
The sky is seamless, the vastness of the world, and only a small amount of it is left. It is passed down by the creator of the ancient Taoist virtue style. .

"Creation of the Gods. The first style. The sky weeps!"

At the same time, Emperor Yuanxie started the water-based martial arts "Chuangshen Jue", the sky was clear for thousands of miles, and the torrential rain poured in the blink of an eye.

The collision of strong moves was actually silent, only the sound of the rain hitting the bananas, and then the demonic energy rushed into the sky, making the Confucianism invisible.

Time seems to be frozen in an instant. Seeing the sword rain suddenly approaching, Jun Fengtian threw the "Zhiheng Dian", and the words became a wall, protecting him in front of him, and then immediately.


Only hearing the sound of shattering indicates the end of the devil's rise!


Jun Fengtian vomited blood in the first battle, rowed several feet under his feet, and saw that he couldn't do anything, and was about to evacuate and make plans, not wanting to have an accident.

Huaguang flew away from the Buddha and a page of books on the way, and two ruthless palms from the far sky attacked.


Huaguang flew very fast, but at the same time, the defense would also become weak. Facing the sudden attack, the Buddha of the sky and a page of the book couldn't dodge, and they were suddenly injured and fell into the battlefield by the shock.

"Fengdu Road, martyrdom, heroic burial of desolate bones.

The sky is silent, the earth is silent, and the mortal dust is the last of the people.

Doomsday, atheism. "

Just listening to the evil ghosts singing, all of a sudden, the playwright of the eternal night holds "Ghost Truth. Star Tribulation", and drives the unicorn to drag the splendid sun-challenged carriage, like the sun god Apollo coming powerfully, the long-distance running of the black high priest, Wearing a gorgeous mask, it presents the color of myth and epic, with an elegant bearing and a degenerate atmosphere.

The playwright of Eternal Night is exactly Di Ming, one of the three times of Xuan Huang!

At the beginning, Xuanzun Jiutian appointed Xuanhuang three vehicles in order to maintain the balance of the three realms.

But then the death of Jiutian Xuanzun completely broke the heaven and earth, and at the same time, it also shattered the highest belief and spiritual pillar of Yunhai Xianmen.

Since then, the heaven and the earth have forged an insoluble feud. The two men in the same row fought for [-] rounds at the top of the scale. The battle was dark and the sun and moon were dark. In the end, both of them were temporarily banned due to serious injuries. .

In the time of this letter, Tianji hid at the gate of heaven, ate melon seeds and watched movies, while Di Ming was not idle at three thousand feet in Huangquan. First, he created the Xie Fan Twins in a special way; then he turned into the eternal night drama Writers, like puppet masters, use various techniques to manipulate the fate of others, play with people's hearts, and compose scenes of human tragedies.

Until Yuan Xiehuang and others appeared, Di Ming found that his plan gradually deviated from the track he designed, and he was very interested in those who broke his script.

As the second generation of Xianmen, Jun Fengtian naturally knew Di Ming and was extremely hostile to him, because Di Ming had always claimed that he was the murderer of Xuanzun.

"The map of Zeguo Jiangshan entering the war, the life of the people is Leqiao Su.

Ping Jun Mo asked about the matter of Fenghou, and once you succeed, your bones will die. "

At the same time Di Ming appeared, a man holding a "white bone fan", with a white mask on his face, fluttering purple hair, and exuding a cold and sinister temperament also appeared at the same time.

When Jun Fengtian saw this, his face became even more ugly, and he was a little surprised: "Who are you, why do you pretend to be the ghost unicorn master?!"

The ancient blood disaster "Blood River Battle" a long time ago led to the destruction of life and ghosts.

In addition to causing the human world to kill each other, the ghost unicorn master also opened the entrance to the underworld, causing a group of demons to dance wildly, causing chaos in the three worlds of heaven, earth and human.

For the peace of Shenzhou, Jun Fengtian and Yu Xiaoyao chased and killed the ghost unicorn master. Later, due to an accident in Xianmen, Yu Xiaoyao returned to Xianmen. Jun Fengtian went to Xuanhuang Island, beheaded the ghost unicorn master alone, and suppressed his soul in the name of Tianjian. Feng, so Jun Fengtian would think that the ghost unicorn in front of him is a man in disguise!

The fact is just as Jun Fengtian thought, the ghost unicorn in front of him is indeed not himself, but a fake ghost unicorn disguised by Renjue.

People feel that the very monarch is one of the Xuanhuang three vehicles, but because of the "human-ghost coexistence body", he has never been recognized by Jiutian Xuanzun, so he is extremely hostile to Xianmen because of jealousy and hatred. , The person who served as a bystander felt very splendid, and he made a secret move at the moment, causing Tianji to be locked into the gate of heaven, and the earth and underworld to be severely damaged and escaped into Huangquan three thousand feet.

Later, he secretly planned and repeated many calculations, resulting in the bloody case of the "single-edge sinner", and cultivated the "Holy Sword" and "Magic Sword" in order to kill the two people in the world one day, and 753 became the best among the people!

People feel that they also pay attention to the most sensational battle of holy demons in martial arts. Out of disgust for the right way, when Yiyishu and others are fleeing, they try to intercept them. Feeling shot, he hit a page of the book. At this time, when he heard Jun Fengtian's questioning, very naturally Jun would not admit his identity, but said in the tone of a ghost unicorn: "Jun Fengtian, we meet again!"

During the speech, he did not forget to release a strong ghost, misleading Jun Fengtian's judgment.

"Hmm! Ghost!"

Aware of the ghost energy in Renjue's body, Jun Fengtian's heart suddenly became suspicious.

On the other side, Qing Haichao and Jing Canglang saw that a page book and the Buddha of the sky were intercepted, and they were determined to come back to help, but Quezhou Yifandu waved their hands and said: "You are seriously injured, it is useless to go, keep your useful body, let me go. That's it."

"There is so much labor and lack of boats!" Qing Haichao and Jing Canglang looked at each other, and they knew that their strength was now greatly damaged, and it was difficult to play a role. After a salute, they disappeared.

Quezhou smiled slightly, galloped backwards, and rushed to a page of the book in an instant, in front of the Buddha of the sky, shocking the demon army that was about to move.

"Thousands of years of joint cultivation, lack of boats and sails.

Boundless sinking, the sea of ​​France sails. "

Immediately with Jun Fengtian, he confronted Yuanxie Huang, (pseudo) Ghost Qi Lord, and Yongye Playwright.

Martial Lord Luo Hu, Asura, Love Misfortune Girl Rong, Demon Sovereign Centroid and others were strongly stationed in the Quartet, and the terrifying sense of oppression made the air dignified. .

Chapter [-] Divergence [two more]

One wave has not settled, another wave has arisen, and the final chapter of the battle of the holy devil has led to the intervention of the Confucian sect.

At the same time, the ghost unicorn Lord (Renjue) appeared in the world earlier, each with his own thoughts!

The Guiqi master held a white bone fan in his hand, with an indistinguishable mask on his face, looking coldly and proudly in front of him: "It's an interesting scene, Evil Emperor, why not cooperate once and wipe out these so-called righteous paths in one fell swoop?"

"Do you have the strength to cooperate with this emperor?" Emperor Yuanxie's face was expressionless and arrogant, as if he was dismissive of the ghost qi master.

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