Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 239 Can You Come Back?

It was not troublesome to set up the fairy array, and it was quickly arranged by the clever device. Gu Zheng heaved a sigh of relief, and it was considered to have plugged a loophole.

Today is the Sun family. The Sun family has a reason to snatch Lao Tang, but there is no guarantee that no one else will be jealous and want this pot of Lao Tang. Many years ago, someone bid for this pot of Lao Tang. Lao Tang itself is very valuable thing.

With the protection of the Immortal Formation, this hidden danger was solved first.

The siren sounded outside, and the police rushed over. The store manager was taking care of Gao Changhe outside. Gao Changhe had just woken up. He was knocked out by the third son of the Sun family who hit his head with a chair, and now he had some headaches.

Even so, the store manager called 120 and told him to go to the hospital.

The police came, and the store manager went to deal with everything. After receiving the police, he returned to the kitchen and found that Gu Zheng had disappeared. He didn't even know when he left.

Chang Feng will call now, saying that he has fully arranged, and that he can cooperate with the police.

Someone from the police also answered the phone, and soon his expression changed, and he became more polite to the store manager. Neither the policeman nor the store manager mentioned the ancient dispute. As for the unconscious people, they all said became their self-defense.

In the center of Shencheng City, someone wanted to forcibly seize other people's treasures. They said it was just a pot of old soup, but it was old soup with extremely high value.

How much Lao Tang is worth is crucial, and it is related to the conviction of these people.

Everyone in the Sun family was taken away by an ambulance. They will wake up in the hospital, but they will be accompanied by the police. After they wake up, someone will take their statements.

The next day, the store manager finally witnessed the energy of the boss.

The head of the police sub-bureau personally intervened in the case. Lao Tang's value did not have a proper valuation, so the chief directly asked someone to make a valuation of 10 million yuan.

The director made the assessment based on the market price offered by someone before and the current business in the store.

The store now has a monthly turnover of tens of millions. The reason why it is so high is because the taste of chicken blood soup is really good. Someone pays one million, and after more than ten years of inflation and appreciation, it is directly evaluated to ten million.

The crime of snatching something worth 10 million yuan is enough to put everyone in the Sun family in prison.

Although Chang Feng and Gu Zheng didn't mention it, the store manager can tell that this is planning to kill the Sun family and really prevent them from coming out again, especially the main culprits Sun Da and Sun Er.

Those who did not come from the Sun family all went to Bianjing to see Mr. Sun and ask him for help after something happened.

Elder Sun was even more sad. He never thought that his children would do such a thing. His children's behavior completely broke his heart. He didn't see anyone who came, but he brought a grandson who was not yet an adult to his side. Come on, looking at his appearance, he is completely disappointed in his son and intends to re-train his grandson.

The matter of the Sun family members was just a small episode, and the store was still open the next day, only Gao Changhe was forced to take a day off to let him rest.

This time the shop manager and Gao Changhe's efforts to protect Lao Tang are worthy of recognition. Chang Feng came back specially and rewarded them with 180,000 yuan in cash on the spot.

Gao Changhe is 100,000, and the store manager is 80,000.

The reason why Gao Changhe is more is because Gao Changhe puts his life to work. The store manager himself admits that if Gao Changhe was not there, he might not have the courage to face everyone in the Sun family.

Although the bonuses are different, the behavior of the two is worthy of recognition. Chang Feng promised on the spot that as long as the two of them have worked in the store for five years, they will be allocated a house in Shanghai.

After five years of work, they will be allocated a room, which still belongs to them. This is definitely a high amount of benefits. This is Shanghai, one of the cities with the highest housing prices in China. A house in such a city, even the small house they live in now, is higher than their five-year salary.

The treatment of the two of them made everyone else in the shop extremely envious.

Of course, they were just envious. They knew very well that the treatment of the two of them was actually paid for by their lives. Under the circumstances last night, the members of the Sun family could do anything, especially Gao Changhe, if something goes wrong, people will die. Even if they were here yesterday, they might not dare to do this. They are as brave as Gao Changhe.

The five children of the Sun family were all arrested, and their crimes were finally judged by the court, and Gu Zheng was not involved.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, a month had passed since the test time, and his Chicken Blood Soup shop had also been open for almost a month, and now it was sold out early every day, basically at four o'clock in the afternoon.

It’s not that the time to sell out can’t be brought forward, but the production volume in the store is so fast, bowl by bowl, even if you don’t rest, it will take 4 o’clock in the afternoon. For this reason, Gu Zheng added another six hours to the kitchen. Personally, come in shifts, and no one can afford to continue doing this every day.

After a month, the number of people who have completed the test in the ancient battle has reached 35,000, accounting for 70% of the total. However, with the development of time, the number of people who can complete the test every day is also shrinking. Like yesterday, it only increased by 500. A large number of testers.

If it can be stabilized at 500, there will be no problem in completing the test, but I am worried that the number of people in the test will decrease in the future.

"Master, can you come back?"

Just as Gu Zheng made his chicken blood soup that day, Elder Emei Wuchou called him. There was no phone call inside the Emei Sect, and everyone had to go out to send messages. There was no mobile phone signal there.

"You want me to go back, what's the matter?"

The corners of Gu Zheng's eyebrows twitched, Elder Wuchou's voice seemed to be a little low when he spoke, could it be that something happened to Emei in just one month?

"It's nothing, there is a little trouble here, I want to ask if you can solve it!"

On the other side, Elder Wuyou was smiling wryly, and Elder Wuyou was beside him.

In fact, this little trouble began to appear not long after Gu Zheng left. Last time they caught Gu Zheng, a white cat appeared. They were protecting Gu Zheng, and the white cat left.

They didn't know that the cat was following them all by itself until they entered the Emei School.

Although the Emei faction was in decline, there was a mountain-protecting fairy formation after all. A week after Gu Zheng left, the white cat appeared outside the Emei faction, attacking their mountain-protecting fairy formation every day.

The white cat's strength is in the stage of refining and transforming gas, and there is no one in the mountain to be its opponent, but it has not been able to break through the fairy array protecting the mountain, so it is in a stalemate.

Helplessly, the white cat comes every day, and every time it comes, it has to attack for a while, even if it can't be broken, but the reaction of the mountain protection fairy array makes all the disciples very worried, and they can't practice with peace of mind. After more than three weeks, every time the white cat attacks The time was getting longer and longer, and the two elders gradually couldn't stand it anymore.

They didn't know why the white cat was staring at them, but thinking that the first time the white cat appeared was with Gu Zheng, they wanted to ask Gu Zheng to come back to see if they could solve the problem.

Gu Zheng is the leader they captured, and they have brought countless benefits to them. They didn't help Shang Gu Zheng a little, but they had to bother him, so they were very embarrassed and spoke coyly.

Third update, there is another chapter

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