Early the next morning, Gu Zheng and Wan'er, like everyone else, got up from the cold ground outside as the bustling sounds appeared.

Almost every day, as long as they spend the night outside, there is a high probability that some ordinary people with poor physique will not be able to stand up, especially the elderly, which is even more fatal.

Not far from Guzheng and the others, following a cry, one could see an older middle-aged man lying on the ground, and beside him was a teenage boy with similar features, it seemed to be his The child was crying non-stop at this time.

Soon a few guards from here carried the body away. As for where it went, I just knew that it had entered the city and was definitely not buried. No one knew what they were doing, and no one dared to ask.

"Wan'er, just be careful outside, I'll go in to find out the news, and I'm calling for you."

After a brief exchange, seeing that Wan'er didn't want to go in, they had to leave her outside alone.

"I see."

Although Wan'er really wanted to go in, she didn't block the smell yesterday, and the smell that almost made people faint really made her feel guilty, thinking about it, she immediately retreated, so she had to wait outside.

Gu Zheng nodded, and was very relieved. No one paid attention to a boy who looked a little dirty like other children.

Walking into this city is like coming to a refugee camp. Because it is early in the morning, many places have started queuing up to get their daily meal.

The food is poor and the portion is not much. It can only be said that they can barely meet their most basic needs. They even introduced a huge lake in the open space outside to let them drink water. It's like hanging a life.

And after these people received the food, most of them ate it on the spot, or kept a small part. Many people lay down all day in order to maintain their strength and did not want to go hungry. There were tens of thousands of people in the city, plus It is estimated that it will break 20,000 outside.

As for the inside, the outside will affect everything, and a huge shield separates the inside and the outside into two worlds.

Gu Zheng walked all the way to their resting place. The top of their heads was like a cowshed, and the underground was their resting place. Compared with the outside, there was an extra shelter from the wind and rain, but once it rained, the people outside were not stupid , all squeezed in.

He, who has shielded his senses for a long time, naturally cannot affect him here. After scanning around, he immediately walked towards a person. There was a man who just had a meal and was sleeping back in the cage. If there was any difference, It should be the incompatible temperament on his body.

Most of them don't care about life and death, living day by day without hope, while a few people still maintain the most basic self.

It's just that before the other party entered, the man in front of him opened his eyes, as if aware of the existence of Gu Zheng.


This skinny and bone-like man looked at Gu Zheng with piercing eyes, which made Gu Zheng mention it in his heart.

"Don't be nervous, I can hear it from your footsteps, after all, I was also a master of the Golden Immortal Stage before." The man sighed.

"I know you came here to find someone. There have been very few people in recent years. Why don't we go out and talk about it?"

The man stood up, patted his body, and looked at Gu Zheng.

"Okay, please."

Gu Zheng thought about it, but still wanted to see what the other party meant.

When the two went out through the only city gate, he still took a look in the distance, but he had lost sight of Wan'er, and he didn't know where the other party had gone.

Walking in a slightly relaxed environment, the man took the initiative to speak.

"My friend, I know you are very confused. To tell you the truth, I used to be like this. I regret that I didn't listen to the other party's advice, so I became like this."

Gu Zheng listened to the other party's mouth, but heard the other party's sincere words. After all, the other party was just an ordinary person, and he couldn't hide it from him if he wanted to lie.

"What's going on? Are you telling me that to prevent me from going in?" Gu Zheng guessed.

"That's right, I don't know how many people went in and were arrested. Some died, some were caught alive, and some of them were like me, their cultivation base was crippled, and they were just waiting to die like ordinary people." The man smiled wryly.

"It's actually a trap inside. Why didn't the other party take precautions and open the door for convenience, because they know that the people who come here are all small-timers. You must know that Patriarch Qi here is already a late Da Luo People, almost no one can deal with him, and there are two big Luo monsters under him, and many Jinxian subordinates, it is not his turn to do it, and anyone who comes here, just ask, anyone will tell you, Even the people inside will give rewards to each other.”

"Can you tell me more about it?" Gu Zheng continued to ask, "Can you tell me more about what's going on here."

Sure enough, it's the same as what the crab said, all you need to do here is to inquire, and the identity of the other party is really convenient.

"No problem, I know a little more than them. After all, I have gone in, but it is useless. Because the place where I went in is too shallow, and there is nothing that can be kept secret. If you don't mind, I can tell you."

"Of course, if you insist on going after listening to it, I won't stop it. I just want to sacrifice people."

The man looked at Gu Zheng and nodded, taking a deep breath.

"It's very simple here. Under the inner city, there are a total of twelve passages for people to walk together, but that side is for people inside to get in and out. It's useless if you go in, because the inner city is also divided into In the two-step part, only a golden light flashes through the passage, and there are people imprisoned there."

"Of course, there is a detection circle in the entire passage. Anyway, if you go in, you will be found. After you go in, you can see the people hanging in the air. If the other party is in good condition, you can also talk to the other party."

Hearing this, Gu Zheng frowned, because it was too child's play, and he could see the detainees when he entered. Is this considered as being imprisoned?

"I know you are confused, but the fact is that, although you can see the other party, but the other party is surrounded by barriers, if you want to save them, you have to defeat the guards there. I haven't even passed the first level , because at the same time as he came in, the back road was closed, and he was arrested later." The man shrugged and guessed.

"Because this is a trap, using these people to lure us into a trap. It's a pity that we jumped in foolishly. Before entering, we didn't know the information at all. The other party just told us where the specific location is."

"How is the enemy's cultivation level there? Are they all stupid to go in? Did you have a burly person before?" Gu Zheng felt that the other party was telling the truth, but he was puzzled. Even General Lei fell into it, but Or recently, obviously not normal.

If it is obviously a trap, and the other party is placed on it openly, it is telling you that if you want to intercept it, you must fight. Ten or eight people will not go in, because it is impossible to fight head-on because they came secretly to save people.

"No, who would look outside all day, so you are just a coincidence, as I said, leave quickly, people like me can't even leave here, the other party has already been manipulated in the body, leave the city The scope is dead." At this time, the man persuaded.

"Okay, I'm thinking about it." Gu Zheng nodded without responding directly, "Do you need anything?"

"If possible, can you give me some food, anything is fine. I'm already tired of eating this thing every day. If I didn't want to give advice to later generations, I would have liberated myself a long time ago." The man looked a little dull.

"This should be enough." Gu Zheng took out some ordinary food, and even a chicken leg.

"That's enough. If there are too many, you can't keep them. I advise you, don't go. If you want to save them, you might as well think about driving away the demon clan. In this case, there is still a glimmer of hope."

After bidding farewell to the other party, Gu Zheng first found Wan'er who was around the lake and told her not to approach there. There are guards from the Qi family guarding the lake, so don't cause conflicts now, and then continue to ask other people.

This time, he just went outside to find an ordinary person, but when he wanted to make a side note, the other party immediately knew that he was from outside, but there was nothing strange about it, and instead wanted to tell Gu Zheng impatiently.

His words were similar to that of that man. No matter how he asked, he only knew that he could go in there for rescue, and he didn't know what was inside.

"It's weird, it's really weird."

After several times in succession, Gu Zheng stopped asking. Looking around, he felt that he had been caught in a huge net. Of course, this net was completely vulnerable to him, but it felt inexplicable. I don’t understand. The only thing I’m sure of is that there are some problems in what these people said, as well as what outsiders said, and I just haven’t discovered it myself.

At this moment, he felt a little impulsive in his heart, wanting to rush up desperately, even if the opponent's quasi-sage master came, he would not be afraid.

"Hold on, hold on."

Gu Zheng took a deep breath and found nothing abnormal in his body, so he calmed down.

But at this time, suddenly on the other side of the lake, everyone started to retreat in unison, as if something happened, he was worried that Wan'er would go over there immediately, and soon found Wan'er.

"what happened."

The flow of people continued to retreat towards the back, leaving a huge distance in front of them. Gu Zheng took Wan'er to squeeze in front, but saw the guards of the other party lined up, as if they were welcoming something.

"I don't know. Suddenly a group of people came, and they drove us out, and shouted loudly that anyone who stayed here would be killed by the other party. They must know, and they didn't feel strange at all."

Wan'er was talking about these civilians, and it was only then that Gu Zheng noticed that these people didn't seem to be surprised, they were all waiting quietly.

Gu Zheng gave Wan'er a wink, telling her to wait and see what happened.

Soon the lake in the middle exploded a splash of water, and when the splash fell, a figure of Tingting Yuting also appeared in the air. It could be described as Yan Ruwanyan, eyebrows like distant mountains, quiet like autumn orchids, and it was picturesque, making people around I'm all crazy.

The woman just glanced around lightly, and then took out a piece of blue flower on her own, threw it towards the Heavenly Palace, and it swelled up to the size of a millstone in the air, and it was so delicate.

Following the gesture in the woman's hand, the blue flower flashed blue light and began to spin at a moderate speed. Countless blue raindrops emerged from it and evenly fell on the lake below, making the woman in the rain more beautiful moving.

It took a long time for a stick of incense before the woman put away her things, then took back her magic weapon, jumped into the lake again, and disappeared.

The guards also left at the same time, and many people couldn't wait to join them and started queuing up to get water. In their opinion, the lake water at this time is the cleanest and refreshing time.

"Dad, you know each other."

Wan'er saw Gu Zheng's face change just now, and only then asked.

"That's right, now is not the time to talk about that."

Gu Zheng stopped Wan'er from leaving here, and did not enter the city again, but just wandered outside aimlessly, continuing to think about some problems.

That woman was none other than Ying Shao who he had helped, but she didn't know why she appeared here, and she didn't know where Yao Yu and the others were.

Half a day has passed, and the sun has started to go down, but Gu Zheng still hasn't figured it out. It is said that many people who wanted to sneak in were caught here, how could there be so many people who knew they would die.

At this time, two figures suddenly appeared in the Tiangong in the distance, flying towards this direction from a distance, and by the time they landed, they had already arrived at the gate of the city.

"Isn't that person the one we met before? Why are they so arrogant." Wan'er whispered.

Because the two people who came down were Xie Xie and Jiayu, but Jiayu seemed to have some marks of being beaten on his face.

"I didn't expect the opponent to be unscrupulous here, no wonder he knows so many things." Before Gu Zheng, there was no Ausu's own affairs, because the opponent's strength could not help him, it seemed a bit miscalculated.

"You wait for me here, and I will follow each other."

Perhaps from the other party's mouth, you can know more information, and Gu Zheng immediately made arrangements, then followed with his body hidden.

Here, as long as he doesn't want to, it is impossible for them to find out, unless it is the kind of formation that must be passed through, he does not have the ability to pass through quietly without being affected.

Gu Zheng followed the opponent and walked towards the inner city. There was a spacious road in the middle, only people in the inner city could walk on it. If people outside dared to step on it, they would have to suffer.

"Master, can you strike so hard that it still hurts." Jiayu covered his face and gasped.

"You don't talk nonsense, I finally caught you, let me give you a little memory, let me put my majesty." The crab said angrily, but seeing that the other party did not fade away for a long time, he couldn't help but continue, "Don't Pretend to be pitiful, go back and find someone to give you some medicine, such a small injury will be sloppy, far from your ancestors."

"How can I compare with my ancestors? I'm better than my master. This time when I come back, I want to rest well. I'm almost tortured to death by you outside."

The two walked around and talked, and soon walked inside through the passage below the inner city.

The inner city is just like the previous city, except that there are more servants. The outside situation has little to do with them inside, and they can still live and dream.

Following the two of them, they walked straight in and came to a more luxurious place than the outside. The two servants of the guards outside saw the crab and immediately opened the door.

"It seems that the status is not low."

Gu Zheng sighed and followed the other party in. Anyway, these people would not be aware of his existence.

Crab is very familiar with this place. After seven turns and eight turns, he came to a separate small yard that belonged to him.

"You should rest first. I'm exhausted from the journey, so I'll go back and rest."

Entering the yard, the crab said directly to Jiayu.

"Master, did you agree to give me medicine?" Jiayu said cautiously.

"What kind of medicine do you take? Seeing how energetic you are, go back."

Crab ignored him at all, and walked towards his room on his own. Jiayu also shook his head and returned to his room.

The crab returned to the room, and just after closing the door, he noticed a figure appearing behind him. Before turning around suddenly, a hand behind him was on his shoulder. The crab couldn't use the power in his body. familiar voice.

"It's me, don't get excited."

"Master Gu, why are you here?"

Xie Xie turned around, saw Gu Zheng's figure, asked subconsciously, and then his face showed surprise, even in his own room, he looked around nervously.

"Master Gu, are you here to save someone?"

"What? Can't it work? Do you know what's going on here?" Seeing the other party's appearance, Gu Zheng knew that there must be something hidden.

The crab didn't speak, but just walked in, and soon opened a secret door on the side, signaling Gu Zheng to come along with him.

This is a small space with only one table in the middle, it looks like a space for impromptu conversations.

"There is a formation I have reinforced here, so outsiders can't know what we are talking about." Crab sighed in relief, and sat aside, "This is a trap, don't try to save anyone."

"How do you say? I think you're doing well here." Gu Zheng asked with great interest.

"It's my luck to drag one of my relatives. He is the demon clan who stayed here, and his strength is at the peak of Da Luo. Of course, if you look at it, he is only at the early stage of Da Luo. I don't know how many people have been killed." Crab Straightforwardly.

"As for this is a trap, you have inquired outside, but luckily you didn't go in."

"Did you arrest a lot of people?" Gu Zheng asked rhetorically.

"Many, I'm afraid you have discovered it too, but there are not many who can escape. Even so, the other party does not know the mystery here, so if you want to save someone, tell me, I can help you save them, except A few special existences, you must not go in, even if you are the peak of Da Luo, you will be damaged here."

Facing Crab's repeated warnings, Gu Zheng also understood the seriousness of the matter.

As for the warning from the person outside, maybe it was just based on his own experience, but the crab made it clear that even the peak Luo couldn't escape from it, obviously something tricky.

"By the way, Mr. Gu, how long have you been here?" Crab suddenly asked.

"Up to now, it's been almost one day." Gu Zheng said, "Does it have something to do with time?"

"Fortunately, there is still time, we are here now, and I will explain to you in detail after we go out." Xie Xie breathed a sigh of relief, then stood up, wanting Gu Zheng to go out with him.

"No, I know what you think, you can tell me here." Gu Zheng pressed down his palm and said in a deep voice.

"All right."

Seeing Gu Zheng's insistence, Crab had no choice but to sit down.

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