The explosion of the rattan treasure was very powerful. In addition to directly blowing away two of the arms of the Mangu statue, it also made the Mangu statue's body entangled with lightning, and it screamed in pain.

The Mangu statue is finished. It was just a matter of delaying the time. Now three of the four treasures have been destroyed, and the body has become broken again. In this state, it is impossible to be the opponent of the cold pool cultivators. . Seeing that the Mangu statue has become like this, Brother Hantan no longer has the desire to fight with it, but before stopping, Brother Hantan wants to do one more thing, which is to use the orb of the Mangu statue Take it away, in case the people on their side can use this thing, it can be regarded as a decent weapon.

The Mangu statue was still struggling. It sacrificed the orb in its hand to attack the silver-scaled monkey, but the wings of the cold pool cultivator flapped, and the strange fluctuations also acted on the orb, so that the orb did not fly towards the silver-scaled monkey, but He flew towards the monk in the cold pool.

Seeing that the orb was about to be taken away by others, the Mangu statue let out an unwilling roar, and after uttering a strange syllable, it was about to fly to the orb in the hands of the monk in the cold pool, and it was about to explode.

"Damn it!"

Brother Hantan yelled, he was just playing around with grabbing a weapon, but he never thought that this ancient statue would be so disgusting, and the only remaining orb would not be cheap for them.

The wings flapped quickly, and the orb that was about to fly into the hand shot into the distance like a meteor, and turned into dust after an explosion.


With a dragon roar, the cold pool monk who had no intention of doing anything to the Mangu statue flew towards the Mangu statue, and the sharp dragon claws began to tear at the Mangu statue's body.

The Mangu statue was already broken and damaged, and it was already very difficult to resist the attacks of the monk's son and the silver-scaled monkey, but it could still withstand such a powerful attack from the monk of the cold pool. Under the dragon's claws, it turned into a pile of minced meat.

The Mangu statue died, and the minced meat turned into spots of light. After these spots of light collided with each other, they turned into a Mangu statue again. However, the current Mangu statue is just a miniature statue without the breath of life, and it is another necessity for Gu Zheng to leave this space world. There are still two such necessities that Gu Zheng needs. Go to the other two tribes, and the tribe he is going to next is the tribe of wild spirits.

The Manling Tribe is also a cup of tea away from the Mangu Tribe, and the magic crystal will be taken by the monk Hantan to fly.

Gu Zheng didn't know much about the Barbarian tribe. The only thing he knew was that there was something in the Barbarian tribe that he needed to leave this space world, but he didn't know what it was, so after arriving in the Barbarian tribe, , he still needs to contact the chief of the barbarian tribe to know what to do next.

When contacting the chief of the barbarian tribe, what Gu Zheng wanted was to call out the chief directly and find out the reason through soul searching, which is relatively straightforward.

However, what Gu Zheng didn't expect was that when the cold pool monks approached the barbarian tribe with the phantom crystal, they found that the people of the barbarian tribe were waiting on the city wall, but unlike the previous two tribes, The people of the barbarian tribe did not show any hostility, because not only did they not hold any weapons, but they held flowers in their hands, as if they were welcoming friends.

When he met a member of the Barbarian Tribe holding flowers, Gu Zheng also told the monks in Hantan not to use force first, and what attitude he should use to treat the members of the Barbarian Tribe would be discussed after he got in touch with them.

The cold pool monk landed on the wall of the wild spirit tribe, and an old man who looked like a chief directly spoke to the phantom crystal above the cold pool monk's head.

"Dear entrants, I know why you came to the Barbarian Tribe, we need your help!" The chief's voice was very sincere.

"Tell me, why did I come to your tribe?"

Gu Zheng did not let down his vigilance because of the kindness released by the chief. He still explored what he should do next through cultural methods.

"The entrants come to our Barbarian Dragon Tribe, in order to get the Golden Bead of the Barbarian Spirit Tribe, this golden bead is one of the necessary items for the entrant to leave this world, and there are three other items, respectively in the Barbarian Dragon Tribe , Mangu tribe, and Manworm tribe, but I don’t know what they are! And I know a secret that none of the three tribes know, that is, where is the teleportation fairy array that left this space world? Where! If the entrant can help us, then I will tell you where the teleportation array is after it is done!" said the chief.

After hearing what the chief said, Gu Zheng smiled: "Are you making a deal with me? Then I want to know if you can be searched for soul!"

"That's right, I'm making a deal with the entrant, but I can't be soul-searched by the entrant!" said the chief.

"Why not? Is it because of the limitation of the power of the law, or if I search for your soul, you will turn your face?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"It's because of the restriction of the power of the law! If it wasn't for the restriction of the power of the law, I would be able to accept the entrant's soul search. No matter what you say, the entrant has made the difficulty of this space world the highest. This in itself is a test of strength. A kind of recognition, for someone as powerful as you, there is really no need to play tricks, and this is also a win-win thing, there is no need to play tricks at all! After all, the golden beads are in the statue of the Virgin Mary of the tribe, If there is no thing to open the statue of the Virgin, no one can get the golden beads, even the entrants. After all, after the difficulty of this space world is raised to the peak, the statue of the birth mother will be protected by the power of law. It’s so big, it’s impossible to destroy it.”

The chief said a lot, and Gu Zheng believed in his words, but he still felt that it would be safer to search the soul, so he said: "I still want to find out what is going on through the soul search. Since you are not afraid of me searching for your soul, then you come here and let me search for your soul. If there is no way to learn something from you through soul searching, then I agree to reach a so-called win-win situation with you, which is nothing to you loss?"

"If the entrant insists on searching for the soul, it is not impossible."

The chief was bold, and walked directly towards the monk in the cold pool. Gu Zheng didn't say much anymore, and released the golden threadworm king with a thought, and the golden threadworm king also entered the chief's body smoothly .

The chief felt that Gu Zheng couldn't search for his soul, but he didn't know that these subordinates of Gu Zheng had already become stronger to a certain extent, and things that were impossible to do before could now be done, so he searched for the soul. There was no problem at all, so the chief's memory was soon seen by Gu Zheng.

By looking at the chief's memory, Gu Zheng found that the chief did not lie, and things were indeed as the chief said, but it was a bit of a coincidence.

The patron saint in the barbarian tribe is the statue of the Virgin Mother. The statue of the birth mother is not a living thing like the patron saint in other tribes. She is a statue of a dead thing. The meaning of her existence is to protect the items necessary to leave this world. One, that is, the golden egg that the chief said before!

If you want to get the golden egg, you must open the statue of the Virgin, but the key needed to open the statue of the Virgin is missing. According to the memory of the chief, the key was stolen by a monkey monster one night.

The thing is really a coincidence. After Gu Zheng first entered this space world, he once stayed in the forest for a short time. At that time, he did not know that there was a desert outside the forest. He found a monster in the den of a monkey monster. A golden hairpin, and this golden hairpin has always been thought to be very different from the beginning to the end, but they don't know where it is used.

What people didn't expect was that when he was still very weak, the golden hairpin he got in the forest could save Gu Zheng a lot of time at critical moments, and it was the key to unlock the statue of the Virgin!

You know, the barbarian tribe is a tribe that cannot use brute force. If you want to get the golden egg from this tribe, you must find the missing golden hairpin, but there are too few clues about the golden hairpin here, and the chief only knows , the golden hairpin was stolen by a monkey monster, which may exist in the forest. However, Gu Zheng still doesn't know how big the forest is, and the difficulty of finding a monkey there is like finding a needle in a haystack!

Fortunately, when Gu Zheng was weak, he had already obtained the key item to solve the problem of the barbarian tribe, so now he only needs to insert the golden hairpin into the statue of the Virgin, and he can leave after getting the golden egg! And the so-called win-win situation in the mouth of the chief is that once the entrants take the golden eggs, their entire tribe will no longer be in a lonely place like the desert, waiting for the entrants who will appear only in the year of the monkey. They can enter with better living conditions, It can even be said to be a carefree land of freedom, waiting for this fairy-level space fairy to have a new owner, and amnesty the freedom of the world at that moment.

Although he already knew the chief's memory, Gu Zheng didn't know much about the so-called statue of the Virgin, so even if he had the golden hairpin used to open the statue of the Virgin in his hand, he would not open the statue of the Virgin with the golden hairpin himself , he handed over the job to Silver Scaled Monkey.

Although the silver-scaled monkey is huge, shrinking its body is easy for it. With a sway of its body, its original huge body became about the size of a normal person. Holding the golden hairpin, he entered the wild dragon tribe. In the middle, and in the center of the barbarian tribe, gold hairpins were inserted into the hair of the statue of the Virgin.

The statue of the Virgin looks like a woman with an exaggerated figure, but she only wears animal skins. Her eyes are like the sky, and her hands are raised as if trying to catch something.

When the lost golden hairpin was inserted, the statue of the Virgin trembled, but she did not appear to be resurrected, but the halo that was born from the trembling of her body finally fell into her palm and condensed into A golden bead.

After the golden bead was taken by the silver-scaled monkey, it was as if the entire wild dragon tribe had evaporated. Whether it was people or buildings, they all disappeared quickly in Gu Zheng's eyes.

In just two breaths, everything had disappeared without a trace. Gu Zheng and the others were just standing in the desert. If it wasn’t for the silver-scaled monkey holding the golden bead in the hands and the chief’s thank you voice echoing in the air, all of this would have happened. It's almost like dreaming.

The trip to the Barbarian Spirit tribe went very smoothly for Gu Zheng, and the test in this tribe should have been the most time-consuming, but everything became easier because Gu Zheng got the golden hairpin in advance.

He didn't stop at the same place, and the cold pool monk still brought the illusion crystal and started to fly towards the last tribe in the desert.

The last tribe in the desert was the Barbarian Tribe, and he knew very little about the ancient struggle of this tribe. He decided to wait until the Barbarian Tribe and contact the chief of the Barbarian Tribe before deciding what to do.

It is also a cup of tea time between the Barbarian tribe and the Barbarian tribe, but due to time constraints, on the way to the Barbarian tribe, the sky quickly darkened, and in this magical space world, whether it is Whether it is a desert or a forest, day and night are two completely different worlds. The peace of the day will turn into a chaos of demons dancing in the night.

As soon as it turned into night, the originally quiet environment became noisy. Countless will-o'-the-wisps appeared out of thin air, crashing towards the monk in the cold pool like shooting stars, and birdsong rang out in the sky. There were hundreds of strange birds for various reasons. Ten of them, there are more than ten types, also appeared out of thin air to launch various attacks on the monks in the cold pool! In addition to these changes in the air, there are also changes on the ground. The number of extra monsters is really countless, just like a beast tide. Fortunately, only a few of the monsters on the ground have the ability to fly. So there is no need for the cold pool monks to face all of them.

There are a large number of monsters, and their attacks are varied, but to the cold pool monk, these are nothing. Once his dragon power is displayed, he believes that at least some of these monsters will be frightened by him from a high altitude. Falling, no more courage to fight.

However, knowing that Longwei is very powerful, monk Hantan did not use it, because the silver-scaled monkey in the phantom had already asked Gu Zheng to fight, and he wanted to kill these monsters quickly, and Gu Zheng had already agreed granted his request.

The silver-scaled monkey also appeared from the phantom crystal. In fact, the son of the cold pool monk also wanted to come out, but he still has no ability to fly in the air, so even if he came out, he could only go to the ground to clean up those beast hordes. It made him feel a little boring, so he didn't make such a request to Gu Zheng.

The massacre began. Although the monk in the cold pool did not activate the dragon's power, the power of his Longxi was unparalleled. A mouthful of Longxi was sprayed out, and the air was immediately covered with a sea of ​​flames. Under the burning of this sea of ​​fire, many monsters were burned at that time. Death, some stronger ones, even though they were not burned to death, lost their ability to fly due to the burns, and fell downward like dumplings.

The cold pool cultivator used Long Xi to reap the lives of the monsters happily, and the silver-scaled monkey was also happy to kill. He was in the air as if he was walking on the ground, and he swung the iron rod in his hand to create scenes of light and shadow. All the monsters were directly blown out of their bodies.

Killing all the way, the cold pool cultivator is alright, anyway, in order to maintain the speed of flight, he did not stop, encountering monsters is Long Xi's response, so his appearance has not changed. However, looking back at the silver-scaled monkey, his appearance has changed greatly. The original silver scales were completely stained red with blood, but he killed him very well. The blood-stained silver scales became silvery again.

Gu Zheng and the others had already seen the brightly lit barbarian tribe in the desert, and they also saw that on the city wall of the barbarian tribe, not only were there people standing like bugs, but there were also countless flying in the air. Waiting, bugs like people.

"Fortunately, it's a barbarian tribe. The people here really look like bugs, or do bugs look like people?"

Looking at the savage tribe leaving in front of him, the son of the cold pool monk laughed in the magic crystal.

"Master, what are we going to do next? They are all ready to fight, so there is no need to say anything to them, right?"

Brother Hantan is a militant, he wished that the ancient war would not be discussed, and the fight would be started, not to mention the current situation, it seems that there is really nothing to talk about, because the pioneer tribe of the bug army has rushed in, that is An army composed of tens of thousands of bugs is like locusts.

"Since they started fighting directly, let's talk about it after fighting!"

Hearing Gu Zheng's order, the cold pool monk and the silver-scaled monkey cheered.

A mouthful of Longxi spewed out, and amidst the crackling sound, tens of thousands of bug legions were directly wiped out by the cold pool cultivator, and the silver-scaled monkey's iron rod was already getting longer when he swung it up and down. , Only a loud bang was heard in the distance, and the sturdy city wall of the barbarian worm tribe was knocked down by the stick of the silver-scaled monkey. The worms standing on the city wall were either killed or flew up immediately.

The massacre had already begun, but the ancient dispute did not stop it at all. Originally, he also wanted to get in touch with the chief of the barbarian tribe, to see what the other party would say, and then decide what was right for them. However, Gu Zheng discovered that the so-called savage tribes have no way to communicate at all. Although the worms here look like humans, they have no aura in their eyes. They are like beasts, without intelligence, and cannot communicate. .

The inability to communicate is not a good thing for Gu Zheng, which means that there is no way to search for the soul, and there is no way to search for the soul, and there is no way to know what is the other thing that is necessary for this tribe to leave the space world.

Gu Zheng is going to control the illusion to escape from the head of the cold pool monks. He wants to take advantage of the killing of the cold pool monks to see if he can find clues of the required items in this tribe.

However, Gu Zheng had just controlled the phantom crystal to fly, and the special feeling born of his understanding of the fairy-level space fairy weapon had already arisen in his heart.

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