Could it be that the other party is not a person from a miserable realm, but a person from another alien realm?!

The misery is a peculiar space that is connected to many other worlds. Even in the demon city, there have been invasions from other worlds many years ago.

At this point in the battle, Duke Zhan Li also discovered those spaceships that could control the sky, and the opponent's martial arts was not like a miserable situation, which showed that the possibility that the opponent was someone from another realm was extremely high.

Duke Zhanli was a gloomy and vicious man, and he didn't like to fight uncertain battles.

"People who are dying, why ask more."

King Jianwu didn't want to talk nonsense with Duke Xianli, and said a cold word, and immediately danced the "Or Tianji" in his hand, and the cold and flying snow drifted along with it. The power of the world breaks the sky with one blow.

Duke Xian Li knew that he was powerful and did not dare to regret it. He took Xie Yuan in his palm, avoided the halberd edge with an afterimage, and stabbed at the heart of King Jianwu with his sharp claws.

King Jian Wu was calm and composed, raised his hands and made his gestures, Shen Ruoshan, when he turned around sharply and forced the sharp claws to open, he turned the "or halberd" in his hand and swept out the wind. His mighty force covered the mountains and rivers, and slashed towards Duke Xian Li's waist.

Duke Xian stomped on his feet and swirled in the air, avoiding the strong aura. At the same time, he swiped with his five fingers, and the tragic green evil slammed down.




King Jianwu swung his halberd quickly and danced so hard that the water couldn't get in, only to hear a sharp and sharp sound, sparks splashed, strong airflow spread, and the wind and snow were swept away.

"To deal with such a master, fighting strength is the greatest unwisdom!"

Duke Zhanli was thoughtful, glanced at the two holy demons, and said, "If one of them is taken as a hostage, maybe he can be forced to surrender, if they are allowed to drink my blood, then I will have several strong generals. Why should you be afraid of those who are banned in the criminal realm, you can even completely conquer all the branches of the demon city, and it is not unreasonable to expand the territory of the plight of soldiers."

The blood of the royal family in the demon city has its own magical effect. The blood of the king of trembling is used for thaumaturgy, which will make people lose their minds and achieve the purpose of controlling others with blood. one of the ways of man.

Although the idea is good, there are many gaps with reality. Right now, it is judged that Shenzhen is fighting against Huai Huai’s dream, and depending on its situation, it is judged that Shenzhen is not an opponent, and defeat is only a matter of time.

However, Lin Twelve fought a thousand troops alone and was invincible, and it seemed that it was not easy to conquer easily.

And King Jianwu would not foolishly give Duke Xian Li a chance.

"The Scroll of Waste. The First Form. Xuanhuang Abolishes the World!"

As a violent person, King Jiwu belongs to the type who doesn't speak much of ruthlessness. Since he decided to use the demon city as the base, he didn't discuss it, and the "Bingjia Wujing" came out accordingly. With the domineering domineering of a king.

In the face of King Jian Wu's thunderous strike, Duke Xian Li was shocked, and he didn't dare to be distracted.

"God Snatch the Demon Forbidden Song!"

The shivering Gongji style was fully displayed, his fingers and claws exploded, and the monstrous evil force attacked King Jianwu overwhelmingly.


The strong moves collided, and there was a loud explosion, but seeing the martial arts show their power, the evil energy no longer existed, the qi energy released by the King Wu smashed the evil energy, and the explosive energy roared, and when the king trembled, he crossed his fingers. block.


The five claws of the right hand shattered suddenly, and the remaining energy shattered the lungs, and Duke Xun Li spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his body turned into a black smoke.

"Grab your halberd!"

Duke Xun Li grinned, and his left finger claws slammed into King Jianwu's neck.

An inch long and an inch strong, an inch short an inch dangerous.

The halberd is a long weapon, and after being approached, the power it exerts will be limited to some extent, but Duke Shiver's fingers and claws can exert the greatest power within this distance.

"Humph, stupid!"

King Jianwu smiled disdainfully, raised his head to avoid Centrino's claws, turned his body, actually gave up the "Or Tianji", and pulled out the "Qingxue 563 Sword" at his waist with his backhand.

"Yan Shi Xuehong!"

King Jiwu's unparalleled aura exploded in an instant, causing the wind and snow all over the sky to fly against the current.

"Ah uh..."

Duke Shi covered his bleeding throat with his hand, and the images of this body's experience flashed through his mind quickly. The mysterious power disintegrates and dissipates invisible.

"King Shiver!"

Sentenced to the gods to see the death of his immediate boss, Duke Xian Li, his heart was shocked, and Huai Pomeng took the opportunity to kill him with a single blow.

Lin Feng stood on the bow of the boat and looked at the chaotic Tianxia celebrities, shaking his head slightly. He originally wanted to take the opportunity to hone the holy and demon twins, but he didn't want King Wu to be so impatient. Sure enough, the mother is different.

He is also very helpless, he can't blame Sister Wang!

Although the plan was disrupted, it was not a bad thing. Lin Feng swung down and started to clean up the mess.

The demon city's policy of suppressing it has caused many people's dissatisfaction. Now the leader of the demon city, Shi Li, is sentenced to death. The three leaders of Ming Zai Aoyin are all reunited in Huangquan, and the rest of the people are also scattered. It was fierce, and the Broken Island Xuange was extremely mobile, and quickly captured most of the land in Xia Yao City.

It is easy to conquer the country, but difficult to rule the country. Although the demon city has been captured, there are still many hidden dangers that need to be solved, such as the imprisoned criminals....

Chapter [-] Ghost Fang Chiming 【Seeking Monthly Pass】

In the borderlands of the coast and the coast, the red and ghostly atmospheres are dense and quiet, spreading in the red land.

Suddenly, a red light entered and hit the top of the giant mountain, and then it exploded with a bang. The blood red and the smoke scattered all over the world. The ground cracks quickly extended, and the chaos burst open, and the world was shocked by thunder.

"The long days are over, and the red sky will rise.

Thousands of miles of tyrants sing, only my red life! "

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