They don't understand what's going on, they only know that the shadow of death has enveloped them, and they just want to escape as far as possible.

"Demon World Buddha" stormed into the night sky under the influence of Emperor Yuanxie, the top penetrated into the clouds, breaking the space barrier, like a beast swept through the realm, looking out for the wind, and when it was submerged in time and space, it was shaken by the sky and the earth. One of the sets was slowly pulled down!

The dark clouds in the sky were surging, and I was shocked to see the huge land, slowly falling from the sky.

"The sky is falling, run!"

"Buddha, help!"

"It's over, it's over, this time it's dead!"


Seeing this, the survivors who were still alive around the "Demon World Buddha Temple" were heartbroken. They only felt that the danger of death was approaching, or cursed, or were desperate and helpless. Some people just closed their eyes and waited for death. . .

And in the "Demon World Buddha Temple", the face of Rong Meiyan, a woman who loves disasters, showed a smile: "This is the beauty of the evil spirits' prosperous world. See you!"

above the set.

Affected by the "Demon World Buddha", the misery and the gathering space began to mutate and connect, the sky shook, the ground of the gathering ground began to fall apart, and many people in the gathering ground fell from the cracks in the ground, making shrill screams.

Inside the Jijing Pojun Mansion, a man is domineering and independent, with long golden hair tied into a ponytail, with big wavy curly hair on the forehead, and a small curly hair bundle on the ponytail, wearing a black European-style robe and leather jacket with a red triangle collar and a leather jacket. White military-style button-down long coat, trousers and military boots, especially with golden shoulder armor and cape, with a long saber around the waist, reflects the style of a militaristic leader everywhere.

This person is the leader of the Jijingpo Military Mansion, the eye-wielding military superintendent - Ye Shibingquan!

Ye Shibingquan is an extreme militarist, with the breath and style of a soldier, with the purpose of strengthening the army and enriching the country, trying to set off a cross-border battle between the two countries.

Feeling the gradual fusion of the land and the misery, Ye Shibingquan's eyes showed a gleam of light, he pressed the "Brilliant" saber, and said solemnly: "It's finally time to wait!"

Ye Shibingquan turned around gracefully, lifted the beaded curtain vigorously, a stalwart figure, a resolute face, and an unknowable deep cold in his sharp eyes.


I saw Ye Shi Bingquan slowly raised his palm, angered by Qianchuan, and the turbulent land began to gradually calm down.

"The Supreme Ceremony of the One-Day Martial Art, the Secret Art of Mystery! Drink!"

Ye Shibingquan shouted loudly, and an irresistible surging palm force emanated from the Po Jun Mansion. As strong as he could, he actually pushed the ground to deviate from the original track, and Po Kong slowly descended into a miserable situation.

The palm force that pierced the sky turned into four rays of light, and went straight to the four ends of the assembly area, like four giant nails firmly nailed to the assembly area, the earth overlapped, the mountains and rivers recovered, and the assembly area was not destroyed.

However, the fractured Continent Continent fell like a meteorite, and the wrath of the sky slammed into the land of misery out of the mountains and rivers!

Many people in misery were crushed into flesh by the flying boulders, which was extremely miserable. Finally, they landed on the desolate veins of the misery.

Chapter [-] Six meetings together [for flowers]

Inside the Demon World Buddha.

"The three realms of suffering, destruction, and gathering are unified. Next, as long as the Taoist realm is integrated, then a world where the four realms are unified, the six realms are unbounded, and the coexistence of human beings, demons, and demons can be established!" Seeing the land of the gathering realm fall, Rong, the girl of love and disaster, said softly. chant.

Yuan Xie Huang did not continue, but withdrew the demon essence, and the "Monster World Buddha" also calmed down.

Rong, the girl who loves disaster, wondered: "Why stop?"

"The three realms can be merged. The Dao realm was once captured by the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor. I don't know if there is any backhand in the Dao realm. If the Dao realm is merged again, it will be a disaster rather than a blessing!" Yuanxie Huang shook his head slightly.

Although Emperor Yuanxie is now a god-level powerhouse, he is still afraid of an ancient god of creation like Abandoning Heaven.

"Abandon God!"

The calamity-loving girl Rong heard the words and fell silent, a great god of this level really can't be offended, can't be offended!

"Let's ignore the Emperor Abandoned Heaven. Although he is powerful, he is affected by the power of the law. Without a carrier, he cannot be in the lower realm, and even the lower realm cannot fully exert his strength." Emperor Yuanxie adjusted his breath a little. Strength also has an impact on him. Although he has a 15th-level cultivation base, he cannot fully exert it.

First, it is limited by law.

Second, the aura of suffering is not enough to sustain consumption.

This is also one of the reasons why the masters of misery are strong in the early stage and weak in the later stage.

Except for a small number of masters in hardships who can level up in battle, most of them are getting weaker and weaker because they can't make ends meet.

When I first joined the WTO, the villains and the decent have accumulated a lot of spiritual energy (foundation), so it seems that the newcomers are all bullshit.

But after playing a few games, the spiritual energy in these people will be consumed by seven to eighty-eight. In addition to possessing special power, it is difficult for ordinary people to recover, so there is a saying that it is "exceptional".

Just like a page of books, it seems to be constantly being upgraded, but in fact, the foundation has been consumed all the time. The powerhouses who were originally close to the gods, and even the bosses in the early stage of the innate are laborious!

When he abandoned the Heavenly Emperor's lower realm, he also obtained an endless stream of divine power from the deity of the six-day realm. Otherwise, he would not be able to support it only with the spiritual energy of the miserable realm!

For example, the god of death, the god of death is a true god-level powerhouse. He was originally a few existences who could enter the realm of the six heavens, but he was trapped by love and was eventually consumed by life and death, which is evident.

To put it simply, if the spiritual energy is compared to water, then the realm of six heavens is a vast ocean, and the realm of misery is a small lake.

If you compare the deity of Emperor Abandoned Heaven to a dragon in the sea, then entering the lake in the misery is the Longyou Shoal. Although the lake can be turned upside down, because there is too little water (aura) in the lake, it will rest if there are not many waves. vegetable.

The warriors in distress are likened to fish. Because of environmental restrictions, their body size cannot grow too large, and they are close to gods if they die. From ancient times to the present, people in distress can break through environmental restrictions, and there are very few people who ascend!

Emperor Yuanxie didn't have any worries in this regard. He had the "Mysterious Illusion System", and he could exchange medicine pills, spirit stones, and even immortal stones and divine stones for supplementary consumption at any time.

Under the pressure of the gathering, the number of casualties is unknown, but fortunately, there are so few people in the miserable situation, otherwise the casualties will be incalculable.

Looking around, Jijing is also a huge floating island.

The four realms of suffering, collection, extinction, and Dao are the largest, and the other three realms are relatively much smaller, and the three realms combined are less than one-tenth of the suffering realm.

 The love-calamity girl Rong didn't think about it deeply, and after thinking for a moment, she said: "The palm strength in the gathering area is extremely extraordinary, and it can support the entire gathering area. It seems that the gathering area is not without strong people. The ability does not seem to be a force of resistance, but from the beginning to the end, it did not stop the "Yao World Buddha" from pulling down the assembly area, and let the assembly area fall, I am afraid there are ulterior motives."

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