Xuanyuanjiao's "Po Bing" opened the way, locked Huai Po Meng, and Xi Zhaojiao jumped suddenly, holding a giant mallet and attacking the mountain.

Jijiao, a strange man of white bones dressed in red, led a group of strange soldiers of the bones to surround him to prevent the other party from escaping.

The war broke out quickly, the twins fought against evil, and all of a sudden, the clouds were surging, and the energy was radiating in all directions, shaking the earth and the sky!

Fangyuan Baihui swayed in the room, the halberd style was sharp, the thunder swept away, and the flames burned endlessly.

"Destroy the gods, bleed and kill!"

"Destroy the gods, bleed and kill!"

The twins share the "Bingjia Wujing", but their physiques are different, which triggers the power of holy demons. I see the dual flow of yin and yang, the combination of holy demons and heavenly powers, and the black and white interlaced eight dragons and qi smashing into the wilderness.


Long Xiao shook the sky, the imperial city collapsed, and all the generals in the demon city exploded and died, making Ming Zai Ao Yin fearful.


Thank you "Emperor", "Little Watermelon", "Don't Eat Bento", "**", "kevin7412", "Phoenix", "One Page Book", "Su Huanzhen" and other book friends for their flowers, monthly tickets, thank you for your support . .

Chapter Fourteen Sentenced to God [two more]

"Supremacy and slaughter!"

Seeing the tragic death of his subordinates one after another, Ming Zai Aoyin held the "Bajiang Long Sword" and flew a blow.

"Volume of Waste. Xuanhuang wastes the world!"

Twelve and one halberd flew several people, and suddenly felt the strong wind, and immediately raised the real essence, only to see the thunder light of the "Lightning Halberd" flickering, the long halberd was flickering, and it penetrated a cold and violent aura. It's the "Abandoned Scroll" skill body, and it will be a powerful move for a while.


The figures of the two were staggered, and the swords and halberds were clearly chirping, and Lin Shishi's clothes were flying.

With a shocking blow, the sound of heaven and earth closed, only the sound was trickling, and the body of the blade _ blood flowed.

As soon as he was defeated, Ming Zai Ao retreated, he vomited blood, and his eyes showed resentment. As the third-in-command of the demon market, Ming Zai Ao was very proud because he had the power in his hands.

The anger came from his heart, and Ming Zai Aoyin didn't care about his face, and shouted angrily: "Imperial city guards, kill the traitors!"

The entire Imperial City Imperial Guard had long been lined up to form an array, and they were ready to form an array. At this time, when they heard the words, five hundred Imperial Guards held strong bows blessed by spells and aimed at the Holy Demon Twins in unison.

The bows and arrows in these people's hands are not ordinary things, but are made of fine iron mined in the Demon Breath Mountains.


Under Ming Zai Aoyin's order, the hundreds of Imperial Guards did not hesitate to draw their bows and arrows, aiming at the Holy Demon Twins and shooting them in one round!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of loosening the strings rang out, and hundreds of arrows carrying the magical energy set off a metal storm, shrouding the Holy Demon Twins.

However, how could the two saints and demons be idle, wielding their halberds and raising their yuan at the same time, showing their unparalleled style!

"Eight Dragons Against Qi, Split God Breaks the World!"

"Eight dragons go against the road, the world will be ruined!"

In the black metal storm, a brilliance suddenly lit up, and then there was a series of roaring dragons, eight holy dragons, eight demon dragons flying together, showing their teeth and dancing claws, destroying the world!

Twelve and the Broken Dream halberd danced together into a light and shadow, and the dragon energy swelled with it. In an instant, the sky and the earth were dark, the purple thunder and lightning flashed, and a hundred miles were shaken together.

The dragon energy slammed into all directions, the wind and clouds were turbulent in an instant, the sun and the moon were pale, the imperial city was several kilometers in radius, and it was scorched by thunder and fire.


As long as the dragon qi passed, there were no survivors, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of elite imperial soldiers were sent to Huangquan, leaving only a bloody rain that scattered across the world.

"You have such a solid foundation at such an age. Where did these two come from?" With doubts in his heart, Ming Zai Ao knew that he was the opponent of the twins in front of him, and immediately ordered the Imperial City Imperial Army and Qian Dumen to come forward and kill them, killing the two of them. Sharp, he is waiting for the opportunity.

Faced with the siege of the army, the twins had no intention of retreating, and they rushed forward to the depths of the imperial city, and they were invincible.

Above the high-altitude Xuange, Lin Feng stood on the bow of the boat, shook his head slightly, and sighed: "Twelve and Broken Dreams are still too reckless, sorry, children can't be too spoiled... Uh, well, when I have nothing Say."

Seeing that King Jianwu's eyes changed, Lin Feng changed his words in time, and there was a scene of domestic violence.

"Humph!" King Jianwu snorted coldly, turned around and ordered a black guy: "Darwin, you bring ten Xuange ships to attack Tianxia celebrities, delay their combat power, and create chaos."


Darwin was the mutant brought back by Lin Feng in the Marvel world. He has the ability to survive the fittest. At the same time, he practiced the "Indestructible Demon Body" given by Lin Feng. He is also one of the three fifth-order mutants on the scene.

Hearing the order of King Jianwu, Darwin acted immediately, a pair of black wings formed from behind, spread their wings and flew over the Xuange next to him, passing the order, and then ten Xuange began to descend.

Lin Feng just shrugged helplessly. Now that King Wu has made a decision, he will not object. He just hopes that the twins will not be too bearish, so as not to be pitiful in the future!

To cultivate the next generation, there is a long way to go!

With a sigh in his heart, Lin Feng continued to pay attention to the situation below.

"All generals, follow me to kill!"

Ten Xuange ships descended to a certain height, Darwin brought ten fourth-order mutants, and six hundred Slaughter Shattered Island warriors descended from the sky, and launched an attack on the defending army of Tianxia celebrities.

The army guarding the celebrities in Tianxia originally saw a fierce battle in the direction of the imperial city and was ready to go to support.

The lynx is a master under the command of Duke Xian Li, and is trained by the blood of Xian Li. The character is gloomy, belligerent, brutal and bloodthirsty. It has the aggressive nature of a lynx, that is, a wild cat. Therefore, martial arts are known for their claws. Tear the opponent apart without leaving any room.

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