Move forward without being surprised;

The sky is high and the earth is wide, how happy it is to wander freely;

If you want to post a postscript, use liniyu to coke;

Happy to win or lose, even with the sword and the sword;

A glass of wine, drunk for a while, laughing at everything;

Whether it is right or wrong is not Zairji, let go of grievances and grievances under 1.2 Mo Geti;

Love to accompany, righteousness to the end, avoid evil;

Life is just one batch, and Qianshan has gone with the wind and clouds..."

In the quiet and unrestrained singing, the sound of footsteps, the wind whistled and the clouds flowed.

Seeing that the sky is snowing and the ground is snowing, a white-haired woman in a water-blue dress came slowly. This woman is very beautiful, her skin is better than snow, her facial features are exquisite and flawless, giving people a cold and ethereal feeling. It seems chic and happy, showing a generation of heroines.

"The snowman is alone in the evening frost, how many months are the red dust now and ancient times bright?

Smile cold and drink, get used to the new sunshine, Qianshan has passed the wind and clouds. "

The woman in the blue shirt and white clothes suddenly appeared on the battlefield, chanting a poem, and then started using the black sword, and looked coldly at both sides of the battle: "Quick time Qingxue. Ji Wuxia, please fight with the sword!"


Miss Ji Wuxia came out, and the demon moths are coming soon. At that time, they will organize a battle of the emperor T^T.

Chapter [-] Different Ji Wuxia

Monster Market, Autumn Amnesty Remnant Forest.

The snow was white, and when the two armies confronted each other, they encountered Qingxue at a fast time. Ji Wuxia used his sword to fight.

"Well, another master!" The referee heard the words, his expression stunned, and he thought in his heart: "Now that the culprit is not awake, and there are strong people hiding, fighting again is not good for the crime domain, it is better to retreat first and make another plan. ."


The judge made a decisive decision, and with an order, the army of the crime domain began to retreat, and An Liner was injured.

On the top of a tree, Lin Feng folded his hands on his shoulders, looked down at the strong invitation to fight Ji Wuxia, and muttered to himself: "Ji Wuxia has appeared, it seems that the efficiency of 'Devil Soul' is quite high!"

Others don't know Ji Wuxia, but Lin Feng knows it. It can be said that Ji Wuxia is one of Lin Feng's favorite female characters in the Thunderbolt world.

In the original plot, Ji Wuxia is sassy, ​​straightforward and neat, with a snow-like appearance, flawless and glamorous, and has the feeling of a fox demon in mythology.

He walks the martial arts and is righteous, and he is born with infinite divine power. He holds the extremely heavy "Tai Ruo Mountain Sword".

In the end, it was a pity for Lin Feng to sacrifice himself for the peace of 15 martial arts.

To be honest, Lin Feng thinks that Ji Wuxia's sacrifice is not worth it, because suffering is a place with many disasters. Facts have proved that even if there is no magic Buddha, there is no real peace in suffering. In this case, what is the meaning of sacrifice? ?

Of course, this is only Lin Feng's personal opinion. Whether it is worth it or not, only the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom!

But now is not the time to flirt with girls, Lin Feng looked at the evacuated sin field army, and transformed into "Tianyan Zhan Fengyue" in his hand, his figure moved instantly, and he slashed in the air.


With a sword swing, Pang Ran's sword energy roared through the air, and the sword fell in shock, killing the army of tens of thousands of sinners with one sword, and even the ground also drew a huge crack that stretched for dozens of miles, which was shocking!

"Am I letting you go?"

In the smoke of gunpowder, Lin Feng flew down, and he didn't intend to let the other party live.

"You are the master who took the palm earlier?!"

When the referee saw this, he immediately knew that things were difficult to do. The opponent killed one-third of the people in the crime domain with one blow. Such strength has already exceeded his expectations. This is still a vertical slash. If you do a horizontal slash, I am afraid that only a few masters of the crime domain can escape the catastrophe!

"What a domineering swordsmanship, it's up to you to prove my sword, Qiqing Yingxue!"

The white shadow flew, the sword danced, and Ji Wuxia's beautiful eyes lit up, summoning Qiqing Frosthan, pouring all the divine power on the end of the sword, and slammed into the ground suddenly, the incomparable sword qi galloped like a dragon, and went straight to Lin Feng at extreme speed.

Pang Ran's sword qi was slashed down, and a huge explosion pierced his ears, cracking the ground and collapsing clouds.

what's the situation?Isn't Ji Wuxia supposed to be chivalrous and righteous? Why is he so arrogant and domineering?

Seeing the thick sword energy coming through the air, Lin Feng's doubts flashed in his heart, and then he waved his sword to resist.


The majestic force is more than tens of thousands of pounds. Lin Feng resisted with the sword. The ground under his feet was instantly stressed, and there were countless cracks. The force of the shock caused the rock to pierce through the air. stand.

After the shock, I saw a huge cross canyon next to the huge handprint in the Qiushe Remnant Forest.

The referee wants to cry but has no tears, he is provoking whoever provokes who, you are more than swords, why are you always attacking the army of sin, do I look easy to bully?

Lin Feng had no interest in paying attention to the referee, and said to Ji Wuxia: "The girl has a strong sword, which is really rare in the world. If you want to prove the sword, why don't you wait until I finish the current matter?!"

Lin Feng said it politely, but in his heart, he felt that the Ji Wuxia in front of him was different from the original plot. His aura seemed to be evil but not evil. .

"That's your business, it has nothing to do with me, Xiqing Zhaoxue!" Ji Wuxia ignored Lin Feng's suggestion, and started the battle with the "Tai Ruoshan Sword" imposingly.


The sword's edge collided, the silver snow flew, Lin Feng's expression was calm, and when he saw "Tianyan Slashing Fengyue" in his hand, the two swords were very heavy, and their auras exchanged, blooming ten thousand gold stars in the dark night.


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