"Where's your lover, you gave up your life for him, why didn't he come to save you, haha." The strong man's eyes were full of teasing, and he waved his hand, the long whip in his hand was directly on the girl's shoulder .


The girl suddenly screamed, and there were deep whip marks on her shoulders, a little bit of blood had seeped out, and there were still some damages, revealing the snow-white skin, with small cuts on it, and the whip was completely covered with tiny wounds. The barb, with a whip down, countless tender flesh was hooked out, further deepening the pain of the wound.

"What are you still struggling with? Go back with me obediently, and take good care of me after you go back. Maybe you can save your life." The strong man seemed to be unable to see the ancient dispute on the trail, and laughed loudly, Her face was full of complacency, as if she had decided that she had no other choice.

"No, come and save me!"

The girl's screams became more intense, even her lips were bitten with a bloodstain, her face was full of painful distortions, she stretched out her other hand desperately towards Gu Zheng, hoping that her lover could give her a hand. subject yourself to endless pain.

The expectant eyes kept looking at Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng was still struggling, but the strength of the struggle was getting weaker and weaker.

"You are still stubborn, don't work in vain, your betrayal lover will not come to rescue you." The strong man waved a long whip and beat the girl on the body again, and the girl trembled after being beaten.

His eyes were always on Gu Zheng, his outstretched hand was still straight, and he still believed that his lover would not let him down, but the exhaustion of his body could no longer make the girl continue to persevere.

Seeing that Gu Zheng still refused to hold her back, the girl's eyes became a little bit desperate, and her hands slowly dropped. There was some death around the girl, and one could tell that the girl's heart was completely dead.

Finally, Gu Zheng raised his head slowly, Gu Zheng no longer struggled, his eyes were full of calm, although a piece of his face began to split apart, looking terrifying, but he still stretched out his arm little by little, trying to hold him Girl's hand.

Seeing this, the young girl's pale face was full of light, and her eyes were full of hope. The expression was like that of a drowning person seeing the hope of salvation.

Soon, Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, approaching the girl's white palm.

"Who, who is there, looking for death." The strong man shouted in shock when his two palms were about to touch each other. As if he just saw it, he whipped his whip quickly.

If you follow this speed, it will definitely be too late to stop the opponent.

In the end, Gu Zheng's hand grasped the girl's hand, soft as if boneless, cold and smooth.

The girl's face was full of surprise, and she held Gu Zheng's hand tightly.

Suddenly, the complexion changed, and the girl's face turned into an ugly old woman. Even her hands were extremely withered and yellow, with wrinkled skin and several maggots coming in and out on them, which looked extremely disgusting.

"It's too late, you're too late, come down with me, I'm so lonely."

The girl's clear voice also disappeared, and it became hoarse and unpleasant, like the sound of glass rubbing against each other.

As she said that, the girl clasped Gu Zheng's wrist, trying to pull Gu Zheng off, but the long whip was already on her body, trying to break Gu Zheng's arm so that he could not break free.

Suddenly, a golden flame ignited from Gu Zheng's arm, and burned along the palm of the old woman's body. In a blink of an eye, the whole body of the old woman was burned by the golden flame, and the strong man didn't have time to let go of the other. One hand also burned.


A scream of pain came from the old woman's mouth.

"Help me, don't."

The old woman was replaced by the shy girl again, her figure full of temptation, begging Gu Zheng not to treat her like this.

Gu Zheng smiled at the corner of his mouth, increasing the output of immortal energy in his body, the flames on the two of them became more fierce, and soon both of them were burned into a wisp of green smoke, which rose slowly and disappeared here.

A cyan bead fell from mid-air, Gu Zheng quickly put it in his hand, it was as cold as water, there was some mist in the cyan bead tumbling back and forth, as if it was transformed by those phantoms just now.

Feeling a coolness coming into the brain, feeling the sobriety of the brain, Gu Zheng decided to keep it close to the body, and a more coolness came from the chest to the brain, which seems to have the effect of strengthening the spirit, so this bead is probably also effective in dealing with illusions and the like. Could this be the reward for cracking this level?

The other abnormal sights, the girl and the melodious voice had all disappeared. At this time, the thick fog had also dispersed, and the place from afar could be seen.

At this time, Gu Zheng's mask had been completely torn apart, and slowly fell into the ground, some of which fell out of the green steps and fell into the abyss below.

Now that Gu Zheng's original appearance is revealed, there is no confusion, his eyes are very calm.

But Gu Zheng knew why. In order to wake himself up, the mask had been completely damaged and could not be repaired.

Gu Zheng also let it fall. Speaking of it, if it wasn't for the credit of the mask, Gu Zheng would have really fallen into it. The temptation of the girl, coupled with the ear-piercing sounds, Gu Zheng was really confused, saying It may not be really pulled by the other party.

I almost capsized in the gutter, and I still need to continue to hone my state of mind. If the opponent is stronger, it will be too late for me to have a mask, so I will take the initiative to step forward, and there is no time to react.

Gu Zheng had already protected himself against hallucinations in his heart, but he was almost delusional. It can be seen that this trial is not easy, and the only advantage is that it is relatively safe.

Gu Zheng believed in his heart that if he was really hallucinated, he must be trapped in a certain place until he was actively ejected.

If there is real danger, then I will not fail to remind myself. It is precisely because there is no danger at all that the passive vigilance in my heart is infinitely lowered, resulting in no reminder to myself.

Soon, Gu Zheng returned to the original location. This time, Gu Zheng looked at the place where there was a thick fog from a long distance, but now he has given way to a passage.

When waiting for Gu Zheng to look back, he saw the original scene, and there was a faint sound coming from it, as if someone was still stuck in that plot.

I will not be kind enough to help others, and continue to advance along the newly opened road,

The pure white jade was neatly paved, Gu Zheng stepped on it, and walked towards the distant palace, which should be the place to leave here.

Soon there were jade railings made of white jade on both sides, and a tiger howling up to the sky was carved on the magnolia, and he had already entered an open-air corridor. The promenade is intersected, making people confused about the direction.

The two sides are no longer grass, but a huge pool, and I am walking on it.

There are some lotus flowers blooming under the pool, and some shadows can be seen swimming under the lotus flowers, but they can't be seen clearly, and I don't know what they are.

Gu Zheng was walking in the corridor, turning left and right along the corridor, while keeping an eye on the surroundings, when a black shadow appeared in the corner of his eye, Gu Zheng hurriedly looked over, it had disappeared, and he didn't know what it was.

Another direct turn, Gu Zheng stopped and looked at the foggy hall in the distance ahead.

, but after walking for a meal, the distance from it still hasn't changed.

Looking back, there are densely packed corridors staggering back and forth behind him, and the day I came in has disappeared.

Another test? Gu Zheng thought in his heart, he didn't expect it to be so troublesome, one test after another.

But I don't know, if it is the peak of Jinxian, the first level can be chosen here. In fact, it means that all five of them are here, but they are all blocked from each other, and no one can see the other.

Gu Zheng didn't know, and everyone didn't know. They thought it was normal, and everyone just thought they had encountered a special test.

But for Pan Xuan, she had already broken through the second long corridor, flashed past the exit, and entered the front of the hall.

"Small meaning, these illusions still want to deceive me, I underestimate myself too much." Pan Xuan muttered in her heart, and stretched out her hand to push open the door of the main hall.

A gigantic platform appeared in front of her, and Pan Xuan already found a figure on it.

Pan Xuan approached quickly, and finally saw the scene above clearly, it turned out that Gu Zheng was there, in front of him was a teleportation array, and Gu Zheng was about to leave there.

"Gu Zheng." Subconsciously, Pan Xuan yelled, she didn't expect to meet him here again, it seemed that she was even faster, really amazing.

Hearing the sound, Gu Zheng retracted the foot that had already stepped out. Seeing Pan Xuan in the distance, a smile appeared on his face, and he nodded at Pan Xuan. Instead of going in, he stepped back and waited for Pan Xuan. Xuan's arrival.

Soon Pan Xuan passed through the long space and came to Gu Zheng. Looking at Gu Zheng's gentle eyes, Pan Xuan felt warm in her heart.

"Gu Zheng, why did you come here so fast, faster than me? The main reason is that the long corridor blocked me for too long, otherwise I must be faster than you."

Pan Xuan smiled and said to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng looked at the long corridor in a daze at this time, he had already walked back and forth several times, no matter how he went around, he couldn't get out.

Although there is no fork in the intersection, it seems that I am walking this road back and forth. No matter if I wrinkle straight or go back, I will always come to the original place.

Gu Zheng looked at the palace in the distance, there was obviously a long corridor to catch it, but he couldn't go around to it, the two sides and the top were blocked by an invisible force, and he couldn't jump down or fly up.

Now Gu Zheng was dumbfounded, did he really want to be trapped here.

There must be a way, Gu Zheng told himself in his heart, closed his eyes slightly, and calmed down his agitated heart.

Gu Zheng took a few deep breaths, feeling the silent scene, except for the occasional sound of unknown creatures swimming below, not even the sound of the wind.

By the way, the lotus on the water surface, Gu Zheng remembered something, hurried to the side, looked at the lotus on the water, there is no difference in the lotus, everything looks normal.

But when Gu Zheng's eyes moved down, he found a lotus leaf, shining blue light, floating leisurely on the water surface, it was not connected to the stem, and it swayed back and forth with the water waves alone, the light was so hidden, At a glance, it is very likely that you will not find it.

Gu Zheng looked at the vacancy next to the promenade, came here, there was a lotus flower opposite the vacancy, Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, he was not blocked and could go out smoothly.

Gu Zheng quickly came to another vacant place, there is no lotus here, Gu Zheng was blocked as soon as he stretched out his hand, it seems that his guess was right.

But there are so many gaps in the corridor, which one is the right one, but if you know the general direction, then try one by one, and you will find the correct exit sooner or later.

Gu Zheng jumped up and stood firmly on the special lotus leaf. Sure enough, there was no problem with the lotus leaf supporting him, as if he couldn't feel the weight of Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng looked at the lotus leaves on the soles of his feet, and tried his best to move towards the position of another lotus, trying to go there, but found that he didn't listen to his command.

Do you need energy manipulation? Gu Zheng was puzzled, and gently injected a little fairy energy. He didn't expect that the lotus leaf would start to tremble slightly when it touched the fairy energy, and it would float in one direction by itself.

Gu Zheng tried his best but couldn't control it, and the little thought in his heart disappeared, and he stood obediently, watching where the lotus leaf would take him.

Soon the lotus leaf stopped next to a lotus flower in the pond. There were only two leaves beside that lotus flower, one normal and one abnormal.

Gu Zheng tapped the normal lotus leaf with his toes, and the lotus leaves instantly detached from the stem and sank, even Gu Zheng's toes were accidentally stained with water.

Only then did Gu Zheng lightly step on another lotus leaf, input a little fairy energy, and soon the lotus leaf continued to drive past with Gu Zheng. While advancing, Gu Zheng looked at the promenade in front. On the corridor, a branch of lotus happened to be facing the gap. Could it be that I was so lucky that I stepped on it once.

But the lotus leaf suddenly turned in front, took Gu Zheng to another route, and then stopped at a new lotus change, and this lotus was facing the previous promenade, just a lotus leaf under the foot, nothing special lotus leaf.

Gu Zheng injected immortal energy and wanted to drive it back, but the lotus leaf didn't move at all. Gu Zheng looked at it, so he had to jump up. There was no protective shield to block it, so Gu Zheng went up smoothly.

The lotus leaf is still in place, don't go back, this is good news for Gu Zheng, at least you can know which one you have been to, so you can rule out this route.

Gu Zheng did the same thing, and after stepping on several wrong steps one after another, he finally stepped into a new corridor. Gu Zheng noticed that the engraving on this magnolia was a coiling snake, spitting out snake letters, which was different from the previous ones.

Gu Zheng looked at the surrounding corridors and found that no matter how they were arranged randomly, there were only four kinds of carvings on the jade railings.

Gu Zheng's headache felt much better now, it's like a maze, you have to untie it to get in, otherwise you can only stay here, it's too headache, but fortunately, as long as you find the method, it's not too complicated.

When Gu Zheng came to a gap, he jumped up anyway, and the lotus leaf brought Gu Zheng to bring a new lotus leaf. Gu Zheng was proficient in light vehicles and continued to input immortal energy. The consumption of this immortal energy can be ignored.

"Huh." Gu Zheng looked at a shadow swimming back and forth under the pool in front of him, and he didn't want to attack him, he would have left on his own initiative when he encountered those shadows before, but this one seemed a little ready to move.

Sure enough, when Gu Zheng passed by, suddenly a fish the size of a table rushed up from below and slammed into Gu Zheng.

Looking at the huge body, Gu Zheng subconsciously swept across with a stream of sword energy, and when it touched the sword energy, it turned into a puddle of water, pouring down on Gu Zheng overwhelmingly.

Gu Zheng subconsciously propped up the shield, but the splash ignored the shield and still wet Gu Zheng's sleeves.

Gu Zheng felt that there was something abnormal on this body, and found nothing wrong, as if he was just soaking himself, and he felt that the fish was not threatening at all. Gu Zheng wanted to dry his sleeves, but found that no matter what he couldn't Remove the water stains,

Gu Zheng couldn't figure it out, so he continued to move forward. He didn't understand why, so he had to bury his doubts in his heart.

Gu Zheng didn't want to wait too long, Gu Zheng understood why, when he met Shuiyu again, Gu Zheng simply put up the protective cover, watched Shuiyu hit it suicidally, and then another puddle Water soaked his shoes.

When Gu Zheng looked at his shoes, he found that the lotus leaf seemed to sink a little.

Gu Zheng instantly understood that if there were too many water stains on his body for a certain period of time, the lotus leaf would not be able to bear it and would sink. Can't fly.

These ancient disputes are stunned again, I didn't expect this to happen again, but I don't know where the lotus leaves pass, sometimes the lotus leaves circle around, and I can't control the direction of travel.

Next, Gu Zheng worked hard, and after being spit out twice, he finally discovered the pattern in the pattern on the lotus leaf and knew the final destination of the lotus leaf.

Half a day later, Gu Zheng finally came to the fourth bridge. If he walked directly over it, he could enter the main hall, but there was no road ahead, it was empty, as if the road was cut off to the north.

Gu Zheng unhurriedly took out a key and looked at a statue next to it. This statue was a cute rabbit with a lock in its mouth. Gu Zheng just inserted the key into the lock and turned it.

"boom boom boom"

There was a sound, and rows of white stone pillars rose from below, forming a road just in front of Gu Zheng, allowing people to go across.

Gu Zheng walked up without any hesitation, without looking back, and headed towards the palace gate at full speed.

When talking, Gu Zheng was exhausted by this tossing. It is inevitable that his whole body will be soaked, and he will sink next time. There is a difference on the third floor. The lotus flower carries Gu Zheng. Go back to the first floor.

When Gu Zheng was worrying about what to do with his body, he approached the jade railing and found that the tiger howling up to the sky could absorb the water stains on his body. Zheng felt dry and continued to walk along the previous route.

After solving the worries, every time Gu Zheng gets half wet, he will return to the first floor.

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