In just such a short period of time, Emissary Wu's cultivation has entered the Golden Immortal stage, and such a terrifying recovery speed is beyond everyone's expectations.

We must know that it takes a few days for ordinary people to be injured, and it takes longer for serious injuries. The stronger the situation, the shorter it is a few years, and the longer it is tens of thousands of years.

There are even injuries that cannot be recovered permanently, but the opponent seems not to be injured at all according to common sense, but the ghost energy in the body is lacking. As long as the ghost energy in the body recovers, the strength will naturally recover.

Gu Zheng put away all the scattered things on the ground, including the glove, and put them in a corner.

When I picked up the small bowl on the ground, there was actually a small bead like a grain of rice in it. Seeing that everyone didn't pay attention, I secretly put it away. Looking up at the blood-red stone pillar, I always feel like it was artificially made. Followed.

Why do these things appear here? Could it be that the black hand behind the mysterious organization was originally the person outside, but some accident happened and he was possessed by the ghost clan?

Then know the secret here, act as a guide, in order to trick them in? Gu Zheng really didn't know.

I don't dare to take these other things by myself, everyone knows it, and Pan Xuan just needs red gloves, I didn't expect there to be one here, it's just a coincidence, just for her to complete the task.

"Is it because our people have suffered a lot of casualties?" Pan Xuan felt a burst of anxiety from the tone and actions of everyone around her, and she also had an ominous premonition.

"Indeed, it seems that our side has suffered a lot of casualties now." Gu Zheng replied truthfully.

"Now that Ji Yi has killed half of the opponent's Black Shura, the pressure on our side has dropped drastically. At least we don't have to worry about their safety."

"That's good, I hope we have time to go out." Pan Xuan said to herself, as if comforting herself, there was a sound of knocking on the door next to Ding Xiao, especially since she couldn't see or feel anything, like a blind man, It made her very uneasy.

Not only Pan Xuan was uneasy, everyone was uneasy, watching helplessly that the opponent was strengthening step by step, and this side was still breaking through the obstacles of the outer formation.

Here Ding Xiao has retreated panting, Gu Zheng consciously stepped up, looking at such a simple door, no one usually pays attention to it, but now blocking everyone, everyone is caught in the urn, stuck here together.

He punched hard, and a blue shield instantly appeared on the door. When Gu Zheng's hand touched the shield, he felt like he had punched cotton, unable to exert force.

When all his strength was exhausted and he was about to leave, a strong force of counterattack came from the contact point of his palm. Fortunately, he had prepared early and did not cause much damage.

Gu Zheng also punched up with one punch, and hundreds of punches hit the door every second. Only in this way can the power of the formation be consumed to the greatest extent, and the power of counterattack always maintains one-third of his own attack. After ten minutes, more than half of the immortal energy in his body had been consumed.

Most of it was consumed to resist the counterattack, but the blue shield still felt tough after so long, and its strength didn't drop at all.

When will this fight, Gu Zheng thought anxiously, now that the power of the Wu envoy is slowly increasing with time, and he doesn't have much time to consume at all. If the place is strong enough and he still can't break it, That feeling made Gu Zheng feel chilly and shivering.

When Gu Zheng retreated, Mr. Hao also walked up, feeling sullen in his heart, and vented to the door, the sound of ping-pong was even louder.

At this time, Pan Xuan's eyes were also slightly better, and she could barely open them. Looking at everyone's complexions, she also understood that the situation outside might be really bad.

"Is the situation outside really that bad?" Pan Xuan still couldn't get out her spiritual sense, and it is estimated that Pan Xuan would not be able to recover to her peak state without resting for a year or so.

"Almost, although there are no more casualties among us, the opponent is strengthening step by step," Gu Zheng said dryly. If the opponent really strengthens without limit, if he doesn't go out, he may have no chance at all.

Pan Xuan is ingenious and thoughtful, and understands what everyone is worried about, but there is nothing she can do. Now she can do nothing except forcefully act, and she is no different from a disabled person. This is the price of forced exercise.

Suddenly a tinge of red appeared in the corner of his eyes, he turned his head, and was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a mission goal he was looking for on top of a pile of things.

It was so good, Pan Xuan showed joy on her face, and pulled out a small yellow ball from her body.

Controlling the ball, Pan Xuan slowly approached the red glove. The closer the ball got to the glove, bursts of light began to bloom from her body.

At first, it was just a little light yellow. As the distance approached, the color changed from light to dark yellow. Slowly, the yellow ball began to have some red spots. Suddenly, many red lines quickly appeared on the ball, and circled around, and soon the whole body of the ball turned red.

"Weng Weng."

The deep voice startled everyone, everyone looked at the surprise on Pan Xuan's face, and wondered why she was so happy, could this little ball help them out of their current predicament?

Pan Xuan felt the repulsive force coming from her hands getting stronger and stronger. The ball wanted to break free from her control, trembling desperately, and wanted to move towards the gate. , hastily shouted.

"Master Hao, get out of the way quickly."

Although she didn't know what Pan Xuan was doing, Master Hao still stepped aside. It would be great if she had a strange magic weapon on her body.

After breaking free from Pan Xuan's control, the red-yellow ball instantly turned into a red light and flew towards the gate.

As expected, the blue shield still flashed out, blocking the path of the ball.

How could the ball be blocked by it, the red light on his body became brighter, and the speed of rotation also increased rapidly, and the stalemate did not last long.


There was a clear sound, and everyone heard it clearly, as if something was broken.

The blue shield was directly broken into a spherical hole, and the small ball passed through the middle, skipped directly beside the black envoy, broke through the restriction of the stone steps again, and moved towards the original hole at high speed.

"What is that?" The emissary Wu was taken aback, the thing disappeared in front of him in a blink of an eye, and he could only vaguely see a red ball flying out.

He quickly looked back, and found that a top-grade fairy stone he had set up had cracked a gap, and accompanied by bursts of roars, the door was flashing with intense blue light, and he knew that the people behind had begun to forcibly break through the formation.

This was really beyond my expectations. Now my strength has barely reached the peak of Jinxian. If they come out, they will die.

It will take some time for me to get to Shura, so I can't let him come out now.

Fortunately, Ji Yi was still being dragged by the Black Shura, unable to get away, summoned more skulls in his hands, and rushed down to buy himself more time.

Now I am racing against time, whoever arrives first wins.

"Good opportunity." Everyone had this thought in their hearts, and Mr. Hao rushed forward immediately regardless of the consumption in his body.

Facing the gate, he punched and punched. This time, he didn't punch. He tried his best. The blue shield wanted to close the gap, but he couldn't do anything. There is no time to close it.

Ding Xiao stood behind with an excited face, and threw the pill into his mouth without any money. At this time, no matter whether it was wasted or not, everyone except Pan Xuan did it.

Others are also eager to try, even if their strength is a little low, but seeing their own people and friends suffering, they must do their part.

Right now, outside the secret realm, there are only a few Shuras waiting, and the others have already gone back.

You Xing was still the same as before, sitting on the ground motionless, waiting for more people to come up again.

Suddenly, I felt the ground tremble, and the hole kept shaking, as if something was about to come out of it, and the shaking became stronger and stronger, and some of the soil on the ground was shaken up to the sky.

With a sound of "咻", a small red ball rushed up directly from the hole where everyone went down. The light on the ball had dimmed a lot, and it was no longer as dazzling as it was at the beginning.

A protective shield blocked the ball. It turned out that You Xing wanted to intercept it, but he didn't expect to be directly broken by this humble ball.

Even if he is a protective shield that he arranged casually, it is also Da Luo's power, and if he puts it on Gu Zheng, he will not be able to blast it away for a while with all his strength.

The difference between Da Luo and Jin Xian is simply not on the same level. If it weren't for Hua Long's lack of defense at all, if it wasn't for the defensive magic weapon given by Elder Qin, Gu Zheng would have died there long ago.

When You Xing wanted to intercept here, the ball had disappeared before his eyes, and he lost his best chance.

What's going on down there, You Xing saw the black smoke coming out of the cave, and hurried to the cave, his spiritual sense went down directly, feeling what happened below, even the few remaining Shura people surrounded him.

The barrier that could have blocked the detection of the outside world has been damaged by the small ball, and You Xing and the others can directly perceive all the situations below.

This made them turn pale with fright. If it wasn't for the damage at the entrance of the cave, they wouldn't know that the place below has become like this. It's a mess everywhere. Isn't it the ancestor's secret realm? How could there be enemies? They have already lost so many people on their side.

You Xing made a decisive decision, and immediately wanted to go in and save them, but he broke through with all his strength, but still failed to break through the somewhat incomplete barrier.

He was still standing on the entrance of the cave, and the barrier was still functioning, and it was slowly repairing itself as time went by.

"You guys, go to the south and report to the special envoy that something unexpected happened here." Seeing that he couldn't go down, You Xing immediately arranged for a few Shura people next to him.

Those few people also knew the urgency of the matter, so they didn't talk nonsense, they all immediately got up and ran towards the south, and disappeared here in the blink of an eye.

However, not long after, they were all flown back from afar, and blood flowed unstoppably from their mouths as soon as they fell to the ground, and after a while, a small stream appeared underground.

You Xing even discovered that two of them had lost their vital signs now, apparently dead before they hit the ground.

"Who, come out, who dares to oppose us Shura people." You Xing looked around vigilantly and threatened the enemy, but he didn't see any trace of anyone in his eyes.

Although my spiritual consciousness was not compressed so badly, it was only a few times away from them, and now I was scanning my surroundings all the time, watching all the movements, but I didn't notice anything.

A slight sound of footsteps came from the south of him, and he quickly turned around. He had already taken out his weapon from his hand, and looked there cautiously. A graceful woman was walking towards him step by step. .

A small ball was in her hand, constantly throwing it up and down, a smile appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth, she was relaxed, and she didn't pay attention to You Xing at all.

But You Xing's eyes were already filled with fear, and the weapon in his hand was raised unconsciously, aiming at the oncoming woman.

"Who are you and how did you get in." Facing such an unfathomable enemy, You Xing's face was already tense and began to sweat, and here suddenly appeared a peak Da Luo, without any marks on his body, very A friend is an enemy, can you not make him nervous.

Now he is trying to control his body so that the opponent does not see his timidity. If the opponent attacks him, as long as he can hold on for a minute, the special envoy from the south will be able to sense the situation here and come quickly. All he has to do is Try to defend yourself and don't show your flaws.

"Don't be nervous, relax, she doesn't dare to do anything, or she will die." You Xing kept wondering where she came from and what purpose she came here for.

This woman had already come not far from him, and did not take any measures against his actions, as if she was sure that she would not dare to do anything, her kind face gradually became serious.

"Xiao You, the plan has already started, are you ready?" The smile on the woman's face had disappeared, and she said in a serious tone, the voice floated from the sky to You Xing, who was surrounded in all directions.

You Xing, who was on guard, didn't understand why the other party said this sentence, and he was about to refute it, but that sentence was like a curse, rushing to his ears and entering his brain over and over again.

"Xiaoyou, Xiaoyou, are you ready, are you ready?" You Xing kept thinking in his mind, and his voice became louder and louder. Seeing a blur in front of his eyes, he felt that the whole world was shaking.

With a "poof", the weapon in his hand had slipped and was deeply inserted into the ground.

"What did she do to me?" The pain in his head made him unable to hold on, and now he was half-kneeling, covering his ears with both hands, trying to block the sound, but unfortunately everything was useless, the sound was still there Constantly echoing in my mind.

In the end, he had completely lost his mind, and the constant pain stimulated her, rolling back and forth on the ground like an ordinary person. He, who usually pays attention to his appearance, is now covered with mud all over his body, and is extremely embarrassed.

Seeing this scene, Shura, who was seriously injured and not dead, was completely desperate. He originally wanted to rely on You Xing to save himself, but now the other party simply made him lose his fighting power. Luo, unexpectedly, the opponent didn't even follow a move.

Where did this woman come from, how could there be such a powerful person lurking in this place, why did the ancestor keep them, why did the special envoy not find out what was going on here, the Asura kept shouting in their hearts.

"Kacha" the pain reached the limit, and You Xing felt that something in his brain was shattered, and a memory he didn't know poured into his mind, and at the same time, the pain in his brain stopped.

You Xing closed his eyes and began to digest the extra memory. It didn't take long for him to stand up, and there was no defense in the eyes of the woman, only a trace of excitement.

"Old Xiong, I'm back." You Xing nodded to the opposite woman, and there was an inexplicable light in his eyes, which made people think it was a feeling of freedom.

"You Xing, you will die badly." Seeing this scene, Shura next to him couldn't guess that the two of them knew each other, "You should know that you betrayed us, and you are destined to die."

That Shura vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood one after another, his breath was already suffocating, but he still shouted unwillingly, "You will live a life that is worse than death, and you will be tortured by adults for every lifetime."

Shura next to him also looked at him with resentment, never expecting his slaves to dare to rebel.

You Xing walked over with a sneer, and took a look at these Shura people. The flattery and timidity on his face were all gone. Now he was full of determination, and he seemed to be a different person.

He stepped on that Shura man, thinking of the humiliation he had suffered for thousands of years, a trace of hostility flashed across his face, he slowly stepped hard on the soles of his feet, stepping on Shura's chest little by little.

Shura still wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it now, his face was flushed, and he tried hard to resist the pressure on his chest.

"If you want me to die, you also have to see if you have such authority." You Xing said coldly, as if he wanted to vent all the grievances in his heart, "I only know that you will die before me. "

He is not the kind of low-level puppet, not everyone can control him, if the person who comes is Master Hao or a higher level, he really can't resist, if you tell him to commit suicide, he will kill himself in the next second Xinmai didn't resist at all.

When I just surrendered back then, in order to test my loyalty, I received the kind of humiliation, the kind of insults that made me wish I could die. Now that I think about it, I wish I could die with the other party.

Although at that time my memory had been sealed and made a small change, but now I have recovered my memory, and the experience in the middle is still fresh in my mind, and I will never forget it for the rest of my life. There is no mutual hatred.

But this is also the case. Only by showing my sincerity and obedience can I infiltrate the opponent's core, and there are the same teammates. Unfortunately, they have been sent outside. In the end, only myself broke into the enemy's pseudo high-level .

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