Xiang Duxiu is the owner of Wuyuan Garden. Although he is a general of the Tianfu Courtyard, his swordsmanship is extremely skillful.

"A wisp of fresh wind can't blow away worries and worries, and a pool of cold springs can't wash away all the dust. Oh, the water temperature is a little higher now!"

In the hot spring pool in the inner courtyard of Wuyuan, Xiang Duxiu was leisurely soaking in the hot spring.

The maid walked into the hot spring pool in the inner courtyard, bowed to Xiang Duxiu, who was lazy in the pool, and said softly, "Young Master, Taijunzhi, the master of Tianji Academy, is here."

"The Master of Tianji is here, and there must be something important to discuss. Please wait for a while. I will come later." Although Xiang Duxiu said so, but did not mean to get up at all, she closed her eyes and continued to enjoy Spa bath.

"Yes." The maid, who knew Xiang Duxiu's personality very well, turned around and walked out of the inner courtyard. She bowed to Taijunzhi in the hall, Zhao Luming, and Zhanlongwen, saying, "Young Master wants the three of you to wait for a while."

"It's okay." Tai Junzhi smiled, showing no concern, showing his demeanor.

But the first wait was an hour. After drinking five cups of Zhanlongwen tea, he said impatiently, "How long have you been waiting, why hasn't Xiang Duxiu come out yet?"

Looking at the maid, Zhan Longwen said: "Go and urge again."


The maid was tepid, strolled into the inner courtyard, and said softly, "Sir, the Master of Tianji is waiting for you."

"(⊙o⊙) Oh, the hospital master is here, and he must have something important to support. Please wait for a while, and I will come later." Xiang Duxiu seemed to have no memory of such a thing, and repeated the previous words. Once again, he continued to soak in his own hot spring.

This delay was another hour, and Xiang Duxiu, who was soaking in the hot spring, didn't notice it, and whispered with interest: "Enter the room Xu Qingfeng, drink only the bright moon."

"Young Master, it is noon now, and there is no bright moon." The maidservant who served beside corrected.

Xiang Duxiu said casually, "What do you know? Life is easy everywhere!"

In the hall, Zhan Longwen walked back and forth, his face was almost black, and he said to the maid next to him: "It's been two hours! Is he going to come out?"

"Young master is taking a bath. Listening to his tone, it should be very soon!" The maid may have been showing off with Xiang Du (Li Haozhao) for a long time, and developed a personality that is not flattered and humiliated, and did not feel nervous because of the identity of the other party.

"In the bath?" Zhan Longwen said angrily when he heard the words: "When is this all? The assembly area was almost destroyed, and he still has the mind to take a bath. A small palace general actually asked the hospital master to wait for two hours? Really? Yes……"

Taijunzhi had never been in contact with Xiang Duxiu before, but he also knew that he had heard some rumors about Xiang Duxiu. In addition to his gentle personality, he did not get angry because of it, and said calmly: "Zhanlongwen, wait calmly!"

"Yes, the head of the hospital!" Hearing Taijunzhi's words, Zhan Longwen felt angry and had no choice but to sit down, and his evaluation of Xiang Duxiu dropped a bit.

In the hot spring pool, Xiang Duxiu may have had enough soaking, and said to the maid next to her: "Die'er, prepare a fragrant tea for me. Today, I am in a good mood, and I want to play the piano to entertain myself."

The maid reminded: "Master, the Master of Tianji is waiting for you!"

"Master of the Tianji Academy?" Xiang Duxiu seemed completely unimpressed, and slightly blamed: "Why didn't you say it earlier, it's really rude to let the distinguished guests stay for a long time!".

The twenty-eighth floating name is an external object

Jijing, Tianjiyuan.

"Famous names are external things, and they are romantic even without a square inch."

As the Qing Yunshi number sounded, Xiang Duxiu appeared in Tianji Academy.

Not long ago, when Xiang Duxiu leisurely bathed and changed clothes, Tai Junzhi had already left for some reason.

Xiang Duxiu still had a good impression of Taijunzhi, but because of her personality, she did not come out to meet him in time, otherwise, with her rambunctious personality and unreliable memory, she would not have come to Tianjiyuan deliberately at all.

However, at this time, Taijunzhi has not returned to the house, Zhao Luming, who stayed in Tianjiyuan, looked at Xiang Duxiu who came uninvited and smiled, but Zhan Longwen was not interested in Xiang Duxiu, and said sarcastically: "Aiya , isn't this the famous Wuyuan owner Xiang Duxiu, who came to Tianjiyuan, and it really shines, which makes us feel honored."

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Xiang Duxiu didn't seem to hear the implication of Zhanlongwen, and looked at the scenery of Tianjiyuan on her own, confident and calm in a row.

Zhan Longwen was stunned when he saw this, and he didn't know if Xiang Duxiu was really stupid or pretending to be stupid, and continued to sarcastically: "Don't be humble, a small palace general, let the two palace masters and the hospital master wait in vain for a day. , I think that even your immediate superior, the Tianfu Academy Master, is not as arrogant as you are."

Xiang Duxiu is known as the sword flower, and it is even more wonderful among the 453 people. She has extraordinary strength and can be called the number one swordsman in the collection. She once defeated the army of the remnant sect alone, and captured the king of the remnant sect, and was promoted to seventeen levels by exception. .

However, Xiang Duxiu has a loose personality, likes to act spontaneously, and feels good about herself. She doesn't know if she has sinned against many people without knowing it (perhaps she doesn't care). The great commander, lowered to the commander-in-chief of the Pojun Mansion, and then to the hall master and hall general, the speed of promotion and demotion has set a record for the gathering!

Hearing the words of Zhanlongwen, Xiang Duxiu wiped her hair on her forehead and said the mantra: "A false name, everything is just a false name, it's just a floating cloud!"


Zhan Longwen was angry for a while, he wasn't complimenting him, was it because I didn't know what I meant, or the other party was pretending to be crazy, and he said bluntly: "What I mean is, you are so arrogant, you dare not even see the face of the hospital owner. ."

"Hey, what the War Hall Master said is wrong!" Xiang Duxiu swayed her hair in a dashing manner, and said solemnly: "I have never refused to see the Master, but the Master has to leave beforehand, and Xiang Duxiu also feels it. I'm sorry, so I came to say hello."


Looking at the insincere Xiang Duxiu, Zhan Longwen took a deep breath, tried hard to suppress the soaring qi and blood, clenched his fists, and seemed to want to do it directly, but Zhao Lu (bffi) on the side saw this and quickly waved his hand to stop it. , then bowed to Xiang Duxiu and said, "The master of the house went to Wuyuan to borrow your strength to fight the 'Monster Buddha'."

"'Monster World Buddha', is that the demon tower that suddenly appeared?" Xiang Duxiu asked thoughtfully.

"Demon World Buddha Temple" forcibly dragged the assembly area into a miserable state, which almost collapsed the assembly area. Naturally, Xiang Duxiu would not have no feelings, but the commander-in-chief took action to protect the assembly area, so Xiang Duxiu didn't do anything, and continued to take a bath and think. Life.

Zhao Luming didn't know what Xiang Duxiu was thinking, so he nodded and said, "Yes, 'Demon World Buddha' has the ability to destroy the space barrier, which is a disaster rather than a blessing for my group, so I need to rely on your power. ."

Xiang Duxiu smiled confidently when she heard the words, and asked, "Where is the current location of the Demon World Buddha?"

"According to the report of the spies, the 'Demon World Buddha' is now moving to the Black Sea to the southwest. To destroy the 'Demon World Buddha', we still need to..."

Before Zhao Luming finished speaking, Xiang Duxiu waved his hand: "I understand!"

After saying that, Xiang Duxiu's figure flashed, and the person has disappeared in the Tianjiyuan.

Understood?What do you unserstand?I'm not finished yet!

Zhao Luming watched Xiang Duxiu disappear in a blink of an eye, and sighed: "I also want to say, the master of the hospital explained that to destroy the "Demon World Buddha", we must take a long-term plan!"

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