Gui Fang Chiming owes Long Jian's love, he is not an ungrateful person, and he will help him: "Di Shouyu Meng has sneaked into the demon city, so I will send him a message with the red-crowned flying bird order, so that the inside and outside can be coordinated. "

"So good!"

Just when Long Jian and Gui Fang Chiming were discussing how to attack the demon city.

Monster Market.

Lin Feng came out of Diyou Tower and returned to the imperial city alone.

When King Jianwu, who was dealing with government affairs, saw Lin Feng coming back, he picked up two documents on the table and threw them to Lin Feng.

"Now that the demon market has been pacified, the reactionary forces have been suppressed and dare not emerge, but the people of the demon market are still hostile to us outsiders, so now we have to carry out the second step plan to win the hearts of the people.

I have already seen the historical legacy of the demon city and the distribution of forces. As long as you can solve these two things, the rest will be easy to handle. "

Lin Feng heard the words and looked at the information in his hand. One was about "Yong Liu Ping Yu" and the other was about "Sin Zone Banned".

Yongliuping Residence was originally a poor place in a demon city. Under the rule of Duke Zhan Li, the wealthy and wealthy demon market was divided into extremes, and they did not communicate with each other. Later, a strange "Qiu Amnesty Disease" began to spread, and Duke Xian Li was originally It's not a good bird. Seeing that the disease is difficult to eradicate, he directly drove all the infected people to the land of Qiu She and left them to fend for themselves.

In addition to preventing the spread of the disease, it can also use the disease to suppress the forbidden sinners outside the Land of Autumn Pardon.

For the selfish Gong Li, this method can kill two birds with one stone.

In order to prevent those suffering from the disease from escaping from the land of Autumn Amnesty, Duke Xian Li has opened the secret technique of the emperor's family, "Dragon Mantra" to isolate Yongliu Pingfu from the demon city.

And these people who were used as waste by Duke Xianli harbored resentment, and they were full of resentment towards the Royal Demon City, and even the entire Demon City.

If the disease in the land of Qiu She can be solved, even if Lin Feng and others are outsiders, I believe they will be able to gain the support of those who have been tormented by illness for a long time.

The criminals are the forces that invaded the demon city a long time ago, and they have always been the main concern of the demon city.

These two things may be difficult for others, but for Lin Feng, it is just a small effort.

Qiu She's disease was just a small problem for Lin Feng, who possessed the power of destruction and regeneration.

And the criminals themselves are not strong, but the "Crystal Origin" is more troublesome, but now the "Crystal Origin" has not been unblocked, the creators of crimes are still sleeping, and only the judges are in charge of the overall situation.

With Lin Feng's strength, it's not too easy to play a disabled referee!

"No problem, I will handle these two matters." After a little analysis, Lin Feng said cheerfully.

Then he left under the resentful eyes of Huai Pomeng and Lin Twelve, leaving the two hard-working babies to continue to deal with tedious government affairs with Sister Wang.

After turning into light and falling, Lin Feng arrived at the trembling side wall in no time.

In front of him, a high wall built by stacking bones and skulls of countless people, using a different curse to suppress grievances, so that the resentful souls who cannot survive will support the wall forever.


"Sundial Dragon Mantra" is evil and evil, and it is a secret technique passed down by Long's family.

Performing this technique requires a powerful spell to seal the wronged soul, stacking corpses into a wall, and after releasing the gas formed by countless years, it rushes out of the ground to meet the air, and the mutation condenses into a trembling side wall.

The green energy generated on the skeleton wall is constantly replenished, and the side wall on the ground will repair itself if it is damaged.

And it can absorb attacking energy. Ordinary force is used for this. It is just that the mud cow goes into the sea, which increases the power of the side wall. If it is an ordinary person, it is very troublesome for even a super innate expert to break the wall.

However, for Lin Feng, it was a trivial matter. It was useless to even use a little strength. He directly used the decomposition ability of the system to decompose all the bones in the trembling side wall.

It is no coincidence.

Just when Lin Feng dismantled the trembling side wall, preparing to eradicate the forbidden sinners and liberate the land of Qiu She.

In a miserable situation, the wall of repentance also welcomed a sinner.

This person is the Buddha of Heaven. Lou Zhi Wei Tuo.

The reason why he came here was because Emperor Yuanxie had already solved the red tide in the bardo realm, and after he had no worries, the Buddha of Heaven came to accuse him of his sins and prepared to release the thousands of resentful spirits who had died in vain in the wall.


Thanks to "Xiao Qiu", "You Said I'm Your Primary English", "One Page Book", "Tian Shengguang" and other book friends for their flowers and monthly tickets. .

Chapter [-] Follow Great Wisdom

In order to kill the calendar, kill and create karma;

The wall of repentance, the Buddha confesses sins.

Black Nineteen met his biological mother "Shui Yanrou" at the Wall of Repentance a few days ago. After getting along for a while, in order to save the soul in the Wall of Repentance, Black Nineteen returned to the magic city and asked the Buddha of Heaven to unravel it. Spells on the Wall of Penance.

The Buddha of Heaven owes it to him, but he refuses because he is worried that the Red Tide will be miserable and miserable.

Regarding the Black Nineteen, if the Demon Emperor Zhi Xin was not in front of the Buddha of Heaven, I am afraid that the Buddha of Heaven, who was sealed with his power, would be slashed by the Black Nineteen!

Later, under the coordination of Emperor Yuanxie, the two sides calmed down for a while.

In the first generation of the Holy Demon War, after the death of the demon emperor Zhi Xin, some souls were possessed by the red tide, so they had a certain ability to control the red tide.

In order to compensate for the black nineteen, after the Demon Emperor and Yuan Xie Huang discussed, they used the ability to control the red tide to gather all the red tides outside the wall of repentance, and the Yuan Xie Emperor killed them all with divine flame.

Without the concern of the raging red tide, the Buddha of the sky has no reason to continue to bind the resentful spirits.

In the Demon Emperor, the two black nineteen accompanied them to the Wall of Repentance.

"The common people are above, my building to Wei Tuo bears the name of the Buddha of the sky, and bears the karma of thousands of sins to practice, and now I repent with this body. The grievances of the sin wall are all because of my creation, and I should accept my blood and my law. I hope that all the wronged souls free from eternal misery."

The Buddha of Heaven said a word, cut his finger, and a drop of the Buddha's blood dripped into the wall of sin.

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