In the morning, he might as well change his name to Li Lang. He is really a waste of money.

But if it were someone else, even if he was promiscuous again, he would still be happy. After all, he was given so many things. With so many things, it can be said that he was as rich as a country. If it were Bai Yi here, he would not care about him at all. I mean, as long as the things are within reach.

"Bu, see my lord!"

When Lu Bu was fighting for Kobe in ancient times, he suddenly clasped his fists and bent over. His leg was broken and he couldn't kneel down. Otherwise, he would definitely kneel down on one knee to salute.

At this time, Lu Bu's mood was complicated.

On the one hand, they finally waited for the lord's heir, which gave them a new direction, a goal, and a new spiritual support. You must know that the previous two hundred years were very difficult, and they are all heaven-level masters. The lifespan of the strong is much longer than that of ordinary people, at least five hundred years.

Better, almost a thousand years.

If you have to compare it with immortal cultivators, the heaven level is equivalent to the stage of refining and refining gas. They can fly, have a long lifespan, and are strong. Their strength cannot be simply calculated in terms of the power of a few cows. How many cows are added together can also Not as explosive as theirs.

Waiting for results should be a good thing and gratifying, but at the same time, he was a little confused and reluctant.

I can't let go of everything about my old lord, and I can't let go of the obsession in my heart.

"No need to give a big gift, please hurry up and bring all the people left behind by that ronin. I have something to say to you!"

Gu Zheng said coldly, Ronin is the new nickname he gave to Li Ming. This guy is really a wanderer. He can be a wanderer. Gu Zheng will let him wander until he dies.

Gu Zheng is really capable of killing him and resurrecting him. It's not really death anyway. It will definitely be very interesting to let him try the taste of death.

"Yes, my lord!"

The new lord came to the throne, and their old subordinates really needed to come to meet each other. Lu Bu drove the car and left. Gu Zheng thought about it and suddenly threw a jade slip to Hou Ping.

"Hou Ping, this is the Heavenly Tribulation Warrior's technique, take a look first!"

Gu Zheng said lightly, and Hou Ping was startled. He held the jade slip in his hand and looked at Gu Zheng in shock: "Lord, I can't have this, you should learn it first!"

"It's okay, just show it to you!"

Gu Zheng waved his hand. Hou Ping thought that this Heavenly Level Kung Fu, like other Kung Fu techniques, could only be viewed by one person. After this person had seen it, others could not see it.

What Ming Ming left behind was a technique that could be viewed by many people multiple times.

"This is an order!"

Gu Zheng said something again, and Hou Ping had no choice but to open the jade slip, but as soon as he took a look, his expression was very strange, and Gu Zheng sneered.

Sure enough, inside the jade slip, Li Lang started to have sex again, and you didn't have to guess what kind of sex it was.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng didn't look at these techniques at all.

"Practice well in this heavenly level. After you gain stronger strength, I will take you to more dangerous places to fight against the truly strong!"

Gu Zheng left these words and left. As for Li Lang's skills, whoever wanted to see them, he didn't want to see them.

He is not Bai Yi. He knows that there are waves inside but still rushes up. Gu Zheng is actually a very orthodox person at heart. He would rather not use these skills than be beaten by Li Lang again and again.

As for the exercises, Gu Zheng didn't care at all. Even Li Lang could come up with exercises suitable for him to practice here, couldn't Gu Zheng?

He could have done it a long time ago, he was just too lazy to do it.

One day later, seven people followed Lu Bu. These eight people were the team before dawn. In fact, there were twelve people in total before. Two of them died in the battle, one went crazy and died after ascending at dawn, and the other one disappeared.

Of these eight people, including Lu Bu, a total of three were disabled, which shows how intense the original battle was.

But after Lu Bu introduced their names, Gu Zheng was no longer calm. This Li Langlang, he would definitely let him have enough fun and perfect it. He was really good at naming, eight people, eight different styles.

Lu Bu is the eldest, Jiang Ziya is the second, Sun Wukong is the third, Lin Daiyu is the fourth, the fourth is female, Lin Chong is the fifth, Li Yuanba is the sixth, Yang Guo is the seventh, and Xiang Shaolong is the eighth.

This Li Lang, you have read a lot of novels before, right? They are all names from the novel.

Gu Zheng guessed that Lin Chong and Sun Wukong were right before, but Jia Baoyu guessed wrong. There was a character from "A Dream of Red Mansions", but it was Lin Daiyu.

Gu Zheng frowned and looked at the little old lady, Lin Daiyu? This is Lin Daiyu, are you kidding me?

Forget it, he couldn't figure out what Li Lang was thinking, and he was too lazy to guess.

"I believe Lu Bu has told you that I got the things Li Lang left. I will compensate him with corresponding things in the future. They are considered borrowed by me. As for being your lord, forget it!"

The eight people looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them spoke.

However, you have been guarding these things for so many years, and there is no merit but hard work. I will reward you one by one later. If nothing else, if you work hard, you may not be able to ascend like Li Lang in the future.

"Ascension? Lord, are you saying that we can also ascend like the former Lord?"

Lu Bu asked anxiously. They all knew that Li Ming had ascended. In fact, they also thought about it, but before Li Ming ascended, he told them that the reason why he could ascend was because of the different techniques he practiced.

He can do these techniques, but these people can't. They have no possibility of ascending, and now the new lord tells them that several of them also have hope of ascending. Is it possible that the new lord is even more powerful than the old lord?

As for the fact that Gu Zheng called Li Ming "Li Lang", everyone automatically ignored it. In fact, they sometimes felt this way in their hearts. Their old master was really too wasteful.

It's just that they can't say these words.

"Of course, that kid Li Lang thinks he can do a lot more by reversing the technique? It's not that I don't have it, it's just that I didn't do it!"

Gu Zheng nodded lightly and reversed the technique. It was such a big deal to be able to practice immortality in this world. Gu Zheng was also annoyed by Li Lang. He planned to do something that was right before.

"Watch it!"

Gu Zheng shouted low, and the Tie Immortal Immortal Technique instantly appeared on his body. A huge coercion spread out, and the eight heavenly steps felt like a mountain pressing on them, unable to move.

Fortunately, they could at least still stand. Hou Liang was just a high-level warrior and was directly pressed to the ground, spitting out blood.

At the same time, the pressure spread rapidly outwards. The Four Saints Continent, the Demon Continent, the Monster Continent, the Elf Continent, and the entire small world were shrouded in this pressure. Countless strong men looked around in fear. The strong man, the demon lord of the demon clan, the beast king of the monster beasts, and the queen of the elves all flew out and looked at the distant stardust sea together.

The ancient dispute broke out.

No matter which continent, as long as there are strong men with power above the heaven level, they all feel this pressure. This terrifying pressure makes people unable to resist the pressure of consciousness.

Those below the level of Heaven don’t feel anything at all, so they do whatever they need to do.

Hou Ping was the only one who felt it, who allowed him to get so close.

Lu Bu and the other eight people were all confused at this moment. Is the new lord so powerful? Even if the old lord was here, there would never be such pressure. The new lord is really powerful.

By reversing the Immortal Art, Gu Zheng was equivalent to practicing the Tie Immortal Art again in this world. At this moment, the energy of his Tie Immortal Art was powerful.

"Lu Bu, come here!"

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand to Lu Bu, and Lu Bu's wheelchair immediately came to Gu Zheng's side. The new lord was too powerful. Now he didn't dare to resist the new lord at all, but only obeyed and admired him.

"The blood in your feet is not flowing smoothly. This is the meridians in the legs that were broken up before. Now I will stretch your muscles and regenerate the dead flesh!"

A ray of white light fell on Lu Bu's body. Lu Bu only felt his legs itching. Soon, the flesh and blood of his wretched legs gradually became fuller. After a while, the legs became normal.

"Come down and try to take two steps!"

Gu Zheng said to Lu Bu. Lu Bu stood up tremblingly. The surprise and excitement in his eyes became more intense. Slowly, he took one step. Soon, he took the second step and the third step. After a while, he could be normal. of walking.

"Thank you, Lord, for your kindness!"

Lu Bu fell to his knees on the ground and saluted Gu Zheng. He never thought that he would have a chance to stand up again in this life. He never expected that.

"I said, I am not your lord, and you are not allowed to call me that in the future. You, just call me Mr. Gu from now on!"

Gu Zheng really doesn't want Li Lang's subordinates. He is here to experience and play, not to protect the Four Saints Continent. He has no interest in protecting this place. He does not need subordinates. He has someone to follow him and serve him. Hou Ping, the handyman, can do it, but others don't need it.

"Yes, my lord!"

Lu Bu replied excitedly, Gu Zheng looked at him speechless and was too lazy to talk to him again.

"Lin Chong, come here too!"

Lin Chong was one of the three disabled people, missing one of his arms. When he heard Gu Zheng call him, he was stunned for a moment, and then ran over full of excitement and expectation.

"Rebirth after a broken arm is nothing. When we get to the upper world, many things like this will be possible!"

As Gu Zheng spoke, he stretched out his hand. Lin Chong's broken right arm was visibly restored to the naked eye. After a while, Lin Chong's right arm completely grew out, and the people behind him were dumbfounded.

Among the people behind, Yang Guo is the most excited. He is also disabled. He only has one eye. Now he is a one-eyed dragon.

"Thank you, thank you lord, my arms have grown, they have grown!"

Lin Chong waved his right arm excitedly, feeling the power of his new arm, and screamed excitedly, like a child like a high-level master.

"Yang Guo!"

Gu Zheng shouted again, taking advantage of the fact that he had just reversed the Immortal Technique and still had a lot of power, so he simply helped them get it done.

Yang Guo's eyes reappeared under everyone's gaze, and Yang Guo cried excitedly.

"Everyone, close your eyes and meditate!"

Gu Zheng suddenly said something again. Everyone, including Hou Ping, closed their eyes. Gu Zheng's voice soon appeared in their minds. Gu Zheng was reciting passages of esoteric and incomprehensible words. These Although they didn't understand the words, they were able to understand it strangely, and soon they all knew that this was a cultivation method.

The first is to refine the Qi and transform into it. Except for Hou Ping, all of them are in the Heaven level. They have reached the standard of refining the Qi and can be cultivated directly. After refining the Qi, there is the process of refining the Qi to transform into the spirit. After that, there is the process of refining the spirit to return to the void, and wait for the return to the void. When you reach the peak of perfection and have the power of immortality in your body, you can be attracted to the ancient world and ascend.

This is the method that can directly lead to ascension.

Gu Zheng gave them all.

"Thank you, Lord, for the gift of law!"

When the eight people opened their eyes, they saluted Gu Zheng together. Gu Zheng waved his hand and asked them all to leave, and he meditated and rested in the small room.

His body was still too weak. He had just reversed the Immortal Technique and was now a little overwhelmed. Fortunately, he had used up all the remaining strength after the reversal, so he could still hold on now.

The current ancient struggle is also in the stage of refining Qi, which is the heaven level.

His heavenly level is different from the heavenly level here. His Yuan Shen has been united into one, fifty Yuanshen are united into one, but this one body carries the characteristics of all Yuanshen, and is many times more powerful than the original Yuan Shen alone.

Let's put it this way, the original Yuan Shen has the characteristics that the ancient spirits now have. The original Yuan Shen can only exert one power at a time. This time fifty times into one, it is equivalent to exerting fifty times the power.

That's not all. Gu Zheng's Immortal Art is already powerful. His current power is at least five hundred times what it was before. Although his power is still at the heaven level, even a holy level spiritual master cannot. is his opponent.

This is the power of ancient contention.

Just by reversing a magic trick, he suddenly became the top person in the world.

Gu Zheng was also offended by Li Lang's promiscuous nature, otherwise he wouldn't have done this. He came here to practice and play, and if he became so strong all of a sudden, then the rest of his training would definitely not be as good as before.

With the Tie Xian Immortal Technique, Gu Zheng didn't even bother to look at the rubbish skills that Li Lang left behind, and distributed them all.

Three days later, Jie Yin said.

Gu Zheng returned here again. The small teleportation array was completely consolidated by Gu Zheng and could be used for unlimited teleportation in the future. Although Gu Zheng was only in the stage of refining Qi, the teleportation array he repaired was not a real immortal. Impossible to destroy.

Heavenly Immortals, the lower realm is not without them, but it is the most powerful force, and it is not found in every small realm, at least not in the realm where Gu Zheng is located. When the Tie Immortal Immortal Art was reversed before, Gu Zheng had roughly explored It happened once.

"Lu Bu, go to the Kyoto Palace of the Qinglong Empire and bring Bai Yi, the dean of Wenhua Academy, quietly!"

On Jingyin Island, Gu Zheng gave orders to Lu Bu. At this moment, Lu Bu was standing energetically. These days, as long as he can stand, he will never sit down. Standing seems to be very comfortable and addictive.

"I obey my orders!"

Lu Bu clasped his fists and said something, and flew out directly. Gu Zheng didn't bother to correct them.

Hou Ping is not here. At this time, Hou Ping is in retreat. He gave up Li Lang's heaven-level skills and switched to the skills given to him by Gu Zheng. However, he is not Lu Bu and others. He has already achieved heaven-level cultivation. He could only take it step by step, striving to refine and refine his Qi.

Refining Qi is also a threshold. Back on earth, many people were stuck here, with no hope of advancement in their lives.

Lu Bu left quickly and came back quickly. He returned in only one day. He was still holding someone in his hand, Bai Yi, who was trembling all over with fright.

Bai Yi, also a time traveler, unfortunately did not fare as well as Li Lang, but he still lived a wealthy life. Unexpectedly, he was directly abducted by a mysterious man when he was counting the money he earned from selling glass.

That mysterious man was actually flying. He knew that flying could only be achieved by at least the Heavenly Level. There were Heavenly Levels in Kyoto Prefecture, but he didn't know how many there were. But now he was being carried by a person flying like this. Let's go, he can't help but think about it.

Is it possible that the profits from glass are so huge that some people are jealous?

Or maybe His Majesty wanted to kill the donkey, and His Majesty got what he wanted, so he was killed and took all these things for himself?

In this way, Bai Yi was taken to Jieyin Island by Lu Bu in a panic all the way.

"Brother Gu, why is it you?"

When he saw Gu Zheng, Lu Bu was stunned at first. He had guessed many people, but not Gu Zheng. First of all, these things were given to him by Gu Zheng, and there was no need for Gu Zheng to arrest him. Secondly, he knew Gu Zheng's The bottom line is that he also knows what Gu Zheng’s interests are. Gu Zheng is not someone who wants to fight for hegemony, so how could he be arrested?

"Lu Bu, tell him your brothers' names!"

Gu Zheng said lazily and pointed directly at Lu Bu. Sure enough, Bai Yi looked a little strange when he heard the name, Lu Bu? Could it be that the one from the Three Kingdoms also traveled through time?

Sun Wukong, Lin Daiyu, Yang Guo, Bai Yi's mouth opened wide when he said their names one by one.

These people were all characters in the novel. At this moment, Bai Yi also noticed something was wrong and looked at Gu Zheng.

We are a fellow countryman who ascended here two hundred years ago. This is the team he left behind. He also left some other things. I have taken the valuable ones. I will give you the remaining things. You can inherit it!

Gu Zheng was really too lazy to inherit those things from Li Lang. As for the space bracelets he took away, even if he paid for the treatment of Lu Bu and the others, he didn't get them for free anyway.

Gu Zheng didn't take away all the skills, he kept all the skills. The skills here are much more complete than those in Wanfa Pavilion.

"Are our fellow villagers so powerful?"

Looking at these skills, Bai Yi's hands were shaking. He knew the value of these skills very well. Many of these skills have been lost. I didn't expect that there are still here. These skills alone are a very big deal. wealth.

"It's really amazing. Look back and take your time. Also, these eight people are the team members he left for you. You can take them away!"

Gu Zheng wanted to hand over Lu Bu and the others to Bai Yi, which was correct.

The time-travel tool Li Lang made was probably how Bai Yi came through time-travel. Speaking of which, Bai Yi was the real heir, but his luck was not that good and he was intercepted by Gu Zheng.

However, with Gu Zheng's current strength, he really doesn't need Lu Bu and the others, but Bai Yi, who is only a mid-level warrior and spiritual master, is in great need.

Eight heaven-level powerhouses, eight practitioners who refine and transform Qi, Bai Yi can walk sideways in the Four Saints Continent from now on, and no one will dare to offend him.

"Shall I take it away?"

Bai Yi was dumbfounded. He was surprised to get these skills. He didn't expect that Gu Zheng would give him all the eight heavenly ranks. Heavenly ranks, they were all heavenly ranks.

Although Bai Yi didn't know how many heavenly steps there were in Kyoto Prefecture, he knew that there were definitely not eight. With these eight people, there would be no problem walking lying down, let alone walking sideways. Even the Qing Emperor would not dare to attack him. Say more.

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