Xie Xie quickly told everything here. Gu Zheng asked the other party what he would say. He knew a lot, even Patriarch Qi knew it. After all, he had a good relative who was related by blood. In terms of name, he still wanted to call the other party one. Uncle, so here is also a prominent figure.

The place above here is not a place to detain those people at all. In fact, an illusion has been set up. As long as you go in, when you think of the person you want to find, among the people hanging above, there must be one. The more you think about it The more people you know, the more people you know.

Even ordinary people outside are affected to some extent, so as long as someone asks, they will answer, and the more you ask, the more you will be disturbed by the illusion, even if you stay here long enough, you will not know it. I was pulled into it while I was feeling, so I had the idea that I must go in to save people.

At that time, you couldn't even notice it yourself. Once you entered, you would still see the person you expected. You just need to continue the conversation. Before you find the problem, you will only get deeper and deeper, and there may even be someone with similar cultivation level as you. people attack you.

This person's strength is only weak, but it is impossible for you to kill the other party until you are all caught in it, then it will be too late.

Even if you find something wrong halfway, as long as you enter there, there is no way to escape.

For the Yaozu, there is not much sense of community. You must know that the two have only been together for hundreds of years, and there are many contradictions among the gathered Yaozu.

"Then what happened to that man? The other party asked me to leave here directly." Gu Zheng said doubtfully.

"Oh, he, I really understand, the strength is too weak, the words are rude, and no one has come for a long time, so the opponent's cultivation base will be deprived, let the opponent break into the civilians and the opponent will grab food and drink, Thinking about it, you know what kind of hardship it is." Crab was puzzled at first, and then suddenly realized.

Gu Zheng didn't speak. It seems that the person's mentality is quite good. Maybe he survived just to tell the outsiders. Maybe he was waiting all the time at the beginning, but there was no one for a long time, and he didn't continue to wait after all.

"Then where is the other party being held? What I need to save is General Lei who was captured two years ago. You should have heard that he is the leader of the nearby Sea Clan." Gu Zheng finally understood what was wrong with him. It turned out to be here.

"I knew that the person Gu Gongzi wanted to save was not simple, but although the other party was fooled, he was still not caught. He was just trapped inside. Now he is being guarded by my uncle. Wait until the master of the demon clan Take it out, come here to deal with him, even if I let it go, I can't let it go." Crab smiled wryly.

"Not caught yet?"

Gu Zheng really didn't expect that General Lei would be so powerful.

"Yes, all these years, he is the only Da Luo peak who came here, and the best of us is my uncle, and the other party is still a little aware of it, just using traps to trap the other party, trying to kill the other party, but now we are still powerless " said the crab affirmatively.

It was still the same when he came out a month ago. Since the quasi-sage of the Yaozu hadn't come over yet, he was obviously still alive.

"It is true that many people are being imprisoned now, but now it is less than half. I don't know. It seems that some people use them for healing. I really didn't care before."

From his point of view, he is naturally much more close to the monster race than to the human race, except for Jiayu.

"Then the other person, Musu, see if you can rescue him. The other person's cultivation is at the peak of the Golden Immortal, and his strength is not strong. I'll figure out how to deal with General Lei. I can only find out where they are being held. "Gu Zheng looked at the crab and continued to ask.

"This is absolutely no problem, but I don't know the other party, can you have something to prove that you are here to save the other party, if the other party makes trouble halfway, I'm afraid all previous efforts will be wasted." Crab said this time with a big guarantee.

"If the other party is within the past ten years, then you will only bathe on it. I don't know the details. It's like washing before eating."

"I don't dare to confirm this. How about this? I'll go to General Lei first, and you first confirm the person. I'll wait for you here when I come back." Gu Zheng originally wanted to talk about Xiangxiang, and even told the other party the situation at that time. But after thinking about it, this absolutely cannot make the other party trust.

Because of the opponent's formation, Mu Xu might have stayed too long and was arrested. Obviously, he would understand the problem. If he wanted to ensure that the opponent attacked quietly, he had to produce a kind of evidence that even illusions could not cover up. This is the only way Only in order to ensure that there is no problem, so the key lies in General Lei, the other party must know something.

"Okay!" The crab immediately agreed, getting up and preparing to leave.

"You help me so much, aren't you afraid that you will be troubled in the future?" Gu Zheng asked hesitantly at this moment.

"I'm afraid, but it's not a big deal. I'm sure I'm fine. At most, I'm grounded. I'm fine. I'm just worried about you. I didn't convince my uncle. He's a very stubborn person. Be careful." Crab Nodded, then said with some worry.

"I know, for your sake, if the other party makes trouble, I will show mercy." Gu Zheng stood up, stepped forward, and disappeared in front of him.

"Your subordinate, show mercy?"

Crab didn't quite understand what the other party meant. After thinking for a while, perhaps Gu Zheng was convinced that he could defeat the other party, and then walked out.

Relative to Gu Zheng's need to go on, he just needs to order people to bring up the person Gu Zheng talked about. No one cares about the life and death of a mere Golden Immortal peak. At the same time, he also started to inquire about the situation here. In Patriarch Qi's city, even his uncle has to obey the other party's orders.

If he wants to bring someone up, he also needs the consent of the other party. However, with his own identity, it is very easy to tell the truth. If he wants to give this face to himself, he will not give face to his uncle.

After Gu Zheng came out here, he immediately found Wan'er.

"Now I have something I need you to do, but you have to leave me and go to a few nearby cities." Gu Zheng said to him.

"I understand, should I sneak into the other party and release those imprisoned people." Wan'er immediately said excitedly.

"It's really smart, can you do it, and then wait for me at the agreed place outside. Once there is a signal for you here, just detonate the other side directly, so that you can make trouble there at the same time." Gu Zheng praised a little.

"Small, one day is enough." Wan'er chuckled, and immediately issued a military order.

There are also four cities around, and there are some prisons in those, but most of the prisoners are people who oppose the Yaozu, and they are only immortals if they have more strength, just to add some chaos to the other party. She saw her ferocious appearance, which was revealed when she came here.

"Okay, I found the eyebrow here, and I left soon." Gu Zheng smiled, then bent down, and touched Wan'er's forehead lightly with his own forehead, "I believe you must be great .”

Wan'er immediately nodded excitedly, and was also very attached to her, but she still knew that she could not reveal her identity at this time, so she quietly hid her figure and left here.

Gu Zheng also found a place where no one was there, and his figure gradually disappeared, and then walked directly towards the lake in the middle.

No one would have thought that there was an underground river beneath the entire city, the huge space looked more like a cave isolated from the world, and the place where those people were detained was in a secret room in the underground river.

Without a sound, Gu Zheng disappeared on the surface of the water, swimming towards the depths.

This lake is artificially made. When you dive to a certain extent, a transparent blue light appears below. It is this light that drags the huge lake above, and in the middle, there is a blue crystal. The water column is directly connected to the middle of the lake from the underground river below.

All the consumption required above is here.

This blue enchantment didn't have any blocking function. Gu Zheng easily passed through it and landed below. He only noticed the aura not far away in the blink of an eye. The most powerful of them was a peak Da Luo, who should be the crab's uncle.

"What's the matter, Mr. Nanhui?"

At the same time, during a period of Nanhui who was sleeping with his eyes closed, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the subordinate at the side immediately asked, thinking that the other party had something to do by himself.

"It seems that someone is spying on you. Go and check around, focusing on the place where the enemy is being held." Nan Hui immediately ordered.

Seeing his subordinates leaving one after another, he also stood up. He felt that it was not an illusion, but he had already sensed everything around him, and he didn't find anything suspicious.

You know, he is in charge here, but it is related to a task, and he is just watching these people at the same time. As for the monitoring of the Qi family, he is not needed at all, so he will check all suspicious places, because he is The Yaozu is the only Aquarium that has come to the peak of Daluo.

"Master Ya, I didn't find anything unusual."

Soon, he followed his subordinates around and came back to report. In fact, Yahui followed them all the time, but he still felt something was wrong, and then he started to patrol outside again.

What he didn't know was that at this time Gu Zheng had arrived at the place where Ying Shao and the others were resting. Hua, with a few ex-shui tribes stationed here, at this time Ying Shao and Zong Hua were sticking together, discussing something in a low voice, with a sweet smile on their faces, it seemed that they had become a family.

Gu Zheng didn't bother them, just hid quietly, and soon that Ya Hui came here.

"Master Ya, I don't know what to order this time, we have completed today's purification task." Zong Hua stood up and said to Yahui.

"I know, I just want to see if you have any needs." Yahui looked concerned about them, and actually started to explore this place.

"Thank you, Lord Ya, we don't need anything yet." Zong Hua said respectfully.

"That's good, you've been here for such a long time, wait for the next opportunity to take a break and take a good rest." Yahui saw that there was nothing suspicious, then left this sentence and left, continuing to look at other places .

"Master Yahui, what's the matter this time, I feel like I've never said that before." Ying Shao said strangely.

"Who knows, but the opponent is still in our name, and the strength is so strong, so it is impossible to be negligent." Zong Hua was also surprised, but he didn't think too much about it.

They returned to the previous situation here. Yahui didn't go back after making a round of inspections. Instead, he stayed outside the cage, and it seemed that he would guard it for a while.

When Gu Zheng saw the other party like this, his mind changed, and he soon became aware, and began to slowly control around these people. At the entrance, he quietly set up a magic circle to ensure that he would never hear it here. .

That guy was so sensitive, Gu Zheng didn't expect that he just glanced over, and the other party noticed something was wrong, and it seemed that he still had a hand.

The next moment, the figure of Gu Zheng appeared in front of all of them, startling everyone here, and some people even took out their weapons to face Gu Zheng. To Ya Hui.

Only Ying Shao reacted quickly and directly made a gesture, and everyone stopped moving.

"Great Elder?"

Although he said it in a doubtful tone, his eyes seemed to confirm Gu Zheng's identity.

"It's really the Great Elder!" Zong Hua was the second to react, and immediately shouted in surprise.

As for the others, they are still a little confused and not sure, but the two of them think that there is nothing wrong with saying so.

"I didn't expect that you have grown up so much. If you can still see some of your appearance, I think it's something else." Gu Zheng said with a smile.

"Elder Grand Elder knows how to joke." Ying Shao blushed and said in a low voice, "By the way, Elder Grand Elder, where have you been all these years? Even Elder Pi said that something might have happened to you."

"It's a long story, I'll tell you when I have time, but how can you help the Yaozu? Now this place is blocked by me, and the other party can't hear the movement here." Gu Zheng asked a little strangely.

He forgot to ask them on the way, thinking that he went to the inland with Xingba. After all, they are aquariums, and they are used to living in the inland, not the ocean.

"After we left, we were arranged by the star patriarch to land, and then we lived there. There is a particularly suitable water area over there, and we have been living there. We only occasionally contacted the star patriarch, but until hundreds of Years ago, a huge change suddenly occurred, that Lord Yahui forcibly conscripted us, including many Shui tribes."

"It's just that we are far away from the sea. Compared with other people, we have adapted a lot, so I came to stay behind and be wary of the situation on the other side of the sea."

Zong Hua made a long story short and explained it to Gu Zheng.

"Compared to the past, our strength is already very good now. If we go back, we won't be bullied like before." This point is still fresh in Ying Shao's memory, especially when she was almost taken away when she was born.

"That's right, it's much safer in the back." Gu Zheng also said with satisfaction.

From what the other party said, even after such a long time, they seem to sincerely approve of themselves as a fake Great Elder.

He didn't know it was, because after Gu Zheng left, Xingba did not less publicize the great achievements of Gu Zheng. Generally speaking, if it weren't for him, most of everyone would not be able to escape. Perhaps ordinary people have already forgotten the suffering that happened. , but for immortals like them, it's just like yesterday, because it's too dangerous.

Not to mention that it was like a god descending, landing on their aquarium, although the time was very short, it brought them countless benefits, which were even more unforgettable.

"By the way, Great Elder, what are you doing here?" Zong Hua asked curiously at this moment, "If we can do it, at worst we won't hang out with the Yaozu, and we will help you too."

This is the confidence that they can live in the Sea Clan, find a place to hide, even quasi-sage masters are not easy to find them, of course, as the opponent, they will not do such a thing.

"I want to go in there and rescue someone, but it seems that the other party's vigilance is very high now, I don't know what you can do." Gu Zheng said frankly.

"Elder, you must be careful. The opponent's strength is hidden on the surface, and he is at the peak of Daluo. If the opponent doesn't find out, he still feels like going back. If possible, we can try to rescue him." Ying Shao said anxiously.

"Peak Da Luo? How is Yao Yu's cultivation?" Gu Zheng asked with a chuckle.

At this time, Zong Hua was the most powerful, with a mid-Golden Immortal stage, while Ying Shao was only in the early-Golden Immortal stage, and some of the others had cultivation levels ranging from heavenly to immortal.

"The elders have improved a lot in their cultivation, but except for Elder Pi who came to the early stage of Daluo, the other two elders have limited aptitude, and they are only at the peak of Jinxian. How much have you cultivated, Elder?" Ying Shao said, thinking Thinking that Gu Zheng didn't care about it just now, his eyes lit up.

In this world now, in the early days of Da Luo, he could only say that he could barely show his hands.

"Speaking of it, you may not believe it. I'm already in the early stage of quasi-sage, although I've just broken through." Gu Zheng wanted to re-train them in his own little world, so he directly revealed it.

Not to mention, there are hardly many races who are good at fighting in water in the small thousand world.

"Quasi...quasi holy!"

Everyone gasped, and their eyes were full of shock. At first, they thought that the cultivation base of the Great Elder was at least in the early stage of Daluo. That was something they didn't even dare to think about, but now they learned that the Great Elder's cultivation had reached the quasi-sage level, and they almost fainted from the shock.

Immediately, each of their expressions was full of excitement, quasi-sage, it can be said that they can completely dominate one side and establish a separate force by themselves, absolutely no one dares to provoke them, and they are also their great elders.

"I understand. We do have a passage leading there. Zong Hua and I both know it, but the other party is there, and there is a seal outside, so it is impossible to pass quietly." Ying Shao said with some regret.

"Even so, I have a way to attract the other party, and I can only attract a little time."

Zong Hua immediately interjected, but Ying Shao was puzzled, "How do we attract each other?"

"We just have to pretend that we have broken the defenses around us. Just like before, we will exchange ideas with each other, but the strength will be increased. No matter what, with the suspicion of the other party now, he will come and have a look. Of course, we must also exchange Only by turning your face around can you dispel the other party's doubts." Zong Hua said briefly.

Although it seems a bit unbelievable, it makes sense. After all, they used to compete in this place without incident, but they were very careful, and basically it would not affect them. This time it was just "accidental".

Anyway, with the current strength of Gu Zheng, even if they are discovered by the other party, they are not afraid. They understand that Gu Zheng is not afraid of the other party, maybe there are other things, or they are worried about getting hurt inside.

Naturally, they had no doubts. They were able to stay undetected under the opponent's nose, which was obviously much higher than the opponent's. You must know that the opponent was very alert, and it was impossible to hide in front of the opponent at all, especially since this was his home field.

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