"You are really a strange person, but I won't thank you and say goodbye." Although there was a trace of reluctance in his heart, Ji Wuxia didn't stop and floated away.

"Actually, Ji Wuxia like this is not bad. Although it's a bit fierce, do you want to hit the Demon Buddha again with the 'Fighting Fire Key'!" Looking at the shadow of Ji Wuxia leaving, Lin Feng was thoughtful.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~"

Suddenly, a sharp sound of breaking the air sounded, and red fireworks exploded from the distance.

"Red alert, in the direction of the blood lip pier, it seems that some people can't do it anymore, life is really busy!"

Lin Feng said indifferently, his figure flashed, and he had already appeared over the Blood Lips Pier.

I saw thousands of golden boats heading towards the monster market. On the huge hull, colorful warriors were neatly arranged, and a chilling air permeated the entire sea area.

"There is no need for seven captures to be convinced, and three arrows to fight against insults; nothing to do with high pillows and secluded windows, Westerners dare not shepherd the long river."

"Life is a knife, death is a knife, I haven't seen the sky and don't know high, life and death come from two swords."

"The long days are over, the red sky will stand. Thousands of miles sing, only my life!"

"Zi Zhou has a huge hand, the wind and clouds are extremely refined, the heaven and the earth are in the palm of his hand, and the creation of Wu Yan."

"The red dust on the road, the white waves in the river, spare him the hundreds of cities to the south; the bright moon among the flowers, the cool breeze under the Panasonic, lose a pillow at my north window."

"Since ancient times, Hongyan has been so ill-fated, if you don't believe this word, you will return to Jun Haitang."

With 3.3, the number of six lines of poetry resounded through the sky, and six light groups of black, green, red, purple, gold, and white flew out of the golden tower below, and faintly surrounded Lin Feng in the air.

The brilliance dissipated, and King Yan, King Suan, King Chi, King Heng, King Ju, and King Haitang suddenly appeared, each holding magical weapons and eyeing tigers.

The six kings coalition below flocked to the Bloodlip Pier in a mighty manner. At the same time, King Jianwu led the Holy Demons and many soldiers to the Liujin Barrier of the Bloodlip Pier for defense.

Taiji is breaking the wind and facing the waves, and on the deck, a "Qiankun Light Instrument" will turn the world of the demon market upside down!

The direction of the wind is set, the beginning of the light, but when you hear a loud shout, the deep sea dominates the movement's Yuan Gong, breaking through the dark clouds in the sky that have been suppressed for many years.

The dawn lit the long night, and the wind shield swirled to draw the light into a ball, traveling down the wind, making a crack in the Ryujin barrier, and between the wind and the light, sparks stirred, and the decisive battle officially kicked off. .

Chapter Thirty-Five

At dusk, on the sea of ​​the demon city, ten thousand armies confronted each other, and the war was about to break out.

With the collapse of the golden barrier, countless deep-sea red mayflies took the lead under the drive of the deep-sea ruler Long Jian.

The red mayfly dyed the entire sea red, like a blood-colored wave, rushing out of the waters of the demon city.I saw the army of the deep-sea mayfly run desperately, one after another, and kill the enemy!

Seeing this, King Wu Wu suddenly burst out with a hidden martial breath, "Or Tian Ji" condensed light and gathered qi, and all of a sudden, the wind and snow were mixed, and he started to turn the clouds, a roll of terrifying storms!

The wind and snow were continuous, freezing for dozens of nautical miles, and under the sweep, it was frozen three feet.

"All the generals and soldiers will fight with me, kill!"

The dragon halberd, the Burning Sky Halberd, led the Six Kings Allied Forces to jump off the golden chariot, stepping on the ice, and rushing down the Blood Lips Pier in a mighty manner.

"The killing in the beginning, Jian Wu;

Chaos slaughter, militia. "

King Jiwu was domineering, and he was not afraid even in the face of several times the enemy. With a wave of his hand, the five hundred Broken Island Xuange slowly soared, and the condescending six kings allied forces launched a long-range attack.

"The beginning of the King of Hell is even louder and the light returns to 15 photos!"

She Tianqin Ji held the Suqin in his hand, and strummed thousands of strange tunes.

"Kill it!"

"Kill it~"

The colorful Six Kings Allied Forces approached the Liujin Barrier and fought fiercely with the slaughtering Broken Island army and the battle generals of Qiu She.

The two sides killed the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon were dull, Long Jian confronted the Shang Wu King, the "Burning Heaven Halberd" would "or the Heaven Halberd", the black and yellow overturned the mountains and rivers, and the ghosts and spirits were shocked by the battle on the halberd.

On the other side, the two holy demons confronted Kuizhang, Dishou, Xudan, Songyi Canglu, Shetian Qinji and others.

Although they fought more with less, the twins had a detached foundation, and together with a set of top equipment given by Lin Feng, they were equally divided for a while.

However, in general, the troops of the Six Kings Alliance were stronger than those who killed Shattered Island. Although King Jianwu and the Sacred Demons were strong, facing Longjian and Hongmian Qiyuan, they were at a loss for a while.

Seeing that the Allied Forces of the Six Kings were about to capture the Liujin barrier, Lin Feng took the time to open a huge door of space.

"A thousand years of industry, an eternal name, a hero is covered in blood and dust;

The battlefield is sandy, the competition is high, the spirit of a century, the winner is my name. "

"Dragon battles in the world, the world will be determined by talking and laughing;

The sole honor of the six realms, the Yuji Xuanhuang lineage of Shenyu. "

"Where is the high gate, the emperor's qi is ninefold, the situation changes with one step, and the mountains and rivers of all generations are embraced."

"Passionate upstairs wandering upstairs, alone, away from the makeup mirror.

Frosty shadows in the bright sky are as cold as dust. "


With the sound of the Taoist poems, the prison army, led by the darkening, swarmed out from the cracks in the space, and the prison army joined, and the battle situation suddenly reversed.

Among the six kings' alliance, the most powerful are the armies of King Chi and King Xian. However, Hongmian Qiyuan was dragged by the two holy demons, and Cailu Dianhong, led by the divine authority of the emperor, had great advantages, but he had to deal with the prison. The army seemed exhausted.

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