It made his mind more evil, and even in order to obtain stronger power, he did not hesitate to practice "Tiangang Liu Peng Jian" from the palace, and was later taught by his brother "Xian Qiangu" to be a shadow-like existence.

Hen Jiangyue has a strong personality and is vicious and vicious. In order to go further, she led the crowd to besiege her strongly.

In the chilling atmosphere, the sound of the piano came to an abrupt end.

Feeling that the visitor is not good, Yi Qixing's face is cold, and the sword energy fills Jiang Xin's heart. He looks at Qiluosheng and says, "People don't stain the world, and the world stains themselves. It seems that someone is going to force a friend to use a knife!"

"The banner is the order, and it's the people of the Tibetan Sword Society, alas! This grievance that started with the sword will eventually end with the sword." Sighing softly, Qi Luosheng knew that it was difficult to escape, and with a grip of the jade fan in his hand, it ended. "Jiangshan Yandao" came out.

"Knives don't die, bury knives endlessly, kill!"

Hen Jiangyue gave an order, and the hundreds of the funeral knife congregation began to move. Several flying claws shot at the boat, clasped the bow, and then pulled it hard.

Slaughtering in the cold night, the funeral knife will want to eliminate the country and the fast hands!

When the boat docked, Qiluosheng said to Yiqi: "Friends may as well drink while drinking, and see that my swordsmanship can be returned to Jiansu's eyes."

Yi Qi, who was about to take action, heard the words and stopped moving. He really wanted to see Qi Luosheng's progress over the years.

"bring it on!"

The smoke was faint, and the mountains and rivers transpired into a red moon killing scene. Under the moon wheel, a clear and evil figure was coldly lined with a different sword that did not retract, and the killing intent circulated in one breath.

Who is the person who will hit the face like a picturesque country?

What kind of knife sips the bloody rivers and lakes on the edge of the knife?

A different red killing realm, a person, waiting for a happy slaughter!

"Kill it~"

Hundreds of burial knives rushed to the congregation, Qiluo Shengwu fan washed the autumn wind, snow-white shadows, stepping on magnificent steps, raising their robes and waving their sleeves, conquering the invisible.

0 ask for flowers

Most of the people in the Burial Sabre Society use silver claws and flying claws as weapons, and their moves are all sinister and vicious.

Although Qiluosheng looks soft and cute and easy to push, with a knife in his hand, he is fierce and decisive. He has no mercy for the organization that specializes in hunting knife hunters and knife casting masters. Chopping!

Can't catch the eye, the sharp blade has come!

The saber fell on the brow, in the eye, on the blowing hair, and on the fate of a pen burial knife, winding into a river of blood!

The night was too short, and the shadow of death was long and terrifying.


Hen Jiangyue's eyes narrowed, and her body jumped, "Shadow of Shadows and Divine Sharpness" attacked from all sides, attacking fiercely with swords and swords.

. . . . . .

"Jiangshan catches the shadow and breaks!"

The snow-white shadow rises and falls with a queer knife playing, the sound is killing, every step is killing, killing so much that "Shen Rui" can't catch the shadow of the knife.

"Jiangshan map is fast.

People don't see blood; knives don't close.

Seeing the knife, your life will have a chance to breathe. "

Qiluosheng's knife was in the wrong shadow, and her figure was erratic. Hen Jiangyue hurriedly waved "Shadow-Shadow" and was overwhelmed.

Knife, where is it?Catching the eye for a moment!

Knife, where is it?In a flash of lightning!

Knife, where is it?Blowing dust!

Knife, where is it?In the sky to drink and hate!From the blood-stained beauty, the knife-white element is set off!


In the stream of instant shadows, the black and white shadows of the fierce battle suddenly stopped, the wind blew, the fallen leaves shone, and a little scarlet fell on the blade of the blade.

"Jiangshan Kuaishou, will the funeral knife let go... ah~"

A blunt statement was not finished, the blood dripping from the neck of Heng Jiangyue, her feet were unstable, and she fell to the dust!

"Yesterday spring came, and today the flowers are withering, and the lanterns are urgently punished, and the lights are extinguished at night."

Qi Luosheng said lightly, put away the knife and turned into a fan, and stepped onto the painting boat.

Yi Qi acted as Qi Luosheng poured snow candied wine: "Come on, have a glass of wine and be overwhelmed!"

"I'm really shocked, doesn't Dajiansu have anything to ask?" Qiluosheng restrained his murderous aura, waved his sleeves, saw the breeze off, and sailed away from the shore.

Yi Qixing smiled and said: "There is nothing to explain, because the enemy won't believe your explanation, and the brothers don't need to explain. No matter what decision you have, once you get black, then my Yiqixing will be impossible. Monologue. On the road of sinking, I will walk with you!".

Chapter Eleven Golden Lion Empire 【One more】

When will the turmoil in the rivers and lakes end?

Qiluosheng originally wanted to look at the mountains and rivers lightly, to go with the flow, and not to ask about the affairs of the rivers and lakes.

Once you enter the rivers and lakes as deep as the sea, your destiny is never up to you.

In the end, the Funeral Knife Club still found Qiluosheng, and started a bloody slaughter again!

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