On the silver spirit boat, the inside looks completely different from the outside. It looks like a three-storey pavilion separated from each other inside. It looks very neat. The exquisite unknown wood carvings are engraved with all kinds of birds and beasts. , but the most unknown spells.

There is a thin layer of white mist between each floor of the pavilion, like a wall, separating the upper and lower.

The surrounding area of ​​the first floor is empty, only at the edge, there are more than a dozen rooms.

After Gu Zheng came in, that elder Qingyan also came in with Pan Xuan, saw that all the Asura people gathered in the middle, walked towards the middle, and said as he walked.

"Listen to me, the first floor here is the practice room. If you want to practice, you can choose one at random. The second floor is the room for everyone. The third floor is not open to everyone because it is the master of the sect. Really. Sorry, it only takes a few months for us to come to Sky Blue Island, please don't worry."

At the same time, he came to the middle part, stepped on the white ground a few times at random, and the barrier leading to the upper layer was opened.

Those Shura people were not polite, they walked up quickly, each chose a house and walked in. In just five days, it was time to take a nap, so no one took advantage of this to practice. Rui, it happened to be such a long journey, let's take a rest.

Gu Zheng and Xiaoying also walked up, randomly chose an empty room, and walked in.

When Xiaoying usually rests, she always returns to the picture scroll, and rarely goes outside, because she is not used to it at all.

The room is not small, and everything is available. More importantly, there is a white window opposite the entrance, through which you can see the outside scenery.

Gu Zheng leaned over to take a look, and before he knew it, the spirit boat had already moved forward, and the whole thing was hidden in the clouds in the mid-air, and the blue ocean below could be vaguely seen, flying towards the back at a gallop.

After only a night's rest, Gu Zheng opened the door again and walked towards Pan Xuan's position.

"thump thump"

"Come in!"

Gu Zheng pushed the door open and walked in, seeing Pan Xuan looking through the window with her back to them.

"What? What's the matter?" Pan Xuan watched Gu Zheng and Xiaoying come in together, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes, but she still said.

"Didn't I tell you last time, to help you find something that calms your mind, so that you can feel at ease, don't get so angry every now and then, it's really not good for the future." Gu Zheng said straight to the point.

After speaking, he took out a dark red bracelet from behind. It looked a little whitish now, full of traces of time, and looked inconspicuous at all.

However, a trace of calming breath exuded from above, which made her feel a little ups and downs, and she couldn't help being soothed.

This thing was found by Xiaoying in some storage places in the pagoda. It seems to be a relic of Master Mercy. I don't know why it was discarded there, but it is better to give it to Pan Xuan at this time.

This thing has also been checked by Gu Zheng, it has no other extra functions, as long as it stays by the side, there will be an invisible power that makes people calm, Zhenghai can be used by Pan Xuan.

"I don't need it, I have no problem, you can take it back and use it for yourself." Pan Xuan said lightly, while turning around again, looking outside.

"I put it here for you, believe me, this thing will definitely help you." Gu Zheng didn't know why he was a little cold this time, as if he was deliberately alienating himself, so he could only put the beads on the small table, Then it left on its own.

"My lord, what's the matter with the other party?" The sense of alienation also made the very keen Xiaoying feel that she was very enthusiastic before, but now it has become like an iceberg.

"I don't know either, maybe the other party's concern, maybe next time it will be fine." Gu Zheng didn't know, shaking his head and said.

Then the two returned to the room again.

When the footsteps outside the door went away, Pan Xuan turned her head and looked at the string of red bracelets on the table, a little stunned.

"Ah ah ah"

In an empty room, Pan Xuan's painful voice resounded throughout the room, but unfortunately, no one would know all of this, so no one could know the pain that seemed to make people commit suicide, except for one.

It took three full days before this inhuman torture stopped, and she was lying on the ground almost like a puddle of mud,


The door outside the door was opened, and a tall figure walked in.

"Old Ancestor!"

She remembered it very much, but no matter how hard she tried, she didn't have any strength in her body.

A bloody light emerged from the ancestor's body, turning around in the air, a bloody ring appeared in the air, and the next moment, it melted into her body like lightning, filling her body with strength again, at least she could stand up .

"I don't know why, since I captured you, I have a vague feeling that the fate of our Shura group has been connected to you, so I gave you a blood ring, and you are qualified to bear the previous trials, but If you can control it, then it means that this world is really not good for me, Asura, if you can't control it, then wait to die, even if you are conceived by my blood, there will be no exception."

After the ancestor finished speaking, the whole person disappeared in place, as if he had never been there.

However, the pain didn't lessen with the sinking of the blood ring, on the contrary, it became more intense, but the time was too short, so short that he hadn't had time to cry out before it disappeared.

Afterwards, she was sent out, and no one knew about all of this, but knowing that she could win the favor of the ancestors, and that she could be forgiven for giving the guarded things to the enemy without permission, made people take it seriously.

Although that matter was done secretly, no one could escape the eyes of the ancestor.

However, with the blood ring on her body, every time that kind of pain appeared from time to time, she wanted to die. Unfortunately, she didn't even die that easily, which also made her temper more and more angry. She is fearful.


She was thinking about the past, and suddenly her face turned pale, and she couldn't help but let out a muffled snort. Unfortunately, the feeling of extreme pain disappeared in a flash, and she didn't even have a chance to react.

And inside his body, the blood ring is still at the position where it came in. From then to now, there has been no change at all, as if in the eyes of the ancestors in his eyes, his whole body is full of mistakes, and he wants to force her alive. Crazy, this is her punishment.

Involuntarily, she took a few steps forward, picked up the bracelet on the table, and suddenly a peaceful and comfortable breath came from her hands, as if she had even forgotten the pain just now.

What surprised her even more was that the aura rushed straight up along her body, and actually submerged directly into the blood ring.

The blood ring, which had been uncontrollable, trembled suddenly at this moment, and unexpectedly slowly disappeared from the inside of her body and merged into her body.

When she was concentrating for a moment, a small circle of fire appeared between her palms, as if a flame was burning.

She moved towards her neck, and with a smooth flash, a necklace appeared in the middle of her neck, which she gently touched in her hand.

"I hope God will bless my Asura clan!"

Three months later, in the boundless area of ​​the North Sea, on a piece of blue sea, the sea breeze blew across the sea, creating large waves.

In the blue sky, a silver flying boat in the sky and a huge cloud sea ship on the sea surface broke through the waves and moved towards this side at high speed.

On the deck in front of the Yunhai ship, many people stood there, looking into the distance.

After penetrating a layer of thick white fog outside, a huge island suddenly appeared in front of them. As it got closer, everyone gradually saw its appearance.

The area of ​​the island is very large, it looks like an oval, with plains, forests, hills and mountains. If it is not isolated from the world in the depths of the North Sea, I am afraid that it will not become an island.

On the outside of the island, there are seven islands of different sizes, scattered around the periphery of the big island like stars and moons.

However, on the island, towering tree-like stone temples are scattered scattered on it, is there a flash of light, exuding a dangerous atmosphere.

Even if everyone doesn't understand the formation, they can see that the stone palace above should be the basis for the formation, but before it is activated, no one would think how powerful it is, but it seems All the islands have this kind of stone temple, which is probably very powerful.

And in the center of the most middle island, a scattered city is in it, many splendid buildings, even from the spirit boat, it is amazing.

Blue Medicine Sect, just as its name suggests, is very famous for refining pills. Many named pills can be traced to them, but most of them don't know where they are, let alone where they are located. Talk about people who meet them.

I just know that they occupy an overseas fairy island, and there are monsters, and they will not discriminate against other people, they treat everyone equally, and it belongs to a place left over from ancient times. Every once in a while, maybe ten thousand years, maybe a thousand years, they will go out a trip.

Looking for some talented disciples, some people went out to polish in the world of mortals, and some collected some rare medicinal materials, but if the other party didn't tell them, no one would know their identities.

Because many of their practice methods are collected and exchanged, which vary from person to person.

Of course, Gu Zheng didn't know all this before, and it was Pan Xuan who was next to him who told him.

After Gu Zheng gave her the bracelet that time, it took two full months for her to reappear and return to her previous appearance again. However, when Gu Zheng saw the bracelet in her hand, he also found that the other party's temper seemed to have subsided a lot.

As they approached, it could also be seen that on a huge pier in front, many people had already gathered there, as if they were waiting to welcome them.

Soon the spirit boat and the Yunhai ship docked there, and individuals filed out from inside, and all came to the largest island here.

"smell good!"

As soon as she came down, Xiaoying couldn't help shouting, not only her, but everyone who came here for the first time couldn't help sniffling.

Without him, it's just because the fragrance of the medicine on this island is too strong, one can vaguely feel the speed of the celestial power in the body speed up after taking a sip, and the spirit is also lifted.

In front of this pier, dozens of people have been waiting for a long time. The leader is a tall and handsome man in sky blue clothes, with some fair cheeks and a light and elegant atmosphere around him. A show of talent.

Gu Zheng couldn't help but take a closer look, and found that the other party's cultivation had reached the early stage of Da Luo, and most of the disciples of the Blue Medicine Sect behind him were Golden Immortal cultivators.

Although these people greeted them with smiles, Gu Zheng still noticed the worry in their eyes.

"Fellow daoists have worked hard all the way. We have worked hard. We have prepared a little wine in front. Please go and rest for a while." The man also knew that everyone was looking at him, so he didn't care. He stepped forward and said to everyone.

Just this sentence made everyone have a good impression of him on the first face.

"Okay, then let's go quickly." Gao Bo, who was at the front of the crowd, said with satisfaction when he heard this.

The man warmly nodded and smiled at the crowd, and then led the crowd to walk inside.

After coming here, Gu Zheng discovered that there are many rare medicinal herbs growing around here, which are considered to be planted in some special places, and layers of protective shields against wind and rain are raised above their heads to prevent them from getting sick. By the disaster of God.

Moreover, Gu Zheng also noticed that some hidden spell fluctuations also loomed from time to time, as if the entire island was engraved with formations.

Everyone followed the passage opened here, and soon came to a huge square, surrounded by more than a dozen majestic halls, and the one in front of it was several times larger than usual. Few people sat inside.

Gu Zheng and his group walked in, and naturally there were dedicated attendants to lead them in, but he also noticed that Gao Bo and the man in black originally came together, but now it seems that the man and the street have disappeared at the same time , even Pan Xuan went to other places unknowingly, it seems to have gone to another place.

Soon Gu Zheng and the others sat down at another table, and of course there was a maid serving brewed spiritual tea beside them. Instead, a fragrant medicinal fragrance emerged from the firewood water and turned into wisps of white smoke towards the surroundings. Disperse.

Gu Zheng took a closer look, and it turned out that the thing that looked like tea was also a kind of panacea, which was soaked in a clear spiritual spring, which gave off a refreshing fragrance.

Gu Zheng didn't hesitate either. He raised it with one hand and slowly put it to his mouth, then slowly took a breath, his mouth was fragrant immediately, a faint air flow rushed straight down from his throat, and quickly circled around his body, Let the body a little tired swept away.

Gu Zheng put down his teacup, then looked around, and found that the hall was full of people, and most of them were looking around like him.

And in this hall, there are more than a hundred people. At a rough look, including the hundreds of people from Asura, there are a total of four hundred people here. Without exception, all of them are above the Golden Immortal stage.

Seeing all these ancient disputes, I clicked my tongue secretly, so much power was just invited by the other party, I don't know what happened to the other party, so they invited so many people.

Not to mention how much it cost, but just to say that so many people are needed, how terrifying are the people who attacked here, at least in Gu Zheng's impression, there is no memory at all.

Although there are not many people, but at this point in time, it is still a terrifying force.

At this time, in the main hall, everyone was observing the surroundings. Occasionally, voices would be heard, and their expressions became more dignified. However, when they came, they were all prepared, and they were not nervous.

At this time, the man who led the ancient battle before appeared on a raised platform in front of him, glanced at all the people below, and then spoke.

"Fellow daoists, please be quiet for a moment, especially since our sect master is currently coordinating the various magic circles, and we really can't move away. Let me apologize for everyone first, and then come to apologize in person later."

His voice was so clear that everyone could hear it clearly. Some people nodded, and some of the grievances in their hearts disappeared. After all, they came here, even if it was for reward or other things, but they were not taken seriously, which made people feel uncomfortable. .

"As the son-in-law of the sect master, You Zhu, is also the deputy sect master of the Blue Medicine Sect. I will answer some questions for you, as well as assist in defense. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me." You Zhu is on the top Continue to speak.

"The deputy sect master is very polite. Of course we know something when we come here, but what we are most concerned about is the current situation of the Lan Yao sect, how many enemies are there this time, and when will they come?" In the place, a man with a tower-like body stood up and asked upwards.

The question he asked was also a question that most people thought about, so everyone's eyes focused on it to see how You Zhu would answer.

"To tell you the truth, we don't know the exact time of the opponent, but we know that the opponent will definitely attack within fifty years. As for when to attack, and how many people will come here, we really don't know. "You Zhu said with an apologetic face.

"If you don't know, isn't that too passive?"

"So, it's going to be here for fifty years? But it's not a long time."

"Your intelligence seems a little low, which is really worrying."

"If there are many people from the other side, wouldn't our sacrifice be in vain?"

As soon as Youzhu's voice fell, the people below were in an uproar, some people didn't care, and some people were worried, after all, none of them wanted to fight for no reason.

Even if the other party's gift is too expensive, if the difference in strength is too great, they will weigh it. After all, no matter how valuable the gift is, there is only one life, and it is beyond their own scope, so naturally they don't want to.

In fact, many people have retreated now. They thought there must be no problem with so many people, but now they feel that they have no idea.

"Young Master Gu? My parents are here to invite you." At this moment, a male disciple dressed in a blue robe came beside Gu Zheng, and said politely to Gu Zheng.

"Elder?" Gu Zheng turned around and looked around, and found that this was the only disciple, and the others were all serving here.

"I don't know too well, but Master Shura who led the team this time is also there." The disciple suddenly said nervously.

"Lead the way!" Gu Zheng didn't know why, he stood up and said with Xiao Ye.

"This way, please!" The disciple looked at Xiaoying next to him, and wanted to say that the elder only invited him, but he quickly changed his words when he thought of what he was about to say.

"Everyone calm down, please listen to me"

With Gu Zheng's departure, the voice inside became lower and lower, and soon the disciple led him to a hall not far away.

At this time, there was a layer of black light waves on the gate, blocking prying eyes from outside, and Gu Zheng walked in without hesitation.

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