Gu Zheng's eyes blurred, and then he realized that he had come to the top of a cliff, and he could see the unobstructed sky on his right side, as well as the small island he saw before.

I didn't expect to be teleported to this place, and a layer of almost invisible white light shrouded the outside, completely self-contained, really careful enough.

There is no need to look behind, a narrow path, I do not know where it came from, and it is also blocked by an invisible white light, and at the corner in front, there are two elite disciples of the Blue Medicine Gate guarding, behind them, faintly There were voices of conversation.

Gu Zheng strolled towards the inside, past the two disciples and walked in.

A few simple stone benches, coupled with the ventilated caves around, have a special style.

At this time, there are already many people working inside. The man in black before, that Uncle Gao, and Pan Xuan are all here. It is also Da Luo's breath.

"Hehe, I'll wait for you, sit down quickly." At the front, a man who looked strong and strong saw Gu Zheng come in, stopped talking, and then said to him.

Gu Zheng looked around, then sat directly next to Pan Xuan, looking at the young man above.

"The above is the suzerain of the Blue Medicine Sect, Sen Lu, at least Da Luo's cultivation level at the peak."

As soon as Gu Zheng sat down here, Pan Xuan's introduction came from next to him, which surprised Gu Zheng. He didn't expect the other party's cultivation base to be so high, and he looked like an ordinary person.

"Everyone has a brief understanding of our current state before. That small tribe in the North Sea actually united with several sea tribes and wanted us to be controlled by them. This kind of deception is too much, and they want to treat us as a subsidiary of nature. I won’t agree, but the other party has assembled a good team and can come over at any time.” Mori Lu continued along the previous topic.

"It's all about thanks and nonsense. This is just the beginning. I think you should come here too. You either promised me something or helped us keep this place together. Of course, do your best." Pan Xuan looked at Above, to Gu Zheng's sound transmission.

Gu Zheng nodded slightly at Pan Xuan, expressing that he had not forgotten.

"Although this clan is small in scale, it has been passed down for an unknown period of time. Naturally, they cannot be tolerated. That's why I invite everyone to help us in this difficult time. As long as we repel the opponent's attack this time, then they will promise not to come again. Violate us." Mori Lu above continued.

"Then how many are there? If there are quasi-sages, I'm sorry I can't help you, even if you have been kind to me." A woman in a white palace dress in front heard him, and said lightly .

Gu Zheng is very familiar with this question, so I don't know what Senlu said.

"First of all, the other party must not have a quasi-sage. If this is the case, we would rather lose this place than confront the other party. After all, it is ashamed to say that we have not had a quasi-sage after so long, otherwise it would not be the case Embarrassed."

Here Senlu said categorically, giving everyone a reassurance. Although everyone had probably asked about it when they came, they didn't believe it so much, Senlu continued.

"And we naturally have the Seven Star Luan Heaven Formation that has been passed down to this point, let them see that we are not persimmons, but we need everyone's help. After all, we are still very few masters, and we cannot exert the power of the formation at all, and the formation The distribution is scattered, and someone needs to guard there to block the opponent's surprise attack."

"However, I know that our sect's strength is a bit weak against the opponent, so I underestimate everyone. Now we only have nearly 500 people above the Golden Immortal stage, and there are nearly 20 people in Da Luo, but how many people come from the opponent? We all deal with it with all our strength." Mori Lu said confidently.

It is not easy for so many people to be gathered together by him with a lot of money. Among them, there are at least two hundred golden immortals, all of whom were brought here alone, and the same is true for the general Da Luo. It seems that they really bleed a lot this time .

Hearing what they said, the people below also became a little confident, because there are so many people, and they are already strong enough to defend and attack.

"However, I know that war is cruel and uncertain, so I have prepared gifts for everyone, which can be regarded as extra gifts for everyone. Thank you for coming here and helping us protect this place." After Mori Lu finished speaking, his hands were like white lights Emerging from the hands, it flew towards the crowd.

Gu Zheng saw that white light staying in front of him, and a pure white jade bottle appeared in his eyes.

"Here is the latest elixir developed by our Lanyao Sect. It can guarantee that in the middle stage of Da Luo, as long as you are not seriously injured to a certain extent, it only takes half a day to restore 80% of your combat power. It has some effect, but the efficacy of the medicine will decrease, and at the peak, it can only restore 10% of its strength, barely saving my life."

Senlu's voice sounded again, his tone full of pride.

Gu Zheng looked around with satisfied eyes, and put it away in the same way. This thing can be said to be a half-life existence. I didn't expect the other party to give such a good thing as soon as he opened his hand. It's really generous, but he doesn't know about those golden fairies below. , Do you want something to appease you?

With so many people, if each of them took a pill corresponding to it, it would count as one bleeding.

"Although we have a large number of people, we have already made a perfect plan, have information to repel the opponent, and teach the opponent a lesson, but we still need a few fellow daoists to guard the core of the formation outside."

Seeing that everyone accepted it, Senlu continued.

Seven days later, all the people here were disbanded, and everyone's tasks had been ordered individually. Although they didn't know what tasks the others had, Gu Zheng and Pan Xuan were assigned to two small islands in the south.

The elite disciples outside were also ready to stand by. After the two of them came out, they would lead them to fly outside, and the others would also be led by themselves to fly in other directions.

After a while, two adjacent small islands appeared below them, but the one in Gu Zheng was relatively protruding, while Pan Xuan was quite close to the big island in the middle.

"Then let's separate for the time being. If you have anything to do, come to me anytime." Here, Pan Xuan left a word for Gu Zheng, and then fell down, and soon turned into a small black spot.

Gu Zheng shook his head, and followed the disciples in front with a smile.

On his island, Gu Zheng could see that most of the entire island was covered with mountains and rocks, and many scattered vegetation was sparse, but there were a few sea water washing away from the island.

And in the middle, there is a man-made troughed plain, a huge stone house stands in the middle, above the ground, it can be seen that on the surrounding ground, sea water is rushing inside.

Moreover, Gu Zheng also saw many black hole-like caves, with a layer of white light shining outside, from which he could feel a wave of aura emerging from below.

The elite disciple led Gu Zheng to the front of the stone hall in the middle. At this time, he could see disciples guarding in twos, but they were just ordinary disciples, and their cultivation base was only fourth and fifth ranks. Patrol.

When they saw them coming down, they all stopped to salute before going on patrol.

Gu Zheng and the elite disciples stopped all the way to the gate of the stone palace.

An old man with a grey-bearded Golden Immortal came out from the side, looked at Gu Zheng and asked them.

"This is the young man who came to guard here?"

"Elder Qi, this is the suzerain appointed to guard this place to ensure the protection of the Yaoguang Island." The elite disciple said respectfully.

"That's great. When this is the right time, I can lead some people to garrison it with peace of mind, activate the formation at any time, and wait for the enemy's attack." Elder Qi brushed his slender chin and said with satisfaction.

"Then I'll take my leave first." The elite disciple here was obviously higher than him, but he seemed to be more respectful to him, so he jumped into the sky and left here.

"In Xiaguzheng, I don't know what to call senior." Guzheng looked at the old man and said respectfully.

"Boy, you are really good. It's been a long time since I saw someone who respects the old and loves the young so much. Just call me Elder Qi." That Elder Qi looked Gu Zheng up and down, and then said with a smile on his face.

After all, the opponent can guard this place, and his cultivation level will not be lower than that of Da Luo, and he is many times stronger than him, an old immortal who is only in the early stage of Golden Immortal.

Gu Zheng was speechless for a while, but didn't know how to answer.

"I'm going to continue picking some elixir. Before the other party comes over, I have to refine it as soon as possible, so that I can be more sure." Elder Qi said, and walked outside, but only a few steps away , Thinking of something, he immediately turned his head and said to Gu Zheng.

"You can't enter the stone palace in front, or it will cause backlash from the formation. There are still some restrictions on the island, so be careful. Other than that, your activities are not restricted. By the way, not far from the side, there are Some temporary caves, although a little rough, are still clean, so I can go there if I have a rest, I still have some things to do, so I will leave first."

After saying this, Elder Qi flew towards the outside, and quickly disappeared here.

After thinking about it, Gu Zheng decided to go there first and find a place to rest, after all, the time is still long.

After not taking many steps, a huge courtyard appeared in front of Gu Zheng. The outside was made of rough rocks, and there was only a symbolic door without a gate in the middle.

Gu Zheng was a little speechless when he walked in, because those temporary caves were really on those huge rock walls, and there were not many rooms at all, but there was a gate inside, so it would not be easy to see in.

There is no way, Gu Zheng took a glance and pushed away the houses near the edge, thinking that the inside was not very good.

But Gu Zheng pushed it away and looked, but he was also surprised. After all, the inside is not small, twice the size of an ordinary house, and there is everything you need, and there is a faint fragrance in the air, which is not as dull as imagined. Obviously, there is something here. The formation has been maintained.

In addition to not looking very good on the outside, Gu Zheng is still satisfied, it is enough as a temporary resting place.

But Gu Zheng didn't intend to waste this time, and he didn't want to go out to check it now, so he took out his Yunhuang Sword, sat cross-legged on the bed, put it in his palm, and explored it with his spiritual sense.

I didn't have time along the way, and now I finally have some time to observe what the evil black energy on the Yunhuang sword is.

After a long time, Gu Zheng's complexion became solemn, and he sighed helplessly when he looked at Yun Huangjian in front of him, because he didn't recognize what this black air was after observing for a long time, he only knew that it was filled with countless negativity.

A little contact just now almost caused Gu Zheng to lose control. He wanted to be assimilated by the other party, so it is no wonder why he was specially trapped. Get here and break his seal.

Although he didn't recognize it, but Gu Zheng didn't intend to stop there, he had to try it no matter what.

After the restraint was imposed outside, Gu Zheng took a deep breath, threw the Yunhuang Sword in his hand into the air, and then a white flame rose instantly on his right wrist, and under his control, formed a thin The white line flowed towards the Yunhuang sword, and it attached to the tip of the sword in a blink of an eye.

The whole body of Yunhuangjian trembled, but the next moment he was calmed down by Gu Zheng. Although this sword does not have its own sword spirit, it can also predict danger, just like the instinct of animals.

A ball of white flame penetrated along Yunhuangjian's body towards the top, and soon it turned into a flaming sword except for the handle.

Gu Zheng closed his eyes, carefully controlled the white flame inside, penetrated into the outside of Yunhuang Sword, and attacked the black air inside.

Even if it was only a short period of time, the black energy seemed to be a little afraid, and he didn't want to fight the opponent at all. This made Gu Zheng happy, thinking that the opponent was restrained by Bai Yan, and continued to press on.

The black air was scurrying back and forth in the sword body, but it was quickly forced into a corner.

Facing the persecution of Bai Yan, the whole group of black flames shrank into a ball, forming the size of a grain of rice. Even though Bai Yan surrounded him, the flames on Yun Huangjian's body rose again.

After a while, the white flame of Yun Huangjian faded back little by little, and Gu Zheng wiped some sweat from his head, he was too nervous.

If he accidentally damaged the Yunhuang sword a little, it would be too late for him to cry.

But to Gu Zheng's disappointment, when Bai Yan subsided, the cloud of black energy did not decrease at all. It turned out that Bai Yan might restrain him, but the current power seemed far from enough.

Looking at the black air spreading out again, Gu Zheng thought of the Liuli Jinghuo inside, it seemed that only it could completely destroy him, and it seemed that he had to wait for a good time again. At this time, Gu Zheng still couldn't control it, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Just as he was about to put it away, Gu Zheng raised his palm, and an ordinary golden flame rose from the Yunhuang Sword, attacking the black energy inside, but the next moment a flash of black light flashed, and all the golden flames of the Yunhuang Sword disappeared. Annihilation, and the black flame flowed more aggressively in the sword body.

However, with Gu Zheng's thought, traces of golden patterns rose up on it, and the defense that the Yunhuang Sword was forcibly let go by Gu Zheng opened again, and the black air shrank back inside, lurking in it.

Gu Zheng sighed, it seems that Yunhuangjian will have no choice but to clear it for a while.

Gu Zheng tore off the outer protection, only to realize that the sky had passed for a day without knowing it.

Suddenly Gu Zheng felt a shock in his arms, and then a ray of light flew out from it, and before it hit the ground, a small cute figure appeared in the air.

Wearing a small purple dress, there are faint folds on it, and the patterns on it can't be seen clearly. She has a petite face and some sleepy eyes, as if she hasn't woken up.

"Ha, it's really comfortable, it's more comfortable at home." Xiaoying stretched out her small snow-white arm, yawned comfortably, and then rubbed her eyes to look around.

"Huh? Have you guys finished?"

It turned out that Xiaoying felt that listening to Mori Lu's long speech there was really boring, so she went back to sleep in the picture scroll, and then woke up from it.

"Of course, now we are on an island that we saw before." Gu Zheng pushed open the door and walked out, breathing in the smell of the sea, not knowing what to do for a while.

On the contrary, Xiaoying who was next to her jumped out from the side, took off and flew in the air, looked around, and shouted in surprise.

"Wow, what a beautiful scenery! Take a look, little cat."

"When will you take me to find my sister?" The kitten didn't look around at all, and was not interested at all, but said the same.

"Don't worry, you also said that your home is far away from here. When we return this favor, I promise you that I will accompany you to find it. You also know that if it is not the other party, we can't get out at all." Ying's expression froze, and she immediately explained.


The kitten said succinctly, and then still stood on her shoulder blankly, as if it had become her new boarding place.

"Why don't I go out and see what's interesting around here." Xiaoying from above shouted towards Gu Zheng.

Although the picture scroll has a certain distance limit, but that distance is very far, at least within this blue sea gate, she can still walk freely.

"Okay, I'll give you this thing, so that you can go unimpeded, but don't cause trouble." Gu Zheng thought that there was no danger at all here, and the enemy would have to go through the fog outside if he came in again, and the Lanyao Gate was also guarded outside. , so there is enough time for myself to react.

After finishing speaking, Gu Zheng took a blue badge from his shoulder and threw it directly. It was a real card representing his identity and had no other effect.

"I see, I won't make trouble." Xiaoying cheered after finishing the result, and then flew outside.

Just in case, Gu Zheng also left his aura on that badge.

Seeing Xiaoying leave far away, Gu Zheng thought for a while, and simply came to this yard, and then took out a bunch of odds and ends from his hands. In fact, some magic weapons contained not weak fluctuations.

Gu Zheng picked and selected among them, and after selecting a few, he put away the others with satisfaction.

Those things can be said to be useless to me, so I choose some magic weapons with fair power from them and prepare to refine them.

Although it is still a little bit reluctant to fight against opponents of the same level, it is still good as a supplementary method.

After Gu Zheng simply set up some formations outside, he began to practice quietly.

Soon an inexplicable fluctuation rose here, Gu Zheng only left a trace of his mind outside, and put all his energy on the magic weapons in his hands.

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