"Since the lord likes it, that's the blessing of the store. If you don't dare to ask for a penny, the villain will give it to you." Now Yao Kunbi is thinking of taking the opportunity to hug her thighs. If he can rely on the big tree like Lin Feng, then his life Even if it is guaranteed.

Lin Feng didn't come to loot. As the new owner of the demon market, he naturally had to lead by example, and he didn't ask for it in vain. He gave Yao Kunbi a thousand gold beads, which was considered to be the purchase of the "boat piano".

Seeing that Lin Feng had already made up his mind, Yao Kunbi did not dare to delay, so he accepted Jin Zhu and ordered someone to bring the "boat piano" over.

Lin Feng waved the "boat piano" into the inner space. In order to please Lin Feng, Yao Kunbi specially arranged a piano dance performance.


Lin Feng did not refuse this. Anyway, being idle is idle, so it is just a quiet pastime to cultivate his sentiments.

In Diyoulou, there are three colors that can be called a must. One color and eight cups make mellow mash, the two colors are mirage and colorful, and the three colors Lu Shu and red lips sing ballads.

Eight Cup Brewing is the best wine of Diyoulou, while Mirage Cailiu and Lu Shu are the two red cards in Diyoulou.

It didn't take long for the good wine and food to be served.

Lin Feng sat in the private room, and two beautiful women walked in from outside, one sat playing the piano, and the other danced and sang softly.

The melodious sound of the piano, the lingering reverberation, and the melodious sound of the mirage-colored piano can make the listeners see the most beautiful fragments in their memories, and make people sink into them and linger.

Lu Shu has a fairy-like appearance and superb singing skills. When singing, she shows a graceful demeanor accompanied by light dance steps, showing a variety of women's amorous feelings.

"The wind is light and smoke, not afraid of exile in the grasslands, the geese are tireless, looking forward to traveling through the clouds

Infatuated fish just want to get drunk in the water, don't let me get stranded

The southerly wind is shining, fueling the flames to Hainan, the birds are tired, and the smoke of the sunset is hidden

Infatuation only wishes to sink into the abyss of red dust, day by day

Difficult... The sound of love and love continues, why... Ye Ye Shengge Duan Nian Why are the Iraqi people separated, the cape is on the horizon

Ah…..reluctant to give up infatuation, ah….passing through the sand, ah…the pain is lingering, turned into mine, in the water sleeves and clouds…”


Thanks to "Xuantian", "Xiaoyao", "Black Devil", "Purple Riddle Mystery", "a**", "**", "Su Huanzhen", "One Qi Mountain and River", "Leng Yuan" , "I am my own god", "Suddenly remembered one" and other book friends' flowers, monthly tickets, rewards!.

Chapter [-] Assassination 【For Flowers】

Inside Diyou Building.

Lu Shu is dressed in red, and the cuffs of the red dress are dancing gracefully, which makes people think for a long time. The mirage-colored piano sound has an endless aftertaste.

At the end of the play, the soul remains, and at the end of the song, people remain.

The combination of Shuangkuiqin dance is indeed a must in the world.

Listening to the sound of the piano, Lin Feng's thoughts flew, as if he had returned to the earth, back to that young, frivolous and carefree age, his eyes were slightly closed, revealing the color of reminiscence.

At this moment, Lu Shu waved his sleeves, and a bright long sword appeared. This sword was called "Killing Redemption". 's national protection sword.

After the death of Lei Feng Zongjiao, this sword was obtained by Lu Shu, and the sword qi was in the air, and the target pointed by the sharp edge was Lin Feng.

Lu Shu's original soft and weak temperament changed, and her eyes were like water, revealing a strong murderous aura.

 "[-]" "Your mercy, the ancient mountains and rivers are withered!"

The sword was as fast as lightning, and the sword's edge instantly pressed against Lin Feng's throat.

Lin Feng seemed to be unaware, and still did not open his eyes.

Lu Shu's martial arts are not bad. In the blink of an eye, her sword stabbed three inches into Lin Feng's throat.

Seeing that Lin Feng was about to splatter blood on the spot, Lu Shu's complexion changed, only to feel that the blade was blocked by an invisible force. Under the huge force, the blade was bent, but the sword in his hand was no longer able to advance an inch.

"Why do you want to kill me?"

Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes and looked at Lu Shu calmly, with a gentle tone, as if the opposite was not the person who wanted his life, but a friend who had known him for many years.

Without answering, Lu Shu made a decisive decision and retreated. Mirage Cailiu seemed to be startled by the change in front of her and wanted to flee.

"You can't leave without my permission!" Lin Feng waved casually, a green light flashed, and the wooden floor under the two women's feet seemed to be withered in spring, and several vines quickly sprang out to entangle the two women.

Lin Feng stood up, walked to Lu Shu, raised her chin with one hand: "I think it's better for you to answer my question honestly."

Mirage Cailiu begged bitterly: "Lord Lin Feng, the slave family is innocent, the slave family doesn't know anything, please let go of the slave!"

Originally, Mirage Cailiu was doing things for the gods, but in the assassination of Kaitian Emperor Longyi, Mirage Cailiu played an indispensable and important role. Let Yi Qingqiu assassinate the Emperor II smoothly, but this time she really has no other thoughts, and she doesn't know why Lu Shu suddenly assassinated Lin Feng.

"If that's the case, then you can go down!" Lin Feng could tell that Mirage Cailiu didn't panic. With a move of his finger, the green vines retracted back into the floor.

Mirage Cailiu regained his freedom, but he didn't expect Lin Feng to talk so well, so he let go of himself like this, feeling a little stunned for a while.

Lin Feng said: "Why, do you still want to stay here?"

"The slave family will leave now."

For fear that Lin Feng would go back on his words, Mirage Cailiu trotted out of the room all the way.

Lin Feng looked at Lu Shu and scrutinized it. It was indeed a beautiful woman with a melon-seeded face and slender eyebrows. Although she was angry at this time, she couldn't hide her beauty.

"Now there are only the two of us left in the room. Come on, why do you want to kill me?" Lin Feng asked.

"Hmph, if you want to kill or slash, please listen and respect." Lu Shu looked like Liu Hulan who was caught by the reactionaries.

What the hell is this!

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