The Demon Buddha Bo Xun is the master of the Desire Realm, with three heads and six arms in appearance.

The evil body. Yan Da is the sinful incarnation of Bo Xun, the symbol of power, and the most powerful person in the three bodies. His nature is full of the consciousness of killing and destruction. When encountering gods, he kills gods and when he encounters Buddhas. thing.

Zeng indulged in the singing of famous singers and did not think about making progress. He was different from the other two females, Ya and Mida, which led to the decline of the Bo Xun trio's performance.

In addition to the conspiracy of ghosts and hidden conspiracies, they finally returned with a big defeat.

Wisdom-Mida is the intellectual phase of Bo Xun, representing wisdom Opponent's inner details.

The female body-Nuya is the female form of Bo Xun, which represents the symbol of strength, and is also the most extreme personality among the three demons.

The three bodies share a spirit and Buddha mind, and they maintain the consciousness of the three people, which can be combined or transformed separately. The body, mind, and soul are immortal and immortal. Their beliefs are even more heretical among Buddhas. The purpose is to eradicate the Buddhism and Dharma in the world. With endless killings and wars.

Emperor Yuanxie is not afraid of chaos, and has absolute confidence in himself.

"Let this emperor see the ability of the Demon Buddha!"

Yuanxie Huang said coldly, and then a palm directly penetrated the golden lion wall kiln, destroying the mountain collapsing cloud with unparalleled energy, and shattering the space connecting the Xingyun River.


The space was shattered, causing the heaven and earth to change, and the strange and domineering aura permeated from the void. I saw the space cracked inch by inch, and then there was a loud bang, and a figure that had been away from the world for a long time was seen, carrying the ultimate power of destruction that cannot be tolerated in the world. The sky is coming.

"The end of the law destroys the way of heaven, and Bo Xun kills the Tathagata."

The body of a demon Buddha that is as high as a thousand feet, with the mourning of the heavens and the earth, brings the sorrow of destruction to the common people.

The demon Buddha broke the seal, the heaven and the earth moved, and three pairs of cold eyes locked on Yuanxie Huang: "The devil, surrender to the world ruled by the demon Buddha, I will give you the supreme glory."


With a chuckle, Emperor Yuanxie showed a disdainful attitude, flew thousands of feet, stood in the sky, looked down at the Demon Buddha, and said indifferently: "The Demon Buddha, but you!".

The twenty-fourth burst wave

The Demon Buddha Bo Xun is a trio of Yan Da, Mida, and Nuya. Not only does he have the power to destroy the world, but his body, mind, and soul are immortal.

At the beginning of the Bo Xun, the Demon Buddha slaughtered [-] sects in the world in order to expand the belief in the world of desire. At that time, countless people lost their lives. Later, he promoted the elite plan to capture [-] boys born in May for transformation. His consciousness makes the virgins kill their relatives and become the top cold-blooded killer in the world of desires!

If Patriarch Huanyue hadn’t used the “Bodhi Bow” to shoot the mind of the Spiritual Buddha, the right path would be difficult to win, but even so, the Bodhi Realm would not be able to destroy the Spiritual Buddha’s mind. Although the Demonic Buddha temporarily failed, the people of the Desire Realm still actively seek to bring back the Demonic Buddha~ Methods.

Finally, in the period of Fengling Island in Perak, the Desire Realm prepared all the elements, and finally made the demon-Buddha reappear in the world.

However, Bo Xun, who has been integrated, is still afraid of the threat of the "Bodhi Bow", and usually does not maintain the integrated state.

After the Bodhisattva returned, the Bodhi Realm was the first to be destroyed, and the "Bodhi Bow", which once shot the spirit of the Buddha, was listed as a must-destroy target by the Bodhisattva.

The forces of the Desire Realm have swept across China, and Su Huanzhen and others are not frontal enemies, but the seemingly invincible Bo Xun has many hidden dangers.

Gui Yin took the Bodhi bow and used it to negotiate terms with the Desire Realm. For the sake of future plans, Yan Da agreed to exchange the Bodhi bow with Tian Lai Stone, but in fact he wanted to attract Gui Yin and wanted to kill and destroy things directly.

The two sides were about to meet on the sky wall, but unexpectedly this was a ghost-hidden strategy. Yi Ying Shu and others appeared, trapped in the three-body battle of the Demon Buddha. , the magic power is coming again.

At this time, Guiyin used "Pinching the Heart" to contain the Demon Buddha, and Yi Ying Shu and the others immediately hit Bo Xun with an absolute strike. The time had come, the "Bodhi Bow" on the peak was pulled open by Overlord Heng Qian Qiu, and a ray of light shot out into the sky. , sucking Bo Xun into the Nebula River in the unknown space.

Since then, the Demon Buddha Bo Xun has been sealed with the Nebula Hanoi, and the Desire Realm Base has also been captured, and the disaster of the Demon Buddha has come to an end.

Today, Emperor Yuanxie does not consider what consequences this will bring to the martial arts if the demon Buddha, which Buddhism regards as taboo, once again steps into a miserable situation.

Now that the Battle of the Holy Demons has just ended, all forces are paying great attention to the Demon City and Tiandu. However, Emperor Yuanxie felt that it was necessary to cultivate the Demon City and Tiandu. It was only then that he decided to release Mofo Bo Xun as the first bird.

However, Demon Buddha Bo Xun is obviously not a kind person, nor is he a person who will repay kindness.

Although trapped in the Xingyun River, Bo Xun of the Demon Buddha still has a certain understanding of the outside world through the spiritual communication of the people of the Desire Realm, and knows some things about Emperor Yuanxie. After being rescued by Emperor Yuanxie, instead of being grateful, he wants to It was taken as a subordinate and expanded the desire world.

For the invitation of the Demon Buddha, Emperor Yuanxie naturally dismissed it. Although Boxun of the Demon Buddha was a near-sacred cultivation base, it was still not enough to see in front of Emperor Yuanxie.

Emperor Yuanxie stepped on the void, looked down at the stalwart Demon Buddha, who was thousands of feet tall, and said contemptuously, "The Demon Buddha is nothing but err."

"Well, if you don't want to surrender, then just die, Nebula Jin!"

Seeing the Emperor Yuanxie's rejection, the demon Buddha Bo Xun turned his face and didn't recognize anyone. The vast demon power caused the world to change color, and the six arms, about several hundred feet long, danced, overwhelming the heaven and the earth. The force, like a black torrent swept away towards the Yuanxie Emperor.

"Repaying kindness and revenge is worthy of being a villain, but unfortunately you chose the wrong opponent." Emperor Yuanxie was calm, standing still, allowing Nebula to attack.

I saw that the black energy that covered the sky and the sun rushed towards the Yuanxie Emperor in mid-air.

Emperor Yuanxie looked very insignificant in front of this black energy, but the mighty energy wave was blocked by the invisible air cover three feet away from Emperor Yuanxie, unable to hurt Emperor Yuanxie in the slightest.

"How could there be such a strong body shield!" Mofo Bo Xun's six eyes stared at the boss, looking at Yuan Xie Huang who took over the "Nebula Jin" unscathed, as if in disbelief.

Over the years, Demon Buddha Bo Xun has been cultivating in the Xingyun River. Compared with the Fengling Island period, it has become a few chips stronger. It has broken through the bottleneck of super innate and entered the ranks of near-god level. met a formidable opponent.

"You also try this emperor's trick, Tianji Maha!"

Emperor Yuanxie said indifferently, his blood-red eyes suddenly expanded, and the wind and clouds surging in an instant, the galaxy airflow absorbed by "Reverse Demon Origin" and the force of the wind and clouds counterattacked, like a horizontal black tornado, with a piercing sound. The sound of hissing crashed on the body of the huge Demon Buddha.


The huge body of Demon Buddha Bo Xun was knocked hundreds of miles away, crushing countless leylines and smashing several mountains before it stopped.

"The golden body of the Demon Buddha is really hard enough. It seems that it is more than enough to be a meat shield." Emperor Yuanxie nodded with satisfaction. He only used [-]% of his strength, but even so, the ordinary warrior with super-innate cultivation was hit by a blow. It is not dead or disabled, but the Demon Buddha was only slightly injured, which shows that its defense is indeed commendable.

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According to Yuan Xie Huang's estimation, the body of Demon Buddha Bo Xun is close to the level of god. If he wants to completely destroy it, he must use at least [-]% of his strength without using special means.

"Crazy Demon Roaring Sky~ Roar~"

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