What hurt Gu Zheng the most was that he finally came to the fourth floor and found a broken road, which he couldn't pass.

I found the cute rabbit next to me, and found that I needed a key, but I walked through all the lotus flowers, but I didn't find it.

Until he patted the rabbit's head fiercely, the rabbit's head sank, and a box appeared in the center of the pool. Then Gu Zheng saw that all the lotus leaves had changed positions, and he just wanted to curse.

At that time, Gu Zheng felt that something was wrong. Sure enough, all the paths had changed, and he had to explore the path again. After many hardships, Gu Zheng finally got the key.

Gu Zheng swears that he would rather meet a strong enemy and fight fiercely than stay in this place. This maze is too tortured.

Finally, Gu Zheng came to the door of the main hall. The outside of the main hall was majestic and magnificent, but Gu Zheng was not in the mood to appreciate it, so he pushed open the door and walked in.

Looking at the empty main hall, there is a long white jade bridge about tens of feet long in front. This bridge is extremely exquisite, carved with dragons and painted phoenixes. It's empty.

In the front, there is a huge stone wall, on which are carved Shura people of different shapes, very hideous.

Gu Zheng vaguely saw the four people above talking together, and Gu Zheng hurried away at top speed.

Soon Gu Zheng came to this platform along the bridge deck, the four people had finished talking, and two of them had disappeared. Gu Zheng saw them enter the teleportation point ahead.

"Pan Xuan, you're here too." Gu Zheng looked at the last two people, it turned out to be Pan Xuan and Ji Yi, and those two looked familiar, as if they were the other two peak golden immortals.

"Yeah, but I'm going first, and I'm going to fight for the top three. You're a little slow." Pan Xuan smiled charmingly at Gu Zheng, and stepped into the teleportation point without looking back. Then, with a flash of light, Pan Xuan disappeared.

"Hey." Gu Zheng was about to say something, but Pan Xuan left without giving himself a chance to speak.

"I'm leaving first, I almost didn't come in just now, I just hope everything goes well." Ji Yi also sighed, and also disappeared in front of Gu Zheng.

Now there is only Gu Zheng left on the whole table, what is the situation, is it very urgent, then why did the four of them get together just now, isn't Ji Yi not with the Shura people?

Looking at the teleportation light, Gu Zheng always felt that he had overlooked something, but they had already left, forget it, let's go.

Gu Zheng walked close to the teleportation point, where the light was shining like the main hall, hesitating, waiting for the next person, Jinxian, to teleport.

As he approached the teleportation point, there was a burst of heat in his chest. Gu Zheng hurriedly took it over to have a look. It turned out to be a green bead that was flickering non-stop now, as if to remind him of something.

Feeling the temperature in his hands, Gu Zheng took a few steps back and found that the temperature in his hands had dropped accordingly. If he took a few steps forward, the beads would be too hot to hold.

"Strange, is there any mystery here?" Gu Zheng looked around, but found nothing unusual.

Gu Zheng approached to input his own immortal energy. He also tried it in the long corridor before, but there was no reaction at all. This time, Gu Zheng felt that the little demon would try it.

After the green bead came into contact with Gu Zheng's immortal energy, it shook suddenly, and an invisible light wave was emitted from the green bead, and after a while, a light wave was emitted here.

With a frequency of once a second, Gu Zheng soon felt that the surrounding scene was a bit blurred, and then a familiar voice came to his ears, and four different pictures gradually appeared around him, among which the sound came from the front.

The other three pictures are more blurred, as if something is resisting to prevent others from prying.

"Yes, Master Ancestor's design is really good." Pan Xuan sincerely admired, if not for her natural resistance to these things, she would have almost fallen from the green ranks.

"What about you, why did you come so sooner than me?" Pan Xuan said to Gu Zheng with a smile, after she finished talking about how she came here, but Gu Zheng was faster than herself, which made herself very curious.


Suddenly the door of the main hall was opened vigorously, and the two of them saw that it was Ji Yi from the other side of the valley. Ji Yi quickly rushed up, looked at the teleportation array next to him, and plunged in, leaving only one sentence behind.

"I'm going to fight for the first place."

"Let's go, let's go out and talk, at least we have to be in the top three." Gu Zheng didn't answer Pan Xuan's words, but pointed to the teleportation array instead.

"Okay." Seeing that one person had already entered, Pan Xuan felt that the others had almost changed, so she said that she should enter the next level earlier.

"Okay, let's go together." Gu Zheng said to Pan Xuan with a smile, and the two walked side by side to the teleportation point.

Gu Zheng was already stunned at this time, why there was a self, and Pan Xuan, and Ji Yi had already left, why did he appear in that picture again.

Gu Zheng looked at the other three screens, but still couldn't see clearly, watching Pan Xuan want to go with that self.

In desperation, Gu Zheng directly wrapped his arm with Xianli and grabbed it over there.

When passing through that ripple, Gu Zheng felt a little cool, as if wrapped in a mass of liquid.

When Pan Xuan was about to enter the teleportation array with Gu Zheng in the next step, she suddenly felt someone grab her shoulders, she was shocked, turned her head and found an arm protruding from the void, and was about to pull herself back.

"help me."

Pan Xuan felt the powerful force and knew that she couldn't break free at all. Now she can only struggle desperately to delay the time when she was caught.

And Gu Zheng had already stepped into the teleportation point, and wanted to come out again, but disappeared.

Pan Xuan didn't expect that she was one step away from leaving, and suddenly felt a strong force coming again, and Pan Xuan was directly pulled over.

"It's over."

This was Pan Xuan's last thought, why did this thing suddenly appear.

Gu Zheng felt Pan Xuan's constant struggle, and he couldn't pull her over for a while, watching the ripples from the green beads became more rapid and frequent due to his intrusion.


Although the voice is small, Gu Zheng sounds like a deadly voice. A crack has already appeared on the green bead, and it is still expanding. It seems that it will not last long.

Gu Zheng was cruel, increased his immortal power, and clasped Pan Xuan's shoulders with his hands, ignoring her pain, and it was too late in the evening. With a strong hand, he directly lifted Pan Xuan, and then quickly dragged her back.

When Pan Xuan was dragged back by herself, Lu Zhu didn't care about the burden, and directly shattered into a ball of powder, lying in Gu Zheng's hands.

Ji Yi looked at the green bead in his hand, he was far away from the teleportation point, and the heat on it had completely disappeared, just now it jumped out of the storage space by itself, which surprised him.

And the closer you are to the teleportation point, the more you can feel the meaning expressed by the green bead, telling yourself that there are things outside, don't let yourself leave so quickly, but I have searched all the places, but I can't find anything.

Now it is no longer flickering at such a high frequency. Ji Yi looked at the scene behind and shook his head. He knew that there might be something in the hall, but he couldn't find a way to get out.

"Forget it, if you don't have such a chance, don't force it."

Ji Yi left the green bead on the ground casually, and walked towards the teleportation point. The green bead rolled on the ground for a long distance, and finally stopped. The moment Ji Yi disappeared, he also turned into a ball of powder.

"It's so risky, it almost failed."

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand to wipe off the non-existent sweat, and watched Pan Xuan tightly shut his eyes, with a layer of fairy energy permeating his body to protect himself.

"Hey, you can open your eyes now, what are you afraid of." Gu Zheng said angrily.

"Ah." Hearing the familiar voice, Pan Xuan subconsciously opened her eyes, looked at Gu Zheng in front of her, and was overjoyed, "How did you save me? Didn't you teleport away?"

As Pan Xuan remembered, she quickly took a step back and looked at Gu Zheng warily.

Gu Zheng was dumbfounded by her actions, and his feelings became the villain himself, but unfortunately the green pearl was damaged, so he couldn't let her watch that miraculous scene.

"I helped you once anyway, why did you treat me like this?"

"What help me, who are you, why are you pretending to be Gu Zheng." Pan Xuan also looked puzzled, and kept looking at Gu Zheng.

The ancient struggle in front of me feels real to me, and it's not a fake.

"I am me, who else can I be? Are you confused? If I hadn't pulled you, you would have entered the teleportation point with Jia Guzheng."

Gu Zheng stretched out his hands and said helplessly, to prove himself, how to prove himself.

Looking at the ancient battle in front of her, Pan Xuan thought it was normal, but why did she come here again in the blink of an eye.

"You forgot, I'll give you a necklace back on it." Gu Zheng looked at Pan Xuan still a little wary, so he had to point out the things between himself and her.

"Then tell me, when I was injured, who saved me and how did they save me?" Although Pan Xuan believed in the other party most of the time, she still asked about something that only the two of them knew.

"Of course it was me. You met someone sneak attacking me, and I carried you all the way back to Puppet Town, and then I was watched by everyone." Gu Zheng said brazenly, although Big Snake did it on purpose, but he did go back with her on his back .

"Huh, I want to believe it. What's going on? Could it be that it was an illusion just now? I didn't see anything." Pan Xuan completely believed in the other party this time, and only the two of them knew about such a secret matter.

It's just that Gu Zheng didn't find anything unusual just now, by the way, he seemed to be very gentle, unlike the incomprehensible funny guy in front of him, thinking of Pan Xuan's bulging cheeks.

"I don't know either, but tell me how you came here." Gu Zheng wondered if he could find any doubts from her experience.

"I came to a piece of grass, and then went along the only road." Although Pan Xuan felt a little sullen, as a master of illusion, she didn't notice the abnormality of the other party, but she simply said aside.

Until and then enter the hall to meet Gu Zheng, communicate with him, and then know the rest of Gu Zheng.

"You mean, when you came back, you ignored all the things that appeared, and you went straight down without being affected." Gu Zheng felt that Pan Xuan was similar to himself all the way, going up the mountain, turning back and passing through the corridor to bring him back. here.

The only difference is that Gu Zheng wiped out the phantom blocking the way and gave himself a bead.

"Yeah, those things want to psychedelic me, and they don't even look at my profession. I haven't been affected at all."

Pan Xuan proudly puffed out her chest, highlighting the greatness of the mountain even more, Gu Zheng glanced at it indifferently, and then said, "It might appear here, I saw you when I came here, and then I When I entered the teleportation point, this green bead reminded me."

Gu Zheng showed Pan Xuan the powder in his hand, "Then I found out about your situation and pulled you back."

"Then, this teleportation point is a trap." Pan Xuan said to herself, "No, this teleportation must be real, and when we come in, it will leave a reminder for us to let us in. It seems that it must be true."

"But why bother?" Pan Xuan fell into her own thoughts, while Gu Zheng watched from the sidelines, she really couldn't think of why, she didn't know who else was there, and she couldn't see it.

"I see, let me go." Pan Xuan clapped her hands suddenly, and hurriedly pulled Gu Zheng, without explaining anything, directly pulled Gu Zheng to the entrance door.

At this time, the door was tightly closed, and there was no handle on the door, so it could not be opened at all.

Gu Zheng stepped forward and pushed hard, but found that he was still motionless. Looking at Pan Xuan's eyes looking at a fool, Gu Zheng smiled embarrassedly.

Of course I knew that when I came in, I pushed the door in. Now I want to push out. The idea is a bit too naive. Of course, Gu Zheng thought that if he could still push out.

Facts have proved that I thought too much, and I also got the idea that Pan Xuan gave me. I am indeed a fool.

"What should I do?" Gu Zheng also went back and forth to find Xun Buchang, and there was no mechanism to open.

"I'll think about it." Pan Xuan didn't find it either, her eyes kept scanning her surroundings.

Suddenly Pan Xuan walked forward again, watching all the way, Gu Zheng also looked around, nothing unusual, the dragon and phoenix patterns on the stone bridge are quite beautiful.

Going back from the front, Gu Zheng was almost confused by Pan Xuan, what's the use of going back and forth.

Pan Xuan was looking at the gate of the main hall again, there was nothing to see, except for some strange lines, how could she see anything.

But Pan Xuan seemed to have discovered something, and tapped a few places on the door.

With a roar, a stone platform suddenly appeared on the high platform.

Gu Zheng and Pan Xuan hurried over. This stone platform is as tall as a person, and there is a jade rabbit on it, which is the same as the one on the long bridge outside, and a lock is also hung on the bottom.

"This is..." Gu Zheng felt that it was just a switch to open the door, but where to find the key here, should he find a key here.

"Look at what I have in my hand." Pan Xuan said triumphantly, Gu Zheng had seen it, and she reasoned that it was a key.

"When did you get it? Could it be that it's hidden around here?" Gu Zheng circled the stone platform, but found nothing.

"You forgot the key to the front corridor." Pan Xuan hooked the key, ready to insert it.

"You mean, the key on the corridor on the fourth floor was inserted into that lock." Gu Zheng knew what Pan Xuan was talking about.

"Then you didn't pull it out, how stupid." Pan Xuan had already inserted the key in, Pan Xuan slightly twisted it, and with a light click, the door of the main hall suddenly opened.

The bright light from outside directly shines in, adding a lot of color to the somewhat dark hall.

"Hey, great, let's go." Pan Xuan showed off, Gu Zheng was really admiring, and he definitely couldn't find the problem from this.

"How did you find out." Gu Zheng and Pan Xuan went out quickly together, wanting to see what was outside, and let everyone have some hints.

"It's very simple. The pattern on the back of the door is actually a kind of formation, which is specially designed to restrain dragons and phoenixes. When I think of the dragons and phoenixes carved on the jade bridge, I found that the patterns are a bit dim at a few points, so I clicked on the immortal energy , I didn’t expect it to be so.”

Pan Xuan's tone was very flat, but Gu Zheng could still hear the pride in her heart. For this kind of sensitivity, she was really willing to bow down.

The two went out quickly, and the previous jade pillars were still there, but the long corridor has now become a straight long corridor, without the staggered appearance of the previous long corridors, this is the original appearance.

Gu Zheng and Pan Xuan rushed over all the way, and came to Qingjie's position again.

"I guess, the answer must be above." Pan Xuan said frankly from below,

Now the mist of the green rank has completely dissipated, and the previous mist can't be seen at all. Gu Zheng and Pan Xuan climbed up one after the other.

After walking for a few minutes, a small attic appeared in front of the two people, and the hanging path before did not appear, as if everything they had experienced before was an illusion.

The entire attic looks very ordinary, the bottom is empty, there are only a few supporting frames below, a wooden ladder is placed on the top, and there are many bamboos scattered around, very similar to the residence of a hermit.

The two walked up the bamboo ladder to the top, the door was already ajar, and only some light could be vaguely seen from the exposed scene.

Gu Zheng gently pushed it away, thinking that there were at least a variety of things inside, but there were only two balls of light floating in the air, which seemed to have been prepared for them.

Pan He Guzheng looked at each other, and stretched out their hands to the light group in front of them respectively.

Gu Zheng looked at the ball of light in front of him, and the moment he touched it, it split open, and a few things fell out of it.

Gu Zheng quickly caught it, but found that there were only two things.

A elixir exuding a delicate fragrance, and a soft and transparent ball.

This reward is too stingy, Gu Zheng is speechless.

Gu Zheng looked at Pan Xuan, she was holding the same thing as her, but Pan Xuan really had a smile on her face, as if she got something very good.

Pan Xuan looked at Gu Zheng, knowing that he didn't know the value of this thing, and explained to Gu Zheng, "This elixir is the most valuable, it can be said that it is the second life."

Gu Zheng had a look of disbelief, took the elixir in front of his eyes, and sniffed it carefully, except for a little fragrance, it was really nothing special. You must know that there are many elixirs that Pan Xuan gave him that were better than this, that kind As soon as you smell the fragrance, you will feel that the injury is better.

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