The sword beams scattered, and those who touched it died, and the earth was devastated again, full of holes, and the ground was devastated.

After fighting against each other, Lin Feng became more and more puzzled, Ji Wuxia shouldn't be like this, could it be that the "Demon Soul" Yuan Xie Huang's attack was wrong?!

Or do you need "The Key of Beacon Fire" to slam into the Demon Buddha?

The trajectory of fate is unpredictable. A slight deviation may lead to a completely different ending. Although Lin Feng can draw a scoop according to the gourd, some things always backfire!

Kuai Shi Qing Xue. Ji Wu Xia lost her memory because of Yuan Xie Huang's attack, but she did not become a heroic heroine as in the original plot, but retained the strong and impulsive personality of Nuya. , is completely a violent person.

"Guanghua · Flawless Moon!"

Ji Wuxia rubbed the front with his cold fingers, his eyes were full of victorious energy, and he returned the sword calmly.

"The scroll of the earth. Slash in the air!"

On the other hand, Lin Feng's martial arts are fully restrained, the swirling momentum is like a dragon, and the military armor and martial arts are revived, and the flawless and fast are like the phoenix flying. Qingxue seven styles, the first sharp edge, the wind is moving, the snow is fast and the sword is fast, shouting In the midst of the war, the situation reached its peak.

"Early sunny and melting snow!"

Ji Wuxia snorted, Tai Ruoshan's heavy sword pointed to the sky, and the cold snow swirled.

"Shen Ning is ruined, three-style throwing sword!"

At the moment of the confrontation, Lin Fengna's "Bingjia Wujing. New Words", the formula changes, the three martial arts combine swords, instantly enter the sky, there are many changes in the movement, and "Qingxue Seven Forms" cannot break through the sword The wall burst open.


The sound of the sword is loud, and the sharp wind of the fight reflects a similar martial spirit, dancing with a stream of waterfalls and streams, one is like a dragon walking, the other is full of energy, and the summoning style shows the wonderfulness of kendo.

After several handovers, Ji Wuxia was forced to retreat, the "Tai Ruo Mountain Sword" slashed the ground, stopped his figure, looked at Lin Feng, and lightly opened his red lips: "The strong one, leave your name."

"Lin Feng." Indifferently, Lin Feng took his sword and stood up: "How about we stop here?"

At this time, the referee led the remaining troops to evacuate in embarrassment, and An Liner and others also retreated, so as not to be affected by Chiyu.

For not leaving the referee, Lin Feng has no regrets. For him, the referee and others are small roles, not worth mentioning at all, but the flawless change caught him by surprise.

At this time, I was thinking about whether to wait for the three bodies of the devil and the Buddha to become one, and hit it again with the "beacon fire key" to correct the flawless outlook on life!

"Hmph, there is no winner or loser, why stop." Ji Wuxia's eyes showed a fanatical look, the epee brought the snow all over the sky, and the battle became more and more mad, and his eyes were full of hearty pleasure. .

Chapter [-] Judgment in Gemini War

The crippling forest opened a sword fight, and when Qingxue was cold, the cold front whistled, and he wanted to take the lives of the people in front of him.

If it were an ordinary person, just facing the terrifying wind pressure would be crushed into flesh. Under Ji Wuxia’s sword, the space was also compressed. Lin Feng’s hand turned around, “Heavenly Flame Slashing Fengyue”, and he lifted it up and placed it on the ground. The hilt of the "Tai Ruoshan Sword".


With a loud bang, the four eyes met, one was cold and killed, and the other smiled indifferently.

Lin Feng took a step that Ji Wuxia kicked immediately, bent between his knees, and pressed it down: "You are not my opponent."

"Hmph, arrogant!"

Ji Wuxia snorted coldly, his foot shook, and the sword was deflected, trying to repel Lin Feng, but despite how Ji Wuxia increased his strength, Lin Feng remained motionless.

"how can that be!"

Ji Wuxia was horrified. Since she woke up, she has challenged all kinds of masters all the way, and she has never been defeated, especially in terms of strength. Although she is a woman, although she is invincible with divine power, this is the first time she has encountered a power that can suppress her. people.

Lin Feng responded indifferently, Ji Wuxia's divine power is indeed no trivial matter, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the power can pull mountains, but after cultivating "Nine Turns Mysterious Art", Lin Feng's physical strength has also been strengthened a lot, and Lin Fenggen is basically in the On top of Ji Wuxia, being able to suppress Ji Wuxia is also a matter of course.

Ji Wuxia, who had been fighting for a long time, was startled that his opponent had hidden strength and strength, and immediately shook his sword, flew away, and at the same time accumulated strength, ready to strike to determine the outcome.

"Quick Snow and Clear Time!"

"Tai Ruoshan Sword" flew away from his hand, and Ji Wuxia instantly transformed into four avatars, each of which ran the sword art, and the performance was complete, and the blood-red sword light burst out from the flying snow.

"Slashing Martial Arts, Protecting the World!"

In Lin Feng's hand, the sword "Tianyan Zhan Fengyue" was in front of him, and "Zhan Wu Dao" came out to protect the world.


The sword qi swayed, Lin Feng's "black unicorn shirt" fluttered in the wind, the sharp sword qi traversed the void, but could not break through Lin Feng's three-foot range. Without moving, Ji Wuxia's figure turned sharply, and the "Tai Ruoshan Sword" Ling Ran attacked violently, breaking through thousands of mountains in one style.

Lin Fengjian condensed three feet of profound thunder, and the wind and fire ignited the prairie. In an instant, the snow was agitated, and the thunder was gone. The remnant forest was like a catastrophe.

The sword light was opposite, Ji Wuxia's divine power was finally defeated by Lin Feng's Hunjin, the "Tai Ruoshan Sword" in his hand collapsed and flew, and Lin Feng took advantage of the situation and slapped his face.

Ji Wuxia was extremely frustrated. At this time, his righteousness was empty, and he retreated one after another due to the force of the counter-shock.

However, when Lin Feng was about to hit Ji Wuxia, his palm slanted, and he was imitated on Ji Wuxia's face, and then his figure flashed. "Girl, you're not seriously injured, why don't you go back to my humble house with me and have sex... uh, heal your wounds~~!"

"Dengzizi, get out."

Ji Wuxia pushed Lin Feng away, pulled out the "Tai Ruo Mountain Sword" inserted on the ground, felt the residual warmth on his cheeks, his face turned slightly red, pointed at Lin Feng with his sword and said angrily: "Lin Feng, I remember you. , I will recover this account sooner or later."

Say it, Ji Wuxia was wounded and turned into light and left.

Lin Feng shrugged helplessly, and after arranging An Lin'er and the others, he also chased in the direction of Ji Wuxia.

Although the current Ji Wuxia is somewhat different from the original plot, his personality is very violent, and he shouts and kills as soon as he comes, but considering Ji Wuxia's flawless appearance, Lin Feng still chooses to forgive the other party.

Now that Ji Wuxia was seriously injured, if he fainted halfway and was picked up by someone, then Lin Feng would have lost a lot!

Although the possibility of such a thing happening is very small, Lin Feng would not be surprised by what kind of shit happened in this difficult situation with many variables, so he had to guard against it.

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