Do I look like the bad guy?Lin Feng asked himself.

Eh, it seems to be true.

Over the years, he has indeed done a lot of robbery, murder, arson, and abduction. Although he has saved a lot of people, in general, he has nothing to do with a good person.

 But...I don't look alike!

Just when Lin Feng released herself, Lu Shu bit the poison sac in her mouth and wanted to kill herself by taking the poison. This was the poison she had prepared for a long time, and the blood sealed her throat.


The poison attacked very quickly, Lu Shu spurted out a mouthful of black blood, the poison blood fell to the ground, and the floor was corroded and black smoke came out, showing how severe the poison was.

Do you want to play so big!

Lin Feng tapped several acupuncture points on Lu Shu's body with his fingers to prevent the toxin from spreading further, then took out a detoxification pill and fed it to Lu Shu.

In fact, as long as Lin Feng is willing, Lin Feng who owns the "mind gem" can easily read Lu Shu's thoughts, but Lin Feng did not do so, because it would be too boring!

Lin Feng also has some understanding of Lu Shu's life experience. Knowing that Lu Shu is a hero in women's middle school, she is loyal to guarding the demon city, and it is normal to be hostile to her "invader".

Lin Feng didn't plan to kill Lu Shu, one was to appreciate his courage, and the other was that the other party was good at singing and dancing, and she was a beautiful woman. It would be a pity to die like this!

Well, the big beauty is the point, otherwise if you change to an ugly one, even if you are a saint of all ages, you will have to peel off the skin if you provoke Lin Feng to death!

"Cough, why did you save me?" Lu Shu escaped from death, looking at Lin Feng in confusion...  

"It's nothing, I'm just too pity for Xiangxiyu. Since you don't want to tell the reason, then I won't force you." Lin Feng said and lifted the restraint on Lu Shu's body: "I hope you and I can be calm when we meet next time. talk."

"Are you really willing to let me go?" Lu Shu was still in disbelief, wondering if the other party had some conspiracy or tricks, maybe he wanted to catch big fish on a long line.

Lin Feng didn't answer Lu Shu either, leaving only a handsome back.


Red Crown Border Town.

Ghost Fang Chiming was recalling the grievances and entanglements between him and Sanbei when suddenly, a familiar aura came with a mighty coercion.

"The pain of death comes the pleasure of life to come, the depth of hatred comes the fear of love;

The world's honor and disgrace are always reincarnated, and hatred and hatred are met once in a thousand years! "

As the poem number fell, Wei Ran, the master of the deep sea who was trapped in the stone seal, appeared and looked down at the Chi King: "Ghost Fang Chiming, do you still remember the master of the deep sea?"

"Chiming will never forget the grace of being recreated by the benefactor." Gui Fang Chiming responded, and then turned the knife: "But I also said that when we left the forbidden area, the first time we met, we had to Fight by force, come in and recruit!"

"As you wish." At this time, the Master of the Deep Sea still had a stone seal on his body, which made it inconvenient to move. He transformed three masked killers with thaumaturgy, and died in the first battle.

Secret life meeting, tricky road battle, red life with martial arts, 2.1 red crown evil spirit slam blade!

After a few tricks, Gui Fang Chiming let out a long laugh: "Hahaha! The benefactor did live up to Chiming's expectations, and it's a one-shot decision! Chifeng is divided!"

One move, the master of a thousand dynasties, the emperor's soul, whose red life is burning wildly, is hidden in the blade, and a thunder starts!

The deep sea master Ningzhao blocked it, and said with appreciation: "You will use the life-changing red energy to the fullest."

"The threshold of the benefactor, Chi Ming can only surpass it. After I clear the matter of the benefactor, it will be our life and death battle!" Gui Fang Chiming is naturally belligerent and arrogant, even if the ruler of the deep sea is kind to him He, too, was unwilling to succumb to it.


Thanks to "asd**", "Master Liu", "Tian Li", "Tian Yue Xing Chen", "Yo, call me Nissan", "Liu Yue", "Fei Fei Brother", "Yao Mo Xie" for flowers, monthly pass , reward. .

Chapter [-] Pushing the Wall [For Flowers]

Red Crown Border Town.

Regarding Guifang Chiming's attitude, the master of the deep sea didn't care, and said sternly: "Then do your best to finish what I told you, I want you to block the demon city's gold barrier!"

"Liu Jin?" Gui Fang Chi Ming pondered, "Is it a rare treasure mine of the Jin Mau Celestial Dynasty?"


"With the power of the benefactor, is it impossible to break through the Liujin line of defense?" Gui Fang Chiming asked in confusion.

"It's not impossible, but I don't want to! Getting close to Liujin will remind me of the fear in the back of my memory. Back then..." The Master of the Deep Sea spoke in a hoarse voice, saying that that year, that night, the life that changed its tone, in The eyes turned into blood red...

Long Jian told Gui Fang Chiming about the past events one by one. If he was suspected by Emperor II, he would be sentenced to be sealed with gold and so on.

When Gui Fang Chiming heard the words, he suddenly realized: "It turns out that the benefactor was the famous Antshang Gu Ming Long Jian! As far as I know, that year, Minister Gu Ming was executed for the crime of rebellion. Even the prince ran away from home without understanding!"

Chiming was poisoned by Sanbei secretly after Long Xiaojian, so he had a better understanding of the major events that happened in the demon city.

Long Jianyi was trapped in the deep-sea forbidden area for 17 years, and the news was closed. He asked, "What about after that?"

"Later the Emperor Kai was assassinated to death by Qian Rongqi's adopted son, Yi Qingqiu. He was sentenced to be sacrificed and became one of the eight people who were sent into the death vortex with me. One of them died after leaving the sea. After death, only seven people were left in the heart of the sea, and Yi Qingqiu was one of the seven yuan's hand, Kui Zhang!" Ghost Fang Chiming recalled.

"It turned out to be so!" Long Jian was shocked when he heard the words. Back then, he was sealed by the blood curse of "Yin Ming Ba Cup", and he was imprisoned under the abyss of the evil sea but he did not die.

However, the betrayal of his close relatives caused Long Jian to be deeply attacked and turned into a bad shape. He was driven by hatred and hated the Emperor II for thousands of years, but he didn't want to know that his brother had already died!

After calming the thoughts in his heart, Long Jian asked, "What will happen to the demon market after the death of Emperor II?"

"After the death of Emperor II, the imperial power of the entire demon city was convicted of being taken away by God! But not long ago, a mysterious force invaded the demon city. The latest news from Di Shou Yumeng, Ming Zai Ao Yin, was sentenced to Shen Jin. , Duke Xian Li has all died in battle, and the specific circumstances are not yet clear."

"Hahaha..." The master of the deep sea smiled sadly: "Brother, ah, brother, you are so wary of me, but you are defeated by outsiders. Is this the result you want?!"

"In any case, the demon market of the Wukai Imperial Family cannot be taken away by outsiders! Chi Ming, I want you to do your best to destroy the place where the gold is produced, and also find a way to destroy the gold barrier around the demon city!" Although he still harbors resentment towards Emperor II, as a descendant of the Kaitian royal family, he will never allow the demon market to fall into the hands of others.

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