Although during this period, my memory was sealed and caused a lot of losses to my own people, but everything was worth it. I have a lot of secrets here in my mind.

Next, he shot out a few bursts of fairy energy to seal everyone's mouths, not wanting to hear them yelling, and directly broke their heart veins one by one, and then burned them all into flames without leaving any traces.

After doing this, You Xing returned to the front of Xiong Lao, bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself."

Thinking of my behavior just now, I feel even more cruel, especially when I was in front of Mr. Xiong, and I realized after I finished it in my heart. Now I feel a little uneasy, not knowing what Mr. Xiong will think of me.

"It's okay, it's nothing to vent. After all, you have suffered a lot. Speaking of it, we are all ashamed of you."

Xiong Lao's kind voice came, and he didn't mean to blame himself at all, but comforted himself, which made You Xing feel warm in his heart, and felt that it was absolutely worthwhile for him to suffer such a big grievance for everyone.

"Mr. Xiong, has the plan already started?" You Xing looked at Mr. Xiong with surprise mixed with puzzled eyes, only to realize that since Mr. Xiong had come out, everything went smoothly, otherwise he wouldn't have woken himself up .

"Yes, the plan has already been implemented. I was going to find you, but I didn't expect you to come out with the other party, which saved me a lot of trouble." A smile appeared on the corner of Xiong Lao's mouth. There was no mistake at all, and the other party made such mistakes one after another, God helped them.

Originally, Xiong Lao didn't expect to wake You Xing up so soon. Ever since the cave opened, he had been hiding in the distance, watching waves of them go down, but unfortunately he couldn't detect the situation below because of the enchantment.

I had no choice but to wander outside and watch all the time, for fear of any accidents, and Xuanfeng's important matters were fully entrusted to Leng Rong, who is also the Big Snake Brother Gu Zheng said.

For a month, there was no movement at all, and I was not in a hurry. I continued to investigate carefully, trying to find something. Suddenly, there was movement from the bottom, and a small ball escaped from the bottom. At the moment it came out, Mr. Xiong Finding that the enchantment can no longer be used as his own consciousness, he can "see" clearly the situation inside in an instant, and he can even see the things next to Gu Zheng clearly.

This made him overjoyed, so he shot directly to intercept the ball. After passing through so many obstacles, the ball had already lost most of its strength, and in the end it still hadn't escaped Xiong Lao's control.

In order to avoid stunning the enemies in the south, he activated the secret formation that he had prepared long ago. As long as the movement is not too loud, the opponent will never be able to detect the movement here.

By the way, he called back all Shura who went back to report the letter, and then walked up to You Xing, and with a special voice, opened the sealed memory in his mind.

That's right, You Xing was the first batch of masters who surrendered ten thousand years ago. It turned out that this side had planned it long ago. In order to avoid discovery, it is better to seal up this memory directly and deeply by yourself, unless the quasi-sage level makes a move. , otherwise the abnormality will never be found.

"It's just a pity that some people can't be rescued anymore." A faint sigh came from Xiong Lao's mouth, and his face was full of regret and self-blame.

I have been waiting for the present, and finally the time is ripe, and it is time for the former people to recover. Unfortunately, there are still many companions who have not waited until this day, either died unexpectedly, or were caught outside. There is really no way to do that. He was powerless to save people from the sea of ​​blood.

Although these plans have been discussed and agreed to be implemented by everyone, they were originally proposed by themselves and the bird bird, which means that they have part of their own responsibility for their sacrifices.

"I believe that everyone will not blame you. We have already looked down on life and death, and would rather die than be enslaved." You Xing also thought of his former partners, and now he doesn't know how many are left.

"Well, many partners have come out now, and soon everyone can meet here again. Next, you only have one task. After you complete it, you can come to Xuanfeng to gather. During this time, don't attract their attention."

Elder Xiong pointed to the top, signaling him to drive carefully, "By the way, you are leaving a message for Gu Zheng, the person next to your little girl."

You Xing knew who he was talking about, it was Pan Xuan's little lover, but he didn't expect that he was also one of his own, and he hadn't noticed it before, and it was hidden under his nose, it was amazing.

Then Mr. Xiong explained in detail, and then left here. He needs to inform Elder Qin, who still doesn't know all the situation.

The only way to make it clear is to go there personally, which is also safer, and the enemy will not find some movement. You must know that there must be enemy spies on the other side of the valley, which is why I seldom contact there.

"My lord, go slowly." You Xing watched Elder Xiong leave respectfully, and then thought about sitting there before, and there was no problem on the surface.

I just need to complete my task, feeling that the bottom is still in dire straits, I don't feel anxious before, and I even feel a little happy.

I really hope that the black robe can escape successfully, so that the words here can also have more strength. As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Here, no matter what hatred there is outside, you can put it aside and wait. Go out and talk.

Although the task is relatively difficult, but if you do the mental calculations without thinking, you are 80% sure that you can succeed.

When the ball just broke through the surface, the left envoy in the high tower had a thought, but before he felt anything, he found that the thing that made his heart beat had disappeared.

"What's the matter?" The right guard looked at him and frowned, and asked involuntarily.

"I felt a breath just now, as if it was something I left for that girl Pan Xuan."

"Did that girl really find it?" The right guard asked happily.

"No, if you really found it, then the thing should come back, maybe it sensed the breath of the glove, or found some clues, and I just responded."

The left guardian continued to search for the fleeting breath in his heart, but he couldn't feel it at all, so he gave up searching.

I also saved a hand for Pan Xuan. Once Pan Xuan finds and confirms the glove, the ball will automatically come back and directly point out the location of the glove to herself.

Ever since Pan Xuan entered the secret realm left by the ancestor, he has lost control of her, and now he doesn't know what happened to her there.

Although I can only roughly confirm her aura, it is enough to monitor her to prevent her from being in danger. There is no way that Mr. Feng asked someone to arrange it. Besides, he gave himself a lot of rare magic weapons, so I still need to help with this small favor.

However, with Hao in charge watching over there, there shouldn't be any problems.

Thinking of this, Zuo Hushi felt relieved and continued to close his eyes.

The right guardian looked at the left guardian like this, and continued to meditate in confusion. Although he was arranged to respect him, he didn't tell himself many things, which was really depressing.

If you can't beat him, you must let him try to speak half of the price.

And in the underground, when Mr. Hao went up and started violently smashing the goal, Gu Zheng saw that the ball broke through so many protections, and it seemed that it might rush out, so he couldn't help asking.

"What is that, and why is it so powerful."

In fact, everyone was very curious, even though Ding Xiao stood behind many people and took over to attack the gate at any time, he still pricked up his ears, wanting to hear what it was.

Seeing everyone looking at her so curiously, Pan Xuan spread her arms and said helplessly, "I don't know what it is, this is something given to me by the special envoy, let me look for it."

Pan Xuan pointed to the glove at hand, "Once you find it, as long as you take out a small ball and approach it, the special envoy said that you will know it naturally, maybe it is that thing."

As she said that, she had already put away the gloves and other things. She didn't know what they were for, so she just put them on together, maybe they might be needed by the special envoy.

I didn't expect a pair of gloves to be here, no wonder the envoy couldn't find it after searching for so many years, the other one must be in the secret realm.

Pan Xuan was thinking wildly, with this thing, at least half of the special envoy's mission could be completed, but how to get out now, there is still a terrifying enemy outside.

"Look, Messenger Wu's cultivation has already reached the peak of the Golden Immortal, and he is still growing." A Xiuluo exclaimed, his cultivation has risen a lot in just a short time.

"It's okay, wait a while, the special envoy is coming, he can't make any waves." The person who was traveling comforted him.

But everyone was not very happy. When the special envoy will arrive, it is still uncertain. I am afraid that when he arrives, he will have to collect his own body. Even if he kills the Wu envoy, he will not be able to survive. What is the use?

Pan Xuan quietly pinched the button of the hand, feeling the breath coming from it, it was specially made, and she could feel the faint fluctuations on it, as long as she waited for her to activate, she could take herself out of here.

And I can also leave with Gu Zheng, but it seems that there is still time, so don't use it for now, and activate it when you really can't hold on.

Because the button can only take one person, so you must leave with the person you have the best relationship with. Although Master Hao is the leader, in her heart, Gu Zheng still has the highest status.

At this time Master Hao has come down, and those who went up are the three Asuras of the late Jinxian period, and now they have to do their part. Although each of them has a shorter time to attack with all their strength, the three of them together are about the same. Everyone take a break.

"When you're going to fight, you must protect yourself. You activate the necklace I gave you. The defense is very strong. At least it can block the black messenger for a while. Don't get hurt again."

Gu Zheng whispered in Pan Xuan's ear, if Pan Xuan hadn't insisted, he would have persuaded her to take the Rejuvenation Pill, which is the precious medicine they got before, although the name is not domineering, it feels like an ordinary medicine , but the medicinal effect is really strong.

Even if this is the case, Pan Xuan is no longer able to fight, even if there are powerful enemies outside, he would rather run away than take it, and you can know how much he cherishes it.

"En." Feeling the fiery words in her ears, Pan Xuan's cheeks became even more flushed. Under Gu Zheng's gaze, Pan Xuan obediently put her hand close to her neck, and with a flash of light, she smoothly put her spirit Instill power into it, so that it can be controlled by itself.

There is a lot of energy instilled in it, if it is used up, it will automatically absorb the aura of heaven and earth to replenish it.

Gu Zheng watched Pan Xuan successfully activate the necklace. In this way, if a battle broke out, if he couldn't take care of her in time, at least she would have the ability to protect herself.

Gu Zheng always felt that his special envoy probably wouldn't be able to come, maybe there was something wrong with the ball, in short, it was better to be safe and be prepared.

At this time, the memory also left behind only a few black Shuras left, and after seeing the shattered steps, they rushed towards the stage directly.

Emissary Wu looked at the other party's aggressiveness, without any haste, he took out a fan from his chest, and had already snatched away many of his magic weapons.

Although there are still many times, but I don't have time to warm up at all, so I might as well not use it. Now there is only this talisman that can be used.

The whole body of the fan is white, the handle is dark green, only the word "spirit" is written on the fan, it doesn't look like a powerful weapon at all, it feels more like an item used to flaunt handsomeness.

"Old friend, this time we are going to fight side by side again." The fan flashed a black light, as if it understood the master's intentions.

Messenger Wu closed and opened the fan, and after repeated several times, a wisp of black smoke emerged from the fan, looked at Ji Yi who was only halfway away, and directly fanned Ji Yi gently.

A puff of black smoke emerged from the fan and ran directly towards Ji Yi.

Before the smoke fell on the other party, the fan was thrown out by the emissary Wu, drawing an arc on the outer circle, spinning and shooting at Ji Yi.

There was a black border around the fan, which looked like the black threads were bright. Although the rotation speed was not fast, Ji Yi still stopped with a serious face, and shot the fan directly.

Before approaching, many thin black mist protruded from the edge of the fan, and a series of mist thorns were fired directly. Ji Yi quickly drew back his spear and danced in a circle in front of him, constantly resisting the opponent's hidden weapons.

The fan looked like ordinary white paper. I didn't expect the thorns it fired to be so hard. I wanted to defeat the opponent in one go.

"ding ding ding"

Many foggy thorns were directly knocked down to the ground, Ji Yi saw the timing, and rushed towards the fan with a thrust.

The golden light on the long spear turned into a hurricane, rushing forward fiercely, and the fog was hung aside by the hurricane, unable to break through.

But when he touched it, the spear in his hand seemed to hit the Wannian Xuanbing, and his arm was numb from the shock, and his blood surged. Just hit yourself.

Just as he was about to draw back the spear, black light surged from the fan, and a puff of black smoke was sprayed out quickly. Unprepared, Ji Yi was directly sprayed by the black mist on his head, and the black mist covered his brain directly. My mind was hazy, and my eyes looked hazy, as if looking at the world through a layer of black mist.

The black smoke ignored the immortal energy of the body protection, Ji Yi was shocked and hurriedly propped up a shield, defending back for the time being, in order to prevent the opponent from continuing to pursue.

The long spear was waving directly beside him, covering all the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the gun shadow, airtight.

At this time, the layer of black mist surged up, surrounding Ji Yi, corroding his shield.

The emissary Wu stretched out his hand and waved, and the fan flew back by itself.

At this time, the Shura people finally wiped out the last few black Shuras. Seeing that Ji Yi was in danger, they hurriedly led hundreds of people who were still intact, and wanted to besiege the black envoy together.

Messenger Wu suddenly closed his fan, and the corpse turned into a black light and appeared in front of Ji Yi. He watched the opponent's defenses were perfectly stitched together, covering his whole body under the shadow of the gun. It seemed solid, but in his own eyes it was full of flaws.

Stretch out a hand directly, penetrate the shield, pass through the gap that he thought was seamless, and print directly towards his heart.

When Ji Yi's opponent smashed his protective shield, all the hairs on his body lit up. Although he swung his hands faster and wanted to block the opponent's attack, he always felt vaguely wrong in his heart.


In the end, Ji Yi relied on his experience to block the opponent's palm when it was close to him, but the opponent's strength was too great, and he directly bent the gun body, hitting Ji Yi's heart heavily.

When Ji Yi was hit, he sprayed blood and flew straight up into the sky. Seeing Ji Yi blocking the front, Shura quickly stopped his spells to prevent accidentally injuring him.

Several people were about to catch Ji Yi, but just as their hands touched him, they were directly sent flying by the force of his body, and then Ji Yi fell to the ground fiercely, passed out, and dropped the spear in his hand to the side.

Everyone saw that the long spear had been bent in a small arc, and it was put aside dimly. If it hadn't been for a flash of light occasionally, the weapon would have been useless. If it hadn't been for the long spear to block Ji Yi, Ji Yi's The heart can be broken on the spot, and it won't just pass out.

"General Gu."

With a few exclamations, several members of Ma Ji and the others immediately rushed up to check the situation in Ji Yi's body. Ma Ji immediately took out a bottle full of green liquid from Ji Yi's storage space, regardless of whether it was wasted or not, and opened the lid , all poured into Ru Jiyi's mouth.

No matter how good things are, it can't compare with General Ji's name.

As the green liquid entered Ji Yi's body, his aura gradually calmed down. Green began to quickly repair the damaged parts of his body, and the injuries in his body were further controlled, and slowly moved in a good direction. Let go of my heart.

The few of them put Ji Yi aside and stayed away from them. They were afraid of accidentally hurting them, so they directly guarded Ji Yi's side.

And these Shura people looked at the black emissary on the stage, and when they took a light step forward, everyone couldn't help but take a step back.

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