Now, although Hen Jiangyue died and Qiluo was killed by the sword, the Burial Sabre Society would not give up easily.

When Yi Qixing went out, the outer Qixiu of the seven martial arts practitioners escaped unexpectedly.

At the beginning of the battle of the seven martial arts practitioners, the seven inner practitioners won, but they did not kill the outer seven practitioners. Because the inner seven practitioners were not bloodthirsty, so the three survivors of the outer seven practitioners were fascinated by Ganda, Yeben Kuangxiao, and Xiaowu. Evil repentance is imprisoned, so as not to go out and endanger the human world.

The three people felt resentment, and naturally they were unwilling to give up, and secretly launched a revenge action against the seven inner cultivations.

at the same time.

The Shenque, the original home of Tianfo, also ushered in a catastrophe. The people of the Desire Realm cooperated with each other and opened the long-sealed Shenque. Then there was a ruthless killing and a war. The Shenque of the Buddha Township suffered heavy casualties. Only Years are not stained. A few cultivators of Chang Yingluo broke out of the siege.

Some of the people in the Desire Realm were chasing after them, and some, under the leadership of Wang Chenyuan, actively launched the action of rescuing the Demon Buddha.

And under the guidance of the magic Buddha, he locked the Golden Lion Empire!

The Golden Lion Empire is the richest imperial city in the history of suffering. It is rumored that due to an inexplicable natural disaster, the entire city disappeared from the world.

There are countless rare treasures in the city, and the rich financial resources are better than the prosperous times of various dynasties.

But being rich is only the most basic understanding. In fact, many of the marvelous classics and collections of martial arts for a long time are all from the Golden Lion Empire.

Just like the "Map of Opportunity" that was fought in a hundred battles on Fengling Island back then, the real source came from the Golden Lion Empire.

The real "Immortal Art" is hidden within the Empire.

In addition, the "Seal of Warfare" that governs the battle of the Holy Demon, the mysterious "Original History of the Holy Demon", and the "Forgotten Cloud Halberd" of human martial arts are all from the Golden Lion Empire.

The two golden lion drums in the Golden Lion Wall Cave of the Golden Lion Empire are human-skin drums made from the skins of dead monks in the Golden Lion Empire long ago.

The three sounds of this drum have the ability to split the sky. Selected by the power of Bo Xun Xuanyi, through the "Jade Sea Nine Roulette", which has long been sealed in the depths of the Buddhist village, the Xingyun River is connected to the mouth of the double drum and the hoop. In the cave of the Golden Lion Wall, where the grievances and grievances of the empire were suppressed, as long as you collect four golden lion coins made of deep-sea gold coins and put them into the mouth of the stone drum, you can activate the petrified golden lion drum and restore the real shape of the leather drum. When the road to open the sky appears, Bo Xun will be able to successfully break the seal and return.

In order to crack the seal of the Demon Buddha, Wang Chenyuan began to investigate the treasure related to the Golden Lion Empire - the ban on death!

The death penalty was an inhumane death race initiated by the "Seven Lights Dingzun Association", which involved many leaders and organizations on the stage to determine the co-owner of the world.

The founding of the Seven Lights Dingzun Association is because the martial arts have been fighting for a long time, and the overlord has not been decided yet, which has caused the flames to be in the wild, and the souls have been destroyed. Time in exchange for thirty years of future peace.

Of course, this is only a superficial statement, and its true purpose is unknown for a while, but the prizes are the "Golden Lion Coins" needed by the Desire Realm.

For this reason, forgetting the dust is inevitable.


After the Holy Demon War, Emperor Yuanxie began to integrate his own combat power.

With the help of Emperor Yuanxie, the demon queen was completely resurrected, and from then on, she was attached to the wings of Tianyan Mocheng.

Although the Demon Empress is a femininity and ambitious, she is not a fool who can't see the situation clearly.

The battle of the Holy Demon gave the Demon Empress a new understanding of the forces of the plight. To dominate the plight with the power of the evil gods is tantamount to fooling around. Can go all the way to the dark.

The three bloodlines of the demon clan, the Black Prison, the Profound Emperor of Prison Heaven, and the Endless World of Darkness, all surrendered to the end of the world, and Yan Wushang, who was a strange joy, also lifted the "counter-timer" with the help of Emperor Yuanxie. After hanging and beating the bear child several times, he also obediently became honest.

To tell the truth, Xie Zun Dao's combat power is not strong, but behind it is a magic sword that deserves the attention of Yuan Xie Huang. Wind Scar!

That's why Yuan Xie Huang will pay more attention to Xie Zun Dao!

And the potential of the four evil masters is also very good. After training, it may not be impossible to become the top combat power in the future.

As for the legend of Qianye, the master of Wuyi, and the owner of Fengyou, they became the three major dog-headed military advisors in Tiandu.

Responsible for making plans, digging holes, pulling people, alienating people, fighting with each other and other promising careers.

The love-calamity girl Rong returned to the annihilation realm and began to use the "Demon World Buddha" to re-give the evil spirits.

With the help of Yuanxiehuang and Chenxi, the dead country has also been reborn and gradually improved. Everything is developing in the direction of Yuanxiehuang's plan, but there are also more troublesome things...

For example, Luo Hu, a fighting madman, seeks PK with the real Emperor Yuanxie, and Yutian Wulong neglects his duties, drinks, fights, pretends to be crazy and sells fools all day long, or there is a family ethics drama of the Demon Emperor's family, etc.

At this time, the Buddha of Heaven was imprisoned by the Demon Emperor.

For the Buddha of Heaven, the unfortunate child of the Demon Emperor has a complicated mood. He must hate it, but he is reluctant to kill it.

For this reason, he also had a big fight with the equally hard-working brother Black Nineteen, and directly staged a domestic violence!

Duan Junheng can do this, the unfilial son will be cold to the adoptive father when he has his own mother, he is also very helpless, he can only sigh and sigh while nibbling on the chicken leg!

In the end, of course, the black nineteen was beaten by the demon emperor. Under the anger, the black nineteen ran away from home. According to the latest news, it seems that he reached the wall of repentance and found his mother, which can be regarded as making up for the injury. mind.

The second bear father of the Demon Emperor is not doing his right job, and the heavy responsibility of Tianyan Mocheng falls on him Hua Chanti. As for the "silly black sweet" of Duanxie Chanti, he is now busy trying to please Jing Wuhuan.

This pair is also a typical example of sadomasochism. A young master of a magic city and a pillar of righteousness, they just fell in love with each other, but because of their opposite positions, they are destined to have a difficult relationship!

The destruction of the land on the shore was a great blow to Jing Wuhuan. The whole person looked depressed and haggard. Duan Mie Chanti saw his lover look like this. owe.

Of course, these are all trivial matters, and what really attracts Yuan Xiehuang's attention now is the next actions of the three sects!

Although it seems very calm at the moment, Emperor Yuanxie expected a violent storm to come. This short-lived calm is just a prelude to the storm!

Emperor Yuanxie is not used to being beaten passively, but it is not suitable to take the initiative at the moment, so the best way is to drag people into the water. Emperor Yuanxie has already selected several targets, and has contacted the girl who loves disaster, and is ready to implement the first step. Plan - Harmony!


Thanks to "L Le", "1234", "Reading Books Every Day", "99999", "Find a Girl to Marry", "Hate Wufeng", "Who Yan", "Military Brother", "Sa**" Wait for the flowers, monthly passes, and rewards for book friends. .

Chapter Twelve Defeng Ancient Road [two more]

German style ancient road.

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