".〃Oh, I just woke up from the big dream, it's really a sanghai, is the misery so unfamiliar? Hell, Hell, you owe me an explanation!"

Chapter Thirteen Night Climbing the Imperial City [One More]

Monster Market.

The setting sun is like blood, the atmosphere is strange, people with strange shapes are coming and going, there are many strange items in the stalls and shops, and some are also tied to human trafficking, trading in the monster market, money is not an absolutely universal currency, and people Selling is the norm.

There are even special human trafficking groups that specialize in the sale of raw mouths and slave trade.

However, this kind of transaction only has one hour a day. The "Yao Lai" is used to identify the passage of time. There are twelve sounds in one day. After the twelfth sound, the Moxi Mountain erupted with a breath at the same time, and the sequence entered "Hai Shi". , At this time, people from outside have the opportunity to get a glimpse of the whole picture of the demon city.

The people of the demon city are all kinds of strange and strange, belonging to the region where people, monsters and strange things are mixed.

The name "Sentence" represents the meaning of sentencing and punishing the gods, symbolizing the heaven and the earth, and only I can judge all living beings.

He is far-sighted, ambitious, good at grasping the hearts of ministers, and establishes a country with law, so he is respected and obeyed by people in the demon city, and his aggressive tactics are resolute and leave no room for it.

Lin Feng's knowledge of Monster Market is limited to part of the plot, and he doesn't know the exact situation.

It stands to reason that to attack the demon city, 417 must first send people to collect information, hide internal responses, understand the forces of the demon city, the distribution of manpower, etc., so as to know ourselves and the enemy, and win every battle.

However, Lin Feng did not do this, or was too lazy to do so.

Because he believes that in the face of absolute strength, everything is a cloud.

What's more, the capture of the demon city this time, in addition to laying down a territory as a foothold, the most important purpose is to train the holy devil twins.

If the road is paved too flat, it will lack the effect of tempering.

The strong wind whistled, and five hundred gigantic Broken Island Xuange pierced through the air. Then, under the cover of the night, they silently approached the Monster Market.

This time, King Jianwu only led three fifth-order mutants, twenty fourth-order mutants, and [-] broken island warriors.

If it is placed in a miserable situation, these combat powers can only be used to stir up the situation. It is impossible to fight the misery situation, but it is more than enough to attack the demon city.

This time, Phoenix Girl, Mystique Girl, and White Queen did not come. They are now responsible for guarding the world of Zhuxian.

After several months, King Wu Wu has leveled the righteous demon gate in the world of Zhuxian, killing the Broken Island family, but inevitably there are still some fish that slip through the net, and they will jump out from time to time to make trouble.

So leave Phoenix girl and others, lest these people take the opportunity to make trouble.

At this time, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and it is a good time to kill and set fire.

Hundreds of Broken Island Xuange approached the monster market, and the thousands of lights above the monster market could already be seen.

Lin Feng's eyes were not affected by the night, and he looked at the giant beast that was dormant on the sea, and said to King Jian Wu: "Ci Xin, the monster market is ahead, and this battle will free the two children of Twelve and Po Meng. Play it!"

King Wu Wu nodded, looked at Lin Shishi and Huai Pomeng and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Don't worry, mother, the child will live up to his expectations!!" Twelve and Po Meng said in unison.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, but Lin Shizhuang and Huai Pomeng are teenagers, eager to show their abilities in front of their parents.

"Okay, then, we won't make a move, everything is up to you." Lin Feng adopts the method of stocking strangers. With the fighting strength of Twelve and Broken Dreams, there are few enemies in the demon city. Safety is nothing to worry about.

When Xuange stopped in the sky above the monster market, Twelve and Po Meng didn't lead a single soldier, they unfolded the "God Wings" and "God Demon Wings" behind them and flew down.

Their plan is very simple, that is, to capture the thief first, to capture the king, and the two are going to sneak into the imperial city directly and capture the emperor, or assassinate him. , a son will set the country.

The idea is good, but the two of them are still too young. Although their strength is good, it is a pity that they have too little experience and take everything for granted.

When the twins flew over the Imperial City, they collided directly with the barrier of the moat.

There are many magical abilities in the world of Thunderbolt. As the imperial city of the demon city, it is naturally the top priority. How could there be no defensive measures? As the alarm sounded, the imperial city guards immediately discovered the existence of the twins.

Looking at the chaos below, Lin Feng was not in a hurry to take action. With the strength of the twins and a magical costume, there are not many who can threaten them in the entire demon market, so it should be a lesson to them, so that they do not act impulsive. .

King Jianwu ordered his troops to be rectified and ready to attack at any time.

In the imperial city of the demon city, the battle started rapidly, and the guards of the imperial city who found the enemy intruded, swarmed, and a large number of arrows shot out.

The holy devil twins who were flying in the air looked at each other, and simply restrained their wings, transformed into a halberd, and made a strong breakthrough.

"The city of Xiongcheng fought hard and fought three thousand bloody battles, willing to fight for national mourning.

Drinking Jiuquan, slashing and asking the eight wastes, who dares to be?Dominance without borders. "

With the calm and domineering poem number, Ming Zai. Ao Yin led the crowd.

Ming Zai Ao, who specializes in military and criminal affairs, was originally born in a slum area of ​​Yongliu Ping Apartment. It is the second place in the demon city that is condemned to death.

Hearing that there were assassins in the imperial city, they immediately led the generals such as Ji Luanyun, Gucheng Luohui, Wumiansheng, Xuanyuanjiao, Xi Zhaojiao, Jijiao, etc. to round up.

"A daring madman, rushing into the imperial city at night, he will be captured without his hands."

Zhuanyun, Gucheng Luohui, Xuanyuanjiao, Xi Zhaojiao, Jijiao and others surrounded the twins. Their strength was not weak.

Lin Twelve smiled and said, "The king of the world, only my ear!"

Huai Po Meng said coldly: "There are no two pictures in the sky, only I can break my dream!"

Strong in the strong, change from outside, broken island Xuange Wang Feng re-emerged, Huai broke the dream, Lin Shishi was the son of the king, with nine tripods in his heart, once the rhetoric came out, the demon city was turbulent.

"Rebel, damn it, kill!"

Ming Zai Aoyin gave an order and started a bloody battle.

Ji Luanyun rushed forward first, his axe opened and closed, followed by Gucheng Luohui, rushing through the sword net and attacking Lin XII.

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