Lu Bu and the others also looked at Gu Zheng blankly. They did not expect that Gu Zheng really rejected them and did not want them.

They are not cabbages. Even in the Sisi Sage Continent, they are top-notch existences. The emperor will treat them warmly in any empire. Those who want to stay, Guzheng does not want them.

Yes, Gu Zheng is more powerful than their previous lord. The previous lord couldn't cure their disabilities, and he didn't have the ability to regenerate broken limbs. But no matter how powerful he is, he is still alone. Don't he need the help of others around him?

No, Gu Zheng has a follower beside him.

At this moment, Lu Bu suddenly envied Hou Ping for being able to follow such a powerful lord.

Unknowingly, Lu Bu had completely accepted Gu Zheng, and even worshiped the new lord. However, unexpectedly, the new lord did not like them.

"Yes, you take them away. It's better for them to follow you than to follow me. I don't have time to take care of them!"

Gu Zheng nodded. Strictly speaking, these people left behind by Liming were left for Bai Yi. But Bai Yi didn't know about this place and never thought about going to sea, so he couldn't inherit it all.

Gu Zheng is just transferring the things that should belong to Bai Yi to him. Of course, the handling fee still has to be kept.


The eight Lu Bu people looked at each other with strange expressions.

They don't seem to need any care. They are all heaven-level experts. Although there is no saint-level person, they can still fight even if they are saint-level people. They are not children and they still need care.

But when they thought of Gu Zheng's ability just now, they wilted. They knew that this was another pervert, a pervert even more powerful than the former lord. They had no way to refute such a person.

"Brother Gu, are you serious?"

Bai Yi asked anxiously. Although he didn't know the specific strength of the eight people, Lu Bu who brought him could fly, and the others were probably not much different.

To say that there are eight such people who want to follow me and not be tempted is definitely a lie.

"Nonsense, do I need to fight you? You can know what's going on from their names. Maybe their former lord left some technologies that you and I don't know about!"

science and technology?

Bai Yi's eyes shone again. Yes, there is actually a fellow villager here. Although he is gone, there is still a possibility of leaving behind technology. Even if he only leaves a little introduction, he can lead the craftsmen to conquer it.

"Right? Okay, it's time for me to leave. I'll leave this place to you!"

Gu Zheng chuckled. Just when Lu Bu and the others were about to stop him, Gu Zheng suddenly stretched out his hand. Lu Bu and the others were instantly fixed there, unable to move.

After Gu Zheng got on the boat, they resumed their actions. Everyone had a look of horror in their eyes. How strong was the new lord? He could freeze all of them in an instant?

Even the old master from before couldn’t do it.

As for Bai Yi, these eight people did not regard him as the new lord at all. In their hearts, there was only one new lord, and that was Gu Zheng. In their hearts, Bai Yi was just a person entrusted to them by the new lord to protect.

"Are you really following me?"

Gu Zheng left, taking Hou Ping with him, leaving behind eight people and a huge space bracelet. What happened that day felt like a dream to Bai Yi, and he couldn't help but ask.

"We must abide by your lord's orders, but we are only following you and protecting you. You can't ask us to do anything like your lord!"

It was Lu Bu who came out and explained to Bai Yi. Bai Yi didn't listen to what he said next. It was enough for these eight people to follow him. Even if they just followed and did nothing, it would have a huge deterrent effect.

There were also the last words left by Gu Zheng, technology, this is a very important thing, Bai Yi immediately started rummaging around the island.

He found Jingyin Island and Xingchen Island.

Not to mention, he really found something.

The first is paper, pure white paper. The Qinglong Empire also has paper, but it is all very rough gray paper. It can be used to write and record things, but the things written on it cannot be preserved for long.

This kind of paper is usually used for the enlightenment of children from poor families. This poor family is still special. The real poor cannot afford to send their children to school.

But white paper is different. White paper can not only be written on and preserved for a long time, but can also support printing. Bai Yi had thought about making paper and then printing it a long time ago. Unfortunately, he only knew that bark was used to make paper, and he didn't know anything else. , he can't create a blank sheet of paper at all.

There was no solid white paper, let alone printing.

There was white paper on the island, and some people could make it, but it surprised him. After a while, another surprise came.

This time it’s not paper, it’s distilled liquor.

The Qinglong Empire has wine, and Gu Zheng has drunk it many times. The best wine in Gu Zheng's mouth is just average. The main reason is that their wine is brewed wine and has not gone through the distillation process.

Bai Yi also knew it, but he didn't know how to do it. After a few experiments, he gave up. There is distilling technology here, and it is perfect. It can not only brew high-quality wine, but also high-quality alcohol.

The alcohol concentration does not need to be particularly high, just 75 degrees. With alcohol disinfection, the number of people who die from injuries and inflammation can be greatly reduced in the future. This is another great invention that has a long history.

In addition to being highly alcoholic, Bai Yi also discovered a simple generator, which can still be used, but the power generation capacity is limited and not very practical.

There is no transformer, no power storage equipment, even if the electricity is generated, it cannot be retained, not to mention there are no light bulbs and all electrical appliances, what is the use of such dry power generation?

However, he still took the generator away. If it doesn't exist now, it doesn't mean it won't exist in the future. When he left, he was still guessing, what was the purpose of Senior Dawn's generator? Could it be that he traveled through time with his mobile phone and wanted to charge it?

I'm afraid all of this will have to wait until the upper realm to ask Li Langlang.

After Gu Zheng left, the biggest secret of the Stardust Sea was Star Island. Not only did he go to the island, he also became the master of Star Island. Even he himself did not expect all this.

After Star Island is the territory of Evil Continent. I am not interested in the ancient war in that place yet. The Four Saints Continent has not been completed yet, so why go there so early.

Qinglong Empire, Daxin Mansion.

"It's still more comfortable inside the city!"

After floating on the sea for more than ten days, Gu Zheng and the others finally landed on the mainland. In fact, Gu Zheng could have flown over with Hou Ping, but he was too lazy to do so. Drifting on the sea was not without its disadvantages. At least he ate a lot of seafood during this period.

After entering the city, Gu Zheng went directly to the most luxurious inn in the city and booked two of the best rooms. He also asked for a comfortable hot water basin and took a soak in it.

Gu Zheng is not a pedantic person. If he didn't have money before, he would just make do. Now that he has money, he has more money than he can spend, so of course he should enjoy it.

After taking a bath, Gu Zheng paid for the inn's kitchen and started cooking delicious food.

This time Gu Zheng controlled the fragrance and did not let the fragrance spread, otherwise there might be some trouble. Now Gu Zheng does not want such trouble.

As for the food cooked by the chef here, Gu Zheng no longer looks down upon it. Gu Zheng has the best ingredients here, so he can just cook it himself.

"In other words, King Zhentian led a commando force of 300 people, sneaked into the back of the Xuanwu Empire late at night, disguised himself as 3,000 people, and rushed directly to the camp. That battle was..."

This inn is relatively high-end, with a dedicated dining area and a storytelling and singing area in the lobby.

This world is an ancient world with limited entertainment options. Storytelling and listening to stories have become everyone’s limited means of making money.

For wealthy families, if you want to hear these things, people come directly to perform them. Every family has its own stage.

Ordinary wealthy people come to this high-end inn to listen. They order two pots of good tea and snacks, and drink while listening. It's called elegance.

Poor people go to specialized teahouses or Loubian, where they can still listen to the music by spending less money.

Gu Zheng was in a private room right now, drinking tea and listening to the storyteller outside. This storyteller was talking about the unusual war between the Qinglong Empire and the Xuanwu Empire sixty years ago. King Zhentian was the commander-in-chief at that time, and he was also The younger brother of the old emperor.

Gu Zheng shook his head when he heard this. The battle was not in danger and was about to be defeated. How could an army commander take the risk and lead a suicide squad to attack? This was simply impossible.

The reason why I say this is probably because King Zhentian has a noble status and wants to make the story more exciting.

But when it comes to listening to books, as long as they sound pleasant and enjoyable, there is no need to take them seriously.

However, just because the ancient arguments were not serious does not mean that no one was serious. Soon, someone in the hall interrupted the storyteller.

"You storyteller, what you said is wrong. I know that during that battle, King Zhentian always guarded the rear and never went to the front line. I think the one who led the commando attack was Ye Kai, a commander of the Zhenwu Army. It’s not King Zhentian, it was precisely because of the success of that assault that he was promoted from Captain of Thousands to Captain of Ten Thousands, and later became Deputy General of the Fifth Army!”

A man in his thirties asked the storyteller loudly.

"You man, what do you know? Historical records indicate that King Zhentian went there. Is it possible that the historical records can be misremembered?"

The storyteller seemed a little unhappy when he was interrupted, and loudly rebuked the person who interrupted him.

"Impossible. Which historical record records it? Tell me, I went to find them. What do you think I know? Of course I know. It was my great-grandfather who went to attack in the first place. How could I not know?"

The man continued talking, and the people around him suddenly started talking. It turned out that this was really the case, but the storyteller mistook it. Unexpectedly, he met the real owner here.

The storyteller's face turned blue and white, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

People say that it was done by their ancestors, and such things are generally not counterfeited, because once the counterfeiting is discovered, not only the reputation of the family will be completely ruined, but the descendants of King Zhentian may not be able to spare them.

This is a very hierarchical society, so most people around them believed what the man said.


After a while, the storyteller rolled up his sleeves and left. The shopkeeper hurriedly came out to calm the situation, apologized to the man, and waived his tea money.

The man didn't pursue the matter, scolded him a few times and left.

The person who can open such a good restaurant and inn in such an area is not an ordinary person. Although his great-grandfather was a deputy general, the generations after him were not as good as the previous ones. Until his generation, no one has joined the army, except for some leftovers from his ancestors. Apart from the family property, there is nothing substantial.

He wouldn't even dare to make trouble here.

The storyteller left, but the entertainment did not end. Soon a stage was set up again, and opera began to sing on the stage. The people below were still listening happily.

"Have you heard that there is a rebellion of monsters and beasts in the northern border of the Suzaku Empire in the north? The monsters and beasts fighting legion attacked the Suzaku Empire. Many towns have been destroyed. I heard that the Dachang Mansion of the Suzaku Empire was almost not attacked by the monsters. Come down?"

"No way. I know Dachang Mansion. It is no less important than our Dabai Mansion. Where can monsters be allowed to fight?"

"I've also heard that our chamber of commerce has always been in contact with the Suzaku Empire. I heard that all the chambers of commerce in the north of the Suzaku Empire have stopped. We can't stop. The wilderness is too dangerous, and nine out of ten traders will die! "

Music was being sung on the stage, and the people below were chatting and discussing. Gu Zheng had a good hearing, and he could hear what everyone here was saying.

The northernmost part of the Suzaku Empire is Beiyuan.

The Suzaku Empire borders Beiyuan. There is an endless prairie in Beiyuan. Behind the grassland is a land of ice and snow. The climate there is very cold and bitter. No humans live there, only monsters live there.

If the monsters in the north are causing trouble, then the monsters in the north are causing trouble.

In history, Beiyuan monsters have caused chaos many times, but direct attacks on big mansions like this are rare. The walls of every big mansion are very strong and difficult to break through. Moreover, there are many people in the big mansion. Attacking the big mansion will pay a heavy price. .

It seems that for thousands of years, the Beiyuan monster has not attacked the palace, but it didn't expect that it would appear now.

The few people who were discussing were all businessmen. They lamented the trade routes in the north of the Suzaku Empire, but they only lamented the trade routes. They only mentioned in one sentence the small towns that had been invaded by monsters.

It was as if there were no people in those towns.

Only Gu Zheng knows how miserable a town that has been conquered by monsters will be. When humans fight, they will only be treated as prisoners if they are conquered. But if they are conquered by monsters, there is only one result, death, and they will still be food for monsters after death. .


Gu Zheng said softly, stood up and left his seat, and Hou Ping, who was standing behind him, followed closely.

Hou Ping's current progress can be said to be rapid, but it is a pity that he has not yet entered the stage of refining Qi. This stage is not so easy to practice. If it were easy, it would not be so easy for the immortal cultivators on earth and this world. of rarity.

Refining and transforming Qi represents the true entrance and truly becoming an immortal cultivator. Before that, they were all ordinary people.

For example, high-level warriors and high-level spiritual masters are ordinary people. Even if their life spans are extended, they are only a hundred and fifty years old at most, and very few are over this age.

But once you break through to the heaven level, your lifespan will be at least a few hundred years. If you practice to a high level of the heaven level, it is possible to break through to a thousand years.

Refining Qi is the threshold.

In the next three days, Gu Zheng started another big purchase. Unfortunately, this was not Kyoto Prefecture. Although Daxin Prefecture was also very big, it was still far inferior to Kyoto Prefecture. Many things were not available here, so Gu Zheng could only buy elsewhere. Something to temporarily replace.

Fortunately, Gu Zheng had seen the map. When they went to Dachang Prefecture, they would pass by the capital of the Suzaku Empire. It was a big and prosperous city like Kyoto Prefecture, and everything there would be very complete.

Having a space bracelet is convenient. When Gu Zheng got a bigger bracelet, he gave the original bracelet to Hou Ping. However, Hou Ping still walked with his sword on his back. Even when he rested at night, the sword was Beside him, it has never been put into the bracelet.

Regarding his habit, Gu Zheng lazily said, let him go.

The Qinglong Empire, the Suzaku Empire, the Xuanwu Empire, and the White Tiger Empire, these four empires make up the Four Holy Continents. Each empire has existed for more than three thousand years. It is said that three thousand years ago, the Four Holy Continents were unified into one country, called the Four Holy Empires. Three thousand years ago, a war broke out in the Four Holy Empires, and then it split into four countries.

For three thousand years, the four countries have been fighting constantly, and they also have their own borders that need to be protected.

What the Qinglong Empire wants to protect is the Stardust Sea. It is said that five hundred years ago, monsters and beasts often made trouble in the Stardust Sea, and some demons appeared. However, five hundred years ago, these suddenly disappeared. Until now, there are only Scattered small monsters and big monsters never dared to go to trial again.

Gu Zheng knew this very well. Five hundred years ago, when Dawn traveled to this world, he was born on the shore of the Sea of ​​Stars. The monsters of the Sea of ​​Stars were tools for his growth and experience. He had killed many monsters of the Sea of ​​Stars. .

Later, a human legion was formed to fight against those monsters.

More than two hundred years ago, he defeated the Monster Alliance in the Sea of ​​Stars in one fell swoop, killed most of the demons from the Evil Continent, and finally set up a ban to completely block the passage from the Evil Continent.

After that, he aggressively cleaned up the monsters in the Sea of ​​Stars, and almost all the monsters above the heaven level were killed by him. This is why Gu Zheng never encountered any heaven level monsters on the sea during his journey.

Because there is a dawn in the Star Sea, the Qinglong Empire saves a lot of worries. There is no dawn in the Beiyuan. Now the Suzaku Empire is still fighting the monsters in the Beiyuan.

The Xuanwu Empire is located in the south. To the south of the Xuanwu Empire is the Southern Wilderness, a vast expanse of boundless barren mountains, just like the primitive forests of the earth, endless primitive forests.

There are more monsters there, but the Xuanwu Empire is good at guarding it. Although there are many monsters and they often attack the city, there has never been a record of a large city being attacked by monsters. However, the Suzaku Empire has had this happen before.

The White Tiger Empire is located on the west side. Their far west is an endless desert. There are monsters in the desert, but they are not large in number and cannot form an army of monsters that threatens human cities. However, the desert is mobile and migratory. The White Tiger Empire is in the west. The main focus is to manage deserts.

They want to stop the migration of the desert and try to block it. Unfortunately, no matter what they do, they can only delay it, but they cannot really stop the movement of the desert.

In the past three thousand years, the Suzaku Empire has lost three major palaces in the west, all of which were invaded by the desert. They did not face monsters, but they suffered the most losses.

This is the current situation of the four empires in the Four Saints Continent. Gu Zheng had originally planned to go to Beiyuan to take a look. Now that he heard that there was a monster riot in Beiyuan, he simply set off early.

Gu Zheng is not compassionate, but after all, he is a human race and a saint of the human race. If possible, he is still willing to bless and protect the human race.

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