Ming Zai Ao had blue veins on his forehead, and his eyes showed panic, but he knew that he couldn't escape at this time, otherwise he would only die faster, and his Yuan Gong was destroyed to the limit, and he issued the strongest blow in this life.

It is a pity that the gap between the strengths is still an insurmountable gap, and it is difficult to bridge even if you try your best.


The extreme strokes collided, and the eight dragons collapsed and shattered the sword, habitually entering, Ming Zai Aoyin cried out, his body burst into pieces, and he died without a whole corpse.

the other side.

Huai Po Meng fights against the gods.

The atmosphere was chilling, the two of them were both as fast as lightning, their fists and palms exchanged, and the interweaving layers of force slammed into the four fields.

Huai Po Meng Shen is idle and contemptuous, suppressing his opponent's ultimate move everywhere, and sentenced Shen Zhe to see the situation unfavorable, his body sinks, his palm turns over, a radiant power rises from the ground into the sky, and all the fields are balanced and ten thousand earths are in an instant. turmoil.

"Imperial Punishment Nine Gods!"

Raising the palm of the hand to move the sky, the cloudy thunder is swift, and the roar is roaring.

At the same time, the Lord of the Demon City, who was hiding in the darkness, watched the battle with a cold eye.

Duke Zhanli hid behind the scenes after the death of his eldest brother Kaitian Emperor Zulong Zhiming, secretly instigated a change in the Yaoshi Palace, and sneakily attacked Longjian, supporting Jushenzhen to become Emperor Huang. The actual ruler of the demon city.

Now that the two holy demons have invaded the imperial city, the entire Tianxia celebrity can hear the movement, and Duke Shi will naturally not be unaware.

Compared with the death sentence, Duke Zhan Li is actually one step ahead, but Duke Zhan Li is used to the yin, and likes to strike in secret, and decides the world in one fell swoop, so he didn't do it for a long time.

"God splits the waste, the eight dragons are against the martial arts, and the world is regrettable!"

Huai Pomeng saw the end of the battle of Twelve, and he was determined to be strong.


The sound of explosions was endless. Compared to Ming Zai Aoyin, the power of Judgment was significantly higher.

"It's now, the black stream giant Yaopo!"

Seeing that the time was ripe, Duke Shi immediately attacked the evil force, the atmosphere around him changed dramatically, the green evil force transformed into a ferocious beast, and he came to the world in shock, with his teeth and claws, and directly attacking the door behind Huai Pomeng.

The shape is like a worldless giant, and it is like a deep black abyss.

At this time, Huai Pomeng was fighting against Shen Shen, and he had no time to take care of his back. Lin Twelve was besieged by the forbidden army. When he realized it, it was too late!

Seeing that Huai Pomeng is about to be injured, at the critical moment, Haoran halberd entrained the immortal Wang Feng, descended from the sky, and defeated Ju Yao with one blow.

"The killing in the beginning, Jian Wu;

Chaos slaughter, militia. "

With anger on his face, King Jiwu flew down and stood on the tip of the handle of the "Or Heaven Halberd" with one foot.

Duke Zhan Li appeared from the darkness and looked coldly at King Jianwu, who had done bad things to him. Although he was angry, he did not deny that he was once overwhelmed by King Jianwu's demeanor.

He had never seen such a strong and beautiful woman before!

King Jiwu looked coldly at the person who attacked her cheap son in 4.9, the first impression was that the other party was really ugly!

Duke Xun was dressed in a black robe, his face was old and gloomy, many metal pipes were inserted on the top of his head, his facial muscles appeared, his forehead was protruding, his eyes were sharp and sinister, his eyelashes were long down, he had a strange expression, and his fingers and claws were of different lengths. , doesn't look like a good person, just stick the words "I am the villain" on his head.

Fengyanman, Feishayang, the king of the slaughtered island, and the master of the monster market are extremely antagonistic.

Seeing the wind and snow flying, King Jiwu stepped down a little, and the "Or Tianji" spun up, holding the halberd in one hand, carrying a majestic force, and attacking Duke Zhanli directly.

Knowing that his opponent was extraordinary, Duke Xun Li showed his viciousness and ferocity, his fingers and claws exploded, his inner essence was shattered, his body was like a ghost, and he wanted to take the life of the person in front of him every step of the way.

However, they saw the two of them fighting each other, the tiger roared and thundered, and the lightning flashed. .

Chapter Sixteen

The bloody battle of the demon city and the imperial city.

King Jiwu came out to protect his son, and for a while, the mastermind behind the demon city.

Finger rolls the evil waves, destroys the mortal and unfolds the front, the endless cold light stuns the world, or the halberd responds domineeringly, and between the splits, the magical power of "The Scroll of Waste" reappears.

The battle between the two heroes, the battle is miserable, the four fields are confused, only the heartbeat is left, and the spirit of the war is incited to burn.

The claws of the evil calendar are fierce and fierce, and the sky and the earth are flowing, or the halberd and the qi are drawn together, and the martial arts and thunder strike back.

In an instant, the wind moved Jiuxiao, and thousands of miles of dust were rolled up.

The powerhouses confront each other, staring at each other with tyrannical eyes, ignoring the surrounding rocks and falling, fists and palms hitting each other, thunder and thunder, and the ground collapses.


After the two sides fought for a few tricks, King Jianwu flew away with a look of surprise on his face.

Duke Zhanli's strength is only the top innate, and King Jianwu, who has entered the ranks of super innate, can easily defeat him even in the early stage of super innate, but King Jianwu finds that his skill has been inexplicably suppressed, and he can only use it. Out of the strength of about seven layers.

Thinking of what Lin Feng said earlier, King Jianwu understood a bit, and it seemed that this place was indeed unique.

On the other hand, Duke Xian Li was filled with a ghostly aura, which looked strange and terrifying, but his hands were trembling slightly, and he looked at King Jiwu vigilantly.

Just now, the opponent's domineering energy almost broke his hand bones. Duke Zhanli couldn't help but be afraid of King Jianwu, his figure stopped, and he asked in a hoarse voice: "Who are you waiting for, why? Offending my demon city for no reason?"

It was very strange in his heart, the monster market has a special geology, and people who are not in the monster city will receive a certain degree of imagery, but even so, the black and white twins can still forcefully punish the gods among the army. Kill Mingzai Aoyin.

And the woman in white armor in front of her can suppress herself. Even in a difficult situation, such a person is by no means unknown. Although he is in a demon city, he also has his own intelligence network, so he should not have never heard of it. That's right!

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