"Golden Dome Buddha Lamp!"

The appearance of missing a boat and crossing the treasure is solemn, the appearance of the Tathagata emerges outside the body, and the mighty Buddha's essence is condensed and indestructible.


Quezhou Yifandu did not fight back, but the bell sounded faster and faster.

The unconscious Tianzhi Buddha was the first to have his memory cleared by "No Self Sanskrit" because of his anti-lock body. His mind was in chaos, and he said unconsciously in his mouth: "Follow the great wisdom, save the world and be compassionate."

Chapter [-]: The Gate of the Earth, the Demon Buddha


The bells kept ringing, the Sanskrit sound bursts, and the range of the crime wall was affected. However, because the red tide was raging at the time, the place was deserted, so not many people were saved.

Quezhou looked at the injured Black Nineteen and the Demon Emperor Zhixin: "Stop this battle and give up the unnecessary resistance!"

Demon King Zhi Xin Mojian was stationed, and the injured body stood still, supporting the black nineteen next to him: "The devil is a symbol of perseverance. Letting go is never the choice of the devil."

"When the bell rings next time, you will have no choice." Quezhou Yifandu's face was indifferent, and the victory was in his hands.

"Damn!" Black Nineteen gritted his teeth and wanted to fight back, but his scarred body was unable to continue.


At the juncture of crisis, a strange formation protruded, and a strange blue formation appeared in the void. Thousands of Yin spirits flew out of the formation, roaring towards Quzhou Yifandu.

Duan Junheng came under the cover of Yin Ling to the Demon Emperor Zhi Xin and Hei Nineteen, grabbed their shoulders and said, "Two unfilial sons will cause me trouble, leave quickly."

After the words fell, Duan Junheng took the Demon Emperor and Nineteen to quickly leave.

"Great Brahma Sacred Palm!"

Quezhou Yifandu folded his hands together, and the Buddha's light radiated all over his body, turning into countless swastika Buddha seals, and a single blow purifies thousands of Yin spirits into nothingness.

843 watched Duan Junheng take the Demon Emperor Zhixin and Hei Nineteen to leave, Quzhou Yifandu did not show disappointment, hugged the unconscious Buddha Huaguang in one hand and left.


The endless waves are turbulent, like a boundless sea of ​​bitterness. On the edge of the coast, a towering giant tower stands in the sky, the golden light is bright, and the Buddha is magnificent.

The surroundings were peaceful, and suddenly a light group flew in at a high speed, flying in from the top of the tower.

As soon as he landed, Quezhou Yifandu placed the Buddha of the sky on the pavement, and then completed the final baptism with "No-self Sanskrit".

After completely rewriting the memory of the Buddha, Quzhou Yifandu untied the restrictions on the Buddha, and healed all the injuries on the Buddha with the "Rebirth Technique".

"Where is this?"

After a while, the Buddha of the sky woke up faintly, with a blank look in his eyes. His or her memory lost the battle of the Buddhist calendar a thousand years ago, and the memories of nearly a thousand years were sealed in the depths of his memory, as if he or she had returned to his youth. , but his Buddhist studies and cultivation have not changed.

"This is the door to the ground." Quezhou Yifandu sat on the table, picked up the teapot and poured two cups of tea, waved and invited: "Sit down and have a cup!"


With a soft moan, the Heavenly Buddha got up from the pavilion and sat across from Quzhou Yifandu. He asked with a little doubt, "Who are you?"

"You can call me great wisdom, or Quzhou Yifandu." Quzhou Yifandu said, handing the teacup to the Buddha in the sky.

"Great Wisdom? Dharma Name?" The Buddha of Heaven looked at the reflection in the teacup with a hint of doubt, as if recalling and thinking deeply.

Quezhou Yifandu shook his head slightly: "Yes, no!"

"Without a boat and a sail, who can I cross?" The Buddha of Heaven asked again.

"Let's ascend to the other shore with broad compassion, and all Buddhas' light will purify sins." Quzhou Yifandu responded indifferently.

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the Buddha of Heaven: "Do you think you can represent the light?"

"In other words, the light represents me." Quzhou Yifandu looked extremely confident, and then looked at the Buddha in the sky: "You seem to be very calm about the matter of losing your memory."

"Peace and tranquility, this feeling is very good!" The Buddha of the sky responded after hearing the words, and immediately picked up the teacup and took a light sip.

Quezhou Yifandu smiled and said, "Do you think this is what you want?"

"How to judge, this is not what I want? I have no memory, and I have no chance to compare." The Buddha of the sky looked calm and calm when he came.

Quezhou Yifandu asked, "If you have revenge but you have not avenged, you have hatred that is hard to clear, if you have grace but you still owe it, if you have love but you haven't paid it back, and if you have regrets, it doesn't matter to you?"

The Buddha of Heaven put down the teacup: "Love and hatred are attachments, favors and hatreds are hatred, and everything is put down, in order to realize Bodhi."

"You are neither male nor female, have you ever wondered?" Quezhou Yifandu said, picking up the teapot and saying a cup for the Buddha of Heaven.

The Buddha of Heaven said indifferently: "It's only the appearance of the skin, why worry about it."

Quezhou Yifandu nodded, got up and said: (baba) "Very good, Buddhist friends may wish to build a Buddhist kingdom with me and save all sentient beings."

"The wish to save the world, from the building to Wei Tuo, do my part."

Although the memory of the Buddha of Heaven is lost, his original intention is still there to save all sentient beings, and his will remains unchanged.


Golden Lion Wall Kiln.

After solving the red tide, the Yuanxie Emperor separated from the Demon Emperor and others, and came to the ancient Golden Lion Wall Kiln alone.

Emperor Yuanxie had no interest in the death penalty of Buwu Donghuang and Qi Taizu. He came here because he felt that Wangchenyuan's actions were too slow, so he personally came to help the demon Buddha Bo Xun get out of trouble.

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