Buddhist township deep que.

Mida regained control of the Desire Realm, and found Yan Da, who absorbed the karma transformation of the Buddha township, and began to actively plan to expand the Desire Realm.

However, because Emperor Yuanxie had broken the body of a demon and Buddha, Mida was afraid, and now he didn't dare to be too ostentatious, and chose to develop secretly.

In order to consolidate her strength, Mida released a secret spell and searched in a large area, trying to sense the whereabouts of the long-lost Nuya.

"Silent color is difficult, the world's heart is profiting, the boy's breath is released, and the body is sad..."

Monster Market.

In a mountain forest, a strange incantation suddenly sounded in the injured Ji Wuxia's mind.

"Well... this voice! How can it seem familiar, who is it? Ah..."

The blurred consciousness, pulling the original heart, inexplicably moving, aroused the deep awakening in Bo Xun's body, the two kinds of spiritual consciousness tug-of-war, and the Sanskrit sound was instantly closed.

"Where does this voice come from?" Ji Wuxia was puzzled, and then looked at Lin Feng behind him, with a displeased expression: "How long are you going to follow?"

"Don't say I'm like a follower, I'm just thinking of your safety." Lin Feng shrugged helplessly, finally trying to be a good person, but he was disliked, he was really speechless.

"Humph!" Ji Wuxia snorted coldly, "Who gave me this injury?"

Lin Feng spread his hands and said: "Then you can't blame me, you attacked first, and I was justifiable defense."

"What do you want?" Ji Wuxia gritted his teeth.

She really regrets it now that she has provoked such a difficult guy, and she can't beat it, and she says she can't win, it's annoying!

Lin Feng said lightly: "Healing for you."

"Are you sick!"

Ji Wuxia was a little crazy, if it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't beat Lin Feng, Ji Wuxia really wanted to split Lin Feng into eighteen pieces with one sword.

"Oh, it seems that we can't communicate well!" Seeing Ji Wuxia's appearance as if it was about to turn black, Lin Feng was not teasing her, and raised his palm slowly.

When Ji Wuxia saw this, he immediately became alert, holding the hilt of the "Tai Ruoshan Sword".

Lin Feng's figure moved instantly, and Ji Wuxia's sword was stopped halfway by Lin Feng, and then Ji Wuxia felt a warm infuriating qi spread over his limbs, dissolving Shen Ke's blood in his body.

"This...he is really healing me, but why?"

Ji Wuxia was puzzled, at this moment, above the far peak, a pair of cold eyes, a devil who did not remember the victory or defeat, the game, was waiting for a good show.

In the blink of an eye, an inexplicable evil shrouded, and the illusion of beacon fire appeared.

The violent sword came from the flames.

Holding the "Holy Sword", the young swordsman with killing intent locked onto Lin Feng who was healing Ji Wuxia.


On the other side, there was a wolf howl, the cold and proud swordsman like a lone wolf, holding the "Magic Sabre. Prison Dragon Slash", Leng Sheng Shuangyue's killing intent instantly spread out.

"The lonely moon is cold, the night shadow knife is cold, the most hated invincible, the world's peak."

Hate Wufeng looked at Lin Feng, his eyes were silent, he had no grievances with Lin Feng, but in order to save his beloved wife, he had to take on the task of killing.

Henwu Peak was originally the founding hero of the revelation country, and was honored as the "Mahatma".

He has a cold and arrogant personality, superb swordsmanship, and can easily cut people's heads. After passing down the swordsmanship of the holy warriors and establishing the holy monarch system, he left the kingdom of enlightenment and became a legendary figure.

After that, he lived in seclusion in the Xiaosuo Courtyard of Sugu Mountain, and kept guarding the golden giant Buddha in the Yingfo Hall of Benjue Chan Forest. Not long ago, the ghost unicorn sacrificed the monks of Benjue Chan Forest to speed up the progress of the "Magic Sword". "Magic Sword. Prison Dragon Slash" completed ahead of schedule.

In order to save the life of his beloved wife, Hengwufeng took over the "Magic Sword. Prison Dragon Slash", and Lin Feng was the target set by the Guiqi Lord for Hengwufeng.

On the other side, the boy holding the "Holy Sword" is named Jian Zachchi, his hair is scattered and loose, and he walks aimlessly with his head down, as if he is lost, and when he hears a whispered murder command in his mind, he will draw the sword in his chest. , enter the beacon fire illusion, and execute the killing mission.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

"It's really time, Guiqi Lord, it seems that you are starting to bear it too?!"

Lin Feng looked at Henwufeng and Jianshang, both of them were tragic, like dolls being manipulated by the ghost unicorn master, sad and deplorable!

Without a word, Jian Zhicha took the lead in taking the first shot, holding the "Holy Sword" and quickly attacked, stepping on the ground with one foot, his body suddenly jumped, and he was condescending, and his sword broke.


At the same time, Hate Wufeng gave a cold drink, holding the "Magic Sword. Prison Dragon Slash", a horizontal slash, trying to cut Lin Feng and Ji Wuxia in half.

The sword awakened from hell, the sword awakened from darkness, although it is the first time to cooperate, although the tacit understanding is very good, like a ruthless Yaksha, strangling the prey in the net.


"This level is not enough!"

Lin Feng put one hand on Ji Wuxia's back to heal his wounds. At the same time, he flipped his left hand, and "Tianyan Zhan Fengyue" started, stabbed and stabbed, and quickly blocked the holy sword and magic sword.

"The saint in the sword, the demon in the knife, an interesting battle."

Facing the attack of Jian Zhichao and Henwu Peak, Lin Feng healed Ji Wuxia and fought at the same time, but he still saw no disadvantage.

Above the distant peak.

"The map of Zeguo Jiangshan entering the war, the life of the people is Leqiao Su.

According to Jun Mo's words to seal the matter of Hou, one will succeed and ten thousand bones will be withered. "

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