The old man with the white beard fled, and decisively launched teleportation.

Looking at the old man with white beard who disappeared, a strange smile appeared on the corner of Gu Zheng's mouth. This is a special space created by the old man with white beard. If he can't teleport this space magic here, Gu Zheng certainly can't Believe it, so the light ball attack he launched was actually just a feint. Looking at the white-bearded old man who was scared to run away, a smile naturally appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Guzheng's ball of light activated the product of the Immortal Extermination Jue, and he himself is very sensitive to changes in space fluctuations, so facing the lineup of the white-bearded old man fleeing, he first played the magic trick to control the direction of the light ball, and then played the magic trick again. Let the light ball fixed in the air become a dark chess move.

Knowing where the white-bearded old man will show up, even if Gu Zheng controls the light ball, he won't waste any time. After all, his body has already been cut off by the divine sense, and when his body launches an attack, he His divine sense can also attack the target, so while he was using the spell on the ball of light, his divine sense bird was already flying towards the place where the white-bearded old man was about to appear.

The moment the white-bearded old man appeared, the bird of divine thought had already crashed into it, but because the white-bearded old man's body had an extremely powerful light shield, the light shield absorbed the power of this impact.

"Do you think that your divine sense is invincible?"

The white-bearded old man roared, the light shield turned by the shadow leech, in addition to being able to defend against general supernatural powers, can also be used to deal with the divine sense of Gu Zheng. Enough of the loss of Divine Mind Asuka, no one wants to suffer the same loss a second time.

A leech-like phantom flew out of the light shield, and landed on Gu Zheng's divine mind bird accurately. An uncomfortable feeling suddenly arose in Gu Zheng's mind, and his divine mind bird was attacked , although this kind of attack will not make his divine sense bird die on the spot, but it is a kind of consumption that cannot be ignored for his divine sense bird. Although Gu Zheng has cut off the tail with the divine mind bird, the two There is still a certain sense of connection between them, so that when the divine mind bird is attacked, the ancient dispute will inevitably be affected a little.

However, as far as Gu Zheng is concerned, as long as his Divine Mind Asuka is not destroyed in an instant, the resulting impact can be ignored.

The spirit of true fire, the spirit of water and the spirit of true gold in the body convulse at the same time. The fire dragon, ice dragon and golden dragon were all activated by Gu Zheng, and the three giant dragons summoned by the magic were mighty Flying towards the old man with white beard.

The old man with the white beard was also tough. Facing the three dragons flying towards him, he waved his palms and made palm shadows one after another. There were sudden explosions in the void. The fire dragon and ice dragon attacked by him had flames and flames on their bodies. Crushed ice fell.

Gu Zheng was not idle either, he played the Immortal Extermination Jue to the white-bearded old man. Although the tricks he played now seemed to be ineffective, it was actually a kind of layout. When the whole set of Jue is finished, he will let the old man with white beard see the power of the Mie Immortal Jue.

For what Gu Zheng is doing, the white-bearded old man who feels bad does not want to interrupt, but it is not easy for him to get close to Gu Zheng. If he uses normal means to get close to Gu Zheng, the first thing he has to face is Gu Zheng's call. Out of the three dragons. If he is approaching Gu Zheng by teleportation, the first thing he has to face is Gu Zheng's head-on attack. Who made Gu Zheng extremely sensitive to changes in space fluctuations? Where will he appear through teleportation? It is something that Gu Zheng can know in advance.

There is no way to get close to Gu Zheng. Is there any way to stop what Gu Zheng did? helpless.

Gu Zheng knew that the white-bearded old man was very angry, but there was nothing he could do about it. Who let the white-bearded old man be suppressed by the power of the law? If he possesses the complete supernatural powers of the early stage of Jinxian, the suppression of the energy of heaven and earth alone is enough to make Gu Zheng drink a pot! But having said that, who is not a victim of the suppression of the power of the law? If Gu Zheng hadn't been suppressed by the power of law, then his strength was already the number one among saints. At the early stage of golden immortals like the old man with white beard, he was like an ant in front of him. He wanted to kill To get rid of the opponent, you can do it by opening and closing your eyes.

It didn't take much time to play a whole set of formulas. When the whole set of formulas was finished, the previous layout of Gu Zheng was reflected. The white-bearded old man who was fighting the three dragons was immediately immobilized, and that The three dragons also rushed towards his body immediately.

However, although the old man with the white beard couldn't move anymore, his body was still protected by the light shield. The three-headed dragon couldn't really hit his body, and the light shield once again took the damage for him.

"Hahahaha, so what if you fix me? You still have no way to break the protection of my light shield, not to mention that your fixation won't last long!"

The white-bearded old man laughed wildly. Although he was immobilized by Gu Zheng's Immortal Extermination Art, it didn't match his language ability.

"It's true that the immobilization on you won't last long, but is there really no way for me to break your light shield? You can see clearly with your dog eyes!"

Gu Zheng launched the Miexian Jue to fix the old man with the white beard in order to prepare for the dark chess that he had laid before! After all, if he didn't fix the old man with the white beard, the old man with the white beard would be able to dodge his dark chess attack by teleporting.

The dark chess has always been fixed in the air, and the light has dimmed a lot. The old man with the white beard thought he was out of danger, but at this moment, it flew towards the old man with the white beard, which made the old man with the white beard scream in horror. Howled, because the old man with the white beard felt it, not only did its power not weaken in the slightest, it was even more terrifying than when it was first seen!

The feeling of the old man with the white beard is not wrong, the ball of light is indeed more lethal than when he first saw it, who told him that when he first saw the ball of light, the ball of light was just a bluff by Gu Zheng, showing Gu Zheng powerfully Naturally, there will be some reservations, but it is different now. Now he has been fixed, and Gu Zheng wants to use the ball of light to give him a hard blow, so there is no need to hide how terrifying the ball of light is. .

Unable to perform teleportation, the old man with white beard could only watch helplessly as the ball of light hit his light shield.

The old man with the white beard should have no confidence in his light shield, because this light ball absorbs the peculiar fluctuations on his light shield, it can be said that it is a killer move prepared by Gu Zheng to break his light shield.

There was a loud noise, and the light shield exploded from the inside out. How powerful it was when it was intact, and how terrifying it was when it exploded!

The power of the explosion was such that the old man with the white beard was blown away. Although he could not be killed on the spot, he only had half of his body and a breath left.

Looking at Gu Zheng flying towards him, the old man with white beard reluctantly raised his bloody head, and said with difficulty, "Don't be complacent, even if you kill me, my master will definitely kill me." avenge me,"

Without listening to too much nonsense from the white-bearded old man, Gu Zheng raised and lowered the Elven Blade in Gu Zheng's hand, cutting off the white-bearded old man's head with the arcing sword energy.

Gu Zheng defeated the white-bearded old man in the special space, and the special space was also shattered. Gu Zheng's mind returned to his body, and he saw through the immortal power in the body of the most treasured fish demon. In the middle, the old man with white beard is like a baby, now he has no vitality and becomes like a stillborn child. When Gu Zheng's immortal power touches the original energy of Dabao fish demon, the old man with white beard like a stillborn child becomes A part of the original energy of Dabao fish demon.

After getting rid of the white-bearded old man living in the body of the most treasure fish demon, the next thing Gu Zheng needs to do is to dispel the evil energy in the body of the most treasure fish demon.

There is no need for the Xiaoduobao fish demon to teach him any method. The dispelling of the demonic energy is not worth mentioning to Gu Zheng. It took only one minute for Gu Zheng to completely eliminate the demonic energy in the Dabao fish demon's body. dispersed.

The big treasure fish demon that escaped from the enchanted state turned into a miniature fish, and was slowly sucked into the abdomen by the little treasure fish demon.

"Thank you for the entrant, thank you for bringing my father back to his senses, I won't delay you in the extra time, and now I will fulfill the previous promise!" The little Duobao fish demon paused, and then said: "You Which reward to choose?"

Xiaotuobao fish demon promised three kinds of rewards for the ancient battle before. The first is the fairy reward, the second is the supernatural power reward, and the third is the information reward. Of course, the ancient dispute is more inclined to the third reward. Three, this is not to say that the first two rewards are not attractive enough, but he is eager to know where the special monster that can give him the task of repairing the current space world is.

However, although he prefers the third type of reward, when it comes time to make a choice, Gu Zheng still has to think about it. After all, when the little treasure fish demon told him about the three types of rewards, he had good intentions reminded him.

"I would like to advise you. This is also for the sake of saving my life. I will give you a free reminder. Choose the third reward carefully. It may not be as comprehensive or as direct as you imagined."

The words Xiaoduobao Yuyao said to Gu Zheng at that time are still reverberating in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Hurry up and make a choice, I don't have much time left."

Knowing what Gu Zheng wants, the little Duobao fish demon who wants to make friends with Gu Zheng really wants to tell him to let him directly choose the second reward! However, due to the limitation of the power of the law, the little treasure fish demon could not tell him directly, nor could he give him hints.

Where is the special monster that can send Gu Zheng the task of repairing the current space world? Gu Zheng currently has four directions in his heart.

In the first direction, bet on whether the special monster is at the bottom of the cave.

Gu Zheng had suspected before that the special monster that could only give him the task of repairing the space world was at the bottom of this cave. Moreover, according to the kind reminder from the little treasure fish demon before, asking him not to choose the third reward may also be implying that the information he wants to get is at the bottom of the cave.

In the second direction, choose the third type of reward, and directly start an inquiry with the Little Treasure Fish Demon!

However, Xiaoduobao fish demon said that the third reward needs to be cautious, which is also a point that makes Gu Zheng entangled.

The third direction, this direction belongs to being forced and helpless, that is, in the worst case, Gu Zheng will make a deal with the Void Demon Lord.

The third direction, the first three directions are not feasible, or it is based on the premise that Gu Zheng is unwilling, then Gu Zheng can only continue to search blindly.

There are four directions, but these are the four directions, which one is not very good, but no matter how cautious Gu Zheng is, he has to make a decision in the face of the urging of the little treasure fish demon.

"I choose the second one, I want a supernatural reward!"

Choosing the second reward is something that Gu Zheng didn't think of before, but some things are like this, no matter how you think in your heart, until the last moment, you will never know what the real choice is.

Gu Zheng would not consider the choice of fairy weapon, no matter how powerful the fairy weapon is, he is just a foreign object to Gu Zheng, and it is never king to use foreign objects to improve his own strength.

Although the choice of information is good, but there is a reminder from the little treasure fish demon, and the special monster at the bottom of the cave may be the one that Gu Zheng wants to find. Gu Zheng feels that with such a rare choice, It may be a bit wasteful to choose to ask for information about that special monster.

In Gu Zheng's opinion, supernatural power is the most cost-effective choice. At the current stage, he is also eager to improve his strength to deal with those monsters whose strength is basically much higher than his. The cultivation level can be improved slowly, but supernatural power But it takes a chance to get it! What's more, when Xiaoduobao fish demon introduced this reward before, he also said that even if Gu Zheng was not lucky enough to obtain supernatural powers that he could not cultivate, it must be one of his two subordinates who could cultivate.

Hearing that Gu Zheng made such a choice, Xiaoduobao Yuyao was very pleased. At the same time, he once again sighed in his heart that Gu Zheng’s luck was against the sky. If a wrong decision is made, then it is likely that the things he has done before will be wasted, but if a person is not lucky enough to choose the right one when facing a major choice, then he is very likely Because of this, he will change his life against the sky, and the supernatural powers in this reward are indeed sky-defying skills.

"Okay, now that you have made your choice, I will open the treasure bag now. As for the exercises you can choose from it, I don't know at all."

When the little treasure fish demon said this, a scale on its abdomen shone with golden light, which looked like a white treasure bag.

One after another, shadows appeared in the treasure bag of the little treasure fish demon, like a group of flying insects flying inside.

"If you say stop, I will stop. The moment you stop, the exercises that are still suspended in the air are the rewards you have chosen."

Hearing what Xiaoduobao fish demon said, Gu Zheng nodded and immediately said 'stop'.

The little Duobao fish demon was stunned for a moment, you thought that Gu Zheng still needed to think about it for a while, but you never thought that the Holy See of Gu Zheng would come so quickly.

For Gu Zheng, this inability to see specific things is a test of luck in itself, and he has always been very confident in his own luck.

The shadows flying in the treasure bag paused, as the little treasure fish demon said before, only one shadow was in a suspended state.

As soon as the little Duobao fish demon thought, the shadow immediately flew out of his treasure bag, and continued to grow in size as it flew out. When he arrived in Gu Zheng's hands, he had changed from a small spot at first to a A roll of vicissitudes and simplicity of bamboo slips.

"I have to say that your luck is really against the sky!"

Looking at the bamboo slips in Gu Zheng's hand, the little Duobao fish demon couldn't help feeling emotional.

"How?" Gu Zheng asked.

"The exercises in the treasure bag are divided into levels of 'Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuangtian'. Heaven-level exercises correspond to the immortal-level combat skills you call, and the exercise you selected is exactly the heaven-level! "

Hearing what Xiaoduobao fish demon said, Gu Zheng couldn't help asking: "After learning this set of exercises, can I also have them in the real world?"

Facing Gu Zheng's inquiry, Xiaoduobao Fish Demon nodded at him, and Gu Zheng was immediately elated. This has to be said to be a super good reward.

In the interior of the fairy-level space fairy artifact, Gu Zheng has passed through many space worlds, but among the space worlds he has passed through, he has only obtained this special space in the four-way space. The exercises in the real world, and the obtained exercises are all immortal-level combat skills, such as the Immortal Extermination Jue obtained before!

It's a pity that the old man with the white beard is already dead. If he didn't die, knowing that Gu Zheng had achieved such a harvest by accident under his making things difficult, then he must be more aware of the meaning of shooting himself in the foot. What a feeling.

"The speed of learning supernatural powers is very fast. I can give you a minute. After a minute, we will talk about the next reward."

The little treasure fish demon smiled at Gu Zheng. Its so-called next reward was a bet Gu Zheng made with Gu Zheng when he faced Baiyun Sword Immortal. At that time, he thought that Gu Zheng would definitely die in Baiyun In the hands of the Sword Immortal, because Baiyun Sword Immortal is too powerful, he is simply an invincible opponent! However, in the end, things turned around. The victorious Baiyun Sword Immortal was defeated by Gu Zheng and the others. According to the agreement at that time, he would give Gu Zheng a great benefit after Gu Zheng rescued his father.

On the vicissitudes and simplicity of the bamboo slips, the name of this set of exercises is engraved "Shenlong Domain". When Gu Zheng saw this name, he had a glimmer of understanding in his heart. This set of exercises does not distinguish between races at all. Or Hantan cultivator father and son can practice with it!

It is precisely because he has some understanding in his heart that Gu Zheng also knows that there is a little regret in this matter, that is, the fairy-level combat skills of the Shenlong Domain can only be practiced by one person, even if he wants to It will not work to pass it on to the father and son of the monks in Hantan.

Gu Zheng unfolded the quaint bamboo slips, engraved with characters that Gu Zheng had never seen before.

It doesn't matter if Gu Zheng can't understand the text, things like this that record exercises are all a kind of Jade Slips that pass on merit, all Gu Zheng needs to do is to penetrate the divine sense into it.

Gu Zheng probed his spiritual thoughts into the bamboo slips, and the words engraved on them immediately broke away from the bamboo slips and flew towards his mind. A clear understanding immediately arose in his heart, and the content of the clear enlightenment was naturally the Shenlong domain. Immortal-level combat skills.

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