Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 240 Negotiation

Reluctantly, Wuchou still told the reason.

Holding the phone, Gu Zheng looked stunned. He almost forgot about the existence of the white cat this month. After Lecheng came back, he was worried, but since he made chicken blood soup, he was relieved that the white cat didn't show up. Unexpectedly, the white cat was still in Leshan and found Emei.

This white cat has really become a genius.

"I'll arrange it and go back right away!"

After thinking for a while, Gu Zheng said to Elder Wuchou that the white cat followed him from Taihang Mountain to Leshan, and he couldn't ignore it. Why this white cat appeared in Emei, Gu Zheng somewhat guessed.

In fact, the white cat didn't have any malicious intentions. If it had, he and Chang Feng would have died long ago. Such a white cat is no match for them at all.

The reason why the white cat followed him was entirely because of his cooking skills. This white cat is also a foodie. He has been following him since he ate the barbecue of Gu Zheng. After eating egg fried rice and chicken blood soup, he was even more satisfied. He followed him all the way. Leshan.

With the strength of the white cat, there is absolutely no problem in following them, even if Chang Feng drives very fast.

As for why it didn't follow Shencheng this time, Gu Zheng also has his own guesses. First of all, he was captured to Emei. Emei has a protective mountain formation, and the white cat can't get in. Elder Wuchou has already said this , if the white cat can go in, it won't be going to test the attack every day.

After he was captured, the white cat lost his track and did not follow him.

Later, he left from Emei, and went directly to the airport after leaving, and returned to Shencheng by plane. He didn't drive, the plane was very fast, and it was flying in the sky. Maybe the white cat couldn't keep up, or when he left The cat happened to be away, so I always thought he was in the Emei School.

The white cat couldn't find Gu Zheng, and had nothing to eat, so it caused trouble for the Emei pie.

Regardless of whether this is the case or not, this trouble is always caused by Gu Zheng, and the white cat has no malice towards him, so he decided to go back and solve this trouble.

After handing over everything in the store to the store manager and Gao Changhe, Gu Zheng left Shencheng.

The store has been in operation for a month, and everything is on the right track. No matter whether Gu Zheng or Changfeng is present or not, the store can be opened very well, but Gu Zheng is not here. Eight hundred and eighty-eight bowls of his own chicken Blood soup cannot be sold, and Gao Changhe can't make such chicken blood soup.

Emei School, everything is still the same, the difference is that the Chaos Tower is always running, and there are always Emei disciples entering the experience.

This month, the Emei disciples have made rapid progress, and several of them have even broken through the barrier and advanced to the next level. Although no new fifth-tier experts have appeared yet, there are more people on the fourth and third floors.


The two elders were ashamed of the ancient dispute.

"Is the white cat here?"

Gu Zheng didn't talk nonsense, and went directly to the topic. The white cat is too strong, and no one in Emei is its opponent.

"Not today, it usually comes in the morning, I guess it will come tomorrow morning!"

Elder Wuyou shook his head, the white cat never came in the afternoon and evening, and it was almost dinner time when Gu Zheng arrived in Emei, so the white cat would not show up this time.

"You guys prepare a pot for me, and Elder Wuchou will bring me a small amount of medicinal materials. This pot is on the outside!"

Gu Zheng thought for a while, and then gave instructions, and the two elders immediately followed his instructions, and accompanied him to the outside of the fairy formation.

Outside the fairy formation is the ordinary place of Mount Emei, where ordinary people can see, but this place is sparsely populated, and few people would come to such a remote place.

"Master, are you going to cook the same soup as last time?"

Seeing Gu Zheng cooking soup in a pot, Wuyou Great Elder suddenly asked, the soup from last time was still fresh in their memory, they never thought that having soup could directly improve their cultivation level, they once asked Gu Zheng, Whether this soup can be cooked frequently, whether it is eaten or not, can increase internal strength.

The result made them a little disappointed. The soup can be cooked, but the effect after taking it is not as good as once. After eating it many times, it has no effect.

Even so, taking it in the future will still have a certain effect, but the effect is not as good as the first time, which also surprised and satisfied the two elders.

Gu Zheng promised them that he would cook it again in half a year, and the effect of Shixiu's soup would be worse if he continued to drink it, just like taking elixir continuously is not good, the effect will be greatly reduced.

"Yes, this cat is a foodie. It likes to eat, so I will feed it. After it finishes eating, I will talk to it this time!"

Gu Zheng nodded, he really planned to have a good talk with the white cat this time, he knew that the white cat was not low in intelligence, and he could understand what he said.

It is not an option for the white cat to keep making trouble like this, or to follow him. This problem must be solved as soon as possible.

Negotiating with the white cat, he is not unprepared. First of all, he is wearing the Emei ring. The Emei ring cannot resist the attack of the refiner, but it is no problem to block a few times. Now he is on the edge of the fairy formation. The white cat Once there is malice, he will retreat into the fairy formation.

What's more, there are two elders beside him. The two elders are not the white cat's opponents, but it's okay to stop them. In this way, the three of them work together to protect themselves.

The fire quickly increased. This time, Gu Zheng cooked differently from the last time. Last time, because of the large number of people, he deliberately cooked a large portion, and added medium-grade ingredients.

This time the ancient battle only used ordinary grades, and even used a few inferior grades. The time was much less than last time, and the immortal power used was several times less.

After a while, the scent dissipated, and half an hour later, the white cat appeared in Gu Zheng's sight, standing in the distance, watching Gu Zheng quietly.

In two hours, the pot of Shixiu was cooked. There was not much cooked Shixiu, about one liter. Gu Zheng filled it out, put it on the ground, and waved to the white cat.

Looking at the black soup that Gu Zheng cooked, the two elders swallowed it down their throats. They knew the effect of this soup, but they also knew that it was definitely not a good time for them to take this soup.

Step by step, the white cat walked over leisurely, first smelled the black soup, then drank it in big gulps, and finished a large bowl of black soup in a short while.


After drinking, the white cat stretched comfortably and lay down in front of Gu Zheng. This is the food cultivation that Gu Zheng cooked. It is not only helpful for inner strength practitioners, but also for immortal practitioners.

Black soup can increase the immortal power of the immortal cultivator, although the increase is small, it will increase.

A little bit of celestial power might not be a big deal in the prehistoric world, but here is the earth, without celestial power, any increase in celestial power is very precious. Just such a bowl of black soup is enough to pay off the white cat's one-month penance. It's very satisfying.

"Cat, Brother Cat, I know you understand what I'm saying, how about we discuss something?"

Gu Zheng stammered, the name for this cat is really weird, but there is no way, whoever makes someone stronger than him, he must be more polite now that he is in a weak position.

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