"Back back, hurry up and pull the old horse back." The old man quickly pulled Shi Lei down, and put the cart across in front of him, because the hole was too big to be blocked at all.

At this time, it is not about regretting the size of the cave, nor is it entangled with why the feces did not work, nor is it entangled with when wolves appeared nearby.

I have lived here for decades, and I occasionally see extremely old, weak, sick and disabled wolves, but I have never heard of wolves around.

Standing behind the cart, he kept waving the sharp bone spur in his hand, and kept yelling, trying to intimidate the opponent.

Although he had yelled the loudest and had the most terrifying expression on his face, it was a pity that these didn't work at all. Several weak-looking wolves came in from the entrance of the cave, which was used to test them.

The old woman led the horse and only backed away a little. The cave was not very deep, and after taking a few steps, she had already reached the innermost part. She looked at the old man worriedly.

The old man secretly encouraged himself, he must not die here, he still has his wife behind him, and he is still waiting for his child Guangzong Yaozu to come back.

I saw a few wolves greedily looking at the old man, slowly approaching the old man a little bit from left to right, with sharp wolf teeth showing in their mouths, outflanking them from three directions.

With a wolf howling outside, I saw the wolf in front, back slightly bent, with its front legs stretched forward, its claws exposed, and a faint fierce light from its eyes.

This is a sign that the opponent is about to launch an attack, and the old man is always on guard.

I saw the three wolves attacking the old man in no particular order. The middle one rested its front paws on the car floor, and jumped straight towards it from the air, while the other two circled around from the side. .

Instead of retreating, the old man charged forward directly at the wolf in front, leaped forward suddenly, dodged under the opponent's sharp claws, and directly pointed the bone blade in his hand upwards, with the help of The opponent's momentum directly pulled out a big hole in the opposite side's abdomen, and he came to the opposite side along the way, just bypassing the attacks of the two wolves.

A handful of blood was scattered from the sky, and when the wolf landed on the ground, it only struggled a few times, and it couldn't die anymore.

The old woman covered her mouth, afraid that she would yell out and distract him.

The other hand protects Shi Lei, for fear that he will rush up and die, there will be no accidents if he goes up and down to die like him.

But he didn't realize that there was no fear in Shi Lei's eyes at all, instead there was some eagerness to try.

With a simple movement, the old man felt that he was panting a little. He couldn't accept his old age. He thought that he had fought a fierce tiger for three days and three nights, beheading the opponent in his hands. Now, he felt a little pain in his joints when he moved a little bit vigorously. .

At this time, the sky outside had begun to light up. With the help of this faint light, the old man's heart skipped a beat.

Because outside the cave, one was obviously taller than the other wolves, tall and mighty, looking at him coldly with sharp eyes, which made the old man shudder in his heart.

It should be the leader of the wolf pack, and there are many wolf guards beside him.

This giant wolf is taller than the tiger I saw on the mountain, no wonder I have to be afraid of the tiger's breath, my group of people probably have to explain here.

The old man clenched the bone blade tightly in his hand, ignored the attack behind him, and rushed towards the giant wolf directly. The way to gain a chance of survival is to defeat the giant wolf. Even if the two wolves were fighting each other, even if they killed each other, they probably would not have the strength to deal with this giant wolf.

A trace of contempt flashed in the giant wolf's eyes, and with a light howl, he waved away the ready-to-moving guard, and walked out by himself. For this kind of prey that was overwhelmed, he would torture him and eat him alive.

The two wolves behind them also retreated directly. When their leader was fighting, they didn't dare to go up and flank them. That would be an insult to the leader.

The old man was overjoyed that this was his best chance. The old man took a deep breath, put all distracting thoughts behind him, and stared at the giant wolf closely.

Seeing the giant wolf slowly approaching him, he could see the careless look on his face.

The old man was furious, and rushed towards the opposite side pre-emptively. The bone blade in his hand radiated a cold light, and directly stabbed at its eyes.

The giant wolf yawned, and raised a paw to grab him directly. If this continues, the old man will be torn apart by the opponent before the bone blade in his hand gets close.

The two got closer and closer, and under the worried face of the old woman, the old man quickly lowered his head, slid sideways, and quickly turned to the other side of the giant wolf.

The opponent's Zhanli's body had already reached the old man's chest, just as he didn't need to adjust, he could comfortably use all his strength, twisted his waist, and stabbed fiercely towards the opponent's neck, success or failure depended on it.

The giant wolf just took a light step forward, and a windy tail flew over from behind, hitting the old man hard.

Before the bone blade in the old man's hand hit the opponent, his whole body was blown away, and the bone blade even came out of his hand, directly drawing circles in the air, and falling to the ground, splashing a little dirt, and falling to the ground without moving.

The old man flew directly beside the fire, trying to get up several times, but his body wobbled before he managed to get up, and then fell to the ground with a plop.

Although the giant wolf didn't use any strength at all, the old man still couldn't block it. He just felt like his whole body was falling apart, and his head was a little dizzy.

Desperately seeing his wife, she was already in tears, and the two wolves from before were slowly approaching, blocking their way.

At this time, the old woman's mind was blank. She had never experienced such a dangerous thing. Looking at the hungry wolf so close, the sharp teeth flashed in her eyes, and her heart couldn't help beating wildly. She didn't know what to do.

Looking at the regretful eyes of the old man, and the giant wolf was slowly approaching him.

The old woman got hotheaded, she was going to die anyway, even if she died, she would die together, she didn't care about anything, she just rushed out to the old man.

The two hungry wolves were startled at first, not expecting that this fragile prey would dare to run away. The hungry wolf that was close to her jumped directly at his wife.

"Get out of the way." The old man shouted with all his strength, with bruised tendons on his forehead.

But the old woman ignored the old man and kept her eyes on the old man. Even though she knew that a bad wind was coming from behind, she still ran towards the old man. She would die sooner or later. It would be better to die sooner or later. It would be enough to die by his side , but Shi Lei was implicated.

When the hungry wolf's head was about to approach the old woman, Shi Lei moved, one step directly crossed the distance of these few steps, and directly bumped into the opponent's body.

"Ahhh." The hungry wolf was directly hit by the volley and flew out, just hitting the car board, whining in pain.

The other hungry wolf saw the companion who dared to hurt him, so he jumped forward without hesitation, and scratched his back with a paw.

But the hungry wolf suddenly felt a huge force in its flanks, and it flew out of the ground and collided with its previous companions.

The two hungry wolves howled together.

It turned out that it was the old horse who saw another hungry wolf wanting to sneak attack, so he played it by ear, lifted his premise, and kicked the wolf suddenly, kicking him out with great force.

At this time, the old woman was already kneeling on the ground, and carefully lifted up the old man's head and put it on her lap.

"Run quickly, I'll help you lure him away." The old man struggled to get up.

"No, my foot is injured and I can't run away." The old woman's face was full of tenderness, she put her hand on the old man's head lightly, stroked his cheek lightly, lowered her own face, and then used her own Rubbing his cheek lightly, she whispered in his ear:

"You told me that we live together and die together. Today, I want you to go to see Hades together and ask him to be your wife in the next life."

"Well, I will marry you in my next life."

The old man's eyes were filled with tears, and he couldn't continue saying this sentence, so he closed his eyes and waited for the final arrival.

The giant wolf wouldn't ask about them, he was trying to get to know her, when suddenly a stone flew over from a distance, turned around lightly, and directly dodged the stone to sneak attack.

Although there was no threat at all, he couldn't be focused by this. He looked over angrily, who would dare to attack it, and found that it turned out to be a food with delicate skin and tender meat, looking at him provocatively.

Then I will use you to attack, the giant wolf directly gave up the prey in front of him, and rushed towards Shi Lei, if he dared to provoke himself at this time, then he would have to pay a heavy price.

The giant wolf nimbly bypassed the two giant wolves below, and rushed towards Shi Lei, trying to pin him down and bite his throat.

The old horse was already lying on the ground trembling when the giant wolf looked at it. For him, he didn't even dare to resist the giant wolf.

But when Shi Lei saw that fierce light, he didn't feel scared in his heart, instead his body was ready to move. Facing the opponent's attack, his body nimbly dodged to the side, the distance was much larger than usual, and he dodged the opponent's stretched claws. .

The giant wolf launched such a swift and violent attack, but it did not expect to be dodged by the opponent, and it became even more annoyed. It left ten finger pits on the ground with its claws, and rushed over again.

Shi Lei actually didn't know how to deal with the opponent, he just followed his own body's instincts, he had a hunch that the opponent couldn't beat him, so he didn't feel worried about the approaching claws and four evils.

He took a few steps back behind him, walked up the wall directly backwards, and then turned over in the air, and jumped over the body of the giant wolf directly from the air, seeing the astonished eyes of the giant wolf.

Shi Lei, who landed directly, took advantage of the giant wolf's attack, directly clenched his fists, and hit the side of the giant wolf fiercely.

Under the punch of the giant wolf, its huge body flew straight out and hit the wall, causing waves of dust to fall.


How could the angry giant wolf believe that the opponent was so powerful, and he had encountered many prey before, but the opponent's attacks could leave a trace of scars on his body except for some weapons, and other attacks were simply tickling for him.

The giant wolf shook the dust off his body, and rushed towards the opponent again, this time he must tear him apart, but the opponent is as nimble as a monkey, no matter how he scratches left and right, he can't even touch the hem of the opponent's clothes .

The giant wolf has never seen such a situation, let alone depressed in his heart, roaring continuously in his mouth, but he was attacked by the opponent again and again, and his whole body was in pain.

The old couple was waiting to die with their eyes closed, but they heard the giant wolf howling nearby. They opened their eyes in surprise and saw a figure entangled with the giant wolf.

The figure is very flexible, under the lightning attack of the giant wolf, it can dodge perfectly, and counterattack from time to time, and it looks familiar.

When the two separated, they realized that this wasn't the Shi Lei who broke his brain. He didn't expect him to have such a skill, so powerful.

Seeing an opportunity, Shi Lei hit the giant wolf on the head with a hard punch. The giant wolf crawled directly on the ground. When he got up again, his body was unstable, his head was shaking constantly, and his claws kept waving towards the surroundings. The opponent took advantage of the situation and continued to attack.

It took a while to get rid of the dizziness in his head. Looking at the human in front of him, a trace of fear appeared in the giant wolf's eyes, and he knew that he was not the opponent's opponent.

The giant wolf backed away slowly, always wary of the opponent, grinning constantly.

Halfway through, he turned around and fled out of the cave, and even the two hungry wolves struggled and ran out together before going underground.

In an instant, the wolves at the entrance of the cave disappeared completely.

The old man, who was completely relaxed, felt extremely sore all over his body. No matter what, he and his wife were finally saved.

"Old woman, wake up, it's all right, the wolves have already retreated, we're all right." Seeing the old woman still nervously closing her eyes, the old man struggled to free himself from those hands, and gently patted his wife on the shoulder and said.

"What, we're fine, who saved us." The wife opened her eyes and looked at the punch in confusion, and there were no other people.

"It's Shi Lei, he's really good at fighting off the leader of the wolves." The old man recalled the scene of the previous battle, it seemed that when he was young, a deputy general was as skilled as this. Less wins more, a great name to break through.

"No way." The old lady looked at Shi Lei who was still standing still, she really couldn't imagine how powerful this weak body possessed.

"Thank you, Shi Lei." Although they knew that he might not understand, the old couple still thanked him.

They also felt that they were lucky to have met him and saved him, otherwise this group of wolves would definitely be dead.

The old couple took a break and began to pack up. Apart from this matter, they were even more anxious to go back.

After finishing everything, the old man picked up the bone blade from the ground, looked at Shi Lei who was sitting on the car, thought for a while, and handed over the only weapon.

"Hold it, it will be even more powerful in your hands." Seeing his puzzled eyes, the old man said.

The old man decided to put this weapon on him, at least he really couldn't exert the power of this weapon. If he had the weapon just now, the giant wolf would not be able to run out.

Because the old man knows that the wolves hold grudges, it is impossible to give up so easily, and he always feels that the road ahead will not be so peaceful.

The old man drove the carriage out of this place. Although the old horse was not in good spirits and was a little frightened, it was only half a day away from the village, so it could only let it hold on.

The old man was very vigilant all the way around, especially at some turning points and surrounding peaks, but he didn't find anything unusual, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Pass that hillside and walk on a plain to arrive." The old woman was chatting with Shi Lei alone. According to what I heard before, this can speed up the memory recovery of the lost soul. She introduced everything to him along the way.

Their mountain village is located in front, surrounded by mountains on both sides, and behind them is a large mountain range, which is also scattered into villages, but most of them are far apart and rarely come and go.

From the bottom of the hillside to their village, there is a nice plain, but with limited manpower, they just grow some food near the village, so they can be self-sufficient.

However, in order to prevent a disaster year, it is generally necessary to buy some extra food in case it is not needed.

The old horse also knew that as long as he passed this hillside, it would be much easier, and the pace under his feet also accelerated a lot, and he was ready to rush up in one breath.

Seeing that he was about to rush up, several black shadows suddenly jumped out from the opposite hillside and appeared in the sky.

"Speed ​​up and rush over." At this time, you must not back up, or you may overturn the car.

The old man didn't care about his distress, and directly whipped the old horse's ass.

The old horse was in pain and his body suddenly accelerated, and he rushed up the hillside. Suddenly, his four hooves grabbed the ground tightly and stopped abruptly.

"bang bang bang"

The hungry wolf that was pounced on the old horse had already landed on Shi Lei, so it simply sped up and pounced directly on Shi Lei behind.

Looking at the sharp claws of several hungry wolves in the sky, before the old woman could react, Shi Lei stood up and waved his palms a few times, and sent them flying.

And those few hungry wolves flew out howling, and landed heavily on the ground, moaning weakly, but couldn't get up anymore, this punch, Shi Lei exerted all his strength, their internal organs had been shattered, and they couldn't last a while will die.

"There are wolves, be careful." After knowing it, my wife realized it and screamed loudly.

But it was not too late for her to remind. In front of them, a familiar giant wolf was standing there, followed by hundreds of hungry wolves, all looking at them with gritted teeth.

This is also when the old horse tried its best to stop. The old man came down from the side and sighed inwardly. There are so many wolves, only the whole village can stop them.

I don't know where these wolves came from, whether they migrated from other places.

Because it is close to Huahu City, the lord of Huahu City will inspect the mountains near the city every ten years to prevent some wild animals from attacking the city. Because of the war, no one was sent for the inspection mission in the past two years.

No one went deep inside to investigate, because there were a few tall mountains in the middle that blocked everyone, and no one could climb over. Gradually, everyone only moved around the village, and they didn't know what was going on a little further away.

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