"Ha!" Emperor Yuanxie chuckled: "Whether it is intentional or unintentional, the conflict of interests, sooner or later, a dazzling war will break out in the two realms of Kuji, just watch the fire from the other side."

Rong Xiao, the woman who loves disasters, asked: "If the two countries cooperate with each other, wouldn't this move shoot themselves in the foot?"

"The emperor doesn't care if it's an enemy or a friend." Emperor Yuanxie said confidently, the gathering place could make Emperor Yuanxie fancy, and it was Ye Shibingquan and Xiang Duxiu who pulled the gathering place into the water, but only made the situation worse. Just a little confusing!

The love-calamity girl Rong twisted the orchid in her hand, the long golden finger guards ran across her lips, and said with a sweet smile: "Should I say that you are confident or conceited?"

"What do you think?" Emperor Yuanxie said casually.

"Hehehe..." Rong, the woman who loves disaster, laughed softly, and then said, "I heard that the Demon Emperor returned from an injury a few days ago.

"You don't need to pay attention to the lack of a boat. This is the 'Nine-Turn Golden Elixir', which can help you break through your existing realm." The Emperor Yuanxie took out the "Nine-Road Golden Elixir" he had exchanged and handed it over to Nu Rong.

After the death of Tianchi Jiye, the love calamity girl Rong absorbed all the "power of the mysterious woman", and her strength was close to the late stage of the supernatural. As long as you take the "Jizhuan Jindan", it won't take long to break through to the late stage. If it is completely absorbed , it is not difficult to enter the god level (Taiyi Jinxian).

Rong, the girl who loves misfortune, took over the "Jizhuan Jindan" with a smile on her face: "Is this what Lin Feng meant, or is it yours?"

"This emperor and he are one, is there any difference?" After saying that, Emperor Yuanxie glanced at the still-unsettled Jijing: "The Jijing has been connected, and the next target is the Black Sea Prison."



The Enclave is located above the Dilemma, and the land is extremely barren, so the Enclave deliberately wants to invade the Dilemma.

As early as when Emperor Wu unified the assembly area, a complete centralized system was set up, and the entire assembly area was divided into one emperor, three palaces, six halls, and eighteen floors.

However, Emperor Wu was betrayed by the three palaces, resulting in a group of dragons without a leader. Until Deng Die Xiu Wannian incarnated into Hua Yingren unified set 007, Fang established the Eighteenth Floor Alliance to aggressively invade the misery, and wiped out the first hall of the Demon Domain.

Later, Emperor Wu's half-foot sword self-absorbed the stone to reunite the group again. Although it maintains a friendly relationship with the one-page book on the surface, it secretly colluded with the Ghost Emperor and the Ten Thousand Demons, waiting for an opportunity to deal with the one-page book, Su Huanzhen , and eventually died in the one-page book "Dragon Roar", and there has been no news since then.

Later, Ye Shibingquan supported the unification of the Holy Emperor, and established a governing body of "Three Instruments, Three Divisions, and Twelve Temples", with the Holy Emperor as the supreme leader, but Ye Shibingquan was the actual ruler who monitored everything in the collection. By.

Since Jijing is in a difficult situation, at this time, in the Ziwei Palace, the center of Jijing's power, six meetings are being held, and the six top leaders of Jijing are gathered together, and an important dialogue is about to begin.

The Holy Emperor is the highest leader on the stage of the assembly. With the help of the military superintendent, his subordinate forces defeated the King Cangzong and unified the assembly. He sat in the Ziwei Palace and adopted a six-department decision-making method for internal affairs. to maintain the balance of power.

Although it has jurisdiction over the Po Junfu, Taiyin Division and the Three Courts, the Holy Emperor is intimidated by the military governor's military power and military power, so his position is biased towards the Po Junfu, and he adopts the advice of the military governor in everything, which is intriguing.

Looking at several important officials of Ye Shi's military power below, the Holy Emperor said solemnly: "Today, I have called you to hold a six-conference meeting to discuss the matter of the unity of the two realms of annihilation and suffering. What do you think?".

Chapter [-] Sword Flower. Fragrant Duxiu [Three Updates]

Gathering Lagerstroemia Palace.

Saint Emperor, Immortal Palace Wangye, the six meetings of the Daohou Slaughter, the Jun-Yan Military Supervisor, the Taijunzhi, and the Lvbingjian met together to discuss the issue of the two realms of suffering.

Xiandian Wangye is the chief priest of the Taiyin Division. He is calm and calm, with the character of a leader, his appearance is full of bearing and demeanor, and his speech is also more dignified and powerful.

Hearing the words of the Holy Emperor, Wang Yeyan, a conservative Xiandian, said: "Jijing experienced the last war, and finally calmed down. Now that the two realms of bitter assembly are united, it is not a good thing for my Jijing, in my opinion. Come on, now it's important to split the two borders."

"Well, what Wangye Si Huan said is reasonable. For Jijing, the most important thing is to separate from the misery and find a way to restore Jijing." The Holy Emperor used to be a veteran of the battlefield, but he became a The Queen of Jijing has a conservative personality and has no intention of starting another war with the outside world. She just wants to be the king of peace.

Immortal Palace Wang Ye nodded and said: "In this case, then work according to the idea of ​​​​the Holy Emperor, and give priority to finding a way to restore the assembly."

The Daoist Murderer on the side stood up at this time: "I believe that restoring the gathering area is not the current priority."

The Marquis Killing Dao is the head of the Tianfu Courtyard, and has jurisdiction over three towers, Longchi, Fengge, and eight four halls. He has a gloomy and cunning personality, clever tactics, and his joy and anger are indistinguishable. "Cunning Fox", and the eagle eye are both hawks.

Hearing the words, the Holy Emperor wondered: "The opinion of the Tianfu Court Master?"

"For many years, the resources of the environment have been lacking, the people's livelihood has been withered, and the people are not rich. Back then, when Emperor Wu raised the army, it was for his own desires and for the situation! Now the two realms of misery are united, and the sea and sky are now in front of us, which is the best situation. ." The Dao Slaughter Hou talked eloquently, with an inexplicable splendor in his eyes.

The Holy Emperor frowned and said solemnly: "The intention of the Tianfu Court Master is to consider attacking the plight!"

"There is a lack of resources, business can go back and forth, and it can be shared peacefully, why do you need to lightly challenge the war?" Immortal Palace Wangye did not want the gathering to be dragged into the war, and actively opposed it.

"Humph!" The Dao Killer snorted coldly: "The strong eat the weak is an unchanging rule of the ancients, and the emperor Wu Yin Jian is not far away from the tigers and wolves in the plight. The bitter battle in those days caused the disaster of the army to burn for decades until the Holy Emperor. Appeared and the military supervisor assisted Fang to wipe out the wolf smoke, the integration of the two realms at this time is a heaven-sent opportunity for the expansion of the assembly.”.”

"Invasion is not the right way, peace is the blessing of the gathering." The Holy Emperor said righteously.

Listening to the words of the Holy Emperor, the Commander of the Eyes showed a look of disdain. At the beginning, the Holy Emperor was considered a stalwart, but unfortunately now he has been corrupted by power and does not want to make progress. After all, the so-called peace is just a joke.

"The meaning of the Holy Emperor, you don't intend to get involved in the misery?" Dao Slaughter heard the meaning of the Holy Emperor, and a trace of dissatisfaction rose in his heart.

The Holy Emperor did not notice the difference between the Commander of the Eyes and the Marquis Killing Dao, and still insisted on his own opinion: "Although the gathering area is poor, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and there is no need to plunder to obtain materials."

The Marquis of Dao Killing said: "If God does not take it, he will be to blame!"

"Achieving peace is the most correct way." The Holy Emperor was also displeased, his words became colder, he thought for a moment, and asked Taijunzhi, "What do you think of the Master of Tianji?"

"The misery is not a good place, and if you start a war rashly, you may lose more than you gain. This minister thinks that it is important to restore the gathering place, but before that, you must destroy the "Monster World Buddha", otherwise, even if the gathering place is restored, you will be dragged into the misery again. ."

Taijunzhi is the master of Tianjiyuan in the third courtyard of Jijing. He is proficient in yin and yang and five elements, with a majestic and luxurious appearance, a resolute and just character, careful thinking, and a wealth of political skills. He rules Qingyang, top, Wuqu and Wenhua four. The temple is responsible for the vigilance and security of the interior. He has always been on good terms with the Taiyin Division. His personality is quite mild and relatively conservative, and he does not want to fight again.

The Holy Emperor nodded and said, "Well, what the Master of Tianji Academy has said is reasonable. I also think that the assembly environment has undergone great changes. It should be more important to restore the assembly environment, and the "Demon World Buddha" must also be destroyed."

Seeing that the Sage Emperor's heart was completely gone, the military supervisor of the Yanyan said coldly, "Then follow the Sage Emperor's will."

"The commander also agrees with my opinion." When the Holy Emperor heard the words, he thought that the commander-in-chief agreed with him, and his heart was relieved. Although he was the leader of the assembly, he was extremely afraid of the commander-in-chief. .

"Since the Holy Emperor has made a decision, there is no need to say more. My military affairs are at hand, and I will retire." After saying this, the commander of the eye-eyes stepped away on the small high heels, but said in his heart: "A group of useless people who don't want to make progress, What's the use of keeping it?"



In order to destroy the "Demon World Buddha", Tai Junzhi led Zhao Luming and Zhan Longwen to Wuyuan to help Xunxiang Duxiu.

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