
With a loud noise, the sword light that the fox slashed fell on the rock armor of the lizard monster.

The rock armor on the lizard monster's body burst due to the fox's sword, and its relatively soft skin was also exposed to the air.

The sword force like a storm was launched by the fox, and sword energy fell on the lizard monster one after another.

Without the protection of the rock armor, the original skin of the lizard monster could not withstand the ravages of the fox's sword energy. It screamed continuously, and the blood was constantly flying.

The lizard monster didn't have the strength to fight the fox head-on, so it used those tricks to calculate. Once it was forced to fight head-on, then its death time had come.

Under the stormy sword force, the lizard monster finally died, and the fox let out a sigh of relief.

The lizard monster is dead, but the fox doesn't know how to get out of the cave, he still needs to go deeper into the cave.

Out of caution, the fox still opened the way with divine sense, and the main body followed slowly behind.

"Hey, so there is water here!"

The fox was wondering why there was no water in this karst-like cave, but at this moment his divine sense found a water pool deep in the cave.

There was an artificial formation in the water pool, so that all the water in the cave was sucked into the water pool. Therefore, the fox did not find a drop of water on the previous section of the road.

The pool was not empty, but there was a lotus-like plant growing in the pool. The fox had never seen this kind of lotus-like plant before, and he didn't know what it was called, let alone Is it food or medicine. However, the fox could feel that the lotus-like plant was somewhat extraordinary.

"Should I pick it up now and give it to Fellow Daoist Gu, or let him pick it himself?"

The fox was a little hesitant. If he didn't pick this lotus-like plant, he wasn't sure if he would be able to come back here after he left the cave, but if he picked it now, the fox wasn't sure whether he would Because of the wrong timing, it caused damage to the plant.

"Forget it, let's not pick it yet!"

After hesitating for a while, the fox made up his mind to explore the depths of the cave again.

According to the fox's thinking, even if he can't return to this place temporarily after leaving this cave, since this cave belongs to the space that the alchemy room can access, as long as he becomes the master of the hidden world, this place must still be safe. You can come in again, but if you do this, Gu Zheng will wait a little longer, but at least you don't have to risk the plant being destroyed.

The fox's divine sense probed further ahead, and found a formation that existed on the ground.

The formation that exists on the ground belongs to the teleportation fairy formation. After the fox opened it, he returned to the previous alchemy room through the teleportation fairy formation.

In the alchemy room, there are not only the alchemy tools left by the leader, but also a big treasure chest.

The fox just put the treasure box in the alchemy room into the storage bracelet, and then walked out of the alchemy room. As for those high-grade alchemy utensils, he left them in the alchemy room, anyway, he will become the leader of the invisible world Master, these things will also become his property, there is no need to be like a robber and take whatever he sees.

Originally, Gu Zheng closed his eyes and thought about the space structure he saw before. After sensing the fox leaving the stone room, he immediately opened his eyes.

"Okay?" Goku asked.

"Fortunately, the test inside is somewhat troublesome, but it is not too dangerous."

The fox smiled slightly, and then took out the treasure chest: "Fellow Daoist, share the joy of opening the treasure chest with me!"


Gu Zheng also laughed. He understood that the reason why the fox brought out the treasure chest to open it was to let him see if there was anything else he needed in the treasure chest besides the ingredients.

The treasure chest was opened by the fox, and it was full of good things. In addition to ingredients and medicinal materials, there were also various cultivation resources and fairy artifacts.

"That's right, there are actually two immortal ingredients!"

Gu Zheng was very satisfied, and the harvest of two immortal ingredients was also a small surprise.

"Do fellow daoists need anything else?" Fox asked.

"No, the others are useless to me." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Okay! Anyway, there should be a lot of treasures here, if fellow daoists fancy something, don't be polite to me!" the fox said again.

"Don't worry! If there is really something I need, I won't be polite to you." Gu Zheng nodded.

The fox laughed and put away the treasure box. This harvest also made him very happy, because among those fairy artifacts, there was one fairy artifact that made him very satisfied and could improve his overall strength.

"By the way, Fellow Daoist, the stone room just now leads to a cave. There is a lotus-like plant in the cave. I think it should be quite extraordinary, but it is still growing, so I didn't pick it up. Bring it to you, do you want to go in and have a look?"

After leaving through the teleportation array in the cave, the fox found that there is also a corresponding teleportation array in the alchemy room that can lead to the cave, so there is no need for Gu Zheng to wait. Fairy Array will do.

"Oh? Then I have to go and have a look!"

Gu Zheng became interested, and after he chatted with the fox for a few more words, the two separated. Gu Zheng went to the cave with lotus-like plants, and the fox went to the next stone room.

Through the teleportation array, Gu Zheng entered the cave with the lotus-like plant. According to the description of the fox, Gu Zheng felt that the lotus-like plant was probably a kind of food material, and it might even be a plant. Tiancaidibao is still in the growth stage.

After entering the cave, Gu Zheng used his divine sense to investigate while walking. This cave that he entered through the teleportation array has something worth learning for him.

Painful observation of Gu Zheng found that this cave actually belongs to the Hidden Realm, and he should be somewhere on the mountain in the Hidden Realm, but it should be difficult to enter it through other methods if you don't enter through the teleportation array! Because of the two ends of the cave, one is where the teleportation array is located, that is, the bottom of the cave, and the other is where the fox first appeared in the cave. That place should have been the original entrance of the cave, but the fox did not find the entrance of the cave. Existence can only mean that the entrance of the cave has been blocked, or it may be hidden by some kind of formation.

After getting the answer that the cave still belongs to the Yinzong Realm, Gu Zheng was even more convinced that the flower-like plant must be a growing treasure of heaven and earth, and the fairy array in the pool was the one that condensed the entire Yinzong. The spirit of Zhongling and Yuxiu in the trace world is providing nutrition for the growth of heaven, material and earth treasures.

When he was outside the main hall before, Gu Zheng discovered that the immortal energy in the entire hidden world seemed to be flowing slightly into the mountain, but at that time he thought that there was some kind of forbidden movement that needed the immortal energy, but he didn't expect it to be Because of the growth of natural treasures.

Since the place where it appeared was at the fairy formation at the bottom of the cave, it was not too far from the lotus-like plant, so Gu Zheng soon saw the water pool and the lotus-like plant.

The pure white flower buds are covered with a faint halo, although there is no fragrance at all, but under the observation of the eyes of the ancient fight for the way, the whole plant is full of a large number of special substances, which is exactly a natural plant in the process of growth. Materials and treasures.

"What a pity, what a pity!"

After carefully observing the lotus-like plant, Gu Zheng couldn't help shaking his head. Although it is a natural treasure, it is really a pity for Gu Zheng.

There are many kinds of Tiancaidibao, and the lotus-type Tiancaidibao is a special kind of Tiancaidibao in the entire family of Tiancaidibao, because the final maturity stage of this kind of Tiancaidibao is not mature. Unity, some are in the flowering period, some are in the fruiting period, and some are in the seeding period. That is to say, some natural treasures of the lotus category mature after the lotus fully blooms, and the part of the natural treasure is the flower, while others mature after the lotus pod matures, and the part of the natural treasure is the lotus pod. The most important thing is that when the lotus seeds are mature, they are considered mature, and the part of the natural treasures is the lotus seeds.

Today's Tiancaidibao is just a flower bud that is slightly blooming. If it is the kind of flower that is Tiancaidibao, then even if Gu Zheng delays a little time, he can wait until it matures with the method of promoting birth! But it's a pity that the genius treasure in front of me belongs to the kind of lotus seed. In this way, even if Gu Zheng gave birth to it wholeheartedly, there is no such thing as three hundred years of time that you don't even have to think about.

For more than three hundred years, this is the price that Gu Zheng is unwilling to pay, so even if it is a natural treasure, Gu Zheng has to give up.

Just when Gu Zheng gave up the treasures of heaven and earth and began to wander in the cave, the fox ran into trouble.

The stone room that the fox entered this time is the refining room. In addition to a big treasure chest, there is also a huge refining furnace. However, as soon as the fox entered the refining room, his vision changed, and he appeared in another space.

The new space is a forbidden space, and it is still the kind of landscape above the clouds. The things the fox needs to face are still puppets, but they are four ant-shaped, dark golden puppets.

The types of puppets that the fox saw in the hidden world were not as many as those that Gu Zheng saw. Apart from the ant puppets he saw now, he also saw golden armored puppets.

Although the ant puppets are not as large as the golden armored puppets, each of them is stronger than the golden armored puppets, and their speed is also much faster than the golden armored puppets.

Ant puppets can control the air, and their legs are as sharp as knives. Once they get close, it will be more troublesome for the fox.

To deal with the ant puppets, the fox not only used his three-treasure whisk, but also used the fairy artifacts he got in the treasure chest before, and only then did three of the four ant puppets become disabled.

There was only the last ant puppet left, and a change occurred at this time, the last ant puppet suddenly screamed strangely.

The unprecedented strange cry appeared, which made the fox who had a bad feeling quickly attack the last ant puppet, but amidst the strange cry of the ant puppet, an invisible barrier with very good protection performance appeared in front of it , blocked the attack from the fox for it. And, amidst its cries, the three ant puppets that had been mauled by the fox suddenly shot out a glaring light from their bodies! After the dazzling light disappeared, the fox found that the three ant puppets that had been maimed had disappeared, and the last ant puppet had three extra heads.

The ant puppet with four heads sprays four kinds of light from its mouth at the same time to deal with the fox.

The fox waved the three treasures in his hand, and the 'Tianhong Dao Tu' appeared in front of him.

However, since the light attack released by the ant puppet is not within the restraint range of Sanbao Fuchen, the "Tianhongdao Map" drawn by Sanbao Fuchen does not have the ability to absorb the light and then counterattack the ant puppet ! The function it can play is only to block the attack of the four kinds of light for the fox, so that the fox has a chance to brew his sword move.


Before, the fox also used the "Tianhong Dao Tu" to block the light attacks launched by the four ant puppets at the same time, but this time the situation is different. The combination of four ants is no longer as simple as one plus one equals two. The attack directly smashed the 'Tianhong Dao Tu'.

The 'Tianhong Daotu' was shattered, the fox hastily drew out his sword to block it, but the four beams of light still hit him, smashing his body surface protection, and making his body fly like a kite with broken strings go out.

Before the fox flew out, the figure of the ant puppet that followed had already shot four rays of light at him again.

The light attack of the ant puppet has a strong locking ability, and it is precisely because of this that the fox, who knows how to avoid it, will draw a "Tian Hong Dao Diagram" to resist when facing this kind of attack.

Now, since he already knew that the "Tianhong Dao Map" was useless, the fox who didn't dare to hesitate immediately activated his fairyland and took the ant puppets into the fairyland.

"It's powerful, isn't it?"

As soon as he entered his own domain, the fox immediately felt elated. He adjusted the energy in the fairy domain, making his body grow bigger while shaking constantly.

The ant puppet is a tool made for fighting. Even if it is taken into the fairyland, it doesn't know what it means to be afraid, so it immediately attacked the fox. However, this time, the four rays of light emitted by the ant puppet, due to the influence of the characteristics of the fox's fairyland, disappeared out of thin air and appeared behind the ant puppet, shooting towards its body.


With a loud noise, the ant puppet caught off guard was hit by the light emitted by it, and its body was knocked down to the ground.

The ant puppet that was knocked to the ground bounced up immediately, but its four heads were indeed drooping. Although the light attack just now did not cause any obvious trauma to it, it also made it a little dazed.

The ant puppet was dumbfounded, but the fox was not. With his body over five feet tall, he slashed at the ant puppet with his sword.

There seems to be only one huge sword aura, but the effect produced by the ant puppet's body is several sword auras as if divided.

However, the ant puppet is indeed powerful enough. With the help of the sword of the fairyland energy, the fox failed to kill it completely, leaving it in a state where its limbs were disconnected from itself.

"go to hell!"

The fox made another sword strike, and this sword finally killed the ant puppet.

After killing the ant puppet, the fox also took over the fairyland. This time, there was no such thing as a teleportation fairy array, because the ant puppet itself was the key to passing this test, so after he took over the fairyland, what he found The location of the body is the real refining room.

Putting away the treasure chest in the refining room, the fox left the refining room.

Gu Zheng was still in the cave at this time, he didn't see his fox, so he just rested in the passage of the cave.

The fox was not in a hurry to enter the final test of the side room. The Immortal Realm had already been used up in the previous battle.

After half a day, Gu Zheng left the cave, and when he walked out of the alchemy room, the fox opened his eyes.


The fox smiled at Gu Zheng.

"The lotus-like plant is a natural treasure, but it belongs to your chance. In the future, you can pick it when the lotus seeds are mature!" Gu Zheng said.

"Can't you use your supernatural powers to spawn it?" the fox asked.

"It takes more than three hundred years to give birth to it, and I can't afford to waste that time!" Gu Zheng said helplessly.

"Fellow Daoist, how long will it take for it to grow naturally?" the fox asked again.

"It will take more than 1,500 years!" Gu Zheng said.

"All right!"

The fox smiled helplessly. After more than a thousand years, who knows what will happen.

"What about you? What was the test in the previous level?"

Facing Gu Zheng's inquiry, the fox told about the previous test.

"Have you taken away the remnant of the ant puppet?" Gu Zheng asked.

"No, it's too big to fit in my storage bracelet."

The fox paused, and then asked again: "Fellow Daoist, do you want the body of that ant puppet?"

"According to your description, the dark golden metal that makes up the body of the ant puppet should be a very good refining material. I want some. Not only that, I also want to use the metal of the unicorn puppet and the golden armor puppet I met before." To collect some." Gu Zheng said.

"The remnants of the ant puppets are in the refining room. If you want them, you can just take them. As for the other puppets, as long as you have a way to enter the space where they are, then you can just take them!"

The fox's voice was very proud. Although he knew that these puppets were valuable, it was rare for Gu Zheng to have something he wanted, so he would not be stingy.


Gu Zheng didn't say much, he just smiled and nodded to the fox.

"Look at the treasure chest first, and see if there is anything you need in it."

The fox opened the treasure chest face to face again, and the precious light that was originally covered by the lid suddenly dazzled.

There are still various cultivation resources in the treasure chest, among which there are more than 20 items of ingredients.

"Yes, there are three fairy ingredients this time!"

Gu Zheng smiled and pocketed more than twenty ingredients.

"There are jade slips!"

The fox's eyes lit up slightly, and he put the jade slip on his forehead without hesitation.

After a while, the fox took the jade slip from his forehead, he already knew the information contained in the jade slip.

"I thought it was about a puppet, but I didn't expect it to be a palm technique." The fox regretted.

"There are so many puppets here, there will definitely be jade slips about puppets, but it should be in the final benefits." Gu Zheng said.


The fox nodded. He understood the truth. Since the leader made the puppet a test of many levels, he naturally wouldn't put things about the puppet in the treasure chest that wasn't the ultimate.

"How powerful is the palm technique?" Gu Zheng asked.

"The palm technique is powerful, but it's a pity that it's not the Jade Slip of Passion, so you can't learn it right away. If you want to learn this set of palm techniques, you have to spend time practicing in the future!" Fox said.

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