The masked ghost unicorn shook the "White Bone Senluo Fan" and looked at the fierce battle below. The expression under the mask was inexplicable, and he muttered to himself: "Lin Feng, Lin Feng, how much strength do you hide?! "

In the battlefield below, Lin Feng's magic sword and holy sword were in full swing for a while.

"Let go of me, I don't need your help." Ji Wuxia saw that Lin Feng was protecting her while fighting against two unknown masters.

"Don't add to the chaos. Once you get the merits, not only will your previous achievements be forfeited, but your injury will worsen. This is not the result I hoped for." As Lin Feng spoke, the sword was raging. Still holding fast.

The sword wields the sword as fiercely as the wind, with murderous aura, without any tricks or attempts. It seems like an instinct, but it is as fast as lightning.

I hate that Wufeng's sword is cold and swift, fierce and decisive, like thunder and lightning, aggressive!

Quick shadows clashed, and the sword's edge struck the dazzling gold star. This is the romance of the warrior, and Ji Wuxia was also addicted to it for a while. .

Chapter [-] The Six Kings Siege the City

The bewildering forest started the killing game, and the holy sword and the magic knife came.


The sword drank in a deep voice, only to see the qi of the "Holy Sword" penetrating yin and yang.

Lin Feng put his arms around Ji Wuxia's waist, his figure was ethereal, and he was calm.

Hate Wu Peak frowned, "Prison Dragon Slash" slashed diagonally, Lin Feng stepped on the sky, as if changing shape and shadow, and although it was flawless in Ji, his speed was unparalleled, and it made Hate Wu Peak and the sword come together. All the attacking moves that were close at hand were all in vain.

Standing on the top of the mountain peak, Guiqi Lord's cold eyes stared at the four figures that were rapidly fighting on the battlefield. It could be seen that both Hengwufeng and Jianchachi had done their best, but Lin Feng still couldn't see the depth!

The sword is as fast as the wind, the sword is as cold as the light, the holy sword and the magic sword, showing each other's beauty, in the square inch battlefield, the sword is coming and going, the wind is blowing the clouds, and the endless sound of golden roar can be heard!


Lin "One Four Three" Feng stabbed the sword with his backhand on the "Holy Sword", which was just a short distance away.

The sword that was controlled by the ghost unicorn was almost invisible, but the physical injuries would still affect its performance. The "Holy Sword" was stationed, and the tiger's mouth was bleeding, and it looked very miserable.

"In an instant, use the annihilation of Indra's slash!"

Hate Wufeng's promise to see that his opponent was strong and was knocked back just a short distance away from the sword, "Prison Dragon Slash" turned into the air, charging up his strength, only to see "Prison Dragon Slash" flying in the air, with countless purple dragon scales surrounding the blade, a wave of eternity Evil surging.


With a deep shout, I hated Wufeng holding the sword in both hands, and with a sudden swing, the hundred-zhang sword was slashed to the sky, and the earth was divided into two places where it passed.

"One slash of Fengyueren will not stay!"

Lin Fengyun made the king of the ghost clan special, and with a backhand blow, the sword was magnificent.


The sharp edge was opposite, and I saw that the sword gang issued by "Prison Dragon Slash" was shattered inch by inch. I hated Wufeng's horrified eyes. He reversed the blade and blocked it. Suddenly, he felt the overwhelming force rolling in. With a loud bang, he vomited blood and retreated. .

"Well, 'Tianyan Slashing Fengyue', one slashing Fengyue people without leaving, this is the move and weapon of Xenophobia's Silver Sword and Zhu Wu, how did Lin Feng get it?" The Ghost Qi Master carefully observed Lin Feng's martial arts moves, hoping Lin Feng's flaws can be found.

However, the martial arts used by Lin Feng are complex and changeable, and it is difficult for the ghost qi master to judge Lin Feng's foundation for a while.

"Can't even the magic sword and holy sword force out your true strength? It seems that I have to work harder! Burning Heaven Canglong Seal!"

On the top of the mountain, the ghost unicorn master mobilized the ghost yuan, turned it into the seal of the ghost dragon, and pressed it down from the sky.

At the same time, Hate Wufeng and Jianshang came back to their senses, and the magic sword and holy sword should not be taken lightly!


Jian Zhizhi ignored the bloodstains on his body, and the sword was unprovoked, leaping into the air, accumulating sword momentum.

"Cold knife, cold night decisive kill!"

Hate Wufeng's "Prison Dragon Slash" flew over in his hands, his body was like a shadow, and he bullied him up.

Lin Feng's battle with ghosts, saints and demons is in full swing. What is the ultimate sword and which is the peak of the sword. In the raging flames, he sees a tendency to win.

I saw the sword, sword, and palm coming out at the same time, Ji Wuxia felt a great crisis, but his body was bound by Lin Feng and he couldn't move, but he didn't feel panic in his heart, and before he knew it, he seemed to have an inexplicable trust in Lin Feng. .

"Qi Shuangliu, penetrating the sky, and slashing the wind and moon!"

At the juncture of crisis, Lin Feng remained calm, using a double move to block the Ghost Qi Lord one after another, hate Wufeng, and the three of them attacked together.


The extreme strokes collided, the qi energy shook the sky, Lin Feng released his true essence, and the invisible qi cover would dissipate the remaining energy of the reflection, but the hatred Wufeng and the sword were so close to each other that they had no such ability. Almost flew away.

The Guiqi Lord is far away, but it is not a big problem. The thoughts in his eyes are inexplicable. Between swinging the fan, a space crack opens, and ethereal voices come from all directions.

"Lin Feng is really extraordinary, he is capable of defeating the magic sword and holy sword, that's it for today, retreat!"

The sword was close at hand, and the crack in the space behind Hate Wu Peak disappeared in a flash, and the two figures quickly disappeared into it.

"Master Guiqi (Renjue), if you want to play with me, can you afford it?" Seeing that Hate Wufeng and the sword disappeared from the crack in the space, Lin Feng waved his sword, and a sword light penetrated the void.

The Guiqi Lord, who was using his ability to maintain the space crack, suddenly felt a crisis, and the cold hair on his body exploded. The moment he saw the appearance of Jian Zhizhi and Henwu Peak, a sharp sword qi flew out of the space crack, and instantly penetrated the left shoulder of the Guiqi Lord. , brought up a cloud of blood.


The Guiqi Lord took a few steps back, covering the bleeding wound with one hand, his face under the mask showing hatred, and he said with hatred: "Lin Feng, you wait for me."

However, Lin Feng didn't care about it.

Without the interference of Gui Qizhu and others, Lin Feng quickly healed Ji Wuxia's injuries and retracted his palm: "Your injury has recovered, now whether to stay or go, I will not interfere..."

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