After chatting with the fox for a while, Gu Zheng entered the refining room that the fox had entered before.

Since the test in the refining room had been passed by the fox, Gu Zheng did not appear in the restricted space when he entered, and he directly saw the remnant body of the ant puppet on the ground.

The ant puppets have been scattered by the fox, and the remnants of the three ant puppets that had disappeared did not reappear. There is only the remnant body of one ant puppet and the heads of the other three ant puppets on the ground.

Tianhong's puppet technique is much more advanced than Honghuang's, which is why Gu Zheng is more curious about it. However, although Tianhong's puppetry is very clever, Honghuang's puppetry is not without merits. At least there is the technique of "receiving spirits" in Honghuang's puppetry. Gu Zheng has not found that it has appeared on Tianhong's puppet.

Gu Zheng has long been a master in the way of refining weapons, and he is also well versed in the technique of "Na Ling". In his opinion, if he can "Na Ling" in Tianhong's puppet, then the strength of the puppet will definitely be raised to a higher level. . However, this is definitely not something that can be done if you want to do it. After all, Gu Zheng's understanding of puppet art is only at the superficial stage. Now he wants to collect these puppet remains. Made of metals outside the circle, these metals that were not available in the wild are also rare for refining equipment.

After Gu Zheng took some stumps of the ant puppet, he left the refining room and came to the passage of the cave again.

The current position of Gu Zheng is the position where he left the space where the unicorn puppet was. It is easier to enter the original space from this position than from other places.

The fox is still waiting for his immortal supernatural powers to recover, watching Gu Zheng stretch out his hand in the void, and the void is rippled because of his power of space, and the fox's heart is also extremely envious.

"It's amazing to master the way of space!" the fox sighed in his heart.

Soon, Gu Zheng's figure disappeared in the passage, and he appeared again in the restricted space with the unicorn puppet.

The deformed unicorn puppet was still quietly lying in the restricted space, and there were sword soul dogs and gun soul dogs that had turned into meatloaf.

Gu Zheng didn't intend to take the body of the unicorn puppet, he directly took the head of a unicorn puppet.

In this forbidden space, besides the unicorn puppets, there are also various kinds of puppets such as the golden armor puppets. After Gu Zheng collected some metal from the golden armor puppets, he carefully observed the remaining complete puppets. He wanted to obtain Learn more about Tianhong Puppet Art.

Time passed unknowingly, the fox who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed stood up, his celestial powers had recovered, and he walked towards the last side room.

For the last side room, the fox is quite looking forward to it. This does not mean that it is the last test to enter the main room, but that this stone room is the fairy grass room, and the fox hopes that there will be more things that Gu Zheng needs here.

Using celestial power to manipulate the barrier on the door, after the originally locked stone gate was opened, the fox saw a big fairy array, in addition to a lot of fairy grass, there was also a big treasure box in the array.

As soon as the fox stepped into the fairy grass room, the sight in front of him also changed, and he appeared in the restricted space again.

The scene in the forbidden space is no longer the appearance of high-altitude clouds, but the appearance of a forest, but the fox knows that all this is just an illusion of the forbidden space.

It took only two breaths for the fox to enter the restricted space, and the so-called forest seemed to come alive. All the flowers, plants and trees were uprooted and shot at the fox, so powerful that the fox dared not underestimate it.

The fox started chopping with his sword. Fortunately, the flowers, plants and trees that attacked him all came from one direction. If they attacked him from all directions, it would be difficult for him to deal with it.

The flowers, plants and trees will attack the fox because there are two strange winds controlling them. These two strange winds themselves are not very powerful, but for these flowers, plants and trees in the forbidden space, they are as powerful as a hurricane. destructive power.

All the flowers, plants and trees close to the fox were cut to pieces by the fox's sword energy, but before the fox had a moment of rest, the broken flowers and trees on the ground recovered in an instant, and under the control of the two strange winds Next, he shot at the fox again.

The fox frowned, and a square, black stone was sacrificed by him.

The black stone is the fairy artifact that the fox got in the treasure box in the alchemy room, which can enhance his overall strength. The fox wants to use it to open the way, to see what is the thing that is hidden behind the flowers and trees that emits the strange wind. kind of existence.

Immediately after the black stone was sacrificed by the fox, it was surrounded by flames and flew towards the distance like a shooting star.

All the flowers, plants and trees that touched the stone fairy were instantly burned.

The fire was spreading, and a wide passage appeared in the fox's eyes as the stone fairy flew. This also made the fox see what the existence that was hiding behind the flowers and trees and fanning the strange wind looked like.

The guy who fanned the strange wind was a humanoid monster. In addition to human limbs, this monster also had a pair of wings and a needle-like mouth. The overall appearance was like a humanoid mosquito.

The mosquito monster's control over the flowers and trees is in a continuous state. When it sees the stone fairy flying towards it, it has to give up its control over the flowers and trees.

The mosquito monster flapped its wings, and its body with afterimages dodged the stone fairy that almost hit it.

Without the control of the mosquito monster, all the original flowers, plants and trees fell to the ground, and the fox took the opportunity to rush forward.

The fox's stone artifact is a psychic artifact, and it can attack without the fox's control. After the first attack missed the mosquito monster, it immediately launched a second attack on the mosquito monster.

"call out!"

There was a sharp sound from the mouth of the mosquito monster, which was a powerful sonic attack, which made the fox's forward pace slow down.

The sharp whistling sound from the mosquito monster is a powerful sonic attack, but the fox has a secret technique, and he is not afraid of most sonic attacks, so his figure is only a pause, and the secret technique is activated. Afterwards, a halo of light surrounded his body immediately, and the influence of the sonic attack on him disappeared without a trace, and he rushed forward again.

However, although the mosquito monster's sonic attack did not cause any harm to the fox, it had a miraculous effect on the fox's stone artifact. When the mosquito monster's sonic attack was launched, the fox's stone artifact was also fixed in the air.

At this moment, the fox, who ignored the sound wave attack, was rushing forward, but his stone artifact was taken away by the mosquito monster.

The fox is still some distance away from the mosquito monster, this distance is beyond the scope of his fairy domain, which makes him anxious, because when the mosquito monster hugs his stone fairy weapon, he actually loses his sense of the stone fairy. device control.

The fox also flew up, and he wanted to chase the mosquito monster, but just as his body flew up, he had to fall down again, because the branches of the surrounding towering trees slapped him like a mountain top.

The fox that fell on the ground had to swing his sword again to chop the branches above his head, while the mosquito monster in the distance stabbed his sharp mouth at his stone fairy artifact.

The stone fairy is very hard, but the mouth of the mosquito monster is even sharper. The mosquito monster that pierced its mouth into it immediately began to suck/suck.

"not good!"

The fox screamed in his heart, as the owner of the fairy artifact, he felt that his fairy artifact was being destroyed.

A large piece of green shadow was shattered under the attack of the fox, and the fox finally cleaned up the plants that hindered him.

The fox flying in the air has also seen the mosquito monster, but the stone fairy in the arms of the mosquito monster has already been sucked and eaten by the mosquito monster, and has changed from the original black to gray.


The fox cursed loudly, he already felt that this fairy artifact, which he had not acquired for a long time, had already been destroyed under the sucking and eating of the mosquito monster! Not only did it drop in grade, even if the mosquito monster released it now, it would not be able to actively attack, or attack under his control.

The fox hated the mosquito monster to the bone, and at the same time he cursed, he also activated the supernatural powers on the mosquito monster.

However, although the fairyland has been activated, the fox in the fairyland is wide-eyed, because there are no mosquito monsters in his fairyland!

The fox frowned, and the mosquito monster ignored the ingestion of the fairy domain, which made him nervous. You must know that the fairy domain is his strongest ultimate move. In the outside world, the possibility of him wanting to defeat the mosquito monster is extremely low.

"Do you want to use the jade talisman to notify Fellow Daoist Gu?"

The fox smiled wryly in his heart. When he could not notify Gu Zheng, he still didn't want to notify Gu Zheng. After all, this was his test. Although passing through Gu Zheng would definitely solve the problem quickly, it would eventually make him feel a little bit uncomfortable. Pity.

However, at this time, the fox already felt that it would be impossible not to notify Gu Zheng of this incident. Since Gu Zheng was to be notified, it was better to notify Gu Zheng before things got worse.

Just as the fox was about to crush the jade talisman, his eyes suddenly widened. As the owner of the fairyland, he felt a slight fluctuation in the fairyland.

The weak fluctuations in the fairyland were not normal, which made the fox think of a possibility. It was not that the mosquito monster had not been taken into the fairyland, but it disappeared through some special means after entering the fairyland.

The fox frowned, and instantly dispatched the energy of the fairyland to act on the eyes, and his eyes suddenly shone with a dazzling light.

With the blessing of the energy of the fairyland to the eyes, the fox saw the mosquito monster that he thought had not been taken into the fairyland.

The mosquito monster stayed in the place where the fox felt that there was a slight fluctuation in the fairyland. It was indeed invisible through special means. However, the invisibility of the mosquito monster is not simply invisibility. It was originally about the size of a normal person, but its body has shrunk countless times at this moment, and it looks like a sesame seed. Moreover, after the originally light yellow mosquito monster absorbed the energy of the stone fairy, circles of black patterns appeared on its body, making its appearance even more weird.

The fox found the mosquito monster, and the mosquito monster knew it right away. While it was provoking the fox with its eyes, the black patterns on its body suddenly flashed, causing the fox's eyes to feel as if someone had inserted them with a finger. It hurt him so much. While staring at the stars, his eyes couldn't help but close.

Although the fox's eyes are closed, he still has supernatural perception in his own fairyland, so he knows that the mosquito monster is flying towards him.

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, the tortoise's shell in the fairyland shone with light, and the grids moved like a jigsaw puzzle, and the mosquito monster that wanted to get closer was pulled away again.

The fox's sight had recovered, and he found that the mosquito monster had also turned into a normal size and was attacking frantically.

The reason why the mosquito monster was frantic was because Grid was still moving, and the attacks it launched not only failed to hit the fox, but landed on itself many times.

The fox felt refreshed, this damn mosquito monster destroyed his stone artifact, he didn't intend to let this guy die easily, that's why the lattice on the tortoise's shell kept moving.

After a lot of tossing, the mosquito monster seemed to be tired, and it gasped for breath and stopped attacking.

"Are you no longer attacking? If you stop attacking, I will attack!"

The fox grinned grimly at the mosquito monster, and the fearless mosquito monster still challenged it with its eyes.

The fox mobilized the energy of the fairyland to press down on the monster mosquito. Under the pressure of the energy of the fairyland, the monster body trembled involuntarily.

However, the trembling mosquito monster instantly became smaller in size, and the fox immediately felt that the pressure originally acting on the mosquito monster was suddenly so small that it had a very weak impact on it. Under normal circumstances, the oppression of the energy of the fairyland will not shrink due to the change of the enemy's size. The reason why it is like this now is naturally because the magical power of the mosquito monster to shrink is relatively special.

The fox frowned, and the energy of the fairyland also changed. Like thousands of steel needles, it pierced towards the smaller mosquito monster.

Although the body size has become the size of a sesame seed, it is not the limit of the mosquito monster. When it is pierced by the energy of the fairyland, its body size becomes smaller again, so small that it is almost invisible to the naked eye.

The mosquito monster, whose body became smaller again, not only escaped the puncture of the fairyland energy, but also flew towards the fox at an extremely fast speed.

The fox was startled, he already felt a terrifying aura from the body of the mosquito monster which was hard to distinguish with the naked eye, it would definitely be a very troublesome thing to be approached by this guy.

The fox made the grid on the tortoise's shell move again, trying to increase the distance between him and the mosquito monster in this way, but this tried and tested trick failed at this time, and the smaller mosquito monster broke through the grid and moved. The kind of restriction similar to the power of law, it flew in front of the fox.

Everything happened in an instant. The mosquito monster that flew in front of the fox did not change into a normal size. It broke through the fairy protection on the fox's body surface and the fairy clothes on the body, and directly penetrated into the fox's body.

A small monster has huge destructive power. It is definitely a very terrifying thing for such a monster to enter the body! However, facing the mosquito monster's entry into the body, the fox is not surprised but happy!

Before the fox was afraid of being approached by the monster mosquito, it was because he was worried that the monster would use some unusual means after it got close, but he didn't expect that the monster would want to enter his body! Ordinary immortal cultivators may be afraid of this kind of situation, but the fox is not afraid of being entered by mosquito monsters, because the skills he practiced are different. This kind of skills will make the monsters entering his body seem to have entered another world. It's the same in the stomach of a monster.

I saw that before the mosquito monster that entered the fox's body had time to start destroying it, the celestial ball in the fox's body was already spinning at a high speed.

The rotation of the celestial ball made a huge vortex seem to be generated in the fox's body, and the suction force emitted by it sucked the mosquito monster over without any resistance.

The mosquito monster was sucked into his dantian by the fox's high-speed spinning celestial ball.

There are four things in the fox's dantian, they are the fairy ball, and the fox's natal real water spirit, natal real fire spirit and natal real earth spirit.

The three spirits of the five elements of the fox and the celestial ball surrounded the mosquito monster in the middle. They formed a special formation. in it.

The mosquito monster screamed in terror. If this sound came from the outside world, it would definitely be a powerful sonic attack, but in the fox's dantian, this sound had no effect on the fox at all.

The light array in the fox's dantian is running, and the mosquito monster trapped in it is being refined by the light array.

Under the refinement of the light array, the mosquito monster's cry became weaker and weaker, and after a while, it completely stretched its legs and stared.

"It's really lucky. If it didn't know how deep it got into my body, it wouldn't be easy to deal with it."

When the fox was feeling emotional, he released the mosquito monster in his dantian. His so-called refinement of the mosquito monster was just refining the mosquito monster into something similar to a crystal. Naturally, this kind of thing cannot last forever. Among the dantian.

The mosquito monster refined by the fox looks as transparent as a crystal sculpture at this time. After the fox puts it in the storage bracelet, it terminates the fairyland and appears in the real fairy grass room.

After collecting the treasure box in the fairy grass room, the fox walked out of the fairy grass room.

Gu Zheng was still in the puppet space at this time, and the fox, who didn't see him, closed his eyes and sat cross-legged. While waiting for Gu Zheng, he continued to wait for the recovery of the supernatural powers in the fairyland.

Three hours later, ripples appeared in the void in the passage, and Gu Zheng's figure reappeared in the passage.

"Have you used up the magical powers of the fairyland again?"

After Gu Zheng appeared, he looked at the fox with a smile.

"No way, monsters are more difficult, forcing me to use the fairyland!"

The fox smiled wryly, and then told Gu Zheng what happened in Zeng.

"Show me your 'Ujin Flint'!"

The 'Wujin Flintstone' mentioned by Gu Zheng is the fox's immortal stone artifact.

"Can Fellow Daoist fix it?"

In the process of chatting with Gu Zheng, the fox knew that Gu Zheng could refine weapons, but he didn't know Gu Zheng's level in the process of refining weapons.

"Psychic fairy artifacts are not easy to repair, and according to what you said, the biggest problem with the damage of the fairy artifacts is that the spirits of the artifacts are sucked and eaten by mosquito monsters, and under normal circumstances, this is basically regarded as damage. The damage is irreparable! After all, even if there is a way to repair the damage caused by the mosquito monster to other parts of the fairy weapon, there is no way to give it another original weapon spirit, and without the original weapon spirit, the fairy weapon will not be able to recover. Then it’s an immortal artifact in the original sense.”

"All right!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the fox handed the Wujin Flint to Gu Zheng with a sad face. He didn't expect that this fairy artifact he liked very much would eventually break without warming him up.

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