Inside the palace, the six kings gathered, and the atmosphere was depressed.

The King of Hell looked around, took everyone's eyes, and said solemnly, "Lin Feng's strength is unpredictable, his origin is mysterious, and he seems to have some connection with the Evil Emperor of Heaven and Earth Gate.

At present, there is not much accurate information. According to my investigation, Lin Feng's first shot was to kill the master of the blood list and kill the Buddha without leaving the Buddha. Later, he beheaded Yuyang Jun of the Zhuyi Dynasty, Zhan Xuehai Wuya taught Dongfang Yi, and participated in " The Battle of the Heavenly Sword".

A few months ago, I cooperated with Emperor Yuanxie to kill God without a boat and a sail..."

The person who knows you best is usually your enemy. This sentence makes sense. The King of Hell hates Lin Feng to the core. In order to win, he will naturally conduct a careful investigation of Lin Feng. You know everything you do in distress.

The King of Hell explained Lin Feng's information, and continued: "Recently, Lin Feng and a foreign force attacked the monster market, beheading the high-level executives of the monster market such as Duke Zhanli, Shenshenzhen, and Aoyin, and completely controlled the monster market. However, the demon city is turbulent and unstable, and it is the perfect time for us to attack!"

In order to deal with Lin Feng, King Hades did a lot of homework and gained a new understanding of the misery. He also learned that the Prison had been involved in the misery by Emperor Yuanxie's use of "Demon World Buddha" not long ago.

Although I don't know what the connection between Yuanxie Emperor and Lin Feng is, the King of Hell has a vague ominous feeling, so he decides to speed up the action and first join the other five kings to get rid of Lin Feng in one fell swoop.

Hearing the words of the King of Hell, Gui Fang Chiming and others have different thoughts.

King Xian had a close relationship with King Yan, and naturally he stood firm to the end.

Gui Fang Chi Ming received the grace of the deep sea ruler, and spared no effort to prepare to conquer the demon city.

While King Heng was considering the gains and losses of this battle, the attitudes of Ziyan Shenju and Jun Haitang were not clear.

Among the six kings, King Yan, King Chi and King Xian are undoubtedly the strongest in combat. Now that the three kings are fighting, the remaining King Ju, King Heng and Jun Haitang are half-pushed, and finally agree to declare war on Monster Market.

Next, the six kings began to prepare intensively for the war. King Heng provided the money, King Ju provided equipment, Jun Haitang was responsible for gathering intelligence, and intervening, while King Yan, King Su, and King Chi gathered their forces.

Three days later, the Ca Mau Celestial Dynasty greeted the arrival of the Five Kings with the grandest ceremony! Cailu Dangerous Hom, Red Crown Border City, Zizhou Jingyuan, Yunshen Ignorant, and the deceased loyal to the King of Hell hidden in the prison were secretly summoned by the King of Hell Get up, and gather together in the Gamou Heavenly Dynasty.

Together with the twelve clouded leopards of the Ca Mau Celestial Dynasty and tens of thousands of golden armored warriors, a six-king coalition of more than [-] was formed.

Among them, there are three super-innate masters, namely King Yan, King Chi, and King Xian. There are more than ten top-level innate masters, nearly a hundred innate masters, and countless other warrior-level warriors. This power is enough to attract the attention of most forces in the plight.

"(bfej) The whole army is ready and ready to go." The King of Hell sat on the golden Taiji and gave orders, looking high-spirited.

The Chi King on the other golden boat. Ghost Fang Chi Ming said: "Don't be in a hurry, King Yan, wait for a while, there is still one person who hasn't arrived."

At this time, King Chi had already mobilized the other six people from Hongmian Qiyuan, Di Shou Suimeng, Kuo Zi Xudan, Songyi Canglu, Qianyu Shavings, Ji Bibaluo, Shetian Qinji all stood behind Chiwang.

At this time, Guifang Chiming didn't have the "Red Crowned King Ring", but there was another way to make the other six people obey him.

However, apart from Di Shou Suimeng who is [-]% loyal to the Ghost Fang Chi Ming, Kuo Zi Xudan, Song Yi Canglu, Qian Yu Xia, Zui Bi Bao Luo, She Tian Qin Ji have not very clear attitudes towards the Ghost Fang Chi Ming. !

In particular, Qian Yuxian, who had seen Lin Feng's strength, actually did not approve of this action.

The King of Hell heard Gui Fang Chiming's words, and said with a little dissatisfaction: "Who has such a big face to ask us to wait for the six kings?"

As soon as the words fell, I suddenly heard an unfamiliar poem number.

"Who is in charge of Qingshan's first hair? When I first saw it, it has been thousands of years.

The ant clothes came over again, and Zi Mo was already deep in the dust. "

But seeing Long Jian wearing silver armor and holding the "Burning Sky Halberd", he volleyed down into the sky and landed on the bow of the golden Taiji where Ghost Fang Chiming was.

"Goodbye benefactor!!"

Ghost Fang Chi Ming, Di Shou Sui Meng, Kuo Zi Xu Dan, Song Yi Cangyu, Qian Yu Shavings, She Tian Qin Ji, and others all bowed to Long Jian in unison.

"You're... a master?!" Zibibalo was stunned when he saw Long Jian, and then said incredulously.

Bibala is a loner, indifferent and taciturn. His martial arts cultivation is extremely high. He is the most special one of the seven elements of the red crown. He is beyond the mundane. Bodhi tree.

The three-character Pipbala is another name for the Bodhi tree, which also means that the elder brother, Xia Bodhi, left Pipbala with the guidance in the dark before he passed away.

Xue was abandoned by his biological father Long Yi because of the forbidden twins in the demon city, and he ordered Long Jian to dispose of him.

Long Jian was reluctant to give up, and privately entrusted him to the care of Yangyi, the master of Pingyu. After Yangyi's death, he lived in the countryside, was bullied by bullies, had no food and clothing, and reunited with Long Jian inadvertently.

Long Jian ordered Du Bo to take care of him, and took Xue as his apprentice and taught him to read and write. However, his friend Qian Chengqi was worried that Long Jian would be punished because of this, so he poisoned Du Bo and forced Xue to leave Long Jian.

However, Long Jian didn't give up, he found Xue again, and decided to educate Xie by himself, teaching Xue swordsmanship and the principles of being a human being, but Long Jian was finally convicted of treason by Long Yi for this reason and sentenced to sacrifice.

Six years later, due to the betrayal of Jiulingze in the past, the juvenile Zuo failed to assassinate Long Yi.

In the end, with the help of Long Jian, he and Gui Fang Chiming and others turned into the red crown seven yuan, but at that time Long Jian held a grudge against the emperor's brother Long Yi and did not recognize Bibala.

Until now, after Duke Zhan Li's death, the truth of that year gradually surfaced, and Long Jian didn't know that Long Yi was bewitched by others, and that his closest relatives had died, so it was too late to regret it!

With the help of Guifang Chiming, he obtained "Blue Stone Dew" to unlock the cobalt gold seal, and finally let go of his prejudice and calmly recognized Jubibala. .

Chapter [-] The most hated invincible [three more]

Ca Mau Celestial Dynasty.

Long Jian and his uncle and nephew Zubibaluo recognized each other, and Kuizi Xudan, Songyi Canglu, Qianyu Shavings, and She Tianqin Ji had expressions of surprise and suspicion on their faces.

They didn't know that the Master of the Deep Sea had such a relationship with Bibala. The reason why they came here was because Longjian had saved their lives, so they all gathered here, waiting to be dispatched.

King Yan, King Ju, King Xian, Jun Haitang and others are not familiar with Long Jian, but King Heng, who has contacts with the monster market, knows Long Jian's identity and is very surprised.

Because in King Heng's memory, Long Jian was sentenced to death a thousand years ago, how could it appear at this time?

Despite the doubts in his heart, King Heng did not show any abnormality. After all, although resurrection from the dead is rare, it is not without such a situation. The red crown seven yuan in front of him is one of them.

And King Yan, King Xian and others felt the pressure on Long Jian, and they were all shocked, knowing that the person in front of them was a master no less than them.

Their hearts are different, with joy, indifference, and fear, and so on.

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