In the icy and snowy fairyland, Gu Zheng confronted Da Dabao fish demon.

Gu Zheng is dispatching the energy of the fairyland to brew the crazy sword, and most of the treasure fish demons are a little confused by the sudden change of the environment.


The ignorant state is only for a moment, and most of the treasure fish demons soon understand that it has followed the way of Gu Zheng, and the big killer move it worked so hard to brew before has been avoided by Gu Zheng by changing the space up.

Since it is not on the same side as the most treasured fish monster that the monks in the cold pool have seen, the means that the most treasured fish monster that Gu Zheng saw are also different from the one that the monks in the cold pool saw.

I saw that most of the treasure fish monsters opened their mouths and spewed out a powerful beam of light towards Gu Zheng.

This is the fairyland of Gu Zheng, as long as the difference in strength is not too great, Gu Zheng is the absolute supreme here, and there is no difference in the strength between him and the treasure fish demon in his fairyland, Therefore, in the face of the beam of light attack launched by the Dabao Fish Demon, Gu Zheng easily dodged it by traveling through space, and slashed at the Dabao Fish Demon with the mad knife that was brewing.

Most of the treasure fish monsters are huge in size, but with the help of the energy of the fairyland, Gu Zheng's figure is not smaller than him at all, and in this case, the crazy knife he slashed out has an astonishingly large knife energy. There is a posture of chopping the Dabao fish demon into ninety-nine and eighty-one pieces.


Facing the attacking Crazy Knife, the Dabao Fish Demon counterattacked. It opened its mouth towards the Crazy Knife and spit out a huge bubble.

Seeing the bubbles spit out by the Dabao fish demon, Gu Zheng missed the son of the monk Hantan a little bit.

Although most of the bubbles spit out by the treasure fish demon do not have electric light attached, they are still powerful enough to envelop the sword energy of Gu Zheng's Mad Demon Knife, which is really beyond Gu Zheng's expectations. However, this is the fairyland of Guzheng after all, and the means he can use here are not just the crazy sword.

"I want to see how many bubbles you can spit out!"

Wielding the Elven Blade in his hand, Gu Zheng launched the Fallen Leaf Sword Technique against the Dabao Fish Demon.

The Fallen Leaf Sword Art is a routine type of swordsmanship, as long as the opponent wants to crack the Fallen Leaf Sword Art's sword moves, they will usually fall into the Fallen Leaf Sword Art's routine.

Although the Dabao fish demon is a monster, what it does is also to break the endless swordsmanship of the fallen leaves in the ancient dispute. .

Most of the treasure fish demon's bubbles are not as good as the electric glow bubbles of the cold pool monk's son. Although the bubbles it spits out can wrap the attack, they don't have the power to explode. If it has the power to explode, it can directly kill the ancient Zheng Zheng's Fallen Leaf Swordplay interrupted him, but since it didn't have the power to explode, it was inevitable for him to fall into the Fallen Leaf Swordplay routine.

In the beginning, the speed at which most treasure fish monsters spit out bubbles can compete with the sword energy of the ancients, but the sword technique of the falling leaf sword technique can really make the initiator do it continuously, even when using this set of sword techniques. At the same time, the lost celestial power can be replenished naturally, but most of the bubbles spit out by the treasure fish demon are different. It is a real attack, just like a punch punched by ordinary people with all their strength, while ordinary people use all their strength to punch. It is simply impossible for a fist that is punched with all its strength to last.

When the bubbles spit out by the Dabao Fish Demon couldn't keep up with the rhythm, the sword energy began to fall on it one after another, and it began to become anxious, but anxiety was not the way for him to get rid of the Fallen Leaf Sword Technique. This kind of negative emotion will only make it sink deeper and deeper into the routine of Fallen Leaf Sword Art, so that the damage it suffers looks very cruel, and the flesh on its body is cut off piece by piece, as if it is suffering Ling Chi.

This is a very weak battle, and the weak side is naturally unable to get rid of the fallen leaf swordsmanship Dabao fish demon. Although it is really huge, after Gu Zheng borrowed the blessing of the energy of the fairyland, his The sword qi that was slashed was also not small. In about three minutes, most of the treasure fish demon's skin and flesh were gone. It had no choice but to do what it did to the monks in the cold pool before, before it disappeared. The white-bearded old man in his body was released.

Da Dabao fish demon released the old man with white beard controlled by the shadow leech, Gu Zheng's eyes widened naturally, he didn't expect to meet the old man with white beard again on this occasion.

However, as the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when meeting each other. After seeing the old man with white beard appearing, Gu Zheng immediately attacked him. Moreover, as soon as Gu Zheng came up, he knew that the old man with white beard was a puppet controlled by the shadow leech, and Gu Zheng also had enough understanding of the shadow monster. The spirit oscillated, and immediately appeared in another direction through space shuttle after casting the fire dragon technique.

The white-bearded old man controlled by the shadow leech really wanted to catch Gu Zheng's shadow, and then launch a strange attack on his body, but Gu Zheng saw through his method, and the white-bearded old man had no choice but to travel through space. Catch his shadow.

Aside from not being able to catch the shadow of Gu Zheng, the old man with white beard felt the threat from the fire dragon. The fire dragon that sprayed flames at him could cause him damage that he could not ignore. Gu Zheng, who reappeared again, launched an even more terrifying attack on him. Before the bird of divine sense separated by Gu Zheng hit him, he already felt the fear from the source.

As I said before, the most powerful attack method of the white-bearded old man controlled by the shadow leeches is to manipulate other people's shadows, but once he can't control other people's shadows, all his resistance will be very powerless, let alone in the shadow leeches. In terms of dealing with shadow monsters, Gu Zheng is not comparable to the cold pool monks. The cold pool monks can only release flames with the help of fairy weapons, while Gu Zheng's flame attacks can be used casually, and he can also use more Flame attacks are more powerful spiritual attacks, which are fatal to shadow monsters.

Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Asuka had hit the white-bearded old man twice in a row, and the powerful decomposition ability of the Nian Feiniao made the white-bearded old man's body disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Finally, the white-bearded old man controlled by the shadow leech also turned into flying ash. Although he was weirder than the big treasure fish monster, it took two minutes less to deal with him than to solve the big treasure fish monster.

The special space was broken into pieces before Gu Zheng's eyes, and Gu Zheng once again appeared in the cave in the Great Trench.

After returning to the cave in the Great Trench again, the first thing Gu Zheng noticed were two things.

The first thing is that monk Hantan is not by his side. Through the induction of the master's contract, Gu Zheng knew that he should be at the entrance of the cave.

Why is the cold pool monk at the entrance of the cave? Gu Zheng just frowned and thought of the answer. How can he say that he has discovered the existence of space monsters in this cave before, even if he has set up a fairy formation at the entrance of the cave , there is still a certain possibility that the space monster will break through the fairy formation and enter this cave.

If it wasn't for the second thing he noticed, then Gu Zheng would definitely be running towards the entrance of the cave at this moment. Once the fairy formation there is destroyed, it is destined to be a safety hazard. He must first solve that hidden danger Only then can he be relieved, but the second thing he noticed is more important than solving the hidden danger at the entrance of the cave, because most of the treasure fish demons that originally blocked the cave have returned to their normal size, and the law that was originally on his body surface The power has also disappeared, and Gu Zheng felt that if he wanted to rescue it from the enchanted state, then now is the best time.

"Release me quickly, let's go rescue my father together!"

The voice of the little treasure fish demon in the heart magic bead sounded at this moment, which also affirmed Gu Zheng's previous thoughts, and now is indeed the best time to save the treasure fish demon.

Hearing the voice of the little treasure fish demon, Gu Zheng didn't say much and released the little treasure fish demon from the heart magic bead. Anyway, the little treasure fish demon also said before that he was saving his father. In this matter, as long as Gu Zheng does what it says.

After following the little treasure fish demon to the side of Dabao fish demon, Gu Zheng saw the little treasure fish demon circling around Dabao fish demon. This is not an ordinary circle. Flick the tail a few times, and it will produce wonderful waves with each flick of the tail.

Gu Zheng understood that the Little Treasure Fish Demon was using this method to set up the formation, and when its formation was successfully arranged, its father should be in a state of being imprisoned for them to rescue.

Sure enough, when the little treasure fish demon was no longer circling around the big treasure fish demon, the formation formed by the strange fluctuations had already imprisoned the big treasure fish demon, and at this time the big treasure fish demon also never After waking up from the sluggish state, it tried hard to break free from the confinement, so that its eyeballs protruded as if they were about to jump out of their sockets, but the confinement imposed on it by the little treasure fish demon still seemed to be motionless.

"The confinement is not as strong as you can see. We have to hurry up."

The little Duobao fish demon breathed a sigh of relief, and said so to Gu Zheng.

"Then what do you need me to do?" Gu Zheng asked.

"My father has demonic energy in his body, and the demonic energy is also a major factor that caused him to become a demon. Besides the demonic energy, there is another thing residing in his body." The little Duobao fish demon paused, and then said Said: "At first, I thought my father's body was purely filled with demonic energy, but to deal with this situation, you just need to use your immortal power to drive out the demonic energy, but there is another demonic energy living in his body." Things, this is where I can't do anything, I need you to remove the thing living in his body first, of course this removal cannot be based on putting my father in danger of life."

Hearing what the little treasure fish demon said, Gu Zheng frowned slightly. The little treasure fish demon didn't know what was living in his father's body, but Gu Zheng knew very well what was living in his father's body. An old man with a white beard and shadow leech controller.

"Let me see your father's situation first!"

Gu Zheng put his hand on Dabao Fish Demon's body, and Xianli immediately entered its body to probe its body.

The demonic energy in the body of Dabao Yuyao is very strange. As soon as Gu Zheng's immortal power entered the body of Dabaoyuyao, he was immediately counterattacked by the demonic energy. The celestial power in the Dabao fish demon's body is used as a bridge to enter his body, thus turning him into a demon.

Gu Zheng didn't pay attention to the weird devilish energy. After all, he also had the experience of hanging a pot to help the world. At that time, he had faced many strange diseases, such as strange devilish energy and curse power. Strength, he also has experience in dealing with them.

However, Gu Zheng knows more about the current situation of the little treasure fish demon. He knows that if he wants to get rid of the evil spirit in the body of the treasure fish demon, the first thing to do is to deal with the sojourners in the body of the treasure fish demon! After all, most of the demonic energy in the treasure fish demon's body was brought by sojourners.

Against the harassment of the demonic energy, Gu Zheng probed the immortal power of the Dabao Fish Demon's body, and finally came to the dantian of the Dabao Fish Demon.

The celestial power that penetrated into the body of the Daobao Fish Demon was equivalent to Gu Zheng's own eyes. With the help of the celestial power, he could see what was going on in the body of the Daobao Fish Demon. The original energy, and in the bright red original energy, curled up like a fetus-like old man with white beard.

Gu Zheng's immortal power had just touched the original energy of most treasure fish demons, and he immediately felt a powerful pulling force in his mind. This force was so powerful and violent that Gu Zheng had no time to do anything effective. Responding, his mind was pulled into a strange space.

All eyes were blood red. In this strange space, Gu Zheng saw an old man with a white beard floating in the air.

Regarding the current situation, Gu Zheng did not panic. Anyway, it is not the first time that he has been pulled into such a strange space with the help of immortal power or divine sense. Anyway, in the outside world, he can display What means, what means he can use in this special space. However, although it is not his body that is in this space, if he is injured or dies in this special space, he in the real world will also end up correspondingly.

Originally, Gu Zheng was still worrying about how to remove the sojourners in the body of the Dabao Fish Demon, but now that he was brought into this special space, the original worries would be solved. He knew that as long as he was in this special space, he would If the old man with the white beard kills them, then most of the sojourners in the treasure fish demon's body will disappear naturally in the real world.

"Long time no see, I was really hurt by you!"

In this special space, the white-bearded old man who had been manipulated by the shadow leech seemed to have regained his sobriety, and he said this to Gu Zheng in a vicious voice.

"It is true that it has been a long time, but you are not hurt by me, you are hurt by yourself. This is called shooting yourself in the foot. If you knew today, why did you do it at the beginning?" Gu Zheng rushed to the white The bearded old man sneered back.

"Lifting a rock to shoot myself in the foot? Indeed, I did lift a rock to shoot myself in the foot, but I don't have any regrets about my original decision. If it wasn't for my original decision, how could you be trapped in the four-way space?" So long? Thinking about it this way, I suddenly feel a lot better. I feel that I have done a lot for my master. Even if it is a temporary sacrifice, it is worth it. As long as I can kill you, then my master will There is also the possibility of continuing to control the fairy-level space artifact, and when my master truly possesses the fairy-level space artifact, he will definitely take me out of the sea of ​​suffering, and at that time you are doomed to perish in the sea of ​​suffering!"

The old man with the white beard is still very good at self-comfort. He who had been tortured by the shadow leech could not survive, but after such a self-comfort, he laughed out loud. I wonder if he's gone crazy.

"Whether you are crazy or not, I just want to kill you now, because I don't want to see you again!"

Gu Zheng took the lead in attacking the old man with white beard, and he shot two cactus-killing palms one after another. During the time he was talking with the old man with white beard, he had already brewed the cactus-killing palm.

"Do you think you can kill me?"

The white-bearded old man sneered, and when he said this, a huge light shield appeared in front of him, and when his words fell to the ground, both of Gu Zheng's Immortal Palms had landed on the light shield superior.

The loud noise came from the light shield. The power of Gu Zheng's Immortal Immortal Palm can be said to be insignificant, but even the addition of two Immortal Immortal Palms failed to shatter the light shield displayed by the old man with white beard. This shows that The light shield defense of the old man with white beard is even better.

"Do you think this is still in the previous space?"

The white-bearded old man mocked Gu Zheng, and triumphantly shook the still very strong light shield in front of him.

"I could kill you once in the last special space, then I can kill you a second time in this special space!"

Gu Zheng smiled coldly, not worried about the status quo at all.

On the surface, Gu Zheng's two extermination cactus failed to break the white-bearded old man's light shield. This seems to be a very unfavorable thing for Gu Zheng, but in fact Gu Zheng has seen the essence through the surface. In this unfavorable situation, he has already seen something beneficial to him, and this thing also comes from the light shield of the old man with white beard.

Compared with the last special space, when Gu Zheng killed the old man with white beard, his strength is indeed not as good as that time, because when he killed the old man with white beard last time, he had already used up his hole card fairy Domain and Crazy Knife, then in this special space, he no longer has these two hole cards to use.

Compared with when he was in the last special space, the strength of the old man with white beard seems to have increased! After all, when he was in the last special space, he didn't use this kind of light shield with such a powerful defense.

However, Gu Zheng has already seen that the huge light shield is actually in the shape of a shadow leech. In this special space, the old man with the white beard did not launch a shadow attack on him, but used a powerful light shield. Let him understand that what he is encountering now is actually a choice made by the old man with white beard. The old man with white beard gave up the strange ability of the shadow leech to control compactness, and instead turned it into a powerful defensive light shield.

Gu Zheng's analysis is not wrong, the old man with white beard did make such a choice, but this kind of choice cannot actually be said to be made by him, it should be said to be made by the shadow leech! After all, the white-bearded old man is just a puppet controlled by the shadow leech, but no matter who made this choice, it is only a strong one on the surface, and a disadvantage in the dark, because the current ancient struggle is not the time when it was beheaded. At that time, Gu Zheng had a lot of hole cards available, so he didn't have to worry about weird shadow attacks at all, just like when he was in the fairyland before, facing weird shadow attacks face to face, Gu Zheng easily traveled through space Just hide in the past!

But now, compared with the very powerful light shield, what Gu Zheng is more afraid of is the weird shadow attack. This is not the fairyland, he has no space to shuttle, and the heart magic beads can't be used here, so facing the shadow It is difficult for him to dodge when attacking, once his shadow attack has an effect, then he will definitely suffer a big loss! But now, due to a wrong choice made by the shadow leech, Gu Zheng no longer has to worry about the shadow attack at all.

Gu Zheng launched an attack, and when he saw his attack, the old man with white beard cursed immediately.

"Still doing this with me? Do you think it still works?"

The old man with white beard yelled angrily, he felt that Gu Zheng, who used the Fallen Leaf Sword Technique at him, was using this sword technique to mock him! After all, when he was in Immortal Realm, Gu Zheng used the Fallen Leaf Sword Technique to make Ling Chi the most precious fish demon.

Today is different from the past, the Fallen Leaf Sword Technique does not work against the old man with white beard.

I saw that there were wonderful ripples on the surface of the light shield of the old man with white beard, and all the sword energy that touched the ripples were reflected back.

Seeing that the Fallen Leaf Sword Technique no longer had any effect on the white bearded old man, the sword energy was bounced back instead, and the white bearded old man with the light shield was still approaching him. Gu Zheng immediately changed his tactics. Sword Qi activated the Immortal Extermination Art.

The palms of the two palms face each other to form a strange space, and all the reflected sword energy is sucked into that space, and even the strange ripples on the light shield of the old man with the white beard are pulled by the space in the palms of Gu Zheng. .

The white-bearded old man who had been going forward felt something was wrong, so he stopped rushing towards Gu Zheng. He wanted to see what Gu Zheng was going to do.

In the space between Gu Zheng's palms, the compressed violent energy has formed a ball of light, looking at the white-bearded old man who was watching, he gave a cruel smile.


Gu Zheng suddenly let go of his palms, and the ball of light immediately shot towards the old man with a white beard.

The ball of light is not big, it looks only the size of a walnut, but the light it emits is very dazzling, and the dangerous aura felt by the old man with white beard is also very strong.

The white-bearded old man was indeed confident in his light array defense, but after feeling the dangerous aura on the light ball, his self-confidence was seriously suppressed. He felt that his light shield should not be able to withstand the bombardment of the light ball .


At that moment, this was the true thought of the old man with white beard. (end of this chapter)

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