"What's the matter, old woman." The old man who was still sleeping soundly just collapsed, and instantly picked up a sharp skull from a convenient place, and a little bit of cold light leaked from the pointed end. This was their only self-defense weapon.

"Old woman, where are you?"

The old man looked around, but he didn't find his wife, and shouted anxiously.

"I'm here, there's a dead man here, come here quickly."

The old man looked over for the sound, and found a hand stretched out from the grass, and stepped over in a few strides.

The old woman was rubbing her feet aside, but no other beasts or thieves were found.

Except for one corpse here, the old man suddenly found a person lying on the ground, because the grass was so high that it just blocked his figure, which prevented the two of them from noticing.

It happened that the old woman came here and found that he accidentally stepped on him, and the unprepared old woman subconsciously fell on him.

However, it was not that he had never seen blood when he was young. Although his heart was terrified, he still had the courage to look at it.

"Is he dead?" The old man asked subconsciously, and then observed carefully, this person was completely naked, but handsome, with a handsome figure, and there was no trace of work on his body, and his hands were white and tender.

One can tell at a glance that it is a character like a son-in-law, only they don't need to work.

"I don't know, I dare not look at it." She was full of panic at the time, and after seeing a naked man, her first reaction was to turn her face away.

The old man carefully put his hand under his nose, heaved a sigh of relief, and said to the old woman next to him:

"It's still alive, it's not dead, it looks like it was robbed by thieves, then knocked unconscious and still here."

"Hurry up and get him away, don't you bring an old dress with you, put it on for him first." The old woman still lowered her head, not daring to look this way.

"Oh, oh." The old man came to his senses belatedly, quickly picked him up, put him on the grass outside, and took out a yellowish piece of clothing from his car, which he bought from the city. Things, just washed when I came back.

A suit of clothes from a poor family was put on Gu Zheng's body, and there were some patches on it, which were colorful, and it could be seen that it had been used for many years.

At this time, the old woman also settled her own affairs, and limped out, as if the ankle she sprained just now was in some pain.

"Which family is this son, so handsome." The old woman looked at the man on the ground, although she was wearing rough clothes, she couldn't conceal the special temperament on her body.

"I don't know. Anyway, I haven't seen it in Huahu City. Maybe I came from another place. I'm really not afraid of death. Don't you know that there are many bandits outside and the kingdom's rebels are resisting outside." The old man was also surprised. .

"This kid knew he was robbed by bandits at a glance. Fortunately, his life is not in danger, but it's really strange why he's unconscious here."

"Old man, let's go, this place is so close to Huahu City, it seems that the gangsters are getting more and more arrogant." The old woman said worriedly.

"Don't worry, they will take advantage of the army to go out and wipe out those rebels. When General Liang's army returns, they will definitely wipe out these bandits." While comforting the old woman, the old man led the old horse out.

The opposite side of the lake is the main way to enter Huahu City. It can be said that this side is the most remote, and it is relatively close to a mountain. Now that there is a lot of chaos, it is rare to come here. What if you encounter someone with malicious intentions?

Since the rebellion, the palace heard that many people were killed, and even the flower lake in the city changed color, it was terrible.

And their village is just under that mountain, just over a day away from Huahu City.

Soon, the old man finished packing, and the old horse shook his head aside, ready to set off again. This time they tried their best to get home before dark.

"Let's go." When the old woman got into the car, the old man wanted to shout.

"What should he do?" Lao Tzu pointed to the person who was still lying on the ground, and asked his own opinion.

"Let him stay. He's not seriously injured. He should go back to the city when he wakes up. At that time, he thinks he will find his people."

The old man tugged on the rein lightly, and the leather whip in his hand turned into a beautiful whip. With a sound in the air, the old horse automatically raised its feet and walked forward, and left here soon.

After a while, a familiar carriage stopped here again.

"I'm not here to save him, but I love my clothes. You know, the clothes are still new." A familiar voice came out.

"I know, I know, you can quickly lift him up, my foot is injured and I need to rest, I'll help you up there." The old woman smiled lightly.

Just a few minutes after walking out of here, the old man murmured to himself: "What if he is attacked by thieves, what if a monster eats him up?"

The voice was intentionally made to the extent that he could hear it, which made the old woman angry and funny. He was soft-hearted and insisted on letting himself speak, but didn't he marry her because of this in the first place.

In fact, he is very kind to himself. Although it is a bit bitter, his life is very happy.

"Then let's go and rescue him. If the other party thanks us for saving our life and gives us money that we can't eat in a lifetime, we will get rich."

The old woman said directly, she didn't know what the old man meant, "Besides, the other party is also strong, even if he is a poor man, he can help us and earn his food back."

"That's right, you still understand me, that's what I think." The old man said with a chuckle, pulled the rein, controlled the old horse and went back again.

"Phew, I can't tell. I didn't expect him to be quite heavy." The old man had to use up some strength to lift him up, so some of the corners of his clothes were frayed, which made him feel so distressed.

"Okay, let's go, it's really too late if we don't go." The old woman watched him leaning against her panting, took out a worn handkerchief from her bosom, and gently wiped the sweat stains on his forehead .

"Hey." The old man smirked like a child, walked to the front contentedly, and controlled the old horse to move forward.

The old woman stuffed hay under the man to make him more comfortable. It seems that he has never built such a simple carriage.

But Zai Po, this is the most valuable item in their house, it saves the two of them a lot of energy, at least they can come to the city to exchange for some things.

Otherwise, they would have to walk for two days and two nights to arrive, and their bodies would not be able to bear such a long distance.

There are many other things that were carried along with the car, all of which were exchanged by fellow villagers. Their things for a long time, but they are all on it.

After a long time, the sky has gradually darkened, but there is still a long distance from their village, and it is very likely that they can only smear the road.

"Old man, let's find a place to rest for the night, this black light must not hurt the old horse." Fortunately, they have been in such a situation several times before, and they are not too panicked.

Maybe there was one more person in the carriage, and this time to reduce the frequency of going out next time, in short, I brought a lot of things this time.

Coupled with the fact that the old horse is much older, the speed is getting slower and slower, and it is estimated that it will not be able to walk at all in a few years.

"Okay, let's go to that cave." That cave was discovered by accident last year, and it was much better than the mountain they had slept on before.

The old man shook the reins, and the old horse turned knowingly, and walked obliquely towards a mountain peak.

Finally, when it was dark, they came to the cave.

The old man went in first to take a look, and found that there was a thick layer of dust on the ground, obviously not occupied by other wild animals.

Only then did the old horse go in together. The cave was wide enough. The old man guessed that it used to be the lair of the bear king, because a few bear hairs were found in it. Only the bear king could be so big and opened the cave very large.

The old man skillfully sprinkled a little powder outside, and dropped a ferocious tiger's excrement that was not very fresh, which could effectively stop those insects and snakes and some ferocious beasts that came looking for them.

Even though his hands and feet are not as flexible as before, he can't hunt some ferocious beasts, but he still often sets some traps when he goes up the mountain to cut firewood, and some small animals like rabbits will often fall into them, which can make them eat a few delicious food. pause.

Very rich experience in surviving in the wild.

All the young guys in his village have more or less learned from him, and they will follow him all the way up the mountain when they are busy.

They rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and the water to eat the water. They rely on the game and wild fruits on the mountains, and they live well, at least they will not go hungry.

Every once in a while, I will go to the city, and use fur and some free-range livestock in exchange for some necessities of life.

By the time they got back, Wife Zi had already lit the fire, and even laid some hay from the car neatly on the ground.

"Ahem." A cough appeared in the cave, and the two of them immediately looked up and found that the young man lying in the carriage had woken up.

The old woman hurriedly handed the old man a water gourd, motioning for him to drink.

Just when the old man stood up, the young man suddenly sat up straight, his body tensed, and he looked around blankly.

Immediately startled the two of them.

"Are you okay, drink some water." The old man approached carefully, and handed over the gourd in his hand.

It's just that the young man was still looking around in a daze, as if he didn't quite understand what the old man said, and the old man Du Yu didn't respond at all.

"When I found you, you were already unconscious by the lake, and we didn't know who harmed you. We were afraid that you might be in danger, so we pulled you back." The old man told the story again, including the reason for his appearance. Said it together.

As if his slightly accentuated voice had attracted him, the young man turned his head.

This time the old couple saw clearly, but now his eyes were still very confused, he kept scanning the surroundings back and forth, his eyes kept turning around.

His brows were tightly frowned, as if he was thinking about why he came here.

"Hey, can you hear me?" the old man said carefully.

"Ah." The young man seemed to think of something. Holding his head and screaming, after waiting for a while, the young man gradually stopped shouting, but his eyes still looked confused.

"Old man, maybe he lost his soul after being beaten by a thief. Look at this appearance, he looks like a lost soul." The wife looked at the other party and said.

"That's right, this young master is really unlucky. He couldn't help being robbed by thieves and fell into this state. Fortunately, we saved him, otherwise he would probably starve to death there." The old man said with emotion.

"Look how pitiful he is. Let's do it to the end. Maybe he will wake up sometime. Anyway, looking at his appearance, it's okay to bring me firewood. This is enough to feed a mouth."

"Head of the family, then we have given him a name, otherwise we don't know how to call him, I think it's better to call him Xiaojun, which is catchy." The old woman made a suggestion.

"How could such a name be possible? I heard that there is a scholar named Shi Lei in Huahu City. He is as handsome as him and very famous. Let him be Shi Lei. It just so happens that we are all stones."

The old man retorted dissatisfiedly, his wife can only be so handsome, dark, flowers, etc., and he can't name it, so can't he use someone else's name.

"Okay, I will do whatever you say, Shi Lei, are you hungry, I'll give you something." Saying this, the old lady took out a dry biscuit and handed it to the young man they called Shi Lei.

Shi Lei subconsciously borrowed it, looked at the two smiling faces, and with their encouragement, slowly put it in his mouth and began to chew.

"Slow down, slow down, don't choke." The old woman snatched the fool out of the old man's hand, handed it to him, and said slowly.

"It seems that I'm not completely stupid, at least knowing some instinctive things, it's much easier." The old man stroked his sparse chin.

"Old man, you should eat some too. Rest quickly after eating, and you have to go on your way early tomorrow morning." The wife handed another piece of cake to the old man.

"Well, you can eat some too."

Soon the three of them finished their food, the old man and his wife went down to the hay, and said to Shi Lei who was still in a daze, "Go to sleep too."

Shi Lei stared blankly at them closing their eyes, so he followed their example and lay down on the car, closing his eyes.

Soon there was only the sound of crackling flames in the cave, and everything fell silent.

Little did they know, there was something outside following their scent to find this place, feeling the faint breath of the tiger in the air, feeling the breath of the prey, it was inside, it hesitated and ran back.


A sudden howl of wolves not far away woke up the old couple who had just fallen asleep.

"Old man, what did you hear just now? I seem to hear the sound of howling wolves." The old woman approached her husband, and only in this way could she calm down her panicked heart. ,

"Where, maybe a pack of wolves in the distance is moving around. I'm safe and sound. Don't worry, no beasts will come in." Seeing the panicked expression on the old woman's face, the old man hugged her in his arms and comforted him softly.

At this moment, the old man looked at Shi Lei, still lying there, without changing his posture, which made the old man feel that he was not an ordinary young man. Looking at his tense body, he knew that he was also a man who had been on the battlefield, but it was a pity. People become stupid, and they don't know if they can recover.

"Yeah." The old woman and the others trembled in fear for a while, but everything around was quiet, only unknown bugs were making noises.

After waiting for a while, the wife couldn't stand it anymore, and fell asleep in the old man's arms, and the old man decided in his heart that he would not sleep all night, so that he could deal with danger at any time.

Time passed bit by bit, and the old man was still staring at the entrance of the cave with his big eyes open, for fear that some beast would appear, but his head started to nod unconsciously.

After all, he was getting older and his energy was not as good as before, and the familiar snoring sound reappeared in the cave. Only Shi Lei suddenly opened his eyes, and was still staring at the top of the cave, as if there was something there.

At this time, it had entered the middle of the night, and without the old man's supervision, the fire gradually began to go out, and finally there was only some residual heat on it.

Suddenly, a few green eyes appeared outside the hole, silently sizing up the prey inside, and soon they disappeared again.

Only the old horse seemed to have sensed something and woke up from his sleep, but found nothing abnormal, but the vigilance in his heart told him that there seemed to be a ferocious beast breath around him, which made him restless and spewed out from his mouth. There was a cloud of gas, snorting, and the body began to sway non-stop.

These movements quickly awakened the old man. He was in a light sleep, and he was always vigilant about his surroundings, and found that the noise was made by his old horse.

In his own opinion, it was probably the smell of feces outside that disturbed him, so he could not help comforting him softly:

"Old man, be quiet, don't disturb her."

My old horse understood what I meant, and usually he would have calmed down after he finished speaking, but this time it reacted more and more violently, kicking forward again and again, as if signaling to the old man that there was danger here, so he ran away quickly.

But the old man just thought that the appearance of Shi Lei's strange aura made the old horse a little uneasy, so the old man lit the fire again and restored the light in the cave, but after looking around, he didn't find anything wrong.

Of course, such a violent sound woke up the sleeping old woman.

"What's the matter, why is the old horse frightened?" The old woman rubbed her sleepy eyes and looked at the old horse who was getting more and more anxious.

"I don't know, it looks really strange today, but it's getting late in the morning, so let's stay up early and start early." The old man couldn't figure it out either.

The old woman was about to say something when she suddenly saw a dozen green will-o'-the-wisps outside the cave, which made her scream again and hurriedly pushed the old man beside her.

"Look, there are monsters outside." As she spoke, a few more pairs of will-o'-the-wisps appeared in the air.

The old man looked back, such obvious features, where is it a monster, and when he thought of the previous voice, he didn't know that he was surrounded by wolves.

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