The barbarian dragon should be weak during the day, but since the entire barbarian tribe has been massacred, the city is full of grievances from those barbarians, and the barbarian dragon sucked those grievances into its stomach in one bite, which also makes its strength in It instantly rose to a level higher than that of the night, but the time limit for this promotion was not long, and it wanted to take revenge on the cold pool monks before the time limit expired.

The wild dragon's idea is very good, but it is not easy to realize the sincerity. Even if it is stronger than the son of the cold pool monk, it is still not the opponent of the cold pool monk, not to mention that Gu Zheng's subordinates are three , They don't mind at all, in order to buy time, three-on-one quickly deal with the barbarian dragon.

Therefore, the hair on the barbaric dragon's body grew wildly. Just after launching an attack on the silver-scaled monkey, the attack from the cold pool monk had already landed on it. It was a mouthful of Longxi, but this mouthful of Longxi was not in the state of flames It turns out that it is a completely big fireball, and the temperature is higher than the temperature used by the monks in the cold pool to massacre the city before!

After being hit by Brother Hantan's dragon extinguishing ball, the hair on Mankong's body instantly caught fire, and the whole dragon seemed to turn into a ball of fire.

The silver-scaled monkey roared, and the barbarian dragon wanted to restrain him with its hair just now. This behavior made him very angry. The iron rod in his hand became extremely thick in an instant, and it was as heavy as a mountain and fell on the barbarian dragon.

The savage dragon is very big, one-third longer than the body length of the monk in the cold pool, but the blow of the silver-scaled monkey was very fierce. Although it could not directly shatter its bones, it still shattered its huge body. smashed into the ground.

Before the savage dragon that smashed into the ground flew up again, the attack on the savage dragon by the monk's son also arrived. Suddenly, many tree roots shot out from the ground, as sharp as sharp swords. It can directly pierce the body of the wild dragon, but it pushes the wild dragon out of the ground.

Taking advantage of the gap being pushed out, the savage dragon extinguished the burning dragon extinguishing on its body. It flew up again and wanted to use its supernatural powers to fight back, but the second iron rod slammed by the silver-scaled monkey came again. The stick still hit the part where it hit the wild dragon before!


There was a huge sound, accompanied by the scream of the wild dragon. The same part of the body was attacked twice by the silver-scaled monkey twice, and the spine of the wild dragon was smashed! Moreover, due to the strength of the silver-scaled monkey, the savage dragon whose spine was broken fell quickly, and the sharp tree roots that existed in the dragon pit finally pierced the savage dragon's body this time, allowing it to see It looked like a beast caught in a trap.

The spine was broken, and the body was pierced by the roots of the tree. The blow that the barbarian dragon faced next can be imagined.

In less than half a minute, the wild dragon was dealt with by the father and son of the monk Hantan. The death was so miserable that the ground was stained red by the blood of the dragon.

After the savage dragon died, its body turned into nothingness, but it did not benefit Gu Zheng's subordinates like the three-headed dragon monster. It just left a dragon horn, which is also the reason why Gu Zheng left this space world. A necessary item.

After getting the dragon horn of the wild dragon, the cold pool monks took the phantom crystal on the road again, this time they were going to the ancient tribe, which was only a cup of tea away from the wild dragon tribe.

When Brother Hantan and the others were massacring the city, Gu Zheng also asked the king of gold wire and iron worms to search for the soul of the wizard in the magic crystal. The wizard was also in a state that could not be searched for souls. Now that the rules have changed, of course Gu Zheng Also wanted to know something from her.

Through searching the wizard's soul, Gu Zheng learned some things. Among these things, there is the truth about why the wizard went back to the original town to go undercover, but this truth is of no use to Gu Zheng. He only cares about how to leave this world. .

There is a creature in the Mangu tribe. The creature is a statue of a stone man. It accepts offerings from members of the tribe on weekdays. Its identity is the same as the dragon in the Mangu tribe. If it is killed, it will become a statue The real statue became a necessary item for Gu Zheng to leave this space world. This is the memory that Gu Zheng got from the wizard.

The Mangu tribe is very cruel. The people there can be described as beasts. After knowing what to do in the Mangu tribe, Gu Zheng personally eliminated the evil wizard.

The Mangu tribe also looks like a city, but this city looks much better than the city of the Manlong tribe. It is not a loess building, but a stone building. It looks not only neat, but also strong. Moreover, outside the Punishment, there are not many sharp logs full of monster heads like the Barbarian Dragon Tribe, but some statues that look like reproductive worship.

The people of the Mangu tribe have also discovered the cold pool monks flying over. They are faster than the people of the barbarian dragon tribe. Bows, arrows, spears, and witchcraft have all attacked the cold pool monks.

The attack launched by those people from the Mangu tribe is not worth mentioning to the cold pool monks, let alone knowing that entering this tribe is to massacre the city, and the cold pool monks will not use a gentle dragon like they did in the wild dragon tribe before. The breath blows people off the city wall, and he is just a mouthful of Longxi that will form a sea of ​​flames. Whether it is the bow, arrow or spear that is shot, or those witchcraft, including those who perform them, all of them are blown by Longxi. reduced to ashes.


The cold pool monk yelled happily, like a dragon.

However, the members of the Mangu tribe in the city did not die, and these evil guys wanted to go to the city wall to attack the cold pool monks.

However, the remaining people of the Bangkok tribe failed to climb the city wall, and the cold pool monks who fell from the sky trampled the city wall made of huge stones and collapsed.

Another mouthful of Longxi spewed out, and the people of the Mangu tribe were basically all buried in the sea of ​​flames.

At the same time, light flickered on the phantom crystal, and the son of the cold pool monk and the silver-scaled monkey were released by Gu Zheng, and they also wanted to participate in this battle. After all, there are not only those residents in the Mangu tribe, but also the Mangu statues that guard those residents.

The Mangu statue is located in the center of the city. It is a three-foot-high statue. It looks like a snake man with a snake body, but with four human arms and four arms. Weapons of different shapes are spears, canes, stones and beads.

Gu Zheng didn't know much about the Mangu statue, and didn't know its strength, but no matter what its strength was, Gu Zheng felt that his subordinates would definitely be able to settle the Mangu statue.

In fact, according to Gu Zheng's prudence, he would capture the chief of the Mangu tribe to search for his soul, so as to get a better understanding of the Mangu statue and its strength. However, Brother Hantan and his son wanted to stimulate a little. They felt that knowing the strength of the Mangu statue in advance was boring, so Gu Zheng didn't search for the chief of the Mangu tribe according to his original intention. A mouthful of dragon's breath burned to death.

The silver-scaled monkey took the lead and threw his stick at the statue in the tribe, but before his stick hit the statue, the stone-like bead in the statue's hand flew out.

The flying beads hit the silver-scaled monkey's stick, making a loud noise.

The silver-scaled monkey had great strength. Even the barbarian dragons of the barbarian tribe couldn't bear his stick, but he was repelled by the huge force on the beads, and even flew upside down with his body in the air.

Although the bead blocked the silver-scaled monkey's stick, the bead also flew upside down, and finally landed in the hands of the Mangu statue, but in the process of flying back to the Mangu statue, its original stone The epidermis peeled off and turned into a gleaming spherical amber-like thing, but inside this amber ball-like thing, what was wrapped was not a small bug, but a miniature hill.

It wasn't just the small ball in the hands of the Mangu statue that had transformed, but the whole of the Mangu statue. It had shed the stones on its body and turned into a monster with a fleshy body.

Gu Zheng, who was hiding in the magic crystal, laughed, he already felt the strength of the Mangu statue, one of them can deal with the two previous barbarian dragons without any problem! Moreover, the reason why it is so powerful is also because it has absorbed the resentment generated after the massacre of the city.

"It seems that Brother Hantan and the three of them can play a little bit this time."

Gu Zheng in the Magic Crystal laughed. The reason why he said that the monks in the cold pool can play a little bit is that the strength of the Mangu statue is not enough. Although it is already as strong as two wild dragons, it is just It is only capable of fighting Brother Hantan's son and Yinlin's son at the same time, or fighting against Brother Hantan one-on-one, and not losing against three people at the same time, it does not have that strength yet.

The son of the monk Hantan had already launched an attack, and the wooden knife in his hand slashed at the Mangu statue with a huge knife aura, carrying a force capable of cutting mountains.

The Mangu statue was also unambiguous. He threw the spear in his hand at the son of the cold pool monk, but what it threw was not a real spear, it just made a throwing motion, and then shot The phantom of the spear flew towards the huge saber aura.

The two phantoms collided, and there was a huge noise in the air. In the end, the Mangu statue was better. After its spear phantom broke the sword energy of the monk's son in the cold pool, it did not disappear, but turned towards the cold pool. The monk's son shot at it.

The phantom of the spear, which was already greatly reduced in power, naturally couldn't do anything to the monk's son in the cold pool. It was smashed by the monk's son in the cold pool with a wave of his hand.

That is, when the son of the cold pool monk waved away the phantom of the spear, the attack of the cold pool monk and the attack of the water monkey aimed at the Mangu statue at the same time.

The attack launched by the monk in the cold pool was lightning that he had never used before. This lightning was very powerful. It did not appear when he was dealing with the wild dragon before. Now he spewed it from his mouth and struck towards the ancient statue.

The Mangu statue waved its arm, and the emerald green rattan it held in its hand was aimed directly at the lightning shot out by the monk in the cold pool.

The lightning spewed out by the cold pool cultivator was very powerful, but the emerald green vines absorbed the lightning. However, the emerald green vines that absorbed the lightning were not pleasant, at least the original green leaves on it had turned a little yellow, as if they couldn't bear to bear more lightning.

The silver-scaled monkey once again swung his stick at the Mangu statue, this time he attacked from behind the Mangu statue, and the Mangu statue had to deal with the son of the cold pool monk who was slashing at him again. There was no way to turn around.

However, although the Mangu statue couldn't turn around, there were four treasures in its hands after all. The unremarkable stone flew out and quickly circled behind it. Smashed it.

There was another loud noise, and the stone knocked the silver-scaled monkey's stick away, preventing it from hitting the Mangu statue's body. What's more, the stone that knocked the stick away still didn't give up, and it was able to track it, and flew towards the silver-scaled monkey again, obviously intending to smash the silver-scaled monkey's head.


Another lightning spouted by monk Hantan was still absorbed by the vines of the Mangu statue, but after absorbing the lightning this time, all the leaves on the vines in the hands of the Mangu statue have fallen off, and the original greenness has completely changed. It turned yellow, as if it would be completely shattered if it received another lightning attack.

In fact, Brother Hantan is not in a hurry. He didn't pay attention to the Mangu statue, but there are not many existences like the Mangu statue that can be encountered in this space world. After his son and the silver-scaled monkey When he was not enjoying himself, he didn't want the battle to end so early, so he basically didn't join the battle, but sprayed out lightning at long intervals, or if he joined the battle, he would rely on the power of his four-winged dragon The body is enough to make the Mangu statue mess up.

Brother Hantan is playing, while the ancient statue is desperately fighting. The silver-scaled monkey has been entangled by its flying stone treasure, and monk Hantan is brewing lightning again, so the only enemy it faces is Hantan The monk's son, so facing the cold pool monk's son who once again slashed at it, it directly sacrificed the two treasures in its hand, this time it was a real sacrifice!

I saw that the spear easily tore through the knife light from the monk's son in the cold pool, and took the lead in cutting towards the son of the monk in the cold pool. However, the son of the cold pool monk is not unarmed, he has not only a wooden knife, but also a wooden shield in his hand.

The wooden shield is not used much by the son of the cold pool monk. The biggest reason is that the previous wooden shield was not strong enough, but now after his strength has been greatly improved, his wooden shield is already very strong. It's amazing.

Therefore, there was a flash of light on the wooden shield of the monk's son in the cold pool, and the flying spear directly pierced the wooden shield! It looks like the wooden shield of the monk Hantan's son is like a toy, and it was easily pierced by the spear, but in fact, although the spear pierced the wooden shield, it did not pass through the wooden shield and hit the cold pool. The son of the monk, it just shot through the wooden shield, and all the impact force that originally belonged to it has been vented by the wooden shield, and it can be regarded as being sandwiched between the wooden shields. It's like there's no going back.

At the same time, the bead flying over with the spear originally wanted to hit the head of the monk's son in the cold pool, but the strange flower on the head of the monk's son in the cold pool suddenly bloomed, and the green light emitted from it made the inside of the building The bead that seemed to seal a small mountain quickly flew back as if it had encountered a nemesis.


There was a loud noise, and the Mangu statue felt ruthless. Since its spear could not be retrieved, it let the spear warm up and let it explode directly.

The spear is the treasure of the Mangu statue. The phantom alone can break the sword light of the monk's son in the cold pool. Its power can be imagined. Its explosion directly blew up the wooden shield of the monk's son in the cold pool. Forcing the son of the cold pool monk had to retreat temporarily.


There was another loud noise, and the stone treasure that was entangled with the silver-scaled monkey was finally smashed to pieces by the silver-scaled monkey!


Another bolt of lightning strikes, and the Mangu statue absorbs the lightning with the rattan in its hand, and the rattan that has absorbed the lightning three times is almost like a dangerous object, with a feeling of wanting to explode.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Mangu statue threw the rattan that was about to explode in its hand towards the silver-scaled monkey behind him.

The silver-scaled monkey is not stupid. He has seen the explosive power of the spear of the Mangu statue before, and the spear and vines are one of the four treasures belonging to the Mangu statue. Their explosive power cannot be underestimated, let alone The vines also absorbed three lightning bolts from the cold pool cultivator, and its explosive power would be terrifying.

Facing the flying vines, the silver-scaled monkey no longer hid itself, and opened the eye between its brows.

The third eye of the silver-scaled monkey had only two colors before the battle against the three-headed dragon monster, white and red. It looked like a two-color gemstone. After getting the opportunity to blame there, his original two-color eyes became three-color, and there was more black in them. The appearance of the black part made his eyeballs look like one eye and two pupils.

The silver-scaled monkey's black eyes glowed, and the vines that had been flying flew back upside down again.

The Mangu statue was taken aback. Of course it knew how terrifying the explosion of the treasure would be after absorbing three lightning bolts. It immediately flew up to avoid the rattan that was about to explode.

"Get down!"

Although Brother Hantan didn't take much action, he would not let the Mangu statue fly away at this time. Anyway, the rattan absorbed his lightning. The power of the rattan explosion would definitely make the Mangu statue fly away. Just try it.

Accompanied by the voice of monk Hantan, a coercion acted on the Mangu statue, and this coercion is not impossible for the Mangu statue to resist, but it is not something that can be done in an instant, so it The body that just flew up was crushed by the coercion and fell down again.


With a loud noise, the Mangu statue had just landed when the rattan exploded beside it.

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