Whether it is the invisible super ice monster or the invisible ice mist spirit, they are really helpless.

They know that Gu Zheng can see through their invisibility, but invisibility is their supernatural power. If they don't activate this supernatural power, they have no chance of winning against Gu Zheng. They will die with Gu Zheng clearly. Have seen too much! Although the ancient strife can see through their invisibility, once they are invisible, the ancient strife needs to be distracted and pay attention to them, which can be regarded as their restraint on the ancient strife.

Therefore, the super ice monsters and the spirit of ice mist in the invisible state are also waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity that allows them to swarm up, and before this opportunity arises, they will carefully keep up with the ancient struggle. with the distance.

Gu Zheng was the first to strike. At a distance he felt was suitable, he mobilized the energy of the world and grabbed an invisible super ice monster.

Before the mastermind behind the scenes made any big moves, Gu Zheng felt that dispatching the energy of heaven and earth to capture an invisible super ice monster was a sure thing, after all, there had been such precedents before. However, the mastermind behind the scenes has already taken action, and Gu Zheng no longer dares to think that he is sure of everything. This is not just an analysis, but more a premonition from the sixth sense.

Gu Zheng understands that his first move, which is similar to a big move by mobilizing the energy of the world, is also an opportunity for the super cold monsters who are eyeing them, so before grabbing a super cold At the same time as the monsters, he also needs to be prepared to deal with the next swarm.

If it is really possible to catch the invisible super ice monster, Gu Zheng will use it as a shield to play with, but if he can't catch it, he has already prepared other means, so Gu Zheng's shot this time , In fact, it is dealing with two invisible super ice monsters at the same time!

Not because of the test in the volcanic space, Gu Zheng would not appear in Luoxue Icefield, and the experience in the volcanic space is very helpful for Gu Zheng's Luoxue Icefield and his party.

When he was in the volcanic space, Gu Zheng's temporary body was very similar in structure to the ice monster, so he grasped the weakness of the ice monster from the beginning, and controlled the origin of the ice monster through the power of the true water of his life energy, causing them to explode.

When in the volcanic space, among the attacks that Gu Zheng used his temporary body to launch, there was a very common method, which was to restrain the monster with a long flame whip, and then use the monster as a meteor hammer. This attack method When the ancient battle is used in the volcanic space, it is almost invincible.

Gu Zheng attacked the two invisible super ice monsters at the same time. One method was to oppress and capture the energy of the heaven and earth, and the other method was to turn the power of the true water of his life into a long whip, and aimed at the other invisible monster. The super ice monster shot away.

The two attacks are launched at the same time, and the results presented are divided into moments before and after.

The moment before, Gu Zheng was oppressed by the energy of heaven and earth acting on the invisible super ice monster, and was easily broken free by the invisible super ice monster.

In the next moment, due to the knowledge of the invisible super ice monster's body, the invisible super ice monster couldn't escape Gu Zheng's true water whip and was restrained by it.

Gu Zheng attacked the two invisible super ice monsters. The powerful super ice monster that was waiting for him rushed towards Gu Zheng, and the rest of the invisible ice mist spirits also attacked Gu Zheng. invisible attack.

After taking the lead, which directions will the attacks come from? This is something that Gu Zheng had already thought about before, so he didn't panic at all, and calmly avoided the first attack from the monsters by flying. wave attack.

After evading the first wave of attacks from the monsters, Gu Zheng also threw the invisible super ice monster bound by the real water whip towards the powerful super ice monster that was chasing after him.

Although he has not personally come into contact with the invisible super cold ice monster, but based on his understanding of its body structure, Gu Zheng has already seized power over its original energy when he restrained it with a long whip of real water.

The invisible super ice monster that was thrown out failed to hit the power type super ice monster. Although the power type super ice monster is big, its reaction is not slow, so the invisible super ice monster The beast exploded beside it.

After all, it is a super ice monster, and the power generated by the explosion is very powerful. Ordinary ice monsters within a certain range are blown to pieces, but the power-type super ice monster, although because of avoidance, is not in the The center of the explosion was inevitably injured. A large piece of the ice that made up the body was blown away, and many cracks appeared on the surface of the body. The original energy even flowed out from the wound like blood.

It seems that the injury is not serious, but this kind of injury is nothing to super ice monsters. Their self-healing ability is much stronger than that of ordinary ice monsters, not to mention that after the mastermind behind the scenes has moved, the power type super Even if the Ice Monster Beast had a severed limb, nothing would happen to it. Their self-healing ability was already terrifyingly strong. It can be said that they can recover from damage of this degree in only two seconds.

However, Gu Zheng will let the exploding invisible super ice monster fly towards the powerful super ice monster. This is not an action to stop its pursuit, but to kill it. An assist! Therefore, Gu Zheng's True Water Long Whip pierced into the power-type super ice monster when its surface wounds had not healed, and touched its original energy!

The power-type super ice monster roared, and the power of Gu Zheng's natal true water directly touched its original energy. Naturally, it wanted to detonate it, even if it was unwilling to fight, it was useless.


Just as Gu Zheng's true water long whip was withdrawn, the power-type super ice monster exploded, and during the time when Gu Zheng was distracted from dealing with the power-type super ice monster, the fairy power shield on his body , It was inevitable that he suffered multiple attacks, including damage from the spirit of ice mist, so the celestial power shield on his body was already on the verge of breaking.

Leaving behind a sneer, Gu Zheng broke through to the sky that was not guarded by the powerful super ice monster.

Speaking of breaking through, Gu Zheng actually wanted to stay away from the remaining super ice monsters and ice mist spirits for a while, and then re-raise the fairy power guardian who protected him in a relatively safe environment. cover.

The ordinary ice monsters blocked along the way were naturally beaten to death one by one by Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng also quickly raised the new shield of fairy power, and during this time, he was not attacked by anyone behind the scenes. Black hand attack.

"It seems that you are not particularly good, at least you let go of one, which I think is an opportunity."

With the new shield of celestial power, Gu Zheng paid even less attention to the beast tide behind him, and he killed back again.

"This time it's your turn!"

Gu Zheng sneered at the still invisible Ice Mist Spirits. He was going to get rid of these invisible Ice Mist Spirits this time. Of course, the way to solve them was still to let them explode, and for their explosion, Gu Zheng will also make good use of it.

When he was in the volcanic space, among the supernatural powers that Gu Zheng's temporary body comprehended, there was a kind of supernatural power that was very similar to the flame whip, and that was the tentacle supernatural power.

When he was in the volcanic space, Gu Zheng’s temporary body was lava, and his current body is a flesh body, but things like spells are sometimes interlinked, it depends on whether the cultivator can find a way to integrate them .

For Gu Zheng, if he hadn't encountered such things as ice monsters, he would never have thought of integrating a certain magical power in the volcanic space with the real magical power, because for him, the magical power in the volcanic space Both are too weak. However, in the strange place of Luoxue Icefield, Gu Zheng felt that the supernatural powers in the volcanic space were very applicable here, and the restraint of the ice monsters made up for the lack of power of the supernatural powers themselves! Therefore, regarding the matter of merging supernatural powers, Gu Zheng had long thought about it, and while he had a deep understanding of the spirit of ice mist, he had already made a fusion of tentacle supernatural powers.

I saw that Gu Zheng's hands suddenly shot four natal real water powers, and these natal real water powers flew towards the four invisible ice fog spirits like tentacles.

When in the volcanic space, the tentacles are transformed by the original energy of the ancient war. Although its power is good, it consumes too much original energy, and in the process of casting, it is more taboo to be attacked. After all, they are ancient Competing for the original energy of that body, and losing a single tentacle will seriously affect Gu Zheng's physical condition.

This supernatural power after the revision does not have the disadvantages of the volcanic space. First of all, the power of natal true water is not the original energy of Gu Zheng. Even if there is any power that can cut it off, what Gu Zheng loses is only the power of natal true water. , and this kind of thing is not as precious as his blood to him. More importantly, when Gu Zheng casts this tentacle-like supernatural power, he will not be in an immobile state like in the volcanic space, so he can use it with confidence.

Facing the four flying tentacles, the four invisible spirits of ice mist suddenly felt a lot of pressure. It's not that they didn't think of escaping, but the tentacles have a good restraint on their original energy, so that their actions Can't help but become sluggish.

The tentacle magical power used by Gu Zheng in the volcanic space is a supernatural power that surpasses the flame whip, and its power is naturally greater than the flame whip. The True Water Whip used by the ancients before was born out of the supernatural power of the Flame Whip. It has a good restraint power against super ice monsters and ice mist spirits. Today's tentacles are also born out of the volcanic space. The tentacle magic power in it is more powerful than the real water whip, so its restraint against the super ice monster and the spirit of ice mist is naturally conceivable.

The Ice Mist Spirit wanted to escape the tracking of Gu Zheng's tentacles, but they couldn't escape. Under the influence of the tentacles, their speed had slowed down. The tentacle of Zheng Zheng launched an attack, and the other part attacked Gu Zheng's body.

It's a pity that although Gu Zheng's tentacles were born from the tentacle supernatural power in the volcanic space, it doesn't have the disadvantages of tentacle supernatural power. Even if it is cut off, what Gu Zheng loses is just some of the power of the real water, not to mention These ordinary ice monsters are not strong enough, it is impossible to break his tentacles.

As for the other ice monsters that attacked Gu Zheng, although there were super ice monsters among them, none of them could fall on Gu Zheng. After all, this is not a volcanic space. When Gu Zheng cast his tentacles, his body was not immobile.

Everything actually happened in an instant, whether it was the blocking of ordinary ice monsters or the evasion of the spirit of ice mist, it could not change the final outcome. spirits, and threw them towards the other four ice mist spirits.

Gu Zheng wanted to kill the other four Ice Mist Spirits through the explosion of the Ice Mist Spirit, but the other four Ice Mist Spirits were not stupid, they knew what it meant for Gu Zheng to use his tentacles to deal with their companions , so they hid far away at the beginning.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The four spirits of ice mist exploded, and the power of the explosion was not great, and this explosion had no effect on the ice monsters.

Since the other four spirits of ice mist hid far away, Gu Zheng made the four spirits of ice mist explode this time, but failed to kill any of them. However, for Gu Zheng, this kind of ending is also something he already knew, who made the other four spirits of ice mist escape far away from the beginning!

Although it failed to kill the other four Ice Mist Spirits, there are only four Ice Mist Spirits left in the field, and their situation is already very embarrassing, and they are basically useless. Afraid of Gu Zheng's tentacle supernatural powers, he dared not approach at all.

Although Gu Zheng used his tentacles to get rid of the four ice mist spirits that could sneak, he didn't use his tentacle magic power anymore. After all, the tentacle magic power consumes the power of his life's true water. The current situation no longer requires him to waste the space like this. After all, only four of the original twelve ice mist spirits are left, and they still dare not approach from a distance. As for the original six super ice monsters, there are only three left. variables appear, solving them is very simple.

"now you!"

Gu Zheng sneered, and he who seemed to be beheading an ordinary ice monster suddenly waved his hand, and shot a long whip of real water into the void.

The real water whip is not as powerful as the tentacle, but the consumption is not as great as the tentacle, and the reason why Gu Zheng let it shoot into the void is that there is the last super cold ice monster that can sneak.

I don't know if the super ice monsters will have the emotion of despair. If they have this emotion, they will definitely be very desperate. It's not an opponent, so what is it if it's not despair? After all, invisibility has no effect on Gu Zheng, fighting alone is not the opponent of Gu Zheng, and neither is group fighting. It is lurking in the dark and dare not make a move against Gu Zheng, but even so, it is still defeated by Gu Zheng. Think of it as targeting! Although under the intervention of the black hands behind the scenes, it is no longer afraid of Gu Zheng's oppression of heaven and earth energy, but Gu Zheng's methods seem to be endless. Without the oppression of heaven and earth energy, he still has the real water whip. Even if the real water whip is not used, he There are also tentacles, each of which can make the invisible super ice monster feel deeply powerless.

It seemed like a symbolic struggle. The invisible super-ice monster was quickly restrained by Gu Zheng's true water whip, and was thrown in one direction by Gu Zheng. A super cold monster with a shrunken body.

Looking at the flying companions, the super-shrunken super ice monster was shocked. Just when Gu Zheng used the tentacle supernatural power to deal with the spirit of ice mist, it also attacked Gu Zheng's body, and relied on Its posture is relatively dexterous, and its attacks landed on Gu Zheng's fairy shield twice! However, it was also hit once by Gu Zheng's Qianqiu reincarnation pen, so that although it didn't die because of that stroke, it was still in a state of 'serious injury', with cracks all over its body that were difficult to heal. It takes some action, and the original energy in the body is bound to burst out from the crack.

The shrunken super ice monster gritted its teeth fiercely, brought its speed to the limit, and finally escaped beyond the explosion range of the invisible super ice monster. However, although it was not affected by the power of the explosion, the original energy in its body spewed out from the cracks on its body surface like a blood avalanche.

"now you!"

Gu Zheng sneered, and he quickly flew towards the shrunken super ice monster. He had fought against this super ice monster before, and he knew the speed of this super ice monster. He thought that the explosion of the invisible super ice monster could kill this super ice monster with a shrunken body, so he had already predicted the escape route of this super ice monster, and for the body that could shrink For the super ice monster, things are really very unfortunate, because Gu Zheng's prediction is very correct, so the distance between it and Gu Zheng is not far!

Looking at the approaching Gu Zheng, the super cold ice monster whose body can shrink wants to fight for another bloodbath, and distance itself from Gu Zheng. It knows that it will not end well if it falls into Gu Zheng's hands. However, Gu Zheng would not let it do what it wanted, so the powerful energy of heaven and earth was dispatched by Gu Zheng and acted on it.

"The energy of heaven and earth is useless to the invisible super ice monster, and I don't believe it is useless to you!"

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart. He used the energy of heaven and earth to deal with invisible super ice monsters in the previous battle, but because the mastermind behind the scenes changed the super ice monsters, the originally useful oppression of heaven and earth energy became useless . However, as Gu Zheng said, he doesn't believe in this evil, and he doesn't think that the mastermind behind the scenes can make all super ice monsters not afraid of the oppression of his heaven and earth energy!

Sure enough, the super ice monster whose body can shrink can't easily escape the oppression of the heaven and earth energy like the invisible super ice monster.


Gu Zheng had seized the original energy of the super ice monster, and threw it into the group of ordinary ice monsters. After the explosion sounded, many ordinary ice monsters were killed, and the sky was filled with ice. The fog filled the air.

"call out!"

At this moment, there is only the last super ice monster left in the field, that is, the flying dragon ice monster that can give orders, and the order it issued at this moment is unprecedented, and the resulting The result made Gu Zheng very dissatisfied.

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