
There was a loud noise, because the ancient battle made the powerful super ice monster feel the space fluctuation, so he swung the Qianqiu reincarnation pen to strike, and the power super ice monster had time to resist, Gu Zheng's Qianqiu reincarnation pen failed to hit its head, but was blocked by its outstretched front paws.

Although the power-type super ice monster blocked Gu Zheng's blow, its huge body was also sent flying by Gu Zheng. The forelimb that blocked Gu Zheng's Qianqiu reincarnation pen exploded immediately, and before it flew out On the way, the cracks also spread from the wound to the body.

"It's really vulnerable!"

Gu Zheng shook his head. Fortunately, the powerful super ice monster couldn't understand what he said, otherwise it might have spit out the original energy as blood.

Indeed, Gu Zheng seems to be a blow against ordinary ice monsters, but it is fundamentally different from a blow against power super ice monsters. The strength used in the hit was only 50%, but the blow against the powerful super ice monster was 100% strength.


Originally, Gu Zheng didn't want to hunt down the super powerful ice monster that was sent flying by him, but he suddenly found that the super powerful ice monster was different.

Regardless of whether it is an ordinary ice monster or a super ice monster, anyone whose body is shattered by Gu Zheng means death, because those who have been wounded by Gu Zheng have the power of Gu Zheng's natal true water Act on it, so they can't heal the wound before the original energy is exhausted. However, this powerful super ice monster actually healed its wounds during flying out, thus stopping the flow of original energy and breaking the ancient convention of killing with one blow.

It's not that Gu Zheng has never seen a powerful super ice monster before, but this is the first time he has encountered such an abnormal situation, which made him frown. It's okay if this is just an example, if This is not an example, so the speed of killing the ice monster will definitely become slower.

It's a pity that things like ice monsters are just energy illusions, and Gu Zheng can't search for their souls, so many things can only be guesses.

"Could it be something behind the scenes?"

The black hand behind the scenes in Gu Zheng's heart is the existence that transformed the ice monster.

"Since you won't die once, then come twice!"

Without letting worries bother him, Gu Zheng flew towards the super powerful ice monster.

Although it lost a forelimb, it was nothing to a powerful super ice monster. When it saw Gu Zheng flying towards it, it roared to meet it.

Looking at the super powerful ice monster flying towards him, Gu Zheng frowned again. To him, this super powerful ice monster was really different. The rage of energy, it wants to explode itself! As for the ice monster capable of exploding itself, Gu Zheng had never seen it before, not even in the memory of the deacon of the Three Kingdoms.

However, Gu Zheng didn't pay attention to the self-destruction of the power-type super ice monster at all. It is very difficult for a cultivator to self-destruct in front of him, let alone a monster. Who let him master the self-explosion nemesis time? Woolen cloth!

Gu Zheng just frowned, and wrinkles appeared in the air. This is the expression of the power of Tao being used. He used the Tao of time to calm the violent original energy in the body of the powerful super ice monster, dissolving the power Powerful self-explosion!

"Although I can ignore your self-destruction, I can lead you into the beast tide, and let your self-destruction kill more of your kind. However, your difference makes me want to kill you, so you don't The power to explode!"

Regardless of whether the powerful super ice monster can understand it or not, Gu Zheng raised the Qianqiu reincarnation pen in his hand to it after he finished speaking.


With unparalleled aura, the Qianqiu reincarnation pen hit the head of the powerful super ice monster that couldn't dodge at all. It was like smashing a big watermelon, making the huge head of the powerful super ice monster , turned into a large piece of falling ice.

"now you!"

After finishing off the powerful super ice monster, Gu Zheng flew towards another flying super ice monster.

The flying super ice monsters can be regarded as the most cautious among the super ice monsters that Gu Zheng has encountered. Their flying speed is not fast. In addition to the magic that can launch long-distance attacks, The biggest function is to control ordinary ice monsters. Just like the generals in the army, they always hide in their camps to give orders, so basically they always keep a safe distance from Gu Zheng.

Among the super ice monsters killed by Gu Zheng, there are already three super ice monsters that can fly. Except for the first Gu Zheng, which was broken down with a divine crane, the remaining three Gu Zheng Gu Zheng always killed it at close range, so Gu Zheng knew a lot about this super cold ice monster.

However, something that Gu Zheng didn't expect happened again. After the flying super ice monster felt that it was being targeted, it opened its mouth and sprayed a stream of ice mist at Gu Zheng.

It is not surprising that ice monsters can spray out ice mist, but ice mist can also be used in many ways, one of which is to transform the spirit of ice mist.

Ordinary ice monsters can spray ice mist to transform into ice mist spirits, but the ice mist spirits they transform can only exist for a short time, and because their destructive power is not strong, Gu Zheng would not even pay attention to the spirit of ice mist transformed by them.

When I used the old method to harvest the life of the ice monsters on the ground, the spirit of ice mist couldn't get close to Gu Zheng, protecting the Gu Zheng ice dragon, and was very good at dealing with them. The effect against the spirit of ice mist is very good, so those spirits of ice mist who wanted to get close to Gu Zheng dissipated in the sound waves of Long Xiao. Moreover, since each ice monster can only use ice mist to transform into one ice mist spirit, their ice mist spirit really did not attract much attention from Gu Zheng.

Compared with the Ice Mist Spirit of ordinary ice monsters, the Ice Mist Spirit of super ice monsters made Gu Zheng somewhat interested, but among those super ice monsters killed before Gu Zheng, only the first one The super ice monster has the ability to transform into the spirit of ice mist, and that spirit of ice mist can not only illusion, but also can move instantly, its strength is even stronger than the main body.

Among the ice monsters killed by Gu Zheng afterwards, there was no super ice monster capable of transforming the spirit of ice mist. Gu Zheng was somewhat surprised by this, but he didn't think much about it. After all, in his mind, the first super ice monster he encountered, although its appearance was very similar to ordinary ice monsters, it was undoubtedly the most complicated of all super ice monsters. Because of this kind of super ice monster that looks like a leopard, Gu Zheng has encountered three kinds in total, each of which has its own unique characteristics.

The first type is the first super ice monster that Gu Zheng encountered. It can enlarge its body, but it is not too big. It can transform into an ice mist spirit that is no less powerful than it.

The second type may be due to the faster death. Gu Zheng has not seen too many attack methods of it, but only knows that its body can become smaller and thus have a faster speed.

The third type, the most obvious feature is that the body can become very large, that is, the super ice monster of the power type that Gu Zheng solved not long ago, and the super ice monster of this power type, not only Possesses a powerful self-healing ability, even capable of self-explosion!

It is precisely because of seeing the unusual power type super ice monsters that Gu Zheng has the feeling that the super ice monsters seem to be more and more difficult, and it seems that something is done by the mastermind behind the scenes! Unexpectedly, not long after Gu Zheng's feeling was born, he saw the flying super ice monster again, and he was able to transform into a spirit of ice mist! Moreover, it did not transform one, but two at the same time!

At this moment, there are only six of the original eight super ice monsters left in the field. One super ice monster that can sneak and one power type super ice monster have just been killed not long ago. Ancient disputes settled.

Looking at the two ice mist spirits flying over, Gu Zheng frowned again, and the other five super ice monsters roared at the same time, and at the same time sprayed out ice mist that could transform the ice mist spirits, And the ice mist sprayed out by them turned into ten ice mist spirits in total!


Twelve ice mist spirits and six super ice monsters made Gu Zheng narrow his eyes.

Just now, Gu Zheng guessed whether there was some action behind the scenes, so the super ice monster became abnormal, but now this guess has really come true, because when he saw the twelve ice mist spirits, , Gu Zheng gave birth to a premonition corresponding to the sixth consciousness.

"Originally, I wanted to increase the number of super ice monsters so that I could kill them all at once. I didn't expect this idea to be satisfied in such an indirect way. I hope that these ice mist spirits have more power than their own bodies. High strength!" Regardless of whether the so-called black hands behind the scenes can understand, Gu Zheng sneered: "If you really have the ability, don't just make these super ice monsters abnormal, you make ordinary cold The ice monsters have also become a little more abnormal, wouldn't it be more fun to fight like this? Or you can come out now, let's meet first!"

After the voice fell to the ground, Gu Zheng accelerated, still flying towards the two ice mist spirits that appeared first.

However, Gu Zheng at this time is very different from before, his aura has soared, and it feels like a sharp sword coming out of his body.

Looking at the flying Gu Zheng, the two ice mist spirits took the lead. They opened their mouths and sucked at Gu Zheng, but the suction brought by their almost spiritual bodies was strange and huge. Ignoring Gu Zheng's body surface fairy power shield, it directly acts on his body, as if to tear him apart.

Gu Zheng's body shook slightly, the original suction disappeared immediately, but the suction that disappeared instantly appeared again, this time the weird suction changed, it no longer wanted to tear Gu Zheng apart, but was like pulling Gu Zheng's hands are as ordinary as before, making it difficult for Gu Zheng's hands to do anything.

"A monster is a monster, is such a spell useful?"

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart, but he didn't break free from this strange suction. While sensing this suction with his divine sense, he was preparing to launch a fatal attack on the flying super ice monster.

The reason why the two ice mist spirits want to trap Gu Zheng's hands is to create opportunities for their bodies, that is, the flying super ice monsters. It seems that in their view, Gu Zheng's hands Very powerful, as long as Gu Zheng's hands are trapped, he will be abolished. Therefore, when they controlled Gu Zheng with both hands, their bodies rushed towards Gu Zheng immediately.

Flying super ice monsters originally fly very slowly, but they all have the ability to speed up. They can increase their flying speed to a terrifying level that even the ancient gods can't catch up with in a short period of time. .

The flying super cold ice monster looks like a flying dragon. When it sprints and folds its wings and rushes towards Gu Zheng, a sharp spike with cold light is transformed into the center of its forehead. It is preparing to kill Gu Zheng. body piercing!


Looking at the flying dragon-type super ice monster that was getting closer, Gu Zheng applauded in his heart for its preparations with the spirit of ice mist. Originally, Gu Zheng thought they were a little silly, thinking that it would be fine if his hands were trapped. I never thought that not only are they not stupid, but they have prepared a layout that can almost be called a killer blow! Because with the approach of the flying dragon-type super ice monster, Gu Zheng felt a strange power, which was close to a complete ban. Both spiritual and spiritual thoughts will be sealed, and even the activation of the power of Tao can be affected, and such a comprehensive sealing power has never been seen before in ancient times!

What Gu Zheng showed at the beginning was that his hands were imprisoned, but if this is true, then with both hands imprisoned, he naturally has no strength to break free from the subsequent imprisoning power, so he will definitely be killed by a flying dragon-type super ice monster. The spikes on the head were pierced! Moreover, the layout is so insidious, when it is pierced by a spike, it will definitely not be a simple piercing, it will definitely be a death wound.

But it is a pity that the truth is not what the dragon-type super ice monster wants to see from the very beginning, what it sees is just an illusion. Gu Zheng's hands will be imprisoned, but he just wants to cooperate with it. Although the force of confinement that appeared later surprised Gu Zheng, this does not affect Gu Zheng's cooperation with it. He wants to break free from this confinement force. , For Gu Zheng, it was a matter of thought.

With a shake of his body, Gu Zheng's aura soared again, and the imprisoning force that had acted on him disappeared instantly. He raised his leg towards the flying dragon-shaped super ice monster. The super ice monster was kicked to death, and now he has come to fulfill that silent promise.

The 'Hunyuan Wind Dragon Kick' was activated by Gu Zheng, and he kicked eight wind dragons towards the flying dragon-shaped super ice monster in a row.

"Bang bang bang bang!"


The sound of impact and howling of the dragon sounded one after another. While the flying dragon-type super ice monster was being knocked away by the wind dragon, it also had to face the bite of the wind dragon's roar.

Gu Zheng knew that the flying dragon-type super ice monster was certain to die, and it would soon turn into an ice cube and fall from the sky. However, as the Ice Mist Spirit of the flying dragon type super ice monster, the two guys who imprisoned Gu Zheng's hands obviously did not have this kind of awareness. They wanted to give up the confinement of Gu Zheng's hands and rushed to rescue them. ontology.

"Where are you going?"

Gu Zheng laughed, his hands can be imprisoned, but if he wants to remove the force of confinement, it is not up to others!

The reason why Gu Zheng retained the imprisonment of his hands by the Spirit of Ice Mist before was because this weird way of involvement gave him a different feeling, so he didn't break free from this feeling, he needed to use his divine sense For this kind of sensory exploration, he has a deep understanding of the spirit of ice fog, and now he already has this deep understanding.

"Go to hell!"

Gu Zheng let out a roar, and waved his hands as if holding two invisible ropes. With his swing, the two spirits of ice mist that originally imprisoned his hands were swung up from a distance, and smashed towards the open place. past.

Gu Zheng already had a deep understanding of the Ice Mist Spirit. When he didn't understand this kind of thing before, he couldn't make it explode like a cold ice monster. Now that he had enough understanding, he let the Ice Mist The explosion of the spirit is no longer empty talk. Moreover, the explosion power of the ice mist spirit, which is almost a spiritual body, is different from that of the ice monster explosion. The explosion produced by the latter's body can hurt the same kind, but it cannot hurt the ice beast. The fog spirit, the power that the explosion of the former can produce, although it can't hurt the ice monster, it can hurt the same kind! Therefore, the place where Gu Zheng threw the two Ice Mist Spirits was not as empty as the naked eye could see. There were actually two Ice Mist Spirits there.

There are quite a few ice mist spirits in the field. The ice mist spirits transformed from the super ice monsters that can sneak also have the ability to sneak, but in the ability of stealth, they are not more prominent than their bodies, so they This kind of stealth does not have much effect on Gu Zheng.

Of course, the stealthy spirits of ice mist will not just watch the other two spirits of ice mist hit them, and they dodge very fast, but as the saying goes, one object drops one object, the explosion produced by the two ice fog spirits, The scope of the impact is very wide. Although they have reached the edge of the scope, even if they suffer a little bit of this original damage, it will be a disaster for them. Therefore, their bodies appear and disappear quickly as if they are volatile.

Four of the twelve ice mist spirits died in an instant. The originally restless ice mist spirits were a little frightened. Maybe they didn't know that the explosion of their kind would have such power.

The spirit of ice mist was frightened, but Gu Zheng would not stop. He had already flew towards a super cold ice monster with medium strength.

"Among the super ice monsters, you are the first existence that can transform into an ice mist spirit."

Gu Zheng sneered at the medium-strength super ice monster. The medium-power super ice monster roared. When its body disappeared, the two ice mist spirits beside it also disappeared.

"Travel instantly with the spirit of ice mist, what a show!"

Gu Zheng grinned. For him, if he wanted to sneak attack through teleportation, under normal circumstances, he would undoubtedly die!

However, the current situation is not normal. It can be said that wherever Gu Zheng flew, there was a wave of black magic attacks, and when he had to stop, those black magic attacks were basically hard resistance. Fortunately, although there are many sorcery attacks, it is basically difficult to break through the defense against Gu Zheng. It is impossible to break through the immortal power protection of Gu Zheng's body, let alone hurt Gu Zheng's body! However, among the many sorcery attacks, there are some attacks that Gu Zheng is unwilling to resist, and that is the attack from the ice mist spirit transformed by the super ice monster. Gu Zheng's shield of immortal power can be broken, but Gu Zheng is unwilling to bear it. He is worried that a situation will arise, that is, when the shield of immortal power on his body is broken, the black hands behind the scenes will attack him. Send a hard blow.

When the black hands behind the scenes did not make big moves before, Gu Zheng would separate out the divine sense and occasionally use the power of Dao, but now that the black hands behind the scenes have made big moves, Gu Zheng's divine sense has not been separated, and Dao The power is also leisurely use.

Just like the current situation, the medium-strength super ice monster ran away with its two ice fog spirits, and Gu Zheng was attacked by the other ice fog spirits, so he didn't want to bear this kind of attack For him, the best way to kill two birds with one stone is through teleportation! In this way, not only can it intercept the running super ice monster, but it can also instantly avoid attacks from other ice mist spirits. However, Gu Zheng didn't do this. He wanted to save the power of Dao. He could temporarily ignore the running super ice monster. As for the attacks of the other ice mist spirits, although he would be embarrassed to dodge, But it is not impossible to escape.

Gu Zheng's body flew in the air in a strange arc. Although he looked a little embarrassed, he was not far from a powerful super ice monster.

The power-type super ice monster was not in a hurry to attack Gu Zheng, it just hovered in the air and watched quietly, watching Gu Zheng break up those ordinary ice monsters that were trying to block him.

If the black hand behind the scenes did not make a big move, even if the super ice monsters possessed a certain amount of intelligence, in this case, impulsiveness would still overcome calmness, and it would rush towards the ancient battle and fight bravely!

However, the black hand behind the scenes has already made a big move. The super ice monsters seem to have evolved. They are not only powerful in supernatural powers, but also in their minds, just like the layout of the dragon-type super ice monsters against the ancient war. That kind of mentality is not much worse than that of normal human beings. Another example is this powerful super ice monster. Its calmness is just waiting for two super ice monsters that can sneak, and four stealth ice mist With the cooperation of the spirits, they still want to set up a deadly situation for Gu Zheng.

The super ice monsters are laying out the ancient battle, and the ancient battle is not planning against them. Although their spiritual intelligence has been improved, the monsters are monsters after all. Even if their spiritual intelligence is improved, they still cannot compete with humans In comparison, what's more, the gap in strength is also there!

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