominated by Buddhism, but now the battle of the holy devil is not. It was the devil who rose and the road disappeared. Seeing that Yi Ying Shu and others were about to suffer, he had no choice but to show up to help. .

Chapter [-] Ghost Unicorn [One More]

"What is wrong with the heavens and the earth is not judged by black and white, what is not committed by criminals and ghosts, what is broken by the sun and the moon is not broken. Confucianism, ruthlessness, Confucianism and selflessness."

Yuming Dan Xinjun suddenly appeared in Fengtian, and when the palm came out, the "Zhiheng Dian" flew over, the Confucianism was mighty, and the crowd was relieved.


One-page book, Buddha of the sky, Qing Haichao and others seized the opportunity and left.

Love and disaster girl Rong and others rushed to catch up, and now the Buddha and others in the sky are suffering heavy losses.

"No need to chase!"

Emperor Yuanxie shouted and resisted. Since Jun Fengtian has already taken action, it means that the Confucianists have officially intervened. In addition, the Taoist sect is also eager to move.

And Jun Fengtian looked at Su Huanzhen, Ye Xiaochai, and the worried ones who were arrested. He frowned coldly, and his body flashed, and he wanted to step forward to rescue him. At the same time, Emperor Yuanxie acted to block the way of Fa and Confucianism.

Speechless, looking at each other with cold eyes, he started with an earth-shattering palm.


The palms are facing each other, the anger is gone, the Confucianism is selfless and righteous, the Yuanxie Emperor is unparalleled in the world, and they will not give in to each other.

"The spirit of the emperor! Not bad!"

Emperor Yuanxie expressed his appreciation, and suddenly mentioned Mo Yuan again, shocking Faru back: "It's a pity that it's not enough."

"The foundation of this demon is so strong that it is rare in the world, and it is not easy to fight recklessly." With certain thoughts, the "righteous law" behind Jun Fengtian unsheathed, and the Confucian sect came out in response.

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