Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 375 Finding the Formula

Gu Zheng and Wang Dong went back to Shencheng together. Wang Dong was giggling all the way. Gu Zheng reminded him several times, but he still did so. In the end, Gu Zheng didn't remind him at all.

Wang Dong's silly smile attracted the attention of many people, making Gu Zheng feel helpless.

Back home in Shencheng, the first thing Gu Zheng did was turn on the computer, and searched on the computer for dietary remedies for incomplete taste buds. This search found a lot of things, many dietary remedies, and many treatments for incomplete taste buds. Method, diet therapy can be used to treat incomplete taste buds, but there is none.

There is no one on the Internet, Gu Zheng can only give up searching and ask for advice instead.

Shencheng is an international metropolis, and there are many hospitals. For three consecutive days, he visited many hospitals, and even used magic to inquire. He asked many experts and professors, but the result still disappointed him.

These professors all have methods for treating incomplete taste buds, but they may not be cured, let alone diet therapy.

This is the case regardless of Chinese medicine or Western medicine. Even Gu Zheng, a well-known old Chinese doctor among the people, asked him, but the final result still disappointed him.

There are still nine days left in the time, but Gu Zheng hasn't even found a diet therapy method, let alone go for treatment.

There is not much time left for Gu Zheng, at most three or four days, after all, treatment also takes time, if you can't find a way on the last day, go to treatment on the last day, it will be useless at all.

"It seems that I can only try it myself!"

Gu Zheng sighed. This test made him feel that it was more difficult than any previous test. Fortunately, he thought the test was easy at the beginning. Qi Ling deliberately helped him. The big pit is here. This time it is really possible that Qi The spirit pit has arrived.

There is no way to try it by himself. Who told him not to find a suitable method from the outside world, so he can only explore it by himself.

There is Anbei Hospital in the far north of Shencheng, which is just an ordinary second-class hospital, and its scale is only at the county level.

The hospital is not big, but its department of stomatology is very famous. It used to be a general hospital, but now it has almost become a single hospital for stomatology. Many stomatology patients come here just because of its reputation, so it can be regarded as a famous hospital.

Gu Zheng asked Chang Le to help him, and gave him an internship certificate in a hospital. Since he wanted to try diet therapy, he had to have patients who asked him to do the experiment. There are the most patients with incomplete taste buds here, so it is best to try it here.

Fortunately, what he does is food therapy. Even if it can't cure the disease, it won't harm people. After all, it is food. If he is asked to experiment with medicine, he really dare not come here like this.

"Doctor Gu, you will be practicing here from now on, but let me warn you first, don't give the patients random food, otherwise you won't be able to afford anything if something goes wrong!"

A doctor in his forties took Gu Zheng to the office. Although Gu Zheng is an intern, he does not follow any attending doctor. He has his own independent experiment, diet experiment.

This point was told to the hospital before, because the Chang family sent someone to make the arrangement, and the hospital couldn't stop it at all, so a doctor was sent to warn Gu Zheng.

From the hospital's point of view, this is child's play, how can we use patients for experiments, even if it is diet therapy.

It's a pity that the hospital couldn't resist the pressure from above, so it could only agree. In order to avoid accidents, in addition to bringing Gu Zheng here and warning the doctor, the hospital also arranged for a nurse to keep an eye on Gu Zheng. Don't let Gu Zheng Do something drastic.

"Thank you, Dr. Huang, don't worry, I know what to do!"

Gu Zheng was not angry at the doctor's warning at the hospital. If he were the leader of the hospital, he would do the same thing, or even do it more radically.

There is nothing he can do about it. Fortunately, even if his diet therapy fails the experiment, there will never be any side effects. Gu Zheng still has some confidence in this.

Diet therapy is eating, how can there be side effects when eating, if it is not eating the right thing, eating something poisonous or bad, this is absolutely impossible in ancient times.

"Nurse Gao, hello!"

The hospital gave Gu Zheng a very small office, saying that the office is actually a utility room, and the nurse who was sent to watch Gu Zheng also followed, and she was called an assistant by a good name. , only in his early twenties, two years younger than Gu Zheng.

The little nurse looked at Gu Zheng very vigilantly, but also greeted him politely.

Gu Zheng started to tidy up the office. There was no other way. He came in a hurry. He even used the resources of the Liang family for this. This time, the parents of Liang personally sent someone to handle the matter, otherwise it would not be so fast.

The son of Liang's parents is a local parent official. It's strange that the hospital can withstand such pressure.

Gu Zheng didn't care about the hospital's attitude. Time was running out and the office was a bit messy. He needed to clean up before he could start the experiment.

Fortunately, Nurse Xiao Gao was not idle and helped him clean up. Soon the office was cleaned up. Gu Zheng moved in his kitchen utensils from the outside. Seeing that Gu Zheng really came with cooking things, the little nurse was very happy is surprised.

"Seven-color hawthorn, with bear fruit, add angelica, try with fish soup as the main dish!"

Gu Zheng ignored the little nurse's surprised look, quickly set up the pot and started making fish soup.

The fish is raised in the prehistoric space. He has saved a lot during this time, which is enough for experimentation. The reason why he used fish soup to do the experiment first is because the fish soup is the warmest, and the taste buds are not complete. Most of them are caused by the damage of the taste buds. , Use the warmness of fish soup to repair.

Fish soup is the main ingredient, and other materials are needed to assist the treatment. The complexion of hawthorn has a sour taste, and sour is a very sensitive taste. Use sour taste to stimulate other taste buds and activate them.

Bear fruit is an improving ingredient. For those whose taste buds have been destroyed, bear fruit can have a certain repairing effect, and angelica is to neutralize these ingredients. The amount of angelica is very small, and it only plays a neutralizing role.

After the preparation, Gu Zheng started to make the fish soup. After a while, the umami taste of the fish soup spread.

The little nurse was in this office, and he was the first one to smell the aroma. Although this intern doctor's experiment was unreliable, I had to admit that the food he cooked was really delicious.

Soon, a pot of fragrant fish soup was ready, and Gu Zheng just wanted to serve it out when he saw the little nurse looking at him eagerly.

"Would you like to have a bowl?"

Gu Zheng said something with a smile, the little nurse nodded before Gu Zheng's voice fell, the taste is so delicious, the little nurse just thought about what would happen if it was in her mouth, now Gu Zheng asked, subconsciously agreed down.

When she reacted, her face turned red all of a sudden.

"Here, the first bowl is for you!"

Gu Zheng served a small bowl for the little nurse. It was a fish soup made with all ordinary ingredients, and it was made by Gu Zheng himself. Its taste can be imagined.

Even if there is no Tiexian's culinary skills in it, Gu Zheng alone can cook well.

"Drink it well!"

After taking a sip, the little nurse couldn't help screaming, and her face turned redder. Although she was a little embarrassed, she still didn't resist the temptation of delicious food. She turned her face away and quickly finished the whole bowl of fish soup .

"Is this fish soup good?" After she finished drinking, Gu Zheng asked with a smile.

"It's really good, I've never had such a delicious fish soup!"

The little nurse admitted honestly, that's what she said when she was short-mouthed, not to mention she was telling the truth.

"Do you think such delicious food will cause harm to patients?"

Gu Zheng asked again, this little nurse is not only monitoring her, but also helping her, if she can be dealt with, the next experiment will be much easier.

After thinking about it, the little nurse shook her head.

This is just ordinary fish soup. Unless the patient is contraindicated to fish soup, there is nothing wrong with drinking it. She has no way to lie and deny it, and she doesn't know how to deny it.

"Since this is the case, can we let some patients also try it, and treat it as a benefit for them?"

Gu Zheng said something again, but the little nurse hesitated, but finally nodded.

"Very good, can you help me call three patients with incomplete taste buds to come in, as long as there are three, and after calling three, I will give you something delicious later!"

After thinking carefully for a while, the little nurse stood up and followed Gu Zheng's instructions.

One is that the temptation of food is really great, and the other is that the doctor thinks carefully and makes sure that the food will not harm the patient before doing so. Speaking of which, this is also a responsible little nurse.

After a while, she brought three patients to the office. The three patients were not very old, and the oldest one was only in her forties. It seemed that she was still very cautious. come here.

Three bowls of fish soup were given to three people respectively.

The delicious fish soup was very delicious, and the three of them ate up all of them. Although they have incomplete taste buds, they are not without taste buds. If they have taste buds, they can taste the taste inside. Few people can taste the delicious food made by Gu Zheng himself. I can resist it.

After eating, he asked the three of them carefully, and finally shook his head secretly.

After the three of them ate it, they all felt a lot more comfortable, but there was no change in their taste buds. Since Gu Zheng's food is made according to diet, it must have a certain effect, but the effect did not work on the purpose he wanted. .

Gu Zheng's dietary therapy is actually a disease treatment, no disease to strengthen the body, there will be no side effects, so Gu Zheng dares to do the experiment so reassuringly, there are really side effects, even if the test fails, he will not do it.

"The remaining fish soup, can I have some more!"

Seeing Gu Zheng pondering, there was still a little in the pot, the little nurse asked cautiously, there was no way, the fish soup Gu Zheng made was so delicious, the huge temptation had already defeated her shame.

"It's all yours!"

Gu Zheng nodded, and walked out by himself. He was thinking about why he failed. If it succeeded, after the three of them ate for the first time, at least there would be a slight change in their taste buds instead of no response.

Just like Mr. Liang back then, his anorexia was so severe that after taking diet therapy, he felt that he had an appetite. This is the effect of diet therapy.

No response, it can only mean that he failed.

Failure is nothing, the important thing is to sum up the experience and prepare for the next experiment. Gu Zheng can't blindly do the diet experiment, no matter how much time he has, it will be useless, he must find the right method.

Soon Gu Zheng returned, this time he brought a chicken, Xianji.

He stopped making fish soup and changed to chicken soup. Gu Zheng didn't make chicken blood soup. Qi Ling had already said that chicken blood soup is not a therapeutic method for treating insufficiency of taste buds.

Chicken soup, with red fruit, three-legged duck and several other ingredients, Gu Zheng tried again.

The ingredients used by Gu Zheng are not randomly matched. They all have their own functions and can complement each other, so as to achieve the therapeutic effect. Soon, a pot of delicious chicken soup is ready again.

Compared with the time it took the little nurse to drink up the fish soup and eat the jade meat, it was only an hour.

The delicious chicken soup made her swallow again. Gu Zheng was very kind to her, and gave her a small bowl first, and asked him to call three different patients over.

This time the little nurse didn't hesitate and brought the patient quickly.

The delicious food, the three of them ate very happily, and kept thanking them, but unfortunately, they also failed to achieve the effect that Gu Zheng wanted, and their taste buds still did not change in any way.

The experiment failed again, and neither did the chicken soup.

The remaining chicken soup and chicken were wiped out by the little nurse. She was amazed that she actually ate so much. Normally, she would not be able to eat so much in a day.

The chicken soup failed. After Gu Zheng summed it up, he made a sweet honey soup again. This time the taste is sweet.

The little nurse finally felt the pain. It wasn't that the food was bad, but it was so good that she no longer had the stomach to eat it. She couldn't drink the sweet honey soup after only one small bowl.

Guzheng cooks a lot every time, and there are only three patients each time, and the rest of the patients' food is hers. Unfortunately, this time she can't eat any more.

She regretted that she ate too much just now, but if she didn't finish what she had just now, that was regret. Now that she couldn't eat the remaining honey soup, the little nurse was anxious and sad.

This is real pain and pleasure coexisting.

The honey soup experiment failed again, failed three times, and caused Gu Zheng to temporarily stop. Fortunately, he stopped and continued to do it. The little nurse saw so many delicious foods but couldn't eat them. She probably went crazy.

"Old Gao, do you have any prescriptions for diet?"

Gu Zheng didn't do experiments by himself, but went out to make a phone call. He had been thinking about doctors before, but he ignored the most fundamental group of people in diet therapy, that is, chefs.

He called Elder Gao of the Gastronomy Association. Diet therapy is food, and the cooks are basically the ones who do diet therapy. They are the ones who know the most about diet therapy.

"Yes, you want it?"

Old Gao smiled heartily, now Gu Zheng is the pride of their Shencheng, Gu Zheng's achievements even shocked him, and he can be regarded as the person who excavated Gu Zheng.

Before Gu Zheng became famous, he was a judge of Gu Zheng, and he was conquered by Gu Zheng's food. Later, he was also a judge of Hangzhou Food Competition, and the two have never broken contact.

"Yes, I need it right now. I don't have much information. It's not convenient for you to get someone to send it to me. I'm in a hurry!"

Gu Zheng said on the phone that the Food Association has information on diet therapy. Although it is not necessarily related to incomplete taste buds, diet therapy has something in common. He wants to take a good look, study it, and continue to do his experiments.

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